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Raped by the Dog Pack
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By Kiki Bangs

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She watched the back of
Debbie Carpenter's blonde head as her friend and fellow high-school
senior nosed around under the hood of the Ford Escort. Or rather, the
pile of roadside junk formerly known as a Ford Escort. They had been
on their way back to Debbie's house after a trip to Heartland Mall
when the faint squeak that had been audible under the hood for the
last two weeks finally stopped. A moment later the engine stopped
too, and they coasted to a halt here on Rickenbocker Road, smack dab
in the middle of the most barren stretch of Reed Township.
"Why are you even
looking under there anyway?" Tessa said. "It's not like you
know anything about cars."
"I don't know,"
Debbie responded, her voice muffled and echoing in the engine
compartment. "I just thought I might, you know, see something."
Tessa shook her head,
then checked her phone for the thousandth time since they broke down.
And for the thousandth time it read, "No service." She
looked up and down the two-lane ribbon of asphalt they were on. No
cars in sight. No people. No houses. Nothing but dense woods on
either side, plus the ribbon of blue summer sky above. A lone cicada
chirred somewhere in the distance.
With a sigh, Debbie
straightened up and slammed the hood.
"I guess we're
gonna have to walk," she said.
"Come on."
Debbie started walking west down the road.
"Do you even know
where we're going?" Tessa said, plodding on after her.

"Yes! I've lived
in this area my whole life. I'm not a noob like you."
"Noob. Anyway,
there's that gas station on Hayer Road, on the opposite side of the
woods." She motioned at the wall of trees to their right.
"That's the place we stopped at on the way back from playing
putt-putt that one time, remember? I figure if we take Duckpond Road
north to Hayer, we should reach it in less than an hour."

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"An owl got caught in my hair."


"I threw a Caesar salad at a bear like a glorified hand grenade."


"I fought off a horde of monkeys using candy as a weapon."


"My dog saved me from a rooster attack."


"An enormous praying mantis looked directly into my soul."


"My cat jumped onto my lap one night – except, turned out, it wasn't my cat."


"An elephant ate my nan's glove."

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"An emu tried to have sex with me."
"I was living in Ecuador about seven years ago for school. One day we took a trip to a beach, and my blind classmate asked me to take her swimming.
"I took this blind woman nearly a half mile from the beach, and that’s when I felt it. At first I thought a fish swam past me and brushed my arm, but after a moment the pain kicked in. I'd been stung by a big-ass jellyfish. I had to drag the blind woman back to the beach while in severe pain with only one arm. The pain was so bad I was nearly blacked out by the time I realized someone was peeing on me."
"A few years ago I was visiting a friend in a shared house. One of the occupants had two bull mastiffs. Both were friendly at first, but then something switched. One of the dogs jumped up at me – I’m 5’4”, and the dog standing on its hinds was about 6ft – and it’s mouth was around my neck. My friend pulled the dog off me and I tried sprint off the lawn, with blood pouring out of my neck, but the dog clamped onto my arm. Luckily I escaped, and my friend drove me to ER."
"A few years ago, we were on a snorkeling day trip in Hawaii. I ended up getting separated from the group and drifted pretty far away. I saw tons of beautiful fish swimming about and the water was so clear you could see rays of light down to the floor. All of a sudden, hundreds of fish that had been surrounding me darted into the coral. I curled into a ball and removed and held my flippers in my hands (trying not to look like a juicy seal and to limit splashing).
"Just then I saw a massive, shadowy shape about 7 feet in front of me. I stayed curled in a ball for what felt like eternity, until I was sure the animal was gone. Later that night we got to the hotel room and saw on the news that a woman had been attacked by a shark about half a mile away from where we were. The woman lost an arm and bled out on the beach. The next day, on the way to the airport we passed the beach where we snorkeled and I pointed it out. The cab driver said, 'Oh yeah. That’s shark beach. I’ve seen a woman get ripped in half there.'”
"At the camp I went to as a kid, the bathrooms were separate from the cabins. At night, you were supposed to wake someone up to go to the bathroom with you. I'm up late one night reading a scary book, when I suddenly realize, at peak terror, that I have to pee really badly.
"I don't wanna wake someone up to go with me, so I take a deep breath and run to the bathroom. When I get there, I hear a noise coming from one of the stalls. I’m like, 'Phew, someone else is in here.' So I call out to them but no one responds. The noises stop, and everything is piercingly quiet.
"I start to walk towards the stall where I heard the noises as I continue to say, 'Hello? Is someone there?' I get to the stall, peek around the door, and there is this HUGE MOTHERFUCKING BUCK DEER standing inside, its face inches from mine. I scream absolute bloody murder and the thing just flips a shit. It starts to go nuts, bucking and kicking, spinning around, panicking and crashing into the walls to get out.
"It lunges for me, and I throw myself backwards, colliding full throttle with the sinks. I fall to the ground as the buck tears out of the stall, and I roll out of the way just time. So I’m sitting under the sink absolutely horror-struck when a whole bunch of counsellors come bursting in to find me sitting in my own pee, crying and shaking with bruises forming on my back and head."
"My mom and I went to an emu farm when I was 14. We went into the enclosure and an emu came up to me and its neck began to turn turquoise. That’s the color their necks turn when they’re sexually aroused and want to mate. So it wraps its long-ass, strong neck around my body and starts, well, humping me. It keeps yelling/hissing at anyone who comes near and not letting go of me. This lasted for about four minutes until the owner of the farm and my mom were able to get it off of me."
"A pigeon flew into my apartment through an open window. I grabbed it with my hands, and all of these house fly–sized bugs swarmed out of the feathers. They were flying around my apartment and crawling all over my hands.
"Apparently I had just discovered the wonders of the pigeon fly louse, a flat, blood-drinking, flying insect. They were all over my apartment, in my hair, and in my clothes. Oh, and they're just about impossible to kill! Totally un-squishable.
"It took me over four hours to catch them all and get them out of my apartment. I still don't sleep well."
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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