Wife Woman

Wife Woman


Wife Woman
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Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together.

What is Marriage?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

What Is Love?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

For many people, finding a good wife is a blind man’s buff because they don’t know the qualities of a good wife to search for. It is important to mention that knowing the qualities of a good wife will guide your search when you are ready to get one.
Women with qualities of a good wife are worthy keepers, and they deserve all the care and respect because they have the purest intentions for the home.
One of the reasons why a woman is tagged a good wife is because of her readiness to make the marriage work . When the couple disagrees, a good wife would follow the lead of her husband and be receptive to resolving issues amicably.
Also, a good wife understands her husband cannot be perfect, so she does not struggle to mold him into her perfect model. Rather, she adjusts to his personality and corrects his shortcomings when he errs.
A good wife displays qualities that not only help build a home and family but also helps her project herself as a good human being. 
More than aiming to be a good wife, it is also essential to have positive attributes as a person, which in turn will reflect in your role as a wife. These qualities will keep all your relationships within the family healthy and balanced.
But if you are unsure what to look for in a good wife specifically, here are 20 qualities of a good wife that will help you in the search better:
A good wife exhibits both care and compassion. She is sensitive to the family’s needs, and does her best to provide a solution. She understands when her husband is frustrated, and tries to make him happy .
Her caring disposition makes sure the family does not lack in any aspect of life.
A good wife is not oblivious to the little things that happen in the home. 
For instance , if the husband does something considered to be small, she does not ignore it. Rather, she warms up lovingly and appreciates him . On the other hand, if the husband is sad about something in the home, she tries her best to fix it.
No matter how busy the good wife’s schedule is, she makes time to spend with her husband. 
Some women don’t spend time with their husbands using excuses like an extremely busy schedule. A good wife understands that the quality time spent maintains the spark in the marriage.
One important role of a wife in a man’s life is acting as a source of encouragement and support. 
In both good and bad times, one of the qualities of a good wife is to encourage and show her husband that he is loved. When men experience challenging times, they don’t see their value. 
However, a good wife reminds them of the great worth they possess.
A successful marriage thrives on respect. If you are searching for the characteristics of a good wife, make sure she is respectful. 
In addition, a good wife appreciates her husband’s effort, and the husband reciprocates with respect and love .
If you are thinking of what to look for in a wife, know that a good wife puts her family first. 
The family’s needs and wants top her priorities, and she’s not apologetic about it. A good wife goes the extra mile to ensure her home is comfortable for her husband and kids.
A good wife does not cheat because her husband is her one and only lover. 
In addition, she could have close friends, but her husband remains her best friend . If there are any pending issues, she talks first to her husband, who doubles as her best friend.
In marriage, one of the qualities of a good wife to look for is her willingness and ability to tackle problems . 
A good wife neither leaves all the problems to her husband to solve nor points accusing fingers at anyone. Instead, she works together with her husband to combat these problems.
What makes a good wife is her ability to collaborate and participate as an active team-player . She does not leave her husband to tackle any issue alone. 
Rather, she contributes her quota, and she acknowledges her husband’s effort. A good wife knows that collaborative efforts keep the marriage intact as everything goes smoothly.
A good wife understands that everyone needs their personal space . 
When she notices her husband needs some alone time, she respects his decision. She is also clairvoyant as she knows the right time to warm up to her husband and cheer him up.
When it comes to romance, a good wife knows how to integrate this into her marriage. 
She plans surprises and does little things that catch her husband unaware. She is sensitive to her husband’s needs, and leverages this to make romantic gestures.
A good wife is always true to herself and her words. She isn’t a copycat. 
Although she has mentors and role models, she remains authentic and her true self because that’s what matters to her husband and her marriage.
Being a good wife requires the input of effective communication . 
When there are issues in the marriage, she tries to keep an open communication instead of being silent about them. She prevents her husband from guessing as she lays bare her mind and proffers ways to move forward.
One of the important attributes of a good wife is her ability to ensure her husband attains his best potential. 
She provides her husband with the commitment and support he needs to conquer grounds. She knows how powerful her position is in the family, and she uses it to her husband and home’s advantage.
One of the traits of a good wife is her ability to give a listening ear because she knows it aids effective communication. 
Hence, instead of just hearing, she listens to understand her husband. When her husband wants to discuss with her, she keeps all distractions at bay to focus on him.
One of the attributes of a good woman is she doesn’t see her husband’s achievement as a means to compete. Rather, she appreciates him and acknowledges his efforts.
A man can only trust his wife when she has proved to be honest countless times. 
Lasting marriages are built on honesty and effective communication. There’s a twist to being honest; you don’t have to say anything plainly. For instance, if you don’t like his shoes, you can replace them by getting new pairs.
Generally, men love women who are good in bed and vice-versa. 
In fact, for some men, it is one of the important qualities of a good wife in a relationship. A good woman does research on how to satisfy her husband in bed . So, he doesn’t look outside.
If her husband loves a certain sex style, she masters it and gives him the best in bed.
Watch this video for more insights:
A good wife takes her spiritual life seriously because she knows it is beneficial to her husband and home. She prays for her husband and home, and she meditates regularly. 
Also, she ensures her husband is doing well spiritually because it helps them bond better in faith.
When things are looking bleak in the home, a good wife knows she has to maintain a positive attitude for the atmosphere to remain cool. 
In addition to remaining positive, she keeps the home in good shape even when it is frustrating.
Above all, one of the qualities of a good wife is knowing that her home has to be a safe place for the family to grow, play and live. 
Hence, she is unrelenting in achieving this. If you are searching for the best wife qualities, the attributes in this article will guide you in making the right decisions.
When you see a woman you like, hold intelligent conversations around these qualities of a good wife to provide an insight into the kind of person she is.
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Madge Evans and Alice Brady in Woman and Wife
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Woman and Wife .
Woman and Wife is a 1918 American silent drama film directed by Edward Jose and starring Alice Brady . It is based on the 1847 novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë . The Select Pictures Corporation produced and distributed the film. The film was also known as The Lifted Cross . [1]

The film survives in an incomplete state at the BFI National Film and Television Archive . [2]

As described in a film magazine , [3] Jane Eyre (Brady) is sent to an orphan's home by her domineering aunt, and is expelled from that institution after she slaps the superintendent's face for trying to embrace her. She secures a position in the Rochester home as a governess for their only child. The lonesome Edward Rochester, believing his wife dead, proposes to Jane. His wife's brother appears, bringing along his demented sister, who is Edward's wife. He hides her in a room, and while the household is asleep the demented woman escapes and stabs Edward. Upon his recovery, the wedding proceeds, and at its height Edward's demented wife escapes from her room and interrupts the ceremony. Pursued by servants, she throws herself into a pool and drowns.

Like many American films of the time, Woman and Wife was subject to cuts by city and state film censorship boards . For example, the Chicago Board of Censors required a cut in Reel 1 of the first scenes of the woman drinking. [5]

This 1910s drama film-related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it .

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10 Signs of a Submissive Wife: Meaning and Characteristics
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Annes passion and purpose in life are to guide people to find their own path and contentment by learning about themselves. Only then can we build and nurture the deep connections we all deserve to have. With a background in psychology and neuroscience coaching, she has helped countless couples transform their communication from aggression to assertiveness and appreciation.
She is both an ICF certified coach and mindfulness-certified, while being a counselor in training, meaning that she offers a holistic approach. You can expect to transform your view of yourself, your relationship, and the world by better understanding the habits of your mind and letting go of the unhelpful ones. You have power over your mind but you dont have to do it alone.

“What does a woman want?” So asked Freud and Mark Epstein, another contemporary psychiatrist answered,” she wants a partner who cares what she wants.” Deep down, we all want to be understood and listened to. But how does it relate to a submissive wife? What does she want?
Being submissive temporarily can be a choice, but to be called a submissive wife, you need to be the one accommodating your partner’s needs all the time. It can be a marker of under-confidence and security or other problems in the relationship.
Compromise is a part of most healthy marriages, but being submissive is different. Being submissive over a long period of time can be unhealthy for the individual and the relationship. So, let’s look at the signs of being a submissive wife and its impact on them.
Being submissive in marriage is more comparable to a boss-employee relationship. If you’re not saying what you really mean or asking for what you need, you’re denying yourself as a human being. 
This is as far from healthy teams as can be experienced. Additionally, this research shows that the signs of a submissive woman are often associated with a range of psychological problems. 
So, what signs can you expect from a compliant and sexually submissive wife? Overall, you’ll see someone who’s subservient and always looking to please. This usually comes with little or no autonomy, self-doubt, and powerlessness, as explained in this paper .
Of course, you also have strong women who show the characteristics of a submissive wife due to various societal and family pressures. Essentially though, they’ve decided to take on the life of a submissive wife willingly. 
Their approach will be different because they’ll still ensure they get their way and what they want by operating from the sidelines. This is simply another game to live in peace and get their needs met but you’ll still see the signs of a submissive woman. 
So, in this case, the signs of a submissive woman are when the partner seems in control but actually, the woman is making all the decisions. Either way, is this the way you want to play your life, based on deceit?
We all play games with people to get what we want based on our experiences, upbringing, society and any other influences we might have been subjected to. Through every human contact, we experience feelings and sensations and the idea is to keep everything in equilibrium. 
Some people believe that you need the characteristics of a submissive wife to keep that equilibrium. The danger with focusing only on those signs is that you miss the big picture. 
Families are a system unit and an extremely submissive wife also has needs and desires. Suppressing those completely can, and does, negatively impact children. 
Psychiatrist Eric Berne calls the signs of a submissive woman the behaviors of a harried wife in his book ‘ Games People Play .’ He explains that a submissive wife or harried woman’s role is to play ten or twelve different roles ranging from mistress to mother, housemaid, cook and many more.
Berne points out that those roles often conflict and cause the wife’s stress and anguish, which only increases with time. The signs of a submissive woman gradually evolve from appearing balanced to one who breaks down from the pressures of trying to be too many people she’s not. 
Of course, a submissive wife might have the energy to keep up the game her whole life. In that case, she’ll find a way to vent and find the nurture she needs as a human being. 
The children are usually in the front line and can be forced to become the confidante and supporter that most women expect their husbands to be. 
Some might argue that the characteristics of a submissive wife come from someone who’s self-aware and who’s willing to give way to their partner. If this is done sporadically, then this is more accurately called compromise. 
On the other hand, a submissive wife who’s constantly compliant and obedient actually negatively impacts her ability to function socially, as detailed in this research . The same paper demonstrates that living the life of a submissive wife also leads to lower marital quality.
Many wives assume the role of the submissive wife under the pretext of maintaining peace and compromising for the collective good. They may do this to maintain a friendly attitude and adhere to the traditional definition of what it means to be a wife or because of a dominating husband. 
If the submissive behavior is extreme and long-lasting, it can affect the happiness and confidence of the wife. Therefore, it becomes important to identify signs of a submissive wife.
Here are some of the typical external signs of a submissive wife are that she:
Mutual compromise and reasonable adjustment levels are a healthy part of all relationships. But suffocating submission at all times is harmful.
When you see someone who is submissive, check to see what’s going on below the surface though? Many imply that submission is the same as a compromise but it has to go both ways to build a healthy marriage. 
‘Submissive in a relationship’ means to put your desires lower than someone else’s. And if only one partner is doing this repeatedly, that is unhealthy. You can expect to see some or all of the following characteristics of a submissive wife in her inner world. 
The expectation is that you will follow your husband to meet his goals. You support his career by putting your career on hold. Overall, the signs of a submissive woman are that she follows quietly without opposition. 
The signs of a submissive woman often come with passive-aggressive symptoms. Suppressing desires and opinions doesn’t make them go away. 
The characteristics of a submissive wife often include indirectly sharing negative feelings. They haven’t gone anywhere just because she’s trying to comply. 
To recognize a submissive wife, listen to how much she justifies serving her husband. She’ll find many so-called facts in her belief system handed down through family or religion. 
Other signs of a submissive woman are that she justifies giving in as being kind to her husband. Although kindness is based on equality, submission is dependent behavior. 
The characteristics of a submissive wife overlap heavily with codependence. Although, submission is more wilful. Nevertheless, the mind is denying its true nature and you’ll see reactivity and mental strain at some point. 
The many signs of a submissive woman often come from low self-esteem . After all, if you believe in yourself, you wouldn’t let someone dictate how you live. So, the characteristics of a submissive wife are that she suppresses her needs and emotions. 
Interestingly, some of the signs of a submissive woman come across as superficial because she’s playing a game. It comes back to the many roles expected of her. All these make the characteristics of a submissive wife in opposition to her true nature. 
You can easily recognize a submissive wife from the way she holds herself with hunched shoulders and a quiet demeanor. Ultimately, a submissive wife’s characteristics make her feel like a servant who’s constantly bowing to someone else. 
If you’re constantly waiting for someone to decide what you should do, your confidence will decrease with time. You’ll constantly be second-guessing yourself as you try to mind-read your partner. That’s why the signs of a submissive woman often lead to self-doubt. 
A submissive wife’s role can trigger her to become manipulative in some cases. She’s still a person with wants and needs meaning that she might find more opportunistic and cunning ways to meet them. 
So, you might see the characteristics of a submissive wife as someone who is smiling and charming when her husband is around. When he’s not, her guard is down and she might portray someone resentful who takes it out on her children or others around her.
Listening without saying anything is one of the common submissive wife personality traits. Their expected role is to comply and not argue back. The house will be spotless, dinner will be ready at all the right times and all this, with a silent smile. 
The American Psychological Association defines submission as “compliance with or surrender to the requests
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