Wife Orgy Stories

Wife Orgy Stories


Wife Orgy Stories
Inside an orgy: Champagne, swingers and the smell 'that will haunt you forever'
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WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE A Daily Mirror journalist who went undercover at an exclusive group sex party explains how an orgy is an assault on the senses
10 years ago, while working for a well-known men's magazine, I went undercover at an orgy. Here's what I learned…
I turn around and see a woman standing up against the wall, her knickers around her ankles, receiving oral sex from a man on his knees.
Immediately next to her is a bloke with his trousers undone, getting pleasured by a girl.
The two huge beds in front of me are covered in horny bodies rolling around and the sounds of orgasms echo through the room like a dodgy German porn film, drowning out the DJ’s tunes.
But this is not in some seedy bar in Bangkok. This is Fever – a swanky London swingers party for non-fat, non-ugly couples and hot single women under 40.
Described as “an intimate sensual ambiance that always works its magic”, Fever parties attract an “exotic mix drawn from London’s cosmopolitan young professionals”, according to the organisers’ website.
It sounds intriguing, but you can’t just turn up at the door – getting in is a military operation in itself.
The parties aren’t regular events (they only happen every few months) and the biggest rule is that no single men are welcome. It’s couples and single women only, so a colleague and I have disguised ourselves as a couple for our “application”.
After an initial email exchange with an organiser, we have to send in photos of ourselves to get our faces vetted, as only attractive people are allowed in. Once we’ve paid the surprisingly reasonable £40 fee for a couple (it’s half the price for single girls), we simply wait for confirmation that we’re in.
This comes in the form of an email the night before the party, telling us the secret Central London location of the “Open House”. We’re told there will be 93 couples and 14 single women there, meaning the men will be outnumbered.
There’s even a formal dress code – “cocktail dresses, slinky evening wear, risqué, temptress” for women, “casual suits, smart clubber, funky formal” for men. Bizarre. We were under the impression clothes wouldn’t necessarily be needed…
When we arrive at about 10.30pm, the main bar/club area is full of couples checking each other out. You could be in any normal club (although even a standard bottle of lager costs an eye-watering £5). But the only difference here is you know everyone’s up for it.
It feels really posh in the old mansion housing the party. Sophisticated and decadent, poles are strategically placed on the dancefloor, but this is no lap dancing club.
Couples are politely chatting away and, at first, I forget we’re actually at an orgy. But then, just off the main bar, I notice there’s a candle-lit area with two massive beds and a Jacuzzi in the middle.
The most incredible thing is just how attractive and wealthy everyone seems. There’s not a soul in the place over 40 and there are some genuinely stunning women.
Within a few minutes of getting to the bar, a young, attractive couple approach us.
“Can we join you?” they ask – we quickly learn this is the question everyone asks to check they’ve got the green light. We nod and begin awkwardly chatting.
Jessica, 26, and her boyfriend David, 29, are from Ipswich and he works away in the Army. “He lets me s**g whoever I want when he’s away,” she reveals.
“This is only the third party we’ve been to in three years. They don’t happen that often, so we still get very excited about it.”
We say how nervous we are and ask them how things kick off. David explains. “At the first party we went to, we realised that you just needed to sit on the corner of the bed and someone will soon get you involved.
"Jessica slept with four or five guys and two or three girls that night. I just like watching.”
We quickly make our excuses and go for a wander.
Another couple come over and it’s clear we’re on their hit-list. Nick, 31, and Amy, 25, from London tell us:
“This is our fourth or fifth party, but we still get a bit nervous.” They also warn us it’s not all a bed of randy roses.
“I only got jealous once,” says Amy. “Nick started having sex with a girl without my permission and she seemed like a bitch, so I slapped him across the face and then ran out crying!”
We point out how weird some people might find the whole concept, but Amy’s adamant there’s nothing strange about it: “I’ve always felt comfortable with this type of thing, maybe because my parents are naturists.
"We used to go on holiday to a French resort called Cap D’Agde, where things like this would often happen on the nudist beach because everyone was naked. I was only a kid, but still…”
Feeling a bit uncomfortable, we ask if they’re hoping for much action tonight. “We don’t like getting too involved,” says Nick, “but it’s a great place to meet people. We’ve already met someone who might be having a private party back at their hotel, if you’re interested?”
We swap numbers to keep our cover, but make a swift about-turn when Nick starts getting a bit touchy-feely. We then head to the back room in the hope of seeing some live action.
By midnight, the Jacuzzi’s full of naked people going at it, both beds are piled high with couples and people are on the floors and against the walls having sex.
But strangely, we don’t feel at all pressurised to join in and nobody seems to have a problem with us walking around just watching.
No one seems that interested in downing drinks (aside from us), nor does anyone appear to have popped any other mind-altering substances to get them in the mood for this madness.
Suddenly, we look around and freeze at a face my colleague recognises.
Richie, 36, is a male model from Manchester that she knew years ago. He spots us and comes over, but doesn’t seem in the least bit embarrassed to be there.
“Sorry I’m so sweaty. I’ve just been f**king.” Nice.
We have a polite chat while people around us are getting stuck in. Mid-conversation, something catches his eye – namely, two girls sat on the Jacuzzi step, giving each other oral sex.
“Excuse me,” he says and kneels down to join the two females. We watch as he makes their duo into a threesome. A group of other people watch intently, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
There’s so much sex around us, I can feel myself becoming weirdly immune to it. Needing some air, we head for the smoking area in an outdoor courtyard. We soon get talking to two English couples who live in Germany and regularly swap partners.
Sarah, 30, a secretary, explains, “We’ve come all the way from Germany. We’ve been to Miami and Cancun for swinging parties, too. We don’t have sex here, though. We meet couples, get their numbers and go back to hotels with them.”
Her partner, Matt, 32, in the tobacco industry, explains why they travel so far for their kicks. “It’s not like this in Germany because everyone’s good-looking here!
“I don’t think I’d be welcome at the parties I’ve heard about in Germany. For starters, I haven’t got enough of a beer belly!”
By 1am, the bar area is empty, as everyone is having sex on or around the two beds. I stare transfixed at people, fully aware of how surreal the sight of all these writhing limbs is. The smell is no less memorable.
It is often suggested that sex has a certain 'aroma' - that very distinct whiff of pheromones and bodily fluids which hangs around many a bedroom after a couple have done the deed.
Imagine dozens of couples all combining to provide one simultaneous super stink and you'll see why the night's very particular smell will haunt me forever.
By the time the party winds down at 3am, I'm simply craving the normality of a pint and a curry.
A few days later, I get a text message from Nick and Amy asking if we want to meet up. I'm guessing it’s not just for a light ale and a chat.
“We were thinking of going for a drink, then maybe getting a bottle of Champagne and going back to our house for a game of Spin The Bottle,” they suggest.
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Justin Jones , OZY Author

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The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Because there’s lots of Hollywood outside of Hollywood.
It was the tail end of 2014 and I had recently gotten back together with my ex-girlfriend. We had been broken up for about a year at that point, and many things had changed in our lives. I had just been accepted into East Carolina University, and she had just lost custody of her three children and moved into a subsidized apartment. A true match made in heaven. 
Jojotaxi – kunena – topic: anabolic bodybuilding injection (1/1) super tadarise healthrider hrccel49010 home weight system manuals, user guides and other materials. Things were going well, so we decided to give it another go. I was renting a room from some friends and getting royally screwed on the deal, and she was trying to get her life back together while living in an affordable apartment that was much closer to school than my current place. Also, the sex was always amazing. 
I was approved to move in and the ball was rolling. In the weeks leading up to my move, I spent most of my free time with her at the new place and got to know some of the natives.
He repeatedly made inappropriate comments about my girlfriend while simultaneously encouraging me to check out his wife. The not-so-subtle message was clear: swapping. 
One couple stood out. The wife was a pleasant middle-aged woman and the husband was an older man. They had been married for years and had two children. I was introduced by my girlfriend, as they were already well acquainted with one another. We also all had a shared affinity for strong beverages. 
I noticed some serious red flags immediately. As I mentioned before, the wife was very pleasant. However, the husband was clearly batshit. Within minutes of meeting each other, he began insisting that I take shots of his cheap whiskey and became very aggressive. He repeatedly made inappropriate comments about my girlfriend while simultaneously encouraging me to check out his wife. The not-so-subtle message was clear: swapping . 
I am no prude by any means, but neither me nor my girlfriend was feeling it. We had both engaged in threesome situations before and would have welcomed the wife into our semi-conjugal bed, but the thought of my girlfriend having sex with that creepy old man repulsed both of us. However, there was no way to politely convey that to Mr. Creeps, so we exchanged some pleasantries and hightailed it out of Dodge. 
Time passed and Mr. Creeps started to ramp up the crazy. He obsessively contacted my girlfriend through her phone and social media and would become belligerent if she didn’t respond. He also knocked on her door multiple times a day and would not desist. I still hadn’t moved in with her, but it was clear that I needed to act immediately before this problem escalated. 
I mulled it over and decided that direct confrontation would be a bad idea. I was a healthy and capable man in my mid-30s with a temper, and he was weak and mouthy. I could already see that situation resulting in a trip to prison and a trip to the morgue, respectively. I settled on a congenial but strongly worded email. He ceased harassing my girlfriend, and I considered the problem solved. 
Author Justin Jones in the neighborhood.
Source Photo Illustration by Sean Culligan/Courtesy of Justin Jones
I moved in, and everything seemed rosy. The apartment was nice, and my girlfriend and I were getting along. However, issues arose when I attempted to be friendly with my neighbors.
People in the complex would refuse to acknowledge me. On multiple occasions people glared at me like one glares at a pedophile . Eventually, the few residents who talked to us came forward: Someone had started a rumor that I was a pedophile, and it spread like wildfire. My neighbors had been told that I molested my girlfriend’s children, and that was why they were placed in custody. (Disclaimer: When my girlfriend’s children were removed from her care, it was because she was financially incapable of paying utilities and was without running water. We were not together at the time.) 
It was easy to pinpoint where the rumors started. I felt enraged and helpless. As angry as I was before, my current rage was worse. If the prison/morgue dynamic was a possibility before, it was an inevitability now. All I could do was damage control. 
Eventually the situation subsided. I spoke with my neighbors at length, and they began to realize that I was a decent guy who was falsely accused. It also didn’t hurt that Mr. Creeps was becoming a pariah because of his behavior. Even his wife and children began using our home as a sanctuary. 
One morning I stepped outside, and I saw a commotion in front of Mr. Creeps’ apartment. A sheriff’s car was in front, and there was an audience. Soon, Mr. Creeps was escorted into the car in handcuffs and driven away. Apparently, he got liquored up and put his hands on his wife and kids for the nth time. In North Carolina Section 8 housing, it is an automatic eviction if you are arrested on the property, so he never came back. His family was simply relieved. His kids told us that the beating was worth it to have him gone. In the following weeks, we saw a sense of peace within the family that didn’t exist before. They moved shortly thereafter.
But not before his wife shared a wild night with us in our semi-conjugal bed. I feel terrible for what he put his family through, but I also can’t help but feel vindicated. The same man who spread vile rumors about me to my neighbors was arrested in front of the neighborhood.
Also: sex with his wife. So, some well-deserved happiness all around. Good times. Better times.


The intimate, the harrowing, the sweet, the surprising — the human.
Selling 20 million records after you grew up on welfare? A shocker. Still being around after all these years? Even more so!
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
OZY’s Eugene S. Robinson addresses queries from the love-weary in “Sex With Eugene.”
Imagine finding gold and no one else knowing it was gold. Autographed books are that gold. And Sissy Spacek doesn't hurt either.
Going to the Maryland Deathfest was going to be a death metal day full of weed, speed, beer and tunes. But PCP?

Last weekend, I attended my first sex party—and I think these orgy people are onto something.
Photographed by Mark Peckmezian | Styled by Jessica dos Remedios
Photo: Courtesy of Karley Sciortino
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Last weekend, in the penthouse of an upscale, downtown hotel, I attended my first sex party. I went with a friend of mine—I’ll call her Anne—who’s been bugging me to come along to this particular event for months, on the grounds that I can’t call myself a true sex writer until I’ve been to an orgy. Fair enough, I thought.
“It’s the best sex party in New York, with the most fun, attractive crowd,” Anne assured me, adding that the attendees are a mix of swingers, “burners” (Burning Man–types), and fetish people. I was skeptical. How amazing could the participants of a paid orgy really be, even if it was invite-only? I also had serious reservations about whether I would actually be able to hook up amidst a crowd of “roughly 100 people.” But I trusted Anne, because she knows a lot about this stuff. See, Anne and her husband are in an open marriage: They’re happy, successful, attractive, deeply in love, and they also get to sleep with whomever they want. How unfair.
I’ve written previously about my own attempt to make an open relationship work. The year my girlfriend and I were open, our relationship was strained by arguments and insecurity, and our subsequent attempt at monogamy didn’t work out either. Sadly, two weeks ago, she and I broke up. And I have since finally admitted it to myself: monogamy just isn’t for me. Or at least not right now. The problem is, I’m still in the dark about how to make a nonmonogamous relationship function. It just feels like there’s so much working against you—jealousy, possession, unwilling partners, and a weighty social stigma. My hope was that spending time with Anne and her husband, as well as a room full of orgiastic swingers, would give me some insight into how I could have my relationship cake and eat it too.
According to Anne, a 32-year-old nurse, being nonmonogamous wasn't a desire but a necessity. "In my late teens and early twenties I had two long-term relationships, one with a man and one with a woman,” she explained. “In both cases they were older than me, and both tried to convince me that when you really love someone, you don’t want to be with other people. I thought that because they were older, they knew better. So I tried it, but both times I failed miserably—it was stressful, I cheated so much, and I hurt my partners.” During that time Anne realized that, in fact, her desire to get laid b
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