Wife Young Studs

Wife Young Studs


Wife Young Studs
By tom, 10 years ago on Being Married
Young man of 18 as asked my wife who is 45 for a ** at...

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young man of 18 as asked my wife who is 45 for a ***** at work when she got home said to me would i let her if she wanted to give him one i said no but in the last two weeks she has asked about four times she said she would like to suck him off just once then she wont do it no more we have a great sex life i tryed talking to her about this but she still wants to do it should i let her give him one i need your advice
That she asked! Wow, that says a lot about the type of relationship you both have. For one thing, she's a spunky chick, and two, that she respects? you and/or the fact that she's married, to get her husband's ok( I won't use persmission here), and because of that, I don't think she would go behind your back.
In marriage, vows are vows, but hey, if you two are open enough to try new things, just remind her, you have a favor coming, and see what she says to that. 😎
if you are asking it is obvious it isn't what you want. When you offered to let him f... were you serious or were you just checking to see what she would say. If it were a test she failed, and maybe you marriage is not as sound as you thought. If it wasn't a test why would you hesitate? Sounds like you need to figure out what you really want and then talk to her.
The real question is are you able to accept an open marriage between you and her? If not, you shouldn't agree to it. This may be the first time but you should agree to this form of living.
Dude, you have a great wife. For her to come home and tell you what this dude had requested displays to me a women that is totaly committed to you.
I would say let her because she knows at her age that a young guy might be interested in her for a while but she knows he wil never be able to have children with her and he will lose interest fairly quickly so there is no long term implications.
Now think about this, she will for a moment fell desired and sexy again by this young man and you will give her a memory that will keep her fire lit for many years which you will benefit from. After the event you had better got plenty of led in your pencil because it will create desires in your women which she will be wanting to release. Remember when you were a 18 year old male... lets face you would **** anything and then move on.
I see this as a win win situation she for a moment will feel desired again and will get her motor running which will benefit you.
As a woman, I don't see it this way. If I decide to go for such an adventure, I may decide not to go back to where I was before. It is a risk.
Ace, that is because women have been trained by society that they can only have sex if there is love and comitment unlike men, we can have sex just for the the fun.
Today I think it is so sad that women break up long term marriages because they would like to feel like what another man would be like. Men spread their seed and they are studs, women who catch the seed (which is what they are designed to do) are called ***** or *****.
I am married to a women whom is very desireable and very sexy. When we go out lots of men check her out. I have told her if she would like to have sex with another male she could. Why should I limit her happiness or pleasure, I love her so want to see her happy. I am happy providing for our children and enjoying her sexually.
Men peak at about 18, women at about 30 and so many women break up their narriages at this age because they desire some strange while men are wanting to settle down.
I don't think it is cultural. I think it can happen to any man or woman who are committed to their partner. When you start a relationship, even if it is only sexual, you can never know how it ends.
The following logic is wrong in so many levels
you said "his" part. Where is "her" part on this factor?
supposing it happened exactly the way you said, you think her husband will be happy knowing he is getting the benefit only because some others had plough the field years ago? That's a serious slap in self respect.
And what if this lady catches feelings? Don't believe me? Spend some more time here and you'l see.
the fact here is.... He isn't a 18 year dude anymore. He is a 50+ man who wants to be in a committed relationship.
this is not a win win situation. This is more of a win or divorce type of situation.
Lets say her desire got increased. But what if.... She can't be satisfy by him? Or he can't satisfy her like that young stud? What will this marriage become?
Or what if she only wants younger guy from then? Who'l care about his physical needs? I guess you'l advice him to go out to club, get some young drunk girl as he used to do when he was 18.... Refreshing the memory of being 18 year old.... Such a win win situation. Isn't it?
Today I think it is so sad that women break up long term marriages because they would like to feel like what another man would be like. Men spread their seed and they are studs, women who catch the seed (which is what they are designed to do) are called ***** or *****.
I am married to a women whom is very desireable and very sexy. When we go out lots of men check her out. I have told her if she would like to have sex with another male she could. Why should I limit her happiness or pleasure, I love her so want to see her happy. I am happy providing for our children and enjoying her sexually.
Men peak at about 18, women at about 30 and so many women break up their narriages at this age because they desire some strange while men are wanting to settle down.
a new definition of feminism i see....
Well let me wrap it up by saying this. If homo sapiens sapiens act only on basis of basic instincts, then what's the difference between man and animals? Why we call our self as developed and put other animals in the lower part of the pyramid? Why we keep our wild sides behind closed door bed rooms and not make it public like other animals? Any guess?
i,m the husband i,m 44 years old we was very happy before all this come about now i,m not so sure i take in whats been said but i can,t help thinking of me at 18 if a older women would suck me off i would want a lot more of the same thats why i said no i hate to think of her mouth around someone elses ***** and if he wants more would she keep doing it behind my back
I don't believe in one night stands. These things happen all the time but I never could see the true passion in it. Discussing it so cold and remote ignores the fact all parties involved have emotions and needs and you can never know where those emotions will lead the 3 of you.
I enjoy the attention of other men. I sometimes flirt and enjoy it but I wouldn't take it to a higher level. Even if I'm sure my husband agrees to it and I will only enjoy the adventure, I find it too instrumental and almost degrading to use the other man in this way.
Wow.. but men dive into our bodies and won't hesitate to think if he's degrading us in any way! In a case like this. When u go out and do somehing of this nature, the couple involved would have talked about this and know where the other stands.. IF it is consentual.
The op asked advice on somehing that he and only he can answer, based on the type of relationship he has. No this wouldn't be a question of morals as pertaining to the third party. It's not that deep, unless you're a cheater, then there are other issues going on. It's a curiosity and fun thing on many levels and not about emotions. I can tell u somehing like this happened to me at work with a totally hot just out of college coworker.. I am older, but I look extremely young, but had already had the exact convo with my so.... My coworker and I were extremely close for years; talked about relationship issues, we were also attracted to each other sexually. I can also tell you it made going to work in that pure hellish environment fun! Not to mention at my age, for my self esteem, I'm still hot. Realizing that's all there was, we contined to flirt, but HUH- UHH, that was it. My so knew and it was no big deal, and we never had an issue afterwards. If she just wants to satisfy curiosity, I say go for it, but not as a means for "stepping out" during the relationship.
And this isn't about her falling for the guy and catching feelings!!! It's about giving oral. Itachi, you are really over thinking!
we have been wed 23 years as far i know we do not cheat at all she said what started as a joke as growed in to something more she said its just a bit of fun she just wants to suck him off and see he.s face as she says ok get it out but i,m not sure about it she as only did this to me before and what if she wants to do it more times
That is bad news mate ☹️ I don't know what goes through some women's heads, the feminist movement calls for equality, but I cannot imagine the response if the shoe was on the other foot (from instigation to execution).
I hope you come out of this feeling strong.
Kissme, who the hell are you kidding? Thinking about it too hard? Your soul mate asks to take intimate action with someone younger than the time you have been married, and it's supposed to be OK? Was the marriage oath taken on the understanding of an open relationship? Nah, that is not cricket.
i know what your saying is right but we where happy before this come about and now we are not i have talked to her about it but got nowhere if i know it was just a one off i mite say yes do it but i,m not sure
If you are not out being a D--- with other women and treating her like a wife should be treated, and she is coming to you with this sh--, man----- you need to either man up and have some pride or bury yourself.
This is wrong, completely wrong on all levels if she really loves you a ***** with a young male should be the last thing on her mind, yeah fair enough shes asked but its wrong, am not saying its wrong that u want her happy tho thats a fair point its just the whole concept of this story
No, u should not, I did this once and know she won't stop in doing other men.she told me she is going to do it any way she can...so don't
tell her to pack her bags if she does it
Tom, I understand where you are coming from and I feel it with you. If she really loved and respected you, she would not even ask let alone consider such a deed. I as a woman actually feel disappointed in her.
You are right she wants to put her mouth around another man's private then expect you to play tongue wrestling with her again, that's not on. She does not respect you and for all you know, she's already done it and is just testing you.
Believe me, your marriage will never be the same again. And those guys going on about how great she is and all of that, easy to say she's not your wife so put yourself in tom's shoes and see if you like the idea. Where does it go to from there? She falls in love with this kid, have stolen moments and end up with cheap sex? Hope you can get her to drop this stupid idea. Good luck!
man.... If I were you I'd go and have an 18 year old girl do me too... then discuss a divorce. You don't let your wife do disgusting things if you love her. She won't even think about doing it if she loves you too. Sorry, that's the raw truth.
Tell the 18 year old **** that asked her for it congratulations, he is now old enough to be instantly convicted for sexual harassment. What a piece of trash.
Dude do you have some self respect??
She might be asking for permission, but what she really wants is to tease you. If she wanted to have sex with another guy, she would have already done it. Attractive women are asked out all the time. Indecent proposals are not rare either, and you can't prevent them. Have sex with her. Frequently. That's what she craving for.
wow... there's some TERRIBLE advice on this site too!
".. but men dive into our bodies and won't hesitate to think if he's degrading us in any way" ...what!?
Men are not the only ones with power in any relationship. We are not discussing rape here, only consentual relationships and sexual acts, and women are EQUALLY guilty in this area. In fact in our modern society they frequently take excessive sexual freedoms over men simply because of their assigned position as being 'vulnerable' in addition to deliberate addition of self-esteem about being a woman. Yes, I'm making bold claims, because it is true. Women MUST be JUST as responsible as men for respecting their counterpart in a relationship. There are no exceptions.
If it is true that men are bad when they have sex with a woman and then leave the relationship, then women are also guilty of EXACTLY THE SAME CRIME. Think about it... have you ever heard of a man leaving a woman after expressing disappointment about her sexual performance? Wouldn't it hurt the woman like hell to hear something like that? And yet it is perfectly normal for women to complain about how good a guy is in bed, and blame it ENTIRELY on the man if it doesn't meet her expectations CONSTANTLY. It can easily be a reason for breaking up, too. If we evaluate women's behavior in the same moral context as men, many women who consider themselves somehow disadvantaged are actually the evil ones themselves for blatant inhumane disrespect of men.
In the case of the situation brought up in this thread, the woman should be given zero slack about the issue. She has the freedom to make her own decision with her free will, but there must be no uncertainty about the consequences. She has no rights whatsoever to hurt her husband that way just to satisfy some lewd childish craving she suddenly has. If she feels it's so important to satisfy that lust, she apparently can't control herself sexually and needs help.
As far as her asking permission, being thankful that she was honest instead of doing it in secret is the weakest, un-manly response anyone could possibly come up with. The value of her being open with you about it was destroyed when it turned out that she WANTED to do it!!! If she was a good wife, she would have rejected the little sexual offender and reported him at the first encounter instantly before leaving the office, and informed you that the incident happened and how uncomfortable it made her. Then you two could get over the whole issue together by ripping each other's clothes off and doing it on the kitchen table. THAT's how you handle a long term marriage that may need a new spark.
btw this topic is already more than a year old. We've pretty much talked it all out by now.... and the guy's wife went and betrayed his trust anyway and they split up, so it's over and we've learned from it.
if i were you, i would certainly say no. are you trying to mess up your life? you should be very happy that you have each other, especially since many of us good guys are still looking for a good woman to meet.
You marriage partner is planning on driving you crazy. Get out! This is not behavior of someone who respects you or your marriage vows. If she does this, nothing ever will be holy any more, which means that the marriage won't be blesed.

Variety My 'naughty wife' met a stud and taught me how to have fun
Last updated: March 24, 2017 | 20:17
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A few years ago, my family was looking for a bride for me. I met the lady and we both ended up getting drunk at our first meeting. This was an unofficial meeting, of course, and it happened because we had spoken on the phone for a week and finally said, “Let’s just meet.” We met and things got a bit cosy with nostalgia.
She saw a guy passing by and instinctively whistled slowly, without realising I was with her. Checking him out like we guys check women, it was naughty. I sort of liked it. And to my surprise, she was noticing my reaction. I looked at her and we both laughed out loud.
She jokingly said, “Now you don’t want to marry such a wife, who teases other men in front of you, or wait - do you?”
“Aren’t you one of those typical desi husbands, who want their patni to be thousands of other things? Won’t you go all crazy-jealous-devil when OTHER men try to lock eyes with me, perhaps, even when you (husband) are around? Will you be this free-spirited, fun-loving and love-giving husband to this naughty crazy-biwi?”
“Oh come on. Who are we kidding? I don’t want to worry about such clichés of desi married couples. You want fun! You share it, if you care. Be it in any form?” I said, with a straight face, looking at her eyes.
“Let’s do a bar, pick up a stud. Shall we, naughty pati?” Winking at me while sipping wine from her glass.
“Sure! Exactly what I’d imagined! You freak me out, Nandini.”
“Be careful what you wish for, baby! Because remember – your thought becomes action.”
She teased me with her tongue out. Flicked her hair on my face and started walking.
We went to a pub in Bandra as a married couple. Nandini had her ring finger covered to make it seem real. We found a man, standing alone. Vikram was his name. He was with his girlfriend but she was busy chatting with someone on the phone. Vikram smiled at both of us. We invited him for a smoke in the parking lot.
He agreed. As it turned out, I had forgotten my cigarette lighter on my table so I had to go to fetch it. Before I left I had introduced this new pub stud/stranger to my to-be naughty biwi. Vikram smiled and shook her hand.
I teased, “Just a handshake, good man. My wife’s too hot to handle.”
“Oh, at least a hug!” Nandini said while waving a flying kiss to me, “Oh baby, at least a warm tight hug, is that too much to ask?”
She looked at his face; he was blushing. “Not that we are planning to kiss in a parking lot or something - right! Phew, men! So jealous!”
The pub stud Vikram said, “Well, your lucky husband has good reason to get jealous. You are so charming and…”
“Yes, Nandini. You are sexy! Hot! Very hot,” Vikram looked down.
“Oh, am I now? You, yourself are delicious. Don’t worry, I won’t tell my hubby,” my to-be naughty wife said. And with that, my to-be naughty wife Nandini and Vikram, the pub-stud, made out at the parking lot. And that was that for that night.
We kept meeting each other and having drinks, like good friends. She was looking at the rain outside once and I slowly whispered, “Would you like to be my ‘that kind of naughty wife who likes to tease other men she fancies’?”
We role played like that for about two months and still meet some times...
Some relations don’t need labels, they’re just best without a name...
(This post first appeared on Bonobology.com )
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We went to a pub in Bandra as a married couple. Photo: Reuters

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Posted Jun 29, 2017 21:15 by anonymous



My wife told me she filled in for the gym teacher for the week and each day she would go into the boys locker room to clean up after the last remaining boys left. She said the male coach told to just call in there and make sure no one was in before she went in and did not get surprised if you know what I mean and to just leave the activity paperwork in his office which happens to be in the boys locker room. Unfortunately she told me it was so late after class I kind of forgot to say anything I just walked in and walked to the back I walked around the cor
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