Wife Mom Boss

Wife Mom Boss


Faith Wife Mommyhood Family travel | Nashville Blogger
Hello Melanin Wives, Mommies, Bosses! Im here for the single mommies too! I’m Erica, the girl behind Melanin Wife Mom Boss, Welcome to my Blog, a unique blog here for you to explore. First things first, I am a full time worker, wife, and blogger. Melanin Wife Mom Boss has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions, thoughts, and experiences with my loyal readers. Here I am going to take you through my journey of marriage, motherhood, family, friendships; just life in general. Read on, and enjoy the journey.
“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of its yours. Who you were, who you are, and who you become, are all different people. ”
Melanin Wife Mom Boss Blog Posts!
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This year was a year of growth for me. I asked God to help me heal so I can I become a better wife, mommy, friend, and sister, so I prayed for peace….
I’ve learned to practice self-care — consistently, with intention, and without feeling bad about it. Let’s be intentional with time for yourself. Let’s make time for self-care. It’s good for your soul……
Words can’t express how I feel about launching my blog. Let me be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. It was just something I wanted to do for fun… I am learning everyday with this blog, marriage, and mommyhood. Listen, I.….
It’s been over a year since we walked down the aisles. The road wasn’t easy. Our first year was tested. I’ve heard from many people that the first year will test you. They were correct. Right after we got married…..
In life it is important that you take care of yourself first. A good way to do this is through practicing self care and prioritizing your mental, physical and emotional health at all times. One way to have a healthy life and marriage…..

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Thanks for joining me! Let’s start by introducing myself. I am a mother of 5 BOYS. I have had one crazy up and down fucked up life. With a touch of spontaneous glory of love and life.Q:Where did my idea of this blog come from?A: I was walking on the treadmill with another mom next […]
I really wanted to share an experience that has forever changed my family. One that sadly affects a lot families. A lot of woman go through personally. 2 years ago I peed on a stick. I already had 4 boys. I knew what having a boy was like. But this time my gut, my […]
Welcome to my Creative Chaos. Lifestyle. Parenting. Cooking. Eating AND Trying to be a functional parent.
Why even make them? I remember the first time I was hit in the face with one. I was 11 years old and my 18 month old little brother came up to me on the couch and smacked me right in the head. This is not just a rant over Tonka Trucks. I just was […]
I wrote this at a low part of my emotions over 6 weeks ago. Trying my best to hold it together knowing that my son was going through pain and suffering after brain surgery and wandering how I would make it through. How would I make sure he heals properly he has the attention he […]
On this blog I tend to have a potty mouth. I figure freedom of speech and when you have so many kids to take care all the time and your husband hates swearing than this is the spot to do it. I was raised by an iron worker and there was a good amount of […]
W is for war. That’s how I felt at the zoo walking in. It took me 30 minutes to unload all the kids and the baggage. Than we had to walk to the entrance which for our zoo is almost a mile away from the parking lot. 80 degree sun beaming on us we just […]
Sunday’s…. It’s always on a Sunday right before church where I get this amazing Mom moment. I get up early sneak into the kitchen and cook before anyone wakes up. In my head I’m thinking “look at me go, I am a great mom, these kids are going to wake up to the smell of […]
Often times people have asked me “What do you do for a living?” For a long time I would say “Oh, I’m just a stay at home mom” I am speaking for myself here when I say I feel like I am automatically thinking less of myself about being a SAHM (Stay at home Mom). […]
As a mom you do not get bathroom breaks. If you do the toddler is at the door or in your lap. Good luck taking a shit with a baby at the door screaming. I probably would be a lot skinnier if I can crap as much as my kids do. No wonder they keep […]

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