Wife Swapping True Stories

Wife Swapping True Stories


Wife Swapping True Stories
MAFS grooms talks about wife-swapping
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I lay on my bed and looked up at the ceiling as my new husband, Robert*, rolled off me.
Maybe we just need to practise, I told myself.
Robert was very prim and proper so we hadn't had sex before we'd got married.
We'd met when I was 19 and he was 23.
I didn't have much confidence and didn't think anyone would ask me to marry them so when Robert did, I said yes.
There was little chemistry between us but I assumed once we were man and wife our sex life would take off.
A year after our marriage we had a son, John, and five years later our daughter, Rachel, followed.
I wasn't happy in our marriage, but I didn't know any different.
Then we bought a plot of land to build our house and a year later met our new neighbours Rita and Terry.
Terry was short, dark and thickset, the complete opposite to my tall, fair husband.
Robert was a lecturer whereas Terry was a tradie.
Terry and Rita seemed a strange match.
While Terry's hands were usually covered in engine oil from tinkering with his car, Rita was always beautifully made up.
Rita and I became friends and we'd talk for hours over the back fence.
One day, another friend lent me a series of self-help books.
One chapter that stuck in my head was about couples who swapped partners – swinging.
I wondered what it would be like with another man.
I longed for someone to sweep me into his arms for a night of unbridled passion.
Next day, I passed the books over the fence to Rita: "These will open your eyes," I said.
Later that week, I was hanging out the washing when Rita appeared.
"Swinging sounds thrilling," she said, a sly smile creeping across her face.
Giggling, we agreed to ask our husbands what they thought.
Especially when Rita told me that Terry was up for it.
Three weeks later, out of the blue, Robert came home from work with an announcement.
"I've changed my mind," he said. "Let's give it a try."
Excited, Rita and I came up with a plan.
Our families would go on a two-week caravanning holiday together that summer.
The first week, Robert and Rita would have a day away together and the following week, it would be my turn to have some fun with Terry.
Each couple could do whatever they wanted but the rule was they weren't allowed to talk about it with their spouse afterwards.
We started inviting Rita and Terry to our house to play cards in the evenings, so we could get to know one another better.
Doing something so normal, while knowing what lay ahead, made us feel naughty and excited.
"I don't think I can wait until the summer," Rita confessed to me one afternoon.
She and Robert went to a hotel while Terry and I looked after the kids.
Once the little ones were in bed, Terry and I threw ourselves at each other.
Later that night, Robert wanted to know if anything had happened.
"We're not supposed to talk about it," I said.
But he kept asking and eventually I told him.
It turned out he and Rita had pulled over in the car and started kissing but at the last minute, Robert lost his nerve.
The following week, Terry and I went out to give Rita and Robert another chance and this time they ended up sleeping together.
Before long, the caravan holiday rolled around and Robert and Rita went off together to a nearby hotel.
They were supposed to come back before the kids went to bed, but as night fell there was no sign of them.
It was the 1970s so there were no mobile phones, all we could do was wait until they finally turned up late that evening.
The following day, we set off for a different campsite.
But Robert took a turn and wound up in hospital with sunstroke.
Although I was fond of him, I wasn't in love.
And just like that, our marriage was finished.
When we got home, Rita and Robert said we needed to talk.
"We've decided to give our relationship a go," Rita announced.
They said they were going to set up home together and all four children would live with them.
I'd never expected our holiday to end like this.
I didn't want to tell my parents what was going on, and without a job, I had no money to support myself and the children.
In the end, it was agreed that I would live with Terry temporarily, and my daughter Rachel would stay with us along with Terry's youngest daughter.
As I lay in bed that night in a filthy house, just next door to my lovely home, I sobbed uncontrollably.
It had all happened so quickly and now I was with a man I barely knew.
The next day, a bailiff came knocking at the door and I discovered Terry was in huge debt.
Over the next few months, I tried to make the best of a bad situation.
I got a job as a secretary and worked on my relationship with Terry.
Although I wasn't in love with him, the sex was incredible.
A year after the wife swap, Robert and Rita moved away.
Terry was extremely possessive, and we had furious arguments.
After living with him for seven years, I left him and moved back in with my parents with Rachel, who barely spoke to her father.
It's been 46 years and I still think about the wife swap and all the hurt it caused.
Although I didn't love Robert, we'd created a stable home.
But the swap split Rachel and her brother John up, and ruined her relationship with her dad.
I can't believe I risked the safety of our marriage for a single night of passion.
It's the greatest regret of my life.
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I just wanted to spice up my sex life, but as I lay in bed next to my neighbour I wondered what I'd done.
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The Mirror (London, England)


I was actually attracted to my sister in law before ever even meeting my wife. She works in my company, but was already married at the time. She's very short at 4 '10, blonde hair, brown eyes....wide hipped but amazing legs and feet. Her skin is always that tan color and they always look so smooth. Her feet are size 6 and toes are on the shorter side, but they are perfect in every way.

I wound up marrying her sister 3 years ago. They show some resemblance but are still very different looking. My relationship with her is very similar to a mother in law. Although she is only 33, she has 4 kids and acts much older than her age. We get along but have never had a friend type of relationship because of her generally serious demeanor. Over the years I've spent many parties, BBQs, etc getting long glimpses of her incredible feet. I got incredibly horny one day when she brought up the subject of her having the nicest feet in the family. She has said it many times since, which is somewhat out of character for her. But I never had any sort of opening to realistically touch them, etc

A few weeks ago my wife mentioned that her sister was going to be sleeping over our house one Friday night soon so they can hang out like they used to before she had kids. I didn't think much of it, since she is always so straight laced. It turned out to be last Friday. She came over at 7ish with two bottles of wine, which was slightly shocking, as I've only seen her drink once, and that was at our wedding. I kept out of their way for the most part and let them do their thing. I was in the living room watching tv around midnight when they found their way onto the couch with me. By this time they were both pretty hammered. My wife was borderline sleeping already. They continued chatting for a few minutes before they both started to become quieter and quieter. My wife fell asleep first and my sister in law made a comment about how she snores and maybe she should go up to bed because she is hard to wake up when she's drinking, and didn't want to snore while I was trying to watch tv. At this point I seriously started to get aroused at the possibility of her falling to sleep stretched out on the same side of the couch as me. I had waited years to even smell her feet in the flesh (not just stealing her socks). I immediately convinced her it wasn't a problem and just to relax.

After another five minutes she was out cold, and within 20 minutes she was lightly snoring. I started to shake slightly at the anticipation, nervousness of the potential situation. I decided that this opportunity may never present itself again and I had to act on it. I slowly woke my wife up and helped her up to bed. She was murmuring nonsense and sleep talking. She was sleeping again as soon as I put her to bed. I went back downstairs and looked at the perfection lying there. She had jeans and socks on with a white tshirt. I had to test the water and see how deep of sleep she was in, so I started to nudge her while calling her name. After a few times with no movement, I started to try to pick her up off the couch like I was trying to bring her ip to bed, since it would have been a normal excuse if she woke. Again she didn't break for snoring at all. This gave me the confidence to remove one of her socks and I really almost came right there. The sight of her naked foot and knowing I was about to get as close as I ever would with them was almost too much too handle. I leaned down and started to take in the aroma from her toes. There was slight heat coming off them and that perfect foot smell we all crave.

I have to finish the update soon, as I'm on an iPad and typing is very slow and annoying.
Holy shit! This guys stops right in the middle of the story?! Who does that? Lol!
Sorry guys....,relegated to typing on an iPad which sucks.

I sat there staring at her naked foot for several minutes, partly because my nerves were getting the best of me. If she woke up and caught me, not only was my marriage possibly ruined, but her husband is an executive in my company. My career could be impacted as well.

I had to test how much rope I had, so I sat beside her feet on the couch and slowly ran my fingernail up the sole of her one naked foot. After a couple of strokes with no reaction, I went a step further and started to rub her foot, getting more aggressive as I went. After 30 seconds with no break in snoring, my confidence was high enough to go forward. I thought about turning the lights off and only having tv on (in case she woke) but I really wanted to see every inch of her feet. I made my move and bent down to her toes and put my lips around her big toe. I just sat there for what seemed like hours just enjoying that moment. The smell of her foot with her perfect toe in my mouth was almost enough to make me cum right there.

Wife getting out of shower now
Thanks for the story, very risky. I take it you're not used to typing on an iPad cos I don't think it's slow at all!

any new experiences ? I bet she gets drunk often? any pics
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By andrew, 10 years ago on Being Married
Over christmas i made a big mistake my wife and me went to v...

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over christmas i made a big mistake my wife and me went to visit my sister in law my wife's sister after a few hour's drinking i needed to use the bathroom when i got in there my sister in law's knickers where laying in the corner i don,t know what come over me i just had to sniff them one thing laid to another and i was wanking over them then just as i was cuming the door came open and my sister in law was there looking at me wanking over her knickers she left very quickey then after a few more drinks we left then after about five days my sister in law came round our place she opened the door i said come in she's just niped round the shop then she said i,m going to tell my sister what you did how could you do it i said i,m sorry i just don,t know what to say i would do anything just don,t tell her my sister in law looked at me ok there's one thing you got to do if you don.t i,m telling then i can.t beleve what she said you sniffed my knickers now i want you to lick my **** and put your tongue in my **** for what you did if not i,m telling of you then she left its been five day ago now i must make my mind up my wife would kill me if she knew or i can,t bare to think of what my sister in law wants what should i do i need your help
First of all you are an idiot for thinking of what your sister in law wants... but I'm not here to judge you.
What I suggest is you keep it all to yourself and forget about what the sister in law said. I hardly doubt she will go around telling your wife especially after what she said to you. If your wife ever finds out just deny it and don't even mention anything of what the in-law said to you. This will only cause everyone problems.
My other suggestion is to take advantage of the gift only humans have and that is the freedom to make choices. You are not a savage animal therefore can tell the difference between right and wrong. Don't let you sexual desires ruin your life and other people's lives.
yes i do feel a idiot i can,t beleve this has happened but you don,t know my sister in law she will tell my wife and i know i have hurt her already but this would be to much i know i have asked for this but its still a dirty nasty thing to have to do
a child wrote this. this never happened!
Better late than never for a ban...not sure how this one slipped through the cracks.
By the way dear, do ya mind changing your username? No profanity please sir! πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘
You are done Nabil
I am going to ban you for expressing violence.
wow. i dont think your wife will believe this. but let me right it by her tomorrow after you've left for work
This thread is an old thread Sam, do you have your own story to add or we can hope that other posters will see your post. 😊
8 years ago? I hope you went back to school to fix the spelling mistakes and punctuation.
Would you like to share your story with us Thom? 😊
That's not a very nice thing to say. A lot of people on here are not first English speakers.
That's not a very nice thing to say. A lot of people on here are not first English speakers.
I agree, we just want to help folks, whether they are good with English or not.
Hope Molly is happy in her new relationship.
Better late than never for a ban...not sure how this one slipped through the cracks.
By the way dear, do ya mind changing your username? No profanity please sir! ;) :thumb-up:
You're 6 years too late, man πŸ˜‰
Last online 2 years ago.
There are other ways of seeing how people are. 😊
I hope you're not trying to recycle old friends because you haven't got friends now due to the lockdown and so fort?
It’s embarrassing sometimes when somebody knows you so well..
Is it that time of year again? 😊 Famous last words? πŸ˜‰
I’m simply amazed at the folks that can’t spell tongue...
With that you can understand but there are many other words that pose a challenge, it is good that we can get the gist.

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