Wife Stretched Stories

Wife Stretched Stories


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Stretched By My Husband's Best Friend by Tiffani Lusk.

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Preview — Stretched By My Husband's Best Friend
by Tiffani Lusk

OMG! What have I done?! A young conservative wife does something she never dreamed she'd do in a million years: She sleeps with her husband's best friend! A hot soldier teaches her a few new tricks . . . But it goes way beyond that . . . When her husband's best friend stays over while her husband is away ... Kim cannot believe what happens next! Apprx. 8000 wrds Includes: fi
OMG! What have I done?! A young conservative wife does something she never dreamed she'd do in a million years: She sleeps with her husband's best friend! A hot soldier teaches her a few new tricks . . . But it goes way beyond that . . . When her husband's best friend stays over while her husband is away ... Kim cannot believe what happens next! Apprx. 8000 wrds Includes: fisiting / backdoor

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Jun 19, 2018

Genell Nicolas

rated it
it was amazing

Short and HOT! This is a short read packed with hot filthy sex. If your looking for romance, heart and flowers..this book is not for you. The sex involves vaginal, oral, anal and fisting. You will need a cold drink to cool you down.

Nov 19, 2021


rated it
it was ok

Lust yes, but no soul This book was filled with the deed from start to end, but it lacked the soul to engage the reader.


rated it
it was ok

Jul 11, 2015

Curtiss Robinson

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Apr 21, 2019

Robert Malloy

rated it
it was amazing

Jul 03, 2019

mirian perez

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it was amazing

Jun 16, 2017

Mary Flannery

rated it
it was amazing

May 31, 2019

mindy kirk

rated it
it was ok

Mar 16, 2020


rated it
it was amazing

Dec 07, 2016

Gladis Garcia

rated it
it was amazing

Oct 29, 2017

Mrs Ruth bissett

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Aug 22, 2020

Michael Hodkinson

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Apr 07, 2021

Lorene Campbell

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Sep 06, 2017

Penelope Frederick

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it was amazing

Jul 22, 2016

Federico Dies

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Dec 17, 2020


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Jan 19, 2017

lynda cock

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Jan 04, 2017

Liyah Kade

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it was amazing

Feb 21, 2020

Susan A McCann

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Jan 01, 2019


rated it
it was amazing

Jun 20, 2019

mr d willcox

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Dec 17, 2019

Ray Joachim

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Mar 13, 2017

Armando Valdespino

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Sep 18, 2018

Claire Mackley

rated it
it was amazing

May 08, 2018

John Rousseau

rated it
it was amazing

Nov 26, 2017


rated it
it was amazing

Jul 17, 2015

Yvette Brewer

rated it
it was amazing

Nov 23, 2017

Christy SanJuan

rated it
it was amazing

Aug 03, 2019

ken reid

rated it
it was amazing

Oct 04, 2018

John Murray

rated it
it was ok

Aug 25, 2021

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My wife is a fitness instructor. Today she exercised for 5 hours in various ways. She was up half the night with insomnia. When we made love this evening she winced when I put it in. I could feel her insides were swollen and she was in pain. She told me before she was exhausted and sore all over. She even asked me if she felt swollen inside.

I did not ask her if she's been with someone else but it's the obvious question. Is it possible that a woman's vagina could be swollen and sore from too much exercise and loss of sleep? Or should I be assuming the worst?
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You were banging your wife after she told you that she was in exhausted and sore all over, even to the point of wincing when you entered her and you're asking if she was unfaithful?

What an assh*le.

I did a Google search. Turns out if she had been doing something like a spin class she can be saddle sore and have a swollen vagina. Who know!

@Snowyangel :
Note to self: Forget about trying that spin class!

@phillygirl :
It WILL leave you sore. I don't know why they have those tiny little uncomfortable seats on them. I went back to reformer pilates.

It is completely normal!! I do an hour of spin class three times a week and I'm always sooooo sore in my vagina from sitting on a hard cushion! She's extra sore because she's a fitness instructor, they have to go above and beyond for their patrons. They have to act like they're not hurting or are tired, but really she's sooo uncomfortable. I find it very respectful you're asking others before confronting her with possible false accusations. If you really wanna help, purchase her a soft cushion seat cover for her bike on Amazon or whatever and tell her it's because you care so much about her and her vagina's well being. Watch how much sex you get then ;) it's all about compassion.


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item.php/item_id/113215-I-resisted-But-not-enough
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Personal · # 113215
A females endeavor to satisfy her husbands voyueristic tendencies takes a strange turn
Created: January 9th, 2001 at 2:46 pm
Modified: July 10th, 2006 at 10:31 pm

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I was shocked! My husband,, asked me to make love to another man right in front of him…….. and I didn't know what to say. He told me that he had always been a voyeur and that was what got him excited the most. The whole thought of making love to another man (especially in front of him) really had me thinking that he was a bit strange, or a bit queer. No matter how you looked at it, it certainly wasn't an accepted act! Not sure exactly how to react to this request and we talked about it quite a bit. I admitted that there were times when I would fantasize about other men, or men without faces. But fantasies are one thing, and actually doing it quite another.

A little about us… We've been married about a year, I'm 27, and he's 35. I'm about 5'6", 132lbs with "C" breasts and a flat stomach. He's about 6'0", 190 lbs, muscular and with some sexy hair on his chest and very strong arms.

While on the one hand it did excite me a little to think about the possibilities…. Although I wouldn't tell him that I did "play" with the thought from time to time. Anyway… one day we were out drinking and dancing and I had danced a few dances with another guy who had asked me. When I went back to the table my husband leaned over and whispered….
"Would you like to make it with that guy?"
I got a little red-faced and I'm sure I was blushing enough to light up the room… but I answered,
"No! I don't want to go to bed with anyone but you"
He replied "I saw you up there" (speaking of me dancing with the stranger) "and you certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself!" "AND if you had pushed up against him any harder you'd have done it right there on the dance floor"

He was right… I had been enjoying myself and I had enough drinks in me to relax… and for a few moments there I had forgotten about him being in the audience and had just relaxed and gone with the flow. Rich, the guy I was dancing with, was an attractive man about 6 ft tall, strong and very muscular. He had curly hair and a very disarming manner. I was attracted, but the thought of going to bed with him hadn't even entered into my mind.

My husband said, "wouldn't you?"
He was prodding now… and I felt as though he was trying to inject something else into it that wasn't there. I replied, "No!"

Well, that was about it that night as we went home together and I had almost forgotten all about it but when we were making love….. He asked me if I was thinking about the other guy? I told him that I hadn't been but he pressed on and we talked about it for a long time that night. I was feeling a little strange as I sorta felt that he wanted to see me do something that would cause us to break up! But then I was kind of curious as to whether he would get jealous or not. Maybe because I was secretly hoarding some sexy thoughts myself!

He assured me that he wasn't trying to get something against me or to break up… he just wanted to "watch". Then he suggested that maybe the next time we go out… I could just "make out" with another guy while he watched? We continued to talk about it with him stressing that he would stay out of sight and would only watch! And that I didn't have to do anything but make out with him, but that right after the guy would leave… we would make love! He kept stressing that watching made him super excited and that I should do it for him.

Well, after some time went by, I began thinking that there wasn't any thing wrong with making out with some guy as long as I didn't go all the way and "we" made love afterwards. It would be like a marital aid! Besides I think that in the back of my mind I kinda wanted to experiment too! It was kind of an exciting thought. Anyway, many nights when we would make love he would whisper in my ear that "he" was watching from a closet… or behind the drapes… I found myself becoming excited with the thought.

Anyway… One night while fixing us drinks he suddenly said
"Tonight's the night, Honey" As he slid up next to me, handed me a drink and tried to nuzzle my neck.

I knew instinctively what he was talking about but had to play dumb… and said
"Tonight's the night for what, Honey??" I took the drink out of his hand and took a sip.

"I wanna watch you make out with some guy tonight, get him all hot and then come back and make love to me!"

"Are you sure that you wouldn't get mad?" I took another sip of the drink he had made, as it seemed like a good thing to do to make the answer seem casual.

"Yes, Honey… I'm sure I wouldn't get mad. But I can't promise that I won't get HOT! And I know that "Shorty" will give you a standing salute!

" Shorty " was his playful name for his cock. Whenever he felt like playing… he would refer to his cock that way.
"O.K. I'll go out this one night but if I can't find someone that I like to pick me up… the deal is off OK?

"All ya gotta do is enjoy yourself, dance as much as you want to with whomever you want… I don't want to push you into anything! But me and "Shorty" want to see you get "hot" with someone! And then we'll finish you off afterwards."

He told my hand and placed in over his crotch pressing himself against me and making it obvious that he had a partial erection! I smiled and we kissed! We made love and I played with the thought of making love
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