Wife Worship Black

Wife Worship Black


Wife Worship Black







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Wife’s Sixteenth: White Fragility; Virginity; and Chastity
So very true, without question the ideal couple, particularly for breeding, is always black male/white female, and white females should be encouraged to completely eschew sexual encounters with white males. The more the white male can be excluded from the sexual equation, the more progress for, and benefit to, society and the future.
The thought of sex with a white male makes my stomach turn — for various reasons. But the most important one being: It's just wrong! There is no valid reason to have sex with, or have children with a white man. Doing so is selfish, racist, and feeds into the idea that white women are supposed to be monogamous — A complete lie!

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     In today’s world, young girls grow up rather quickly, and it would be safe to assume that once a young girl reaches the age of 18, and/or has completed puberty, she is considered a “woman”. As true as this may be to some extent, my wife and I believe a woman doesn’t fully become a woman until she has conceived, carried, and/or birthed a child. It is only at this – when she has felt her belly round to its fullest, when her hips have grown to their widest, and her breasts expanded to their largest – her softest, and heaviest, point that she fully comprehends the full nature and power of her femininity.
    My wife and I then like to take that thought a step further by saying that white women have not experienced the fullness of womanhood until they have conceived, carried and birthed a mixed baby. And I’ve already explained why in one of my previous writings, “White preg vs. Black preg." 
    It’s no secret that white women are built to bred black. Just like it’s no secret that many white women have needed very little convincing, and have always felt a desire to “try”, or “go” black. However, up until recently, the oppressive conformity of society kept them quiet. Yet, now more than ever women have a choice and more and more white women are using that choice to no longer feel obligated need to have white children within their white marriage. Interracial breeding is happening naturally among white girls regardless of marital status, and many white men are marrying these "IR claimed” white-girls. As more white women join the ranks of IR breeding (more especially, white-married white-wives )the faster this world will be changed for the better. 
    There is nothing more beautiful and just, sublimely equitable, divinely right, elegantly honorable, magnificently deserved, gracefully candid and fair, or heavenly efficacious than white women breeding mixed babies. And from my experience so far I have noticed the whiter her bloodline the more appetent she is to breed black, and the more earnest her womb is to conceive a mixed baby. Black bred white women (more especially black-bred white-women in a white-marriage) are setting forth an influential tipping point that will permanently embed effectual framework for a better society. 
    Any white male who finds himself married to a beautiful white wife who innately and openly desires and favors having a mixed baby over his own, should deem himself lucky to have such a wife. Not only is it physically attractive for her to carry a mixed baby, but these woman are world changing, and enticingly motivational to other white women who wish to fight against the traditional views of marital obligations. For white males, this type of marriage should provide some type of satisfaction, knowing that your wife is making the best choice for her on a primitive and anatomical level. I find it oddly satisfying that my wife did not choose me as her mean to reproduce, and even more satisfying to know that she will never choose me. Any any white male who finds himself married to a black bred white woman should raise those mixed children as his own, and be satisfied that our seed will never carry on. 
    Interracial breeding is the absolute pinnacle of love and happiness within a white marriage. IR breeding also represents complete dedication from a wife and husband, which requires courage, love, understanding, devotion, and acceptance. There is nothing better or more special than the entire-process of a white-woman carrying a mixed-baby. It’s time to break the cycle and say ‘no’ to traditional conform. It’s time to take a stand against the oppressive rhythm of societal think—the “norm” of white-couples having white babies. So, to all the white couples out there involved in IR breeding, Congratulations! and great job! But more importantly “Congratulations! and great job!” to the white, black-bred wives/women, because you are the ones taking the risk. You are standing against the customary and prevalent pressures of society. You are the ones taking courage to step outside the realm of tradition and make your voices heard for what you believe is right. You are the change; you are the difference; you are the framework of efficacy and the pinnacle of happiness. 

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The idea of
worshiping women and lifting them on a pedestal higher than anything else in
humanity is certainly not new. Many men seem to gravitate towards thinking of
women as something divine that they must worship and look up to. Today however
this female worship has an entirely new meaning in the context of gender
equality and feminism and I want to take a look at it more closely.
like the term god complex , the term female worship is not a formal
medical term that you’ll find in textbooks. That doesn’t mean it has no meaning
but that meaning is taken from the people using it with regard to the context. Having made that distinction I want to call female worship the
pattern of behavior that leads men in particular to treat a woman or sometimes
all women undeservedly as something greater than human. The key word here is
undeservedly. Of course, treating anyone as greater than human is not good because it's obviously false. But what makes female worship stand out is that there seems to
be no real connection between the woman’s true virtues and the worship that she
receives from men. She is just worshiped for being a woman. I call it
undeserved because being female is no more a virtue than being male. As
blatantly obvious as that sentence may be, it’s amazing how many men can’t seem
to get away from female worship and don't even want to.
Of course
not all do. Even among heterosexual men, the worshiping ones are in the
minority I would say. But still there are so many that you could call it a
societal mass phenomenon. There are several causes for this:
These four points mutually reinforce each other in a very complex way. I’m not even going
to try to describe that in detail. This was more of an introduction to get a
better idea of what we’re talking about.
Image by Mara ~earth light~ at http://www.flickr.com/photos/23665057@N02/3369246992
Photo by Kevin Dooley at http://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/1708886363
you’ve been living on the moon, you’ll know that the last few generations of
western society have seen a massive shift towards female empowerment. Women have
gained rights and liberties so that they’re generally equal to men’s rights.
Some people even say the pendulum has swung the other way now and that men are
actually less privileged relative to women but I won’t go into that here
because it’s another topic. The important thing to take from this, is that
treating men and women as equally valuable and equally privileged is one of the
idealistic principles of modern society. Whether or not that is successfully
implemented is another question.
The problem
is that female worship completely contradicts those ideals of gender equality.
And yet it is a mass phenomenon that both genders typically nurture and perpetuate. A brief glance across the
media is enough to show how young beautiful women are portrayed as the ultimate
human being (The media is a reflection of society). This of course
reinforces that phenomenon of female worship – especially to young boys (and
girls) who grow up consuming media in massive amounts. The underlying message
that youngsters are taking from this is that women are superior to men and that
it’s not only ok but also true to say so publicly. Even president Obama said in
a public speech that girls can do anything boys can do only better.
Both men
and women end up believing this female superiority on some level of consciousness. There’s no end to the number of articles and publications
that suggest women do things better than men or that they have some inherent
social advantage making them better leaders (or better anything). It’s mostly nonsense of course,
but somehow it is the politically correct position and most half-baked research
is geared at confirming it. So these researchers often find what they’re looking for
– whether it exists or not.
This is
like female worship gone out of control. I can imagine that the days where
women had far fewer rights relative to men, worshiping them as goddesses was
probably not only harmless but may have balanced things out a little. In modern
society, however, female worship has far reaching implications for future
generations. It is certainly not harmless today and I fear that it might be
causing us a lot of trouble the repercussions of which can’t be overstated.
funniest part is this:Nothing says more about a people’s abilities and
strengths than their accomplishments. And if we ever did make a serious
no-nonsense comparison between the genders it would turn out rather bad for political correctness. I don’t think comparing genders is a good idea though. It’s far
too general – like comparing blond people with red heads. It says nothing about
you as an individual and so it isn’t very interesting. The final thing to
remember about this is that men and women are far more similar than we are
different. Within the genders, there are far greater differences than between
female worship, so far as it is based on physical attraction, is mostly aimed at young beautiful women,
that leaves all the others with nothing. This provokes ageism and hostility
between women from different generations. It also pressurizes women, who are aware of
this phenomenon, to race against their biological clock in order to secure
whatever they can ‘before it’s too late’. Not exactly the best way to find true
The biggest
problem that female worship causes for women is surely that it’s completely
without merit. Women gain a very high status for nothing other than their looks
and for being female. This inspires young girls to go down that road and rely
on plastic surgery instead of their brains. That reinforces negative
stereotypes from the past.
So girls,
there are many men out there who are attracted to intelligent and accomplished
women who look very ordinary. Don’t let the media tell you that supermodels'
looks are the only way to have a fulfilled life.
Who am I to
tell you how to live?! Answer: nobody. If you men choose to worship the woman
in your life then by all means go ahead. My own boyfriend has a tendency to
worship me but it isn’t over the top and it does make things fun sometimes for entirely different reasons. Besides I worship the ground on which he walks. But
this is a personal choice and it shouldn’t affect your opinion or respect for
other people. For example,
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