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Wife S Story
5 Cheating Wives Explain Why Women Cheat On Their Husbands
By Fatherly — Written on Mar 13, 2021
People cheat on each other. This much is true. That is why so many cheating wife stories exist. 
How common is it to have a cheating wife?
Whether it’s through long, drawn-out emotional affairs or drunken aberrations not to be repeated, the most recent statistics on cheating available from the Institute for Family Studies suggest that 20% of men and 13% of women have cheated on their spouse while married.
While those numbers aren’t wildly scientific — people typically don't love to admit that they’ve betrayed their partner or spouse, so reliable statistics on cheating are notoriously difficult to come by — they do suggest, at the very least, that cheating is not exactly uncommon.
The reasons why people cheat are varied : some people are bored, others are trying to escape emotional abuse, and still others are fall into an affair without fully realizing it as it's happening.
Relationship and love coach Dona Murphy tells YourTango, "Even in the best and most loving marriages, the realities of everyday life can cause couples to lose their 'spark.' For women, this can manifest as feelings of loneliness, a lack of appreciation by her partner, and loss of intimacy. And all of these may contribute to a woman’s desire to seek love, connection and attention outside her marriage."  
But of all the reasons why some wives cheat, they have something in common, too: spouses who are looking for something different.
We talked to five cheating wives who went; looking for something different themselves to find out what they say are the reasons why women cheat .
*Note that names have been changed to protect individuals' privacy.
The first affair partner I ever had, it wasn’t intentional. I was not searching to have an affair. That was not my intention at all. It just kind of happened, spontaneously.
He was living in another country at the time, we had never met face to face. It was just like, a cyber friendship that turned into something that was a lot more. We eventually made plans to meet each other after eight months.
I still keep in contact with him. I still text him almost every day.
My husband remains a good friend, but it’s essentially like living with a roommate. It’s not really a marriage anymore. So, that’s really what I’m seeking with other affair partners. Just a physical relationship.
I’ve considered getting a divorce. It’s just a long process. My home life isn’t bad. It’s not like a combative or argumentative relationship with my husband. It’s just not intimate anymore. — Anna*, 36, Illinois
I never intended to cheat on my husband. But things happen. We are parents to three, one who has autism and ADHD. My husband was in deep denial for two years and became emotionally abusive. I didn’t feel guilty at all about having the affair because it saved me.
It ended when my affair partner died by suicide. I was completely shattered. My husband found out by going through my phone not long after things began in 2013.
He didn’t know everything until I was in therapy following his death and my therapist recommended that I tell my husband everything to help both of us move on. It was a hard discussion.
I was a week from filing for a divorce when he'd died. He wasn’t a reason for the divorce. I had plenty of other reasons. But I stopped the proceedings, went into therapy, and decided to stay in the marriage and give it a chance.
Three years later, things are okay. My husband trusts me again. We worked through a lot. — Wanda*, 50, Kentucky.
After we got married, he became so controlling and jealous. I put up with it. I wasn’t fooling around — he just didn’t want me to talk to any men or even go out to lunch with girlfriends. Our marriage was really falling apart.
Then I fell in love with a guy I was working with, about eight years into the marriage. The affair made me feel more loved and more confident. I didn’t feel good about it at the time, but in retrospect, I don’t have any regrets.
I never dated the man I had the affair with after the marriage ended. My ex-husband asked me after the divorce if I had an affair and I said yes, but I didn’t tell him who with.
I’m single now and I’m fine with that. I’m happy to be out of the marriage. I don’t think I would have done anything differently. Maybe I would have ended my marriage sooner. But I was concerned about my children.— Tegan*, 48, Nevada
I was just looking in the mirror and realizing I was getting older and older every day. I had settled into a routine.
At the time, my husband was having some difficulties with work and mental illness. He was pulling away and dumping all the problems on me. It got to the point where I felt I could handle everything: the bills, the investment accounts. I could handle all that. I’m well-educated and I have a college degree.
He didn’t want to get help. I just looked at him one day and thought, he doesn’t get to have my entire life.
I thought there had to be someone out there who could have a conversation with me, who found me attractive, who was missing what I was. I started going on dates.
My husband and I got a divorce. We could not solve our problems. I talked to him, before, about an open marriage. But he wasn’t okay with that, so we got a divorce.
I’m fine with what happened. I don’t have any regrets — at least not about that part.— Tami*, 61, California
My husband has Alzheimer’s. He became a totally different person. The person I lived with was not the person I got married to. I became severely depressed. There was no one but me to do anything and everything.
I decided there had to be some outlet for me. I don’t really even know why or when I decided, but I did at some point. I went on Ashley Madison . I started just going on simple dates; it was fun. But then I met someone. We’ve been in a relationship for over a year now. I’m not dating anyone else but him now. It’s helped me a lot.
Now, I’m able to take care of my husband in a much better frame of mind. He’s no longer living with me, because it came to the point where I couldn’t do that, but he’s in town and I visit him all the time, check in on him, and do things with him. He has no memory at all. I tell him something and five minutes later he’s not going to remember it.
So I’m happier now. I grieved the loss of my marriage. The loss of my husband. The loss of the life that I had. The life that I thought I was going to have as I got older. I just got to the point where I knew it was gone, it wasn’t coming back, and he wasn’t going to get better. It took me quite a while to accept that. — Jean*, 58, Kentucky
If you're beginning to feel like your wife is being unfaithful, there are a few signs to look for that might suggest she's cheating.
When someone is cheating, the intimacy you have will seem to fade. They probably are rejecting you in the bedroom and you feel like there is no longer a sexual connection between you. You have no sex life at all. If this becomes a prominent problem, then it may mean that your partner is cheating. 
When your marriage is too great out of nowhere, after you have been struggling or you've been having a bad marriage experience, can indicate that your partner is cheating on you because they are overcompensating to make things better than they actually are. 
Technology has intensified the cheating scheme. Even though spouses shouldn't be looking at each other's phones because there is that unyielding trust between spouses.
When someone is cheating, they are often overly protective of their phone. They are trying to hide something. You may even catch them making mysterious phone calls. And sometimes, you can be caught, especially when you have access to so much social media. 
When someone is cheating, they quickly turn the conversation around onto their partner by accusing them of cheating. This gaslighting technique is used to take the focus off of them and their behavior. 
When you bring up their cheating behavior, they immediately get defensive, angry, and start gaslighting. You may even notice that they stop talking to you and seem distanced emotionally.
It's true, once a person is a cheater, they will always be a cheater . 
If you find condoms or other forms of birth control that you do not use, then it could indicate that your partner is cheating. Or, they could be secretly keeping themselves from getting pregnant, if they don't want to try to get pregnant with you, especially if you decided to start trying.
If you suspect your partner is cheating, there are a few things you can do to find out for sure.
Something you should know is that cheaters usually have more than one social media or dating account that you have no clue that they have. According to a study, 67% of all cheaters who used social media to cheat used Facebook. 
Also, be aware that there are specific sites that are designated to helping wives cheat. Ashley Madison is one of the biggest sites that women use to cheat on their husbands.
This is the most expensive option that you have to catch your partner cheating. Private investigators are really good about getting the information you want without getting caught. But their fees range from at least $40-$100 per hour plus their travel expenses. 
Drop by unannounced sometime when she is at work or go home early. Surprise her. If your partner is hiding something, they will appear surprised and can be angry instead of welcoming you home with a big smile and hug. And if she is doing something behind your back, then you can very well catch her in the act.
It may be a while before you are able to trust your partner again after they have cheated on you, but it's something that could be redeemed after a while with the right actions. All hope doesn't have to be lost, you can learn to trust your wife again . 
Firstly, you don't want to act out of your emotions, so take a little while to get yourself under control. You don't want to make any irrational decisions and make sure you do what you can to try and save your marriage before you walk away. 
Next, if you have children, you have to carefully approach the situation. Remember, she is their mother. You don't have to tell your children what happened and do not make them choose sides. It's a hard enough situation to have parents that are fighting, even worse if you decide on divorce as your only option. Don't try to turn your kids against her either, it's just not right.
Above all else, make sure your kids know that you love them, that you will do everything in your power to be there for them, and spend time with them. Don't let your relationship with their mother keep you from paying attention to your children. 
If you both want to try and save your marriage, go to couples counseling or a support group. This is a way to work through your feelings of disdain and hatred from her cheating. This may give you a chance to heal and reconcile your marriage. 
And lastly, you must forgive her , even though it's the hardest thing you could possibly do. You have to forgive her for yourself. You will not benefit from being angry at her. It will only hurt you in the long run. You have to let go of the anger, bitterness, and any grudges you may have for her.
This will either give you a chance to file for divorce and move on to another relationship or fix your marriage if you want to stay because she is the love of your life.
Lizzy Francis is a writer for Fatherly.
This article was originally published at Fatherly . Reprinted with permission from the author.
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Wife-swap Confessions
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My husband wanted a wife swap. I almost slapped him when he asked me first. I came from a conservative family. We don't even think of such stuff. But, he was so adamant for years.

I couldn't believe the same argument went for three years. One fine day I shouted at him and asked 'What is that he wanted from me in his life?'

He came forward, held my face gently, 'Honey, this is my fantasy from childhood. Please, understand at least when I am persistent from years. It's not like you will have sex with some random guy. There is a very good friend of mine and we can trust him, he is very safe in case if you have issues with having a stranger.'

I couldn't believe he told me about this guy. I broke down, 'Why are you doing this to me?' I asked.

He consoled me and literally begged me how badly he had this fantasy from childhood. I understood I don't have any choice to continue this marriage so I nodded painfully.

That weekend in our house the couple came to our house. After small talk of what to do and what not, his friend took me to our bedroom. His wife and my husband went to another bedroom.

He asked me to undress immediately. He wanted to see me naked so badly. I've decided what ever happens I would let this night go by. I undressed. He leered at me like an animal. Then he took me to the bed and things went on. He kissed me, licked me, sucked me. His tongue wandered my whole body much to my humiliation. I could have sex but he was humiliating me with his licking my every inch of body. I was freezed when he pulled my hands up and licked my armpits. He took his time patiently not in any hurry as if the chance wouldn't come again. When he finally entered me missionary position it was hell. I fought back pain and tears. His cock was big, much bigger than what I got used to. I just laid there as he entered me in and out for twenty minutes. When he reached his climax he asked if I could take it in my mouth. I said no firmly. i haven't even done that with my husband. He said he could finish it earlier if I could do so otherwise the sex would go for another half an hour. After all this I had to go through a blackmail? he clearly knew I didn't like the sex and now he is cashing on it.

I couldn't believe my life when he pushed his cock into my mouth.I feel like throwing up. It stinks. I took it out and
told him that I am not able to do it. He told me I could have sex for another half an hour if so. I pleaded him to agree for a handjob but he didnot. And I had to take it in my mouth again. I hated it but I sucked it.He wanted me to use my tongue more. He cums in my mouth and it tastes like shit. He held my face tightly as he came in mouth in case if I take it out, but his intention was something more. He held there long after ha came as a result I forcibly swallowed it. He then left me to take shower.He didn't even had the courtesy to offer me bathroom first. I laid there exhausted getting into terms with what just happened.
Nasty husband basically forcing his wife to have sex with another guy he should have his balls kicked.
Wonder how long the marriage lasted after that. ?
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By January Nelson
Updated June 7, 2018

Wifelovers are turned on by married women. They think it’s sexy to sleep with someone who is already taken. Here are a few stories from men like this who have (successfully) tempted women to cheat on their husbands.

By January Nelson
Updated June 7, 2018

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Women who are completely off limits. Women who should want nothing to do with them — but are so attracted to them that she forgets her vows and gives into temptation.
These men find infidelity exciting. They like the secrets. The sneaking around. The sin. They will find stories like this, stories of married women deciding to take a risk and cheat, incredibly sexy.
1. “She was married to my boss. During a work picnic, we snuck into a secluded part of the park and had sex standing up, with her ass against a tree. Nobody at work ever figured it out.” — Erik, 33
2. “I was mowing the lawn for a woman in the neighborhood while her husband was away on a business trip. We were harmlessly flirting at first, but I realized something was going to happen when she slowly removed her ring while keeping eye contact with me the entire time. That was my cue to kiss her.”  — Andrew, 22
3. “In college, I fucked my professor. A few times, actually. She gave the best head.” — Gino, 23
4. “We were in Vegas. She was only in her twenties and was wearing a tight red cocktail dress. I saw the ring on her hand but bought her a drink anyway and she ended up riding me back in my hotel room. Twice.” — Nico, 34
5. “We were childhood best friends. There was always a spark between us, but nothing ever happened and we moved to separate towns. Then I returned home for my high school reunion and she was there without her husband. One thing led to another and we ended up fucking on the bleachers of the football field like I used to fantasize about when we were young.”  — Tyson, 40
6. “She was a good girl. She didn’t want to cheat on her husband and that’s what drew me to her. She kept turning me down, even though I could tell she was tempted. Then, one day, she let me rest a hand on her leg. Then inch it up higher. And higher. And pretty soon she was coming with only my fingertips.” — Tyler, 27
7. “My ex showed up at my apartment in tears, crying her eyes out about how her husband cheated on her. She wanted revenge. So she got it with me.” — Shane, 29
8. “I overheard an older woman at work complaining about how her husband only does missionary in the bedroom and made a joke about how I would be a million times better in bed than him. I never thought of her in a sexual way before that, but when she approached me after hours and asked me to rent a hotel room with her, I accepted — and I’m glad I did. It was the kinkiest sex I’ve ever had. Handcuffs. Whipped cream. Nipple clamps. She wanted me to give her everything her husband wouldn’t.” — Westley, 30
9. “I bent my coworker’s wife over her desk in her home office and came inside her.” — Zach, 22
10. “There was this sexy librarian on my campus that I masturbated to almost every night, but she was married, so I never made a move. Then we ran into each other at a club and I was drunk enough to flirt. She was into it. She ended up being the one who invited me into the bathroom for a quickie.” — Ray, 28
11. “I hooked up with a buddy of mine’s mom. Turns out she was into younger dudes, so we did it on her washing machine in the basement and then she made me swear never to tell anyone.” — Richard, 21
12. “This curvy, brunette goddess came into my tattoo parlor to get her nipples pierced. Normally I’m a professional in the workplace but this girl was hanging all over me, making comments about how horny she was and how she loved having her nipples touched. Since I was the only employee there so late, I flipped the sign to CLOSED and fucked her in the chair.” — Nick, 36
13. “I slept with a married woman on a cruise, even though her entire family was sleeping a few cabins away.” — Bradley, 50
14. “I ended up running into a group of women celebrating a bachelorette
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