Wife Wrong Hole

Wife Wrong Hole


Wife Wrong Hole
I put it in the wrong hole without realising and she didnt tell me until a few days later.
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[Light] So this is embarrassing but hey. The girl: She is amazing. We met online and we just decided to chill at my place and cuddle while watching a movie. So we meet and she is great, we just get on and i feel so comfortable around her, almost drunk with how happy i feel. I have never felt this way before. Anyway, we agreed not to have sex, just maybe make out and stuff. So we make out and before you know it we are having sex. She is 5ft1 and thin, she is tiny. I am not used to it, but she is really tight so hell i am a happy man.
I feel the need to point out at this point that my penis is not very sensitive so i tend not to feel that much anyway.
So we go to do doggy and i am having a hard time. I dont know if anyone else has this problem but i am 6ft3 and my eyes are a long way away from that area. So i am using my fingers to make sure i get the right hole and i even think "damn i hope i dont put it in the wrong hole" So anyway i try and put it in and it is tight but i think that must be normal for her haha. You see where this is going. I put it in and she does a little moan and i think ok so right hole then, because you would expect a girl who has never done anal before and who is not lubed up, to go "DUDE WRONG HOLE" but she just says nothing and i go at it. I was in a daze because i was so happy to be around her that i was not really thinking about how it felt.
So i am going for at least 5 minutes and im not exactly going easy, so she says "oh i really have to go to the bathroom" so we stop. Then she comes back and doesnt say anything about the anal, i dont know anything at this point, and then we go back to having sex. So i think nothing is wrong.
Skip forward to today, and i find out that i put it in her butt. We were talking about her coming over and sex and stuff and i was like "oh you were so tight i cant imagine how your ass is going to feel" (which is a real face-palming moment), she then says "i have to tell you something; when we were doing doggy you put it in my ass" Then she said it really hurt which was why she went to the bathroom. I told her that you always need to lube for anal.
Part of me is confused about why she is still with me after embarrassing myself like that. Before she told me about it she said she we could do anal in the future. I put it in her butt and she just never said anything. But i found it funny and i needed to get it out there so i thought you might enjoy laughing at my misfortune.
I still cant believe i did not notice. I keep thinking about it and laughing at myself.
Oh and hopefully this is not too sexual. I tried to give as much context as i could.
I don't even understand how this is possible. Anal isn't something you can just "do." There is prep you have to take to loosen things up and you NEED lube. Was she fucking her ass with a dildo before you got there?
right, plus NO amount of cleaning prior will take the smell away. i call bull shit <-- ha, but yeah BS. howd you not tell the difference between a vagina and an ass is beyond me
That was what i thought right? Well we had sex so i guess my dick was kinda lubed so it went in, but then it was not lubed enough so it hurt her? I have a small head on my penis so it is easier to put into things than i imagine it is for other guys. This really is not bs.
Either that chick has a loose butthole or you’ve got a very skinny dick.
I had this happen with my husband and he didn’t realize he had pushed his way into the wrong hole after having sex for a bit. Maybe our fluids from vaginal sex had helped lube things up overall... I was urging him to go super slow, as he was already inside. It was feeling painful and I was like, maybe not tonight? He looked confused - He said he had no idea he was in my ass - I was like how could you not tell the difference??
I also had a previous partner who accidentally thrusted hard into the wrong hole. Super unexpected, let out a scream and had to run to the bathroom.
it makes me kinda sad that your lady didn’t say anything!
It is nice to know that it actually happened to someone else. I think i actually noticed but dismissed the idea because she was not complaining or saying anything. I assumed if it was in the wrong hole she would have said something. I remember my dick feeling slightly uncomfortable on the head (i assume because no lube) but i thought my skin was getting pulled too hard back while thrusting because she was tight (i have a shorter than normal little piece of skin that attaches the forskin to the bottom of the penis. I thought she might just not be that aroused or wet. She did not say anything so i thought i was being dumb, and i didnt have enough experience of sex with her to think that "this is not right".
Yea she went to the bathroom as well after 5 mins because it was painful. Maybe she was too embarrassed to say anything to me, i mean i was embarrassed when i heard about it. I think she might have been trying to protect me from it. Considering she just came back from the bathroom and got back to having sex with me, makes me think that she liked me too much to say anything (it was literally our first date and we ended up having sex). I was not really thinking straight while i was with her, i felt kinda drunk for some reason.
This happened to my friend and now she always brings it up with her bf when he claims to be paying attention and it makes me laugh every time
Happened to me. Pretty good size here. Was going at it for about 45 minutes (I was 20, she was 36, had a 16 yo daughter), turn over to go missionary and put her legs on my shoulders. Went straight in the ass, didn't realize it. Several minutes and a few small spurts from her, she slows me down/stops me and says 'wow I haven't done that in years'. I thought she meant squirting, Then she says to keep it up here until we're done and guided me back to her vag. I had no clue.
I'm not even going to read this because I know from experience that you're lying

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he slipped into wrong hole






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Um...may I ask why you don't like anal? I know some people just don't, but with a skillful lover it can be quite enjoyable for both parties.

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I have never had anal sex before and now it is a nightmare.

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II can assure you I have had other bloopers though and you need to learn to laugh with them...sex can at times be quite hilarious and you must roll with it...!

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Just let him do it. All you need is lube and you need to relax. If you can squeeze out a turd you can take anal.

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jstmarried ,
June 2, 2007 in Sex and Romance

Now I am so afraid of sex, very tense and avoid it when I can, even though I just got married. We were having sex in the "doggy-style" position and during thrusting he exited my vagina and accidentally thrust into my anus. I have never had anal sex before and now it is a nightmare. That one thrust gave such a shock of pain and nausea. I feel so sorry for my husband because now the only position I will allow is the missionary and even then I insist on keeping my feet firmly planted on the bed so that my anus is angled out of the way.

Has this happened to anyone else and how can I avoid it or get over it?
ooh dear.... i don't think im old enough to read that.. even though i did

Oh, and in response... ummm, no, this hasn't happened to me i guess i must just be lucky...

Has this happened to anyone else and how can I avoid it or get over it?

I think its happened to just about everyone. I got over it in about 3 seconds when he corrected the problem and went back where he was supposed to go. It is very painful though, I do agree with that. But why not you on top?? There is an even lesser chance of it going in your booty then than it is missionary wouldnt you think?
AH!, ostego you are way too young to be reading this, I'm sorry. Kmartin thank you for the advice, I guess I tend to dwell on all the things that can go wrong that I'm not able to get over it and move on. Again, thank you for the response.

I think this has happened to a lot of couples in the past. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, one can get careless. What your husband did was an accident, it is not like he did it on purpose (at least I hope not).

But now you are married, you cannot make this only about you. Think for a second how terrible your husband probably feels and how he hurt you by accident. And both your sex lives have changed do to a little accident.

In the future, make sure you make your husband realizes he needs to be a little more careful.

I am so sorry this happened but all of us have experience a sexual blooper at least once in our lives.

I think with respect to your marriage, it's really a good idea to try to losen up a little bit. Just step by step! Why are you so scared of sex?
Kell you are absolutely right. I do feel better that this has happened to others. It was a complete accident on my husband's part and he is so careful now. I guess it helps to hear from unbiased parties, thank you

I have a few mishaps in the past. Now, I just laugh at them because not everything goes perfect ALL the time. LOL

You will be fine, relax and have fun with your new hubby!
Um...may I ask why you don't like anal? I know some people just don't, but with a skillful lover it can be quite enjoyable for both parties.

From the sound of the OP's post, it wasn't like they were trying to do anal. If you're not expecting that, it can be a very painful shock. If you're doing it intentionally, most of the time people go slowly and use lots of lube and ease into it.

So, asking why she doesn't like anal doesn't strike me as being a fair question given the circumstances. I suspect most of us wouldn't like something inserted there suddenly and unexpectedly.

Thats why I asked. I can certainly understand the shock value here. I was just wondering.
Shes too smart- exactly! Its completely different.

Its happened to me. I think its pretty common. I hope you give him another chance though. Im sure he'll be more carefull!
It has happened to me as well... more than once, lol! The only time I ever tried it intentionally it hurt SO much I never ever want it again.

I think that it helps to take time and do a lot of things 'around' sex. Take a long bath together before any action. Explain that you are scared. I think that he feels you are not really into it- try to avoid this becoming a serious issue. It's probably new to the both of you- I think being playful (both partners) can really help. Me and my bf were also nervous in the beginning (I am his first) and it took a bit of getting used to each other before we could relax. All is really fine now

Take care, and no, you're NOT alone in this !
I have to admit I have never had this "accidentally occur", and while I do enjoy anal sex when the intent is there, I can see why it would be shocking if you were not expecting it! For me I think I would be quite aware before it accidentally went there as while I enjoy anal, I need lots of lubrication and relaxation for it to happen and it would not just "pop in" accidentally...lol.

I can assure you I have had other bloopers though and you need to learn to laugh with them...sex can at times be quite hilarious and you must roll with it...!

I think you do have to relax though, and just put this behind you...he is your hubby, you love him and I am sure he did not intend to hurt you. Just ask him to take a look where he is going next time
It happened to me before too!! It was one of the most painful things I have ever felt... he was going quite hard and fast when it happened too!

He felt horrible after it happened, and eventually I got over it. You will too!! Eventually I actually decided to try anal sex, and now I enjoy it on occasion.
Penises don't have navigation systems, so it happens, its just a honest mistake. I'm a believer that over the time it will happen to most of us. It has happened to me and my GF.
I must thank the gods I have never had this happen! and I hope it never does!

It is not ok to point and laugh in bed.
Hav eyou spoken to a professional about this?

A marriage can really suffer if you are paranoid about sex... it IS important.

I know that pain first hand tho!! You poor thing!!
My exhubby did this he said it was an accident but I didnt believe him as he was askin me to do it and I said no so he did it anyways *sshole

Has this happened to anyone else and how can I avoid it or get over it?

It happened to me. We've had anal before but still. He slipped during some pretty rough sex and oh my goodness, I've never felt anything so painful in all my life. We had to stop for a little while. I actually had tears coming out of my eyes. But then when the pain stopped, we were back at it.

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