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I believe it's safe to say that all married women have fantasized, at least once, about having sex with another partner during their healthy, happy, and loving marriage. Her fantasy may be a secret affair with a celebrity, someone at the office, or perhaps just a sexy and willing figment of her imagination.
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Oct 1, 2016, 09:50 PM EDT | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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I believe it's safe to say that all married women have fantasized, at least once, about having sex with another partner during their healthy, happy, and loving marriage. Her fantasy may be a secret affair with a celebrity, someone at the office, or perhaps just a sexy and willing figment of her imagination. Most women never act on these (normal, healthy) impulses, but some couples do -- in a totally consensual way. The husband gives his wife permission and encouragement to have sex with other men, while he stays faithful only to her. It's called Cuckolding, and many committed, loving, and trusting married couples engage in it.
The word "cuckold" derives from the name of the cuckoo bird , which has a habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests. The association and the sexual implications are common in medieval folklore and literature, although the older usages usually imply that the husband is unaware of his wife's adultery. In modern fetish usage, a cuckold is compliant in his partner's sexual infidelity. Not only is the cuckold partner happy about and sexually excited by the adulterous act, they also often pick out her outfit for the night, shop for jewelry for her to wear, arrange the hotel accommodations and supply the condoms.
A cuckold, then, is traditionally the husband of an adulterous wife, and the wife who enjoys cuckolding her husband is frequently called a "hotwife" or a "cuckoldress." Working as a fetishist, I have role played the hotwife in many sessions with clients who either have a cuckolding fantasy, who are no longer in a cuckolding relationship but still crave it, or who want to talk while their hotwife is out on a date.
One client expressed his feelings about being in such a relationship with particular eloquence:
"I never would have dreamed that my beautiful, church-going, subservient wife of more than 25 years would call my bluff and be excited about my cuckolding fantasy. Yes, she is church-going and PTA-attending, a doting soccer mom, educated, professional, worldly, and the sweet and innocent lady next door who no one would never suspect had a deep craving to experience new, different, and varied sexual experiences with other men of all ages.
It started out innocently a few years ago when we used fantasy role play in the bedroom to keep the embers burning. One weekend while the kids were away, we slowly stepped away from our normal vanilla world and started to explore and indulge in my deepest desires. Ever since the first affair, my wife has the "power" in the relationship, and she loves it. We're now playing by her rules, which means playing with others outside our marriage, but no play for me."
In all relationships, however, there are many perspectives, and each person's emotions, thoughts, and beliefs take frequent twists and turns. Cuckolding is not for everyone. For some hot wives, what seems at first like a "have your cake and eat it too" arrangement turns into feelings of confusion.
My new husband and I have always enjoyed our sex life. We have been together for five years now, and our sexual energy together still feels electric. Then, out of nowhere, he told me one day that he wanted to catch me in the act of having sex with another man. Literally. Although I have zero sexual attraction to other men, I agreed to try it out. The question then became where to find a willing male participant. After weeks of talking to trusted friends, we ended up on a swinger's site and found many eager seekers.
Immediately, my husband became way more interested in sex with me. At first I absolutely loved it, although I was curious about why this turned him on so much. When I asked him, he explained, "I think it's because I always felt a lot of rejection from girls as a young man and even as I got older. I worry that the women I have close relationships with might leave me for other men, and acting it out in a controlled environment actually makes me feel safe."
He knows I would never leave him, but he likes to imagine that I'm a dirty girl who likes to have sex all the time with strangers behind his back. He even likes it when I sext with guys while we're having sex together so he can read it.
So, how is this for me? I have done this a few times for him now, and I've found that I do not physically or emotionally enjoy the sex with other men. I am able to go through the motions and act like I love it. I have yet to achieve an orgasm during sex with someone else. Usually after we've played, he claims his interest in me having sex with other men has started to wane, but then, after a few weeks, it always returns. I have now refused to do another cuckold scenario until he's willing to fulfill some of my fantasies as well, although that has not yet happened. He keeps getting stuck on this same cuckold fantasy. I suppose it must be amazing for him, but it does nothing for me.
In the end, as always, it depends on you and your partner. If one or both of you has a cuckold fantasy, it's worth talking about. Indulging this fantasy has the potential to improve your relationship and make you stronger as a couple, but it takes careful planning, communication, and honesty throughout the whole process. And, if you're curious but don't want to go all the way with a stranger, try role playing a cuckold scenario first! Remember, no matter what, you are in control, and you have the freedom to explore your sexuality however you want. As long as you keep an open mind and communicate well, you and your partner can be happy together no matter how adventurous or vanilla you decide to be!
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4 Surprising Benefits Of 'Wife Sharing'
Photo: Petrenko Andriy / Shutterstock
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By Mike Hatcher — Written on Sep 17, 2021
When the term "wife sharing" is mentioned, many people will either choose to ignore the whole issue or discourage it. However, deep inside, many also desire to engage in it.
Society always portrays that a man should stick to one woman and a woman should stick to one man, so the notion or thought of a man sharing his wife with other men sexually is typically treated as taboo.
But, the truth remains that sharing your wife with another man, or experiencing another men sharing his wife with you, isn't necessarily a bad thing at all if all parties involved are excited and consenting.
It is a known fact that even so-called "marriages made in heaven" go through some storms. A time comes when your queen or love of your life stops being all that. It might be momentary, but it still affects you both.
In fact, many divorces are fuelled by a stale love life — with both partners having nothing to talk about, lacking energy, or feeling ignored.
Rather than being a victim of a boring bedroom, wife sharing can set you both on an exciting kinky adventure.
Let’s face it! Married life can become boring and monotonous . Sleeping and waking up every morning, seeing the same face. Putting up with the same old boring stories. Trying hard not to stare at your friend’s or neighbor’s wife.
Wife sharing is a great way to kill the monotony and boredom in married life. You, as well as your wife, will have something different to experiment with and talk about.
Sharing your wife is more than just widening your sexual experiences. It also helps in building trust .
You probably are asking yourself, how? Well, many men and women are involved in infidelity or unfaithfulness simply because their married life sucks.
Unfaithfulness brings mistrust in a marriage, but wife sharing allows a husband and wife to experiment with other people openly. The openness and transparency build trust among the couples.
In fact, a couple involved in wife sharing will not engage in other affairs without first informing their partner.
There is a saying that states "Experience is the best teacher." No matter how many books you read how many movies you watch, or visits you make to the marriage counselor, you are highly unlikely to salvage a stale relationship.
But, if you opt to experiment with other people's husbands and wives, you get to learn new things. In the end, you become much wiser and more open-minded.
If you are in agreement and practice safe sex then yes, wife sharing can be healthy.
Monogamy isn't for everyone , but wife sharing is also not for everyone.
Be sure to talk it over together openly and establish rules and boundaries. If you easily get jealous or are a bit on the territorial side, this lifestyle may not be for you.
But while many people choose to not talk about it, and if they do, they talk in hush tones, sharing wives is becoming more accepted. Many people are already doing it secretly. Some have even given it names such as wife exchange, wife swapping, and more. This desire is fuelled by the factors mentioned above.
Rather than trying to fight the truth of what turns you both on, it's probably high time to accept the truth and consider a new adventure together.
Mike Hatcher is a sex coach who has been in the Lifestyle for many years and has written about open relationships, swinging, and sex and relationship advice for alternative sex lives.
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