Wife S Vagina

Wife S Vagina


Wife S Vagina
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Every woman has some weird vagina stories . Every. Woman.
It’s just pretty damn difficult to difficult to navigate that thing sometimes. From sex to periods to foreign objects … No woman gets through life without some tales to tell.
So, in the spirit of honesty and sisterhood (but mostly laughs), we thought we’d provide a place for people to tell their weird vagina stories.
We crowd-sourced a bunch of crazy tales from a group of brave women (all anonymous of course), and these were the most… striking ones that came back to us.
“If my friend ever knew I was telling this story she would kill me but… When we were young and she had just got her period , her mum gave her tampons but didn’t really tell her what to do with them. One day at school she kept complaining that it didn’t seem like her tampon was working. She said she could feel it and her undies were still covered in blood.
When I asked her to explain to me how she had put it in I figured out the problem: She had put the tampon up her bum. Seriously. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life, poor thing. We joke about it now, but she was so mortified.”
“It was dark one night and my hubby and I were about to do the deed. I reached over to the night stand and grabbed some lube, but a couple of minutes later we knew something wasn’t right. We switched the lights on and I had accidently used toothpaste! It wasn’t that bad – just a bit tingly. And god knows why toothpaste was on the bedside table. That’s just what happens when you have kids I guess.”
“I thought I could smell something weird one day, but I didn’t think anything of it. About an hour later I was running on the treadmill and my daughter walked past and said she could smell something gross as well. I was panicking that it was BO, but she said it smelled like something else. Something ‘fishy’.
Then it dawned on me. I ran to the bathroom and checked – I had a tampon in my vagina… But I hadn’t had my period for over a week. Disgusting, I know. I just completely forgot about it.”
“My sister was showering at my place once, and we have a really small bathroom. The shower is one of those ones that sits over the bath. Anyway, I suppose she wasn’t used to the space, and when she bent over to pick up the shampoo, the sharp edge of the bath tap went up into her vagina. Like, right up in there.
She got a huge cut inside her vagina. She was so petrified at the amount of blood that she called an ambulance. She ended up in the ER with several stitches. She was in so much pain. It was pretty funny though.”
“My boyfriend and I were pretty drunk, and we ended up having an epic fight. He decided at one point that he wanted to leave, and in my completely logical drunk brain, I thought the best way to stop him from drunk-driving would be to hide his car-key up my vajayjay. I eventually fell asleep and only remembered it was there when I woke up in the morning, really uncomfortable…”
“Okay, this is pretty gross. I was with my first boyfriend, and as you do with your first, we were experimenting with all different kinds of sex stuff for the first time. One night, we decided to see what it would be like for him to go down on me. Anyway, after a couple of minutes of him down there, I could feel something really wet. I couldn’t figure out what it was, so I sat up to take a look.
He had puked. He was so grossed out by what he was doing that he had actually puked all over my vagina. About ten years later, I found out he was gay, so that made me feel a little better – vaginas in general turned him off, not just mine!”
Do you have a weird/mortifying vagina story to share? (Go on, everybody does…)
Just goes to show how immature, a lot of women really are.what ever your cotton candy is making you feel like there's no need to be embarrassed about it.she's the equivalent of the universe, no doubt God gave her to you based off the stars and galaxy.you 're going to have those same symptoms that surround planet earth.so appreciate her that way.
Literally a day after reading this and thinking to myself 'I don't have any stories like this!' I unfortunately found myself with one of my own -
While having sex with my boyfriend I noticed blood was suddenly everywhere. Thinking my period had just come incredibly early we both rushed to the shower, and it was only then when I realised I'd actually somehow split my labia open...I've never been in so much pain or seen so much blood in my life, and it still hurts to walk!



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By Guest | 23 posts, last post 6 months ago

In reply to Tanya Todd on 2013-04-22 - click to read

Thanks for your response !
I don't know what is right or not, I do know that if he was to slowly insert two fingers into her vagina for what ever reason, that she would most likely have an orgasm, no fault of his. The knee thing I do not know maybe she is having pain in her knees and ask him about it. I don't know. So your saying he should not have touch her nipples at all?

In reply to jojo93292374 on 2013-04-22 - click to read

In reply to Conard on 2013-04-22 - click to read

no he can touch her nipples but squeezing for long time that is more than one minute or pinching them for more than one minute is not right i myself had the same experience like your wife thats why iam that confident

In reply to Tanya Todd on 2013-04-22 - click to read

Tania T
My question to you is, When this doctor uses the speculum on my wife he stretches her to the limit, she says it's not really painful but it feels like he is about to split her apart. Is this how it's done ?
Please anyone may comment, Thanks to all.

In reply to Conard on 2013-05-31 - click to read

yes my wifes nipples were touched and the doc touched the insides of her thighs when she was in the examination table which i think was unnecessary as her thighs were spread by the leg support and the doc also strapped her leg at her ankle

It's very easy to understand why you feel the way you do, I really do not believe the doctor took advantage of your wife. My wife for years was on birth control pills. We have moved a lot because of my business, so she has had many different doctors over the years and it's always been men. During the time my wife was on birth control she was given these examinations very much like the one you described once a year. She now is on a hormone compound because she has had a hysterectomy the doctors now examine her as you described every six month's. I do not know why but my wife always finds a male doctor to get her hormone prescriptions, and she like yours always dresses nice high heels, dresses from a catalog called Venus.. She is a very attractive lady I feel like the doctor's mind their manners. But I'm also sure they notice. My wife's doctor also examines her hip and knee joints while she is still wearing her dress. I never let on that I wonder about the doctor's motives. But I did causally ask her once why during that part of the exam she was still wearing her dress. She said she didn't know, then after a few minutes she said it was maybe better that way, I said but your dress comes up above those skimpy panties you always wear and he see everything. She smiled at me asking are you jealous? And before I could answer she said next time I'll tell the doctor I want to change into the exam gown if that's what you want. Still smiling at me. I said I think that would be more appropriate don't you? she said I don't care whatever you want honey. Then she said the doctor still has to do the examination the same way and the exam gown is going to do the same as my dress does. I said yes but that's what the exam gown is for, she smiled then said once I have the exam gown on I'm naked and yes the doctor is going to see my vagina in the examination stirrups, so you want him to see me this way also? I was stunned. I didn't know what to say, finally I said you do whatever you think is best honey I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. The next time she saw the doctor when she got home, she said I did it your way, I didn't know what she was talking about, She said she went ahead and undressed and put on the exam gown. The doctor started his exam of her knees and hip joints then stopped when he realized she was naked beneath the gown. He then told her to put her panties on and that he would be back. So he examined her in the exam gown instead of her dress but it really was all the same. The breast exam, yes I know all those different positions that they have our wives expose their breasts for the doctor. I know but they can't examine them dressed. Now you talked about what happens once they get our wives in the stirrups. I thought the same as you when I was told how my wife was put in the stirrups. Like you, I've never been able to get my wife's vagina exposed like the good doctor does, but I guess he needs room to work. I've thought about buying an examination table and play a little doctor when she gets home and like you thinking about my wife being naked and exposed in front of a male doctor for some reason makes me turned on. I don't know our pretty young wives are stripped naked their breasts are fondled, nipples pinched, then their legs are spread wide and their vagina is stretched and fingered in ways we as husband do not do, such as a finger in her vagina and rectum at the same time, they call it a recto-vaginal and two fingers in her vagina while she is on display spread out in the stirrups along with his middle finger in her rectum. And we are supposed to believe no one gets turned on.
I do not blame the doctor for being excited and I can hardly blame my wife if she becomes aroused. Tell you what I do, I take advantage of it when she gets home we always have the best sex and I can tell by looking at my wife's vagina when I get her panties off, that she is more than a little aroused from what she has just been through.

In reply to Enjoying Life on 2017-08-10 - click to read

Maybe you should accompany her so you can assist the doctor.

In reply to Enjoying Life on 2017-08-10 - click to read

My wife loves getting a gyno exam, She also likes to look her best. My wife Michele and I are nudists so it she loves to be seen naked. I think that when she is in the gyno chair with her legs spread as wide as she can with the doctors face inches from her p***y it is a total turn on for her. She loves to tease and turn on guys but at the nudist resort she can't expose herself that much. So the fact that she is that exposed and hopefully exciting the doctor is a total turn on for her. I think she would get a gyno exam once a week if her doctor would let her.

In reply to anonymous on 2017-09-09 - click to read

I think pussies are the prettiest things ever invented, especially hairless ones. Women who shave them clean should be proud of them and should show them off as much as possible.

In reply to jojo93292374 on 2013-04-22 - click to read

Your wife was abused. Some people will tell you that it is not sexual to the gynecologist. That is a bunch of c**p. First and foremost he is a man and he does get excited. Don't ever let anyone tell you any different. Males are visual. You can never take the man out of the male gynecologist

In reply to anonymous on 2019-07-27 - click to read

The exam that was described is exactly what they do. This does not mean that all of those procedures are necessary. The American medical Association and the American College of physicians have both told doctors to stop doing routine pelvic exams. Through many years of study they have found that there is very little benefit and as often more damage, more exams and even surgical procedures are performed due to unnecessary exams.

To think that your wives and the doctors are not being sexually aroused is totally asinine. Anyone that gets enjoyment out of having their wife fingered and aroused by another man must be sick.
The medical abuse that takes place by male doctors with their female patients is staggering. Any woman with any modesty or any fidelity toward her marital vows should be seeking a female doctor for female exams. Doctors used to be predominantly male but in the last 15 years 70% of the graduates for gynecology are female doctors. This should tell you something by itself. If you’re excited by another man arousing your wife then you might as well just prostitute her out.


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