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Men, in order for you to enjoy intimacy more often with your wife, there are some things she needs you to do differently…
When you come home at the end of your work day, your wife needs you to have a genuine attitude that lets her know she’s the person you’ve wanted to be with all day…that you’re excited to see her…that you’re happy to spend time with her. (Note: that doesn’t mean coming home and smothering your wife and consuming all of her time.)
I can assure you, a dull husband who puts off a vibe that home is a dull place he goes to at the end of a dull day with dull people does NOTHING to sexually stimulate his wife!
So, when you get home, make REAL eye contact with your wife. Give her a warm, sincere greeting. And then, spend some time with her.
As before, I can assure you, no wife gets turned on sexually by a husband who blows in the door, grunts at her as he passes by, and then ignores her the rest of the evening in favor of more work or the TV.
On the subject of TV… Would it seem to an observer that you’re “more” married to your TV than your wife?
The thought that goes through many women’s head as they say “No!” to their husband’s sexual advances is, “Go “hump” the TV – that’s “who” you’ve spent all evening with!”
As simple as it may seem, many marriages would improve IMMEDIATELY if the husband would just turn off the TV and start interacting with his wife.
Men, being dull and boring doesn’t work when it comes to turning on a woman sexually.
The fact that men tend to be OUTCOME oriented means that they naturally tend to be PROCESS oriented…they want to know what process they need to follow in order to get a certain outcome.
And in the realm of intimacy, a woman – who’s focused on the relationship side of things – finds such an outcome and process oriented man…
Now, the not-so-funny thing is, when I tell this to men, many of them just dismiss what I’m telling them as if what I’m saying doesn’t apply to them. They just flat don’t “get it” – and that’s why they don’t “get sex” very often!
So, let me give you an example of how a man’s natural process orientation gets between him and the intimacy he wants…
During the first year – give or take a little – a man spends quite a bit of time trying to learn what physical techniques his wife likes.
(As an aside, the fact that the man is paying so much attention to his wife is a major reason why the first year of marriage is usually the best – and subsequent years aren’t as pleasant.)
Once the man learns which physical things his wife likes – he’ll turn the whole thing into a scientific process.
From then on – at least until something major happens like a divorce or his wife cheating on him – the man will “apply” the exact same process to every lovemaking session he has with his wife.
And so, after a few years, it starts to look something like this…
To the woman, it becomes a STALE, REPULSIVE ROUTINE where she can reliably predict exactly what’s going to happen…she can reliably count on her husband starting “on her cold” at the same time to being “finished with himself” at the same time…like clockwork…
Such a ritual is totally UNINSPIRING to a woman.
No wonder so many women act like they don’t want sex.
They want more of a love life than to be totally ignored except for 11 pm on Saturday night.
As a counter-example, it’s kind of like trying to make love to a woman who never makes any sound and who never gives any indication of any pleasure or appreciation for the intimacy…she just lays there curiously looking at the man as if he were engaged in some freakish activity…pretty soon, the man is going to despise the very notion of having sex with such a woman. Pretty soon, this man will be looking for a new woman.
In like fashion, a wife is NOT looking for some man to merely have intercourse with. If that’s all she needed, she’d probably get herself an adult toy and stay single.
What a wife wants is for her husband to be a suitor – a man who’s wooing his woman – a man who’s showing attention too and providing excitement for a woman in an effort to attract her to him.
And when a man provides this to his wife, that’s when he’ll find her saying “Yes” to intimacy instead of “No”.
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Polyamory is openly, honestly, and consensually loving and being committed to more than one person.

This subreddit discusses news, views, and issues around polyamory, polyfidelity, poly people, and related issues.
I finally brought it up to my wife, and she accepted! I’m over the moon with the possibilities, but concerned with the new set of circumstances.
Background: We married 11 years ago. She was born with a motor disability that I knew would likely get worse over time. That didn’t matter because I was marrying the woman of my dreams. It’s now gotten to the point where walking and movement in general is very painful. Add frequent constipation issues, and we have a woman who’s not enthusiastic about sex.
Comparatively, I would consider myself high libido, being interested in sex once a week. She’s more interested once every three months. The imbalance is an issue for me, and annoying for her when I’m constantly asking for sex.
The other night, I brought up the challenge before us of the high vs. low libido issue, and worked up the courage to ask her for an open marriage. She told me she’d have to think about it. Next day we talked, and she confirmed that she’d be open to the idea. Point of clarification: open meaning we both have the opportunities to have adventures outside the marriage. I’m fine with her sleeping with others, if she so chooses, and she’s open to the same for me. I find it exciting to think about her with others.
We have a wonderful relationship that I wouldn’t trade for the world, and I’m sticking my toes in the water here, both to shout it from the rooftops that I have an amazing woman for a wife, and to ask for suggestions about things which I might not know.
Good luck!! Be sure that you two talk about equity and equality. She doesn't seem to have much need for sex, so she may not need to go out and have sex with additional partners. If she actually does want sex with other people, then ignore this advice, but it may be a pitfall that she feels like she has to have sex with others as well to make it 'fair' that you are.
That idea actually excited me :) I don't think it will be an issue-especially if I'm otherwise occupied as well
From one married polyamorous man to another: Welcome to Hell!
How is this not the best of both worlds? I don't understand.
Great! Can you give an update in the future?
That's why he said comparatively. I'm comparatively tall compared to my daughter and comparatively short compared to my husband. Doesn't tell you whether I'm tall or short, just how I compare to the other people I'm talking about. Compared to his wife he is high libido.
Good to find a common circumstance, unfortunate as it may be... But, yeah, I hope things work out for the best for you! I just set up a date for Sunday. Haven't approached the wife yet- don't know the best way to talk about it yet since this will be a first. Wish me luck!

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Published: 22:06 BST, 7 January 2015 | Updated: 11:10 BST, 10 January 2015
Two months ago three couples bravely spoke to Femail about their mismatched libidos, and how it affected their marriages.
While one partner claimed to be pretty much always in the mood, the other often felt pressured to have sex when they had little desire to do so.
So we gave the partners with lower libidos a challenge. For one month they agreed they’d make love every time their partner made an advance. Would it highlight cracks in their relationships — or bring them closer together? All three couples kept diaries for four weeks. Here’s what happened.
Stacey Powell (left), 39, and wife Vanessa, 45 (right), have been married for 12 years. While Stacey would like sex every night, Vanessa says juggling work and family has sapped her libido
Stacey Powell, 39, an architect, and wife Vanessa, 45, a receptionist, have been married for 12 years and live in Surrey with their two daughters. While Stacey would like sex every night, Vanessa says juggling work and family has sapped her libido, meaning she’s only in the mood a couple of times a month.
Stacey says: I’m so excited at the prospect of being able to make love to my wife more often that, on the first night, even though I’m shattered after 12 hours at work, my heart is racing as we climb into bed at 10.30pm. Even more thrillingly, Vanessa actually makes the first move — I cannot remember the last time that happened.
I spend all the next day fantasising about what will happen later, but after a couple of glasses of wine we both collapse into bed and fall asleep. I’m too tired to mind. Sex is then off the agenda for a few days as it’s Vanessa’s ‘time of the month’ but then she actually asks if we can go to bed. You bet!
The next week doesn’t start well. I wake up in the mood when the alarm goes off at 6.30am, but Vanessa grumbles that she wants to go back to sleep as my snoring has been keeping her awake. It seems like we’re back to our old ways.
Stacey was really excited at the prospect of the experiment and being able to make love to his wife more often
The following evening I pick up a meal from Marks & Spencer, hoping a romantic dinner might relax Vanessa. Later, she’s happy to cuddle but while I try to initiate love-making she’s clearly tired and things don’t go any further.
A couple of days later we go to bed early, at Vanessa’s suggestion, ostensibly to watch TV, but a goodnight kiss turns into a passionate embrace, and we make love. The following night, Vanessa climbs into bed naked, and IS clearly ‘in the mood’ yet I feel too exhausted. Wow. This is the first time in our married life that I’ve turned her down.
It gives me an insight into how Vanessa must feel all those times I’ve been in the mood and she hasn’t.
Stacey thinks that keeping a diary has been great for the couple, putting sex at the forefronts of their minds and not allowing it to fall off the agenda
The next two nights Vanessa is out with friends. But on Saturday evening she comes back from a trip to London and tells me we’re definitely on for tonight. I don’t even have to ask — fantastic.
But, at the beginning of the third week, while pressing my shirt for work I somehow manage to catch my ‘manhood’ with the iron. A lesson never to iron before you’re fully dressed. I can’t even think about sex over the next couple of days — Vanessa appears relieved and amused in equal measure.
Three days later, we try again but unfortunately I’m still too sore. I suspect Vanessa is a little frustrated, and that feels great after years of pestering her for sex.
We finally make love a week after the iron incident. Abstinence seems to have boosted our sexual appetites, and two nights later, we’re at it again. Keeping a diary has been great for putting sex at the forefront of our minds and not allowing it to slip off our busy agendas.
Vanessa was surprised Stacey didn't take more advantage of the situation and was astonished one night when she propositioned him and he turned her down
I love feeling close to my wife and, best of all, knowing that she now actively wants to make love to me, rather than just doing it to appease me. It’s made us a lot more playful, too, which is great as it doesn’t always happen in a long-standing marriage.
Before we started, I imagined we’d make love more often. But this month hasn’t just been about the quantity, but also the quality of our lovemaking. If we can continue like this I’ll be a very happy man.
Vanessa says: I know there’s no way Stacey will pass up the opportunity on the first night — and I’m surprised it only lasts for 15 minutes. He was feeling tired.
We decide to give it another go the following night but, after a couple of drinks, sleep becomes a far more appealing prospect for both of us.
I’m surprised he’s not taking greater advantage of the situation. Perhaps our libidos aren’t as mismatched as I’ve always believed? But when I invite Stacey to join me in bed the next evening, his face lights up. Sex twice in one week is unheard of for us. The second week starts with me having a night away. Stacey is raring to go when I return. I’m tired but respond to his advances, because that’s what we’ve agreed, and to my surprise, I really enjoy it.
Vanessa feels like the experiment has really helped her and Stacey connect as a couple both physically and emotionally - reminding them that they're not just parents but also lovers 
The following evening I’m feeling a bit frisky and wait for him in bed — naked. I’m astonished when Stacey rejects me. I feel a little hurt — but this is how he has felt the countless times I’ve rejected him.
We’re back on course by the end of the weekend. I seduce him in the living room by the light of the twinkling Christmas fairy lights. It’s very romantic.
The enforced five-day abstinence after Stacey’s iron accident leaves me looking forward to our next love-making, and it’s wonderful, really reminiscent of when we first fell in love. I think it’s because having sex more regularly has brought us closer together.
This has really helped us reconnect, both physically and emotionally, reminding us that we’re not just parents but also lovers. With all the demands of being a working mum it’s easy to lose sight of this, but I am determined not to allow sex to fall to the bottom of my ‘to-do list’ again.
Suddenly, I’ve lost the thrill of the chase!
Rebecca Morris-Jackson, 40, a legal secretary, and husband Paul, 35, a chef, live in Bromley, South-East London, with their two sons, Charlie, nine months, and Jack, 21 months. Rebecca would like sex every night while Paul is satisfied making love twice a week.
Rebecca says: Our experiment doesn’t start well. While I spend the first day excited about the prospect of guaranteed sex, plans are ruined when Jack is awake from 10.30pm to 3am. Then I’m up with Charlie at 6.30am. The next evening I’m not sure I will have the energy — but I start caressing Paul and very quickly realise the answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’
Rebecca, 40, would like sex every night, while her husband Paul, 35, would be satisfied with making love just once a week 
The following night, Paul looks resigned when I start kissing him, though he seems to enjoy himself afterwards. The night after that, realising he might take some persuading, I slip into a silky nightie that usually works.
It’s all very passionate, but I’m questioning whether it feels like a chore for my husband. At least when we make love normally I know it’s what he really wants.
He works so hard on Sundays — it’s one of the restaurant’s busiest days — that I let him off, then spend two nights on the sofa with Jack, who has tonsillitis.
But once Jack’s antibiotics kick in, I’m back in the marital bed. While many women would want to catch up on sleep, sex actually gives me energy, so we make love that night.
Rebecca says that while many women would want to catch up on their sleep after a busy week, sex gives her lots of energy
The following evening we entertain friends for dinner and I can’t wait to rip his clothes off afterwards. The following two nights I’m impatient for him to get home from work. I know he’s tired, but tell him love-making is a great way to unwind.
But not having to work to get Paul into bed feels really strange — I’m missing the challenge.
My period slows things down a bit in week three. Then I come home from work to a grumpy husband and I know that propositioning him may make things worse — but, after going without for so long, I’m willing to take the risk so I start kissing him. It pays off. The sex is very passionate.
As we enter the final week, I know I should feel happy that Paul can’t refuse my advances, but I’m realising our love life is not as exciting as it was — I miss the chase.
This experiment has made me realise how much I enjoy the excitement of not knowing whether Paul will or won’t succumb to my seduction techniques. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad before.
Entering the final week of the experiment Rebecca realises that she's missing the chase and her and Paul's love life isn't as exciting as it once was
Paul says: I haven’t been looking forward to this month. I always enjoy sex, but some nights I’d rather relax in front of the TV.
Of course I oblige, under the terms of our experiment, but after the first few nights I feel a bit like a performing seal.
To say I’m relieved when Rebecca doesn’t make any advances the following night is a huge understatement.
But when Bec has to stay up with Jack, I’m surprisingly disappointed not to be cuddling up with her in bed. Once Jack is better, Bec is back on form. It’s not easy getting in the mood on
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