Wife Shagging

Wife Shagging


Wife Shagging
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A plumber who was busted on camera in a late-night rendezvous at his client’s house with a married woman has spoken out.
A shamed plumber who was caught having sex on a client’s sofa with a mutual pal’s wife has hit back at criticism.
Mike Wilson, 42, has blasted his former friend and ex-client Michael Williams for making CCTV footage of his X-rated activities with a married woman public, saying: “I’m not a randy handyman.”
Last week, dad-of-four Michael was furious when he caught his tradie Mike having sex on his sofa with a blonde haired woman, while he holidayed with his wife and kids, The Sun reports.
A camera installed in the dad’s living room — which points to the driveway outside — caught Mike’s white van parked there one evening.
It also recorded sounds of sex and slapping inside, before Mike and a blonde woman walked out of the property and got into the vehicle at 9.50pm.
Michael said what made it worse was that he recognised the woman as a mate’s wife.
He texted the friend saying: “Sorry mate but think you need to see this. Your wife’s been shagging Mike Wilson in my house.” The Sun has not named the woman, who is 37.
The furious father is now pursuing a police investigation of alcohol he claims was stolen from his house by the plumber.
Now the busted tradie has hit back at Michael’s actions, insisting: “I’m not a randy handyman who makes a habit of sleeping with other men’s wives.”
He said Michael should have confronted him “man to man” before speaking out.
Mike insisted he and Michael were, at one point, great friends.
He said: “I was wrong to have sex with another woman in Michael’s house and hold my hands up to that and have apologised.
“We just got carried away and one thing led to another and we ended up making love on his sofa.
“It was the biggest mistake of my life and my reputation has been ruined.
“I’ve been friends with Michael for over 20 years and he was happy for me to have a friend over while he was away with his family.
“I’m not asking for sympathy but I’ve been a near recluse in my house because every time I go out I get shouted at and abused by strangers.
“I’m not a randy handyman who makes a habit of sleeping with other men’s wives.
“Yes I’m single but the whole thing has been blown out of proportion.”
He also insisted elements of the story so far in the public domain are misleading.
He said: “Having known Michael for so long and for him to make out we hardly knew each other is a lie.
“We’ve been on holiday together and everything.
“He could have called me when he saw the tape and we could have discussed it in private man to man instead of him going to the papers.
“I’m not proud I slept with another man’s wife but these things do happen. Now he’s screwed up my life and that of two other people.
“I know my friend who I was caught with is furious Mike went public.
“She and her husband have now deleted their Facebook accounts because they are getting so much stick. I hope he feels happy now.”
At the time, Michael told The Sun : “I was speechless and thought how low can you get. It’s disgusting to do that in someone else’s house where children live.
“My wife Becca was in tears because it was a complete abuse of trust.
“And there was no way we could let our kids sit on the sofa again so we gave it away.
“Mike’s not getting a penny, not now we need a new sofa.”
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission
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Adam Foskey, who currently lives in Melbourne after moving from Georgia in the United States, revealed slang terms he learned after moving Down Under.
A mother has revealed she found a shocking note in a toy she purchased from Kmart, revealing she was worried there was more notes to be found.
A 27-year-old woman has been jailed for her prolonged abuse and eventual murder of a five-year-old boy she had in her care. Warning: Distressing Content.

A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
More stories to check out before you go
A plumber who was busted on camera in a late-night rendezvous at his client’s house with a married woman has spoken out.
A shamed plumber who was caught having sex on a client’s sofa with a mutual pal’s wife has hit back at criticism.
Mike Wilson, 42, has blasted his former friend and ex-client Michael Williams for making CCTV footage of his X-rated activities with a married woman public, saying: “I’m not a randy handyman.”
Last week, dad-of-four Michael was furious when he caught his tradie Mike having sex on his sofa with a blonde haired woman, while he holidayed with his wife and kids, The Sun reports.
A camera installed in the dad’s living room — which points to the driveway outside — caught Mike’s white van parked there one evening.
It also recorded sounds of sex and slapping inside, before Mike and a blonde woman walked out of the property and got into the vehicle at 9.50pm.
Michael said what made it worse was that he recognised the woman as a mate’s wife.
He texted the friend saying: “Sorry mate but think you need to see this. Your wife’s been shagging Mike Wilson in my house.” The Sun has not named the woman, who is 37.
The furious father is now pursuing a police investigation of alcohol he claims was stolen from his house by the plumber.
Now the busted tradie has hit back at Michael’s actions, insisting: “I’m not a randy handyman who makes a habit of sleeping with other men’s wives.”
He said Michael should have confronted him “man to man” before speaking out.
Mike insisted he and Michael were, at one point, great friends.
He said: “I was wrong to have sex with another woman in Michael’s house and hold my hands up to that and have apologised.
“We just got carried away and one thing led to another and we ended up making love on his sofa.
“It was the biggest mistake of my life and my reputation has been ruined.
“I’ve been friends with Michael for over 20 years and he was happy for me to have a friend over while he was away with his family.
“I’m not asking for sympathy but I’ve been a near recluse in my house because every time I go out I get shouted at and abused by strangers.
“I’m not a randy handyman who makes a habit of sleeping with other men’s wives.
“Yes I’m single but the whole thing has been blown out of proportion.”
He also insisted elements of the story so far in the public domain are misleading.
He said: “Having known Michael for so long and for him to make out we hardly knew each other is a lie.
“We’ve been on holiday together and everything.
“He could have called me when he saw the tape and we could have discussed it in private man to man instead of him going to the papers.
“I’m not proud I slept with another man’s wife but these things do happen. Now he’s screwed up my life and that of two other people.
“I know my friend who I was caught with is furious Mike went public.
“She and her husband have now deleted their Facebook accounts because they are getting so much stick. I hope he feels happy now.”
At the time, Michael told The Sun : “I was speechless and thought how low can you get. It’s disgusting to do that in someone else’s house where children live.
“My wife Becca was in tears because it was a complete abuse of trust.
“And there was no way we could let our kids sit on the sofa again so we gave it away.
“Mike’s not getting a penny, not now we need a new sofa.”
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission
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Adam Foskey, who currently lives in Melbourne after moving from Georgia in the United States, revealed slang terms he learned after moving Down Under.
A mother has revealed she found a shocking note in a toy she purchased from Kmart, revealing she was worried there was more notes to be found.
A 27-year-old woman has been jailed for her prolonged abuse and eventual murder of a five-year-old boy she had in her care. Warning: Distressing Content.

A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Sometimes our articles will try to help you find the right product at the right price. We may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for publishing this content or when you make a purchase.
Nationwide News Pty Ltd © 2022. All times AEST (GMT +10). Powered by WordPress.com VIP
THEY’VE been happily married for 15 years, but this couple welcomes other people into bed. And they insist it’s made their relationship stronger.
Openminded.com, a new matchmaking site for couples in open relationships, launched in the US last week, aimed at so-called “ethical cheaters” who are honest about their desires to swing with other couples and singles.
More than 36,000 global members joined the site within the first week, according to the New York Post .
Married mother-of-two Ali*, 42, a personal assistant from New Jersey, explains her love of swinging.
Ali: Shaking hands with the beaming grandmother and grandfather at the baptism of our friends’ daughter, I tell them how close my husband, Ray, and I are to the baby’s mum and dad.
But I don’t say exactly how close. After all, a Catholic church on Long Island is not exactly the best place to explain that we met on the New York City swinging circuit. Or, indeed, that, until relatively recently, the four of us would regularly have sex together after double dates.
Ray and I have been happily married for 15 years, but we’re polyamorous — meaning that we actively welcome like-minded couples into our bed. We truly believe it has made our relationship stronger.
It all started in the summer of 2008, soon after the birth of our second daughter and [when] I was in the throes of post-partum depression.
Before we had children, we were pretty wild — we’d have sex five or six times a week, and even did the deed in Central Park after open-air concerts like SummerStage.
But now I was thinking: “Is this it?” We had our three-bedroom starter home in the suburbs and, though we loved our girls, I worried our lives would become boring. Plus, my libido was non-existent.
Then, one night, we watched a late-night documentary series about swingers called Real Sex . Ray, who, like me, has always been open-minded, leaned over to me and said: “You know, that’s something I can imagine us doing when we’re older.”
I don’t know what came over me, but I replied: “Why wait until we’re older?” Ray just stared at me, open-mouthed.
Around the same time, I’d started chatting online with a woman I’d met through the mum’s website babycenter.com. I’d told her how depressed I was, and we just clicked.
“Have you thought about swinging?” she asked me one day. Turns out she and her husband, married for 20 years, were into wife-swapping.
“You don’t have to sleep with every couple you meet,” she told me. “You have to be selective and become friends first.”
Soon, the prospect of swinging was all I could think about. And Ray was really into the idea, too.
I remember the exact day I snapped out of my depression — my 36th birthday in August 2008, when we went to the strip club Sin City in The Bronx.
To my surprise, I had the time of my life. In the past, I’d have been jealous about Ray looking at these gorgeous, fit girls, but this time, I wasn’t concerned at all.
In fact, the strippers were flirting with me more than my husband!
That winter, we had our first sexual encounter with a South Jersey couple in their late 30s whom we met on swinglifestyle.com. They were newbies, too, and, like us, extremely nervous when we invited them back to our house after our double date at a Cuban restaurant. (It’s one of our rules that our children always stay outside of the home with grandparents or a babysitter when we meet couples. They don’t know we’re polyamorous.)
That first experience wasn’t great. I had penetrative sex with the husband after some oral sex with the woman. Ray then slept with the wife. The best part of the night was Ray and I having sex after the other two had left. It had been such a turn-on to see each other with different partners.
After that, we saw the same couple as friends, but we didn’t take things into the bedroom again. The real breakthrough came about three months later when we met a couple — an obstetric nurse and an IT manager in their late 30s.
We connected on so many levels and the sex was incredible. They eventually became our best friends, and we’d meet them for family barbecues, even their kids’ baptisms.
Since they have young children now, we’ve stopped seeing them sexually, though we often meet up for meals out and family get-togethers.
It’s amazing the bond you develop — people have such a dim view of swingers, thinking they’re skeevy or dirty. But that’s just not the case. We are just regular people with regular problems — but the lifestyle is an escape from all that.
In all, we’ve slept with about six different couples. Our criteria include being educated and being able to hold a good conversation.
Of course, we both have to be physically attracted to each partner, too. And we always use condoms when we have sex.
For the past year, we’ve been seeing a great couple in their early 30s from The Bronx whom we meet with up to three times a month for dates and then sex. We all went to Atlantic City, NJ, recently for a weekend.
The swinging community in the tri-state area (New Jersey, New York and Connecticut) is a small pool, so, when I heard about OpenMinded.com, I instantly posted our profile on it. It’s exciting to see new faces, and it seems to cater to younger, attractive people.
In the meantime, we’re just enjoying ourselves, and our marriage feels stronger than ever. I would never leave Ray or my beautiful daughters for another man or woman.
I believe in traditional family and the sanctity of marriage — I just think it’s healthy to bend the rules now and again.
What he thinks: Ali’s husband on their polyamorous relationship
Ray, 43, a graphic artist, says: “I was pleasantly surprised when Ali suggested we get involved in swinging. Since then, we’ve both learned to not get emotionally involved with the other couple, and that way the opportunities for jealousy ease up.
“We meet lots of different couples, but nothing is ever guaranteed. Sex isn’t necessarily going to happen, because we have an agreement that we both have to be attracted to them before we go to the next stage.
“You also have to be discerning — someone can look like a Victoria’s Secret model but still be an a-hole. Someone might not be a model, but their personality goes a long way.
“The main thing is that our marriage is happier than ever — and it’s largely because we’ve chosen to be polyamorous.”
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A 59-year-old physically challenged man, Mr Olaiya Adeagbo, has pleaded with an Igando Customary Court in Lagos to dissolve his 23-year-old marriage, accusing his wife of infidelity.
He told the court on Monday that that his wife with whom he had four children, was having an affair with his neighbour.
“I always received a tip-off from our neighbours that my wife is having an affair with one of our neighbours who was a bachelor.
“That fateful day, I came back home earlier and could not find her in our room, two of my neighbours told me that they sighted her when she sneaked into her lover’s room.
“I went to knock on his door but he refused to open after hearing my voice.
“I continued knocking and he later opened his door, and I saw my wife hiding behind his door sweating and panting, I greeted her and left.
“After some days, her lover died and my wife disappeared from the house without taking anything and refused to come back.
“My wife later went to marry another man, who also died after some months of their marriage,” he said.
The petitioner also told the court that his wife fights a lot with their neighbours.
“My wife fights a lot, she fought with our pregnant neighbour but the woman died the following morning.
“Every house we rented, we are always evicted because of her frequent fighting with me and neighbours; she once stabbed me with a knife” he said.
He urged the court to terminate the marriage as his life was not safe and that he was no longer interested in the union.
In her submission, the wife, Mrs Taiwo Adeagbo, 46, also accused her husband of committing adultery.
She told the court that man her husband saw her with was her benefactor not her lover.
“I am not having any affair with that our neighbour, he was only my benefactor who always meet my needs as my husband is not responsible, but unfortunately he is no more.” she said.
The mother of four, said her husband had at one point eloped with her best friend.
“My husband always bring home different women claiming they have one problem or another; he once ran away with my best friend to unknown destination for three-months,” she added.
She begged the court to grant her husband’s wish and terminate the marriage as she too was no longer interested in the union.
The President of the court, Mr Adegboyega Omilola, after listening to the couple, adjourned the case to May 10 for further hearing.

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