Wife Spanked

Wife Spanked


Wife Spanked
Quote:May I ask where you originally found this at? I got this from MR. poll. it is a place where you can do polls. Polls on EVERYTHING. and I ran accross this one. and I will post some of the comments here , and you can see. Some on here are non Godly though.
Quote: I am 20. My husband is 35. He whips me when I do something I shouldn’t. He uses a strap 2 and a half inches wide, a paddle, a switch, or a belt. He makes me remove my clothes and either lay across the bed, or he puts me over his lap. I am whipped until I am crying very hard. He often leaves marks, welts and bruises. I know I deserve the whippings he gives me. I just wish he would not whip me so hard. Quote:I’m sorry, Melissa, but if you know you deserve the whippings, they need to be severe in order to break you of your naughtiness habit. I’m glad that at least some of your punishments are administered across your husband’s lap. That’s precisely where a naughty girl deserves to be put when her bottom requires disciplinary attention.==========
Quote: Posted by melissa on 2001-06-06 14:59:12 I don’t consider what my husband does as abuse. I was raised in a home where the husband was the head of the house. What Dad said went. He spanked my Mom for her misbeahvior. When my brothers, sister, and I dosobeyed, he spanked us with his strap or a switch. My husband just spanked me last night with a strap because I came home later than I told him I was. He spanked my bare bottom until I could not sit. I promised him I would never do it again. I can’t sit today because of the bruises and welts. I guess if it is ok with me I should not worry about what other people think.
Quote: I am 40 years old and married to a wonderful man who I love and respect. He is never unfair to me when it comes to my punishments and I don’t blame him for the times he has corrected me. Once was for bounced checks. Once was for driving home so loaded I couldn’t walk and once was for comming home 3 hours late and not calling. Let me say that there was a 24 hour waiting period each time because he never spanks me in anger. Each spanking was consentual. I was spanked unil I cried. Once with the yard stick, once with the belt and once with the plastic spoon. I have to be completely naked as to be vulnerable and accepting. I am put in the corner afterwards to think about what got me there and I am always forgiven. I am not spanked over every little thing and he never yells or calls me names. I am quite content in my marriage and my life and I am glad I am married to a man who is able to protect me, even if it’s from myself!!!!
Here are a few. Now let me say there were a few against this too. They said it was abuse, and these women were being treated as children, or unfairly etc. Some people said these women had self esteem issues etc. The majority of the poll was for it though. This got me thinking. So I posted this.
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I found this while going through my morning emails from CafeMom and I had to share. It just gave me a huge headache and I am not sure how to feel about this. I know that I am against a husband spanking his wife but I know that there are some people who don’t see a problem with it but I just can’t believe what I was reading. Do these women have self esteem issues? Are they taking the bible out of context? Is someone misleading them? See these are things we always have to worry about because these days and in the past, powerful people have misused their powers and lead many of there believers to death. Read these post below and tell me what you think please share with me.
Nickida is a first-generation Trinidadian American wife and mother of four. She enjoys sharing recipes from her childhood growing up in Trinidad with her readers. Nickida has a son with Autism and shares posts around traveling with a child with special needs to help other families like her own. She loves television, movies and is a true 80's baby.
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Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults
I feel vulnerable and helpless when my husband spanks me but it is not being spanked that causes these feelings. These are the Emotional Effects Of Being Disciplined.
No, the feelings of being vulnerable and helpless are evoked at the latest when he reprimands and lectures me so it becomes embarrassingly clear that by misbehaving I foolishly ventured out of my safety zone and excluded myself from the safety, order and harmony within my limits.
Limits naturally are limiting and at times even the most reasonable limits seem annoyingly limiting. Sometimes it is alluring to transgress and escape the trammels of rules and manners and good behaviour norms and occasionally the temptation to deviate just a little and just in this situation becomes overwhelming. It is incredible how easy it can be to come up with silly and dubious excuses as well as convincing myself that in this case, it is risk-free and not really a problem to overstep my limits and deviate from the rules and good manners that usually regulate my behaviour.
Of course and though it does not seem so at the time, yielding to the temptation and believing in my own beforehand hazy excuses and unrealistic evaluation of risk is foolish and naive. Not only the risk of being caught misbehaving is usually much bigger than overly optimistically anticipated but worse is that transgressing behaviour and decorum often have unforeseen and bigger problems than imagined and then the feeling of being vulnerable and helpless really becomes acute long before I am reprimanded and lectured about my irresponsible, immature and naughty behaviour.
It is a terribly embarrassing situation to be in and also a situation characterised by the frightened thoughts it causes when the unforeseen consequences of my misbehaviour make it dawn on me that my deviation from acceptable behaviour was not as risk-free and innocent as I foolishly had persuaded myself to believe.
Then it hits me like a hammer how silly and childish it is to impulsively put myself in a position of vulnerability, inadequacy and embarrassment by deliberately misbehaving and ignoring guidelines and rules in a foolish attempt to momentarily gain an unauthorised freedom and dubious pleasure.  It hits me like a hammer because it with sudden shocking clarity makes me see how stupidly I abandoned the safety and good order and all the other benefits of being a good, well-behaved and compliant wife.
No matter if my deliberate misbehaviour is caused by a random impulse or if it is premeditated and calculated it still is intolerably naughty and inappropriate and what makes it also extremely foolish and childishly silly is that I know that there can never a valid excuse for it and the only explanations I have to offer is an inherent disposition to mischief and impulsiveness, also innate tendency to be carried away by the spirit of the moment and of course, the typical female traits such as emotional instability and constantly being a little disappointed with myself and my performance and feeling inadequate and guilty because of my imperfection.
I acknowledge that both the personal and the typically female treats make it natural and perhaps unavoidable that I occasionally cannot resist temptations to abandon my safety zone and deliberately transgress the boundaries, rules, manners and behaviour norms that I also in my own best interest am supposed to observe but it seems so unfair that it is like that.
It seems unfair because I fully understand and accept that I need to have rules and boundaries and to have to comply with my husband’s expectations. It is only right and natural and I really want to be good and a both beneficial and enjoyable wife so why is it also natural and unavoidable that I at times simply cannot resist a tempting opportunity to misbehave?
Both emotionally and intellectually I appreciate my husband’s headship and his quite strict and authoritarian leadership style very much and I know that I am most happy and content when I am dutiful and compliant so my husband is pleased with me and approving of my behaviour and attitude. We all have sorrows and disappointments in our lives and life would not even be really complete and fulfilling without also some adversity and disappointments but basically, I am happy, have a fulfilling life and feel that I, without having deserved it, have been very privileged.
Also to have a husband whom I truly love and who loves me and who also is a good, devoted, caring and responsible Head of Household, a solid and reliable authority who commands respect and obedience and whenever needed is a firm disciplinarian I experience as a privilege.
My husband and I are devoted to each other, share many interests and share basic values and though we as any other couple from time to time have disagreements and conflicts has our marriage always been happy. We respect each other’s roles in the marriage and are happy with our individual roles that seem natural to us. Because we have no power struggle so our disagreements and problems usually not allowed to escalate into conflicts but when we have conflicts they are swiftly solved.
I can trust my husband to perform his duties as Head of Household carefully, responsibly, consistently and also firmly, He rules with a steady hand and though he is strict he is certainly not a despot or bully but a husband who has given me safety and order and even freedom from many problems and responsibilities that would have burdened and annoyed me if we subscribed to the concept of equality.
It suits me very well and is experienced as a big privilege that my husband is the unquestioned Head of Household, governs with authority, runs things smoothly and steadily, handles our finances, taxes, insurance, investments and pension plans etcetera well without me needing to have an opinion in these matters, looks after me and enforces order and discipline with the necessary firmness also when I deserve to be punished.
So I am very satisfied with my marriage, with my enjoyable and fulfilling life and with being kept in line and disciplined as I agree is his husbandly duty to do.
As all women, I can be annoyed and petulant when I cannot have things my way but I really have no reason for serious discontent or dissatisfaction.
So why is it that I sometimes and quite deliberately misbehave and defy the limits, rules and decorum that I actually am happy with?
I wonder if it is not simply a fundamental aspect of the female nature to be misbehaving because we need to regularly be reassured of the man’s headship and authority.
When I misbehave and my husband spanks my bottom black and blue I cry my eyes out and endure horrible pain but not only does a sound and thorough spanking at least for a while improve my behaviour and attitude but it also always strengthens the bonding between us and increases my respect and devotion for him. It is strangely satisfying to be aware, that the reason why my bottom for days after the punishment is sore and throbbing, is that my husband gave me the spanking I deserved. A proper spanking causes dreadful pain and lots of discomforts but it is a big positive influence on my behaviour and it confirms that my husband is in authority.
It is undeniable that one of the things that make our marriage so beneficient and satisfying for both my husband and me is that he without reluctance or hesitation spanks me thoroughly whenever I misbehave and deserve punishment. That he does it is part of what makes him a wonderful husband and the spankings certainly make me a better woman and wife.
I do not think that I in this am very different from women in general so I dare to say that a lot of wives would be happy and the number of divorces would decrease drastically if more husbands took on them the heavy burden of responsibilities that come with headship and being authorities and disciplinarians.
Love, Trust, Respect and Obey – that is the motto you find at the bottom of this site and as a woman who for over 40 years has been happy in a marriage that integrates Domestic Discipline I find that the four words very well cover what Domestic Discipline is about – at least from the wife’s viewpoint.
Love is, of course, the basic pre-condition for a happy, harmonious and lasting marriage. And the love has to be maintained or it will not last. It has to be nourished, nursed and protected. This is not just a matter of not being selfish and petulant or obstinate and stubborn but we all change as we grow older and as our circumstances and our life conditions change. A good wife must always have the marriage and her husband as her first priority.
To be beneficial and enjoyable to her husband should always be on a wife’s mind and it should always come before her personal interests and her job and her friends. She must focus not on her husband’s small imperfections and shortcomings but on the characteristics and habits she loves and then she must always give him the attention he needs, make him feel appreciated (it is not very difficult and you can just do as the dog: Look admiring up at him and waggle you tail) and give him your trust.
If a wife does not trust a wife does not trust her husband she cannot defer to him and his authority as the respectful and compliant companion she should be. She must be able to trust that he will meet the obligations and duties that come with the position as husband and Head of Household. The husband must actively practise his headship and also assert himself so that the wife dares to rely on him as the pillar of authority in her life. To assert himself as the Head of Household he will need to put the wife in her place and show her who wears the trousers and although she at the time will experience this as unpleasant and painful will it assure her that she can trust that he is in control so that it is safe for her to compliantly acknowledge his authority.
When the wife knows that she can trust that the husband is actually in charge and takes his duties as Head of Household seriously it will be much easier and natural for her to give him the respect and obedience a woman owes her husband. But the husband has to when needed enforce the wife’s respect and obedience.
A wife needs the awareness that the husband is firmly holding the reins on her and is in control. He can tighten or slacken the reins as it at the time is suitable but she must never doubt that he holds them and is in control no matter what happens.
If he relinquishes the reins or slacken them too often or too much it will cause the wife to feel insecure and she will react with bewilderment and rebelliousness. Those who have seen a young and inexperienced sheepdog at work will know how the dog’s poorly executed moves make the sheep, that readily submit to an experienced and competent sheepdog, bewildered, frightened and rebellious.
The sheep need to experience that the dog knows what it is doing and is in control.
In the same way, does a wife need the awareness of her husband firmly holding the reins on her in his hand or she will forget the respect she owes him.
A wife wants to respect her husband but she can only continue to do it if he holds the reins steadily and firmly so that there is no doubt who is in charge.
This means that the husband must consistently correct and discipline his wife whenever she violates the rules or decorum he has set or her behaviour or attitude displeases him. Unless the wife experiences consistency and steadiness in expectations and demands she will be confused and uncertain and her respect and compliance diminish. The respect comes much easier and is also easier maintained if the husband invariably is a firm authoritarian so that the wife knows the rules and boundaries and on a regular basis is reminded of them.
No matter how much the wife loves, trusts and respects her husband and consequently wants to be good and obedient there will inevitably be times when she fails to obey her husband and the set rules. It happens for many different reasons such as forgetfulness, a temperamental or lazy disposition, carelessness, simple female foolishness and PMS but even a good wife will also at times deliberately disobey because she meets temptations she cannot resist.
Obedience ensures that the good order and the harmony are not disturbed so disobedience is of course totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. If the wife respects and obeys her husband and complies with the rules and standards he sets she can expect him to govern steadily and well as it is in the best interest of the whole household. Disobedience challenges the husband’s authority and if not all occurrences of disobedience are stopped instantly and resolutely the horrible consequence will be laissez-faire with all the insecurity, disarray, uncertainty, disharmony and anarchy.
It is the wife’s duty to respec t and obey the husband and it is the husband’s duty react swiftly and firmly whenever the pre-conditional is disrespectful or disobedient.
Then it more than ever is time for the husband to assert himself as the Head of Household and unless he without hesitation reacts by disciplining the wife severely and reminding her of her place he will lose her respect and trust in him. Being lenient with a disrespectful and disobedient wife can only cause problems to increase and it will, in fact, mean to let down the wife who needs to experience that her husband is in charge. Even the best wife who knows her place and does her very best to be obedient and well-behaved will at times get out of line and then it is the good and responsible husband’s duty to restore the good and safe order and harmony that the wife with her naughtiness has disturbed.
When the wife goes astray and violates her boundaries she naturally needs to be brought back to the safety and good order within her boundaries and just as naturally, it is the husband’s duty to bring her back.
When the wife is disobedient, disrespectful or in other ways naughty she deserves and needs to be disciplined and the husband should bare her bottom and spank it literally black and blue.
Naturally, the severity of the punishment should depend on the seriousness of the offence but there is no reason why the husband should use the rod of correction sparingly; all wives sometimes need and deserve to get their bare bottoms soundly spanked. When the husband spanks the misbehaving wife empathically it is an act of love and it tells the wife that he cares for her.
She does of course, not like it when he vigorously spanks her bare bottom but she is not either supposed to like it but to be in great pain and distress and when it is over and she has had a little time to compose and collect herself she – perhaps reluctantly – will realise that the spanking was not just a deserved punishment but also what she needed both as a necessary reminder of her place and as reassurance being safe under her husband’s authority and in his loving care.
Although it today is not as commonly acknowledged as it used to be it is a fact that women need to be taken in hand and enjoy the benefits of being under men’s caring and protective authority and need to be spanked when misbehaving.
A good and responsible husband must be aware that keeping her in line and spanking her bare
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