Wife Licks Asshole

Wife Licks Asshole


Wife Licks Asshole

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girlfriend wants me to lick her Anus

Can you get disease of licking someone's anus. Is it stimulating for a person if their anus is licked? Can someone please help me on this matter??



Analingus (also known as "rimming" or anal oral sex) β€” kissing, sucking, licking, tonguing the anal opening with the lips and/or tongue β€” presents a risk for getting or spreading potentially harmful bacteria. Typically, if someone gets these germs, s/he may experience symptoms, including fever, cramping, and diarrhea, rather than easily diagnosed signs of infection. Viruses, including intestinal parasites and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as Herpes, Gonorrhea, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Hepatitis, which can infect the anus, also present a risk. It's also possible to be exposed to blood if there are cuts or tears in the anus, or any traces of bloody feces. While a good washing can help "freshen" the anal opening before analingus, it will not necessarily "rid" the area of germs. Therefore, as you mentioned, when rimming, a latex barrier, with a dab of lube on the side covering the anus, can protect both partners. Some safer sex options include: a dam non-microwaveable plastic wrap a dry condom minus the tip and the elastic ring, and cut along the length a powder-free latex glove, with the fingers trimmed off, but not the thumb, and cut along the side opposite the thumb, near where the pinky finger used to be (the space for the thumb can be used by the tongue for penetration and more protection) While the recipient is at some risk (for example, if the partner has a cold sore, or if there are cuts around the anal opening or in the anus through which bacteria and viruses can enter, if the partner's saliva contains infected blood), the partner with the active tongue is more at risk if his or her partner is infected. Since the rectum and anal canal are passageways for feces, people who have regular bowel movements generally have trace amounts of feces in the canal. Before rimming, some people wash the anus with a moist, soft cloth to be sure that the area is as clean as possible. It is important to use gentle products that will not irritate the anus and cause cuts and possible infection. Some people use a mild enema, which flushes and releases water into and then out of the anus to initiate a bowel movement or clean out any traces of feces and bacteria from the anal cavity. Giving an enema 2 to 3 hours before analingus allows the body some time to reabsorb the water before the activity takes place. For some, the enema is pleasurable and erotic; others find it uncomfortable. However, enemas need to be infrequent because they can disrupt the rectum, bowels, and gastrointestinal tract, and the body's own elimination rhythm. Some people suggest that the "rimmer" use mouthwash afterwards as a way to potentially kill and prevent the spreading of unhealthy bacteria. While research seems to be unavailable to prove this method effective, at least it will freshen the breath. For additional info about anal health and sex play, look for the books Anal Pleasure And Health by Jack Morin, Ph.D. and The Ultimate Guide To Anal Sex For Women by Tristan Taormino

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Jennifer is highly refined, deeply perverted and my loyal wife. "Loyal" is subjective, I mean she pleasures other guys and all, but I know about it. So yeah, like I said - loyal. This time m... Read all Jennifer is highly refined, deeply perverted and my loyal wife. "Loyal" is subjective, I mean she pleasures other guys and all, but I know about it. So yeah, like I said - loyal. This time my angel wanted to try out a BBC and that's where Jay comes in. My wife got all gussied up,... Read all Jennifer is highly refined, deeply perverted and my loyal wife. "Loyal" is subjective, I mean she pleasures other guys and all, but I know about it. So yeah, like I said - loyal. This time my angel wanted to try out a BBC and that's where Jay comes in. My wife got all gussied up, put on her sexy heels for me and then proceeded to stick them in the air so Jay could eat... Read all
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β†’ Rimming

D o most women like their butts kissed and their anus licked? I'm very serious! Do they find it pleasurable?

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by Anonymous 3 hours ago



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Y es! If you lick a girls anus, she'll love you for life. It's a fact!
M y wife does, but only after she takes a shower, thank you jessica.
I can't speak for most women however I do. An anal orgasm is very pleasurable.
E ven if they do, they're out of luck, as far as The Reverend Soleil is concerned...
I f thats what my woman wants then, I'll do anything to make her happy...
m y wife enjoys it, and has had anal orgasms, the problem is she doesn't let me do it often. also she licked mine first as she gave me waht felt like the best blow job in the world. she doesn't do this often either. if it were up to me i'd suck her ass,and let her suck mine every time we had sex.
y es my wife loves it. she will deny it if asked but oh man does she get off when i do it.
O h yeah, at first some go no no no...but then they get into it and go yes yes yes...

It really depends on what your hands are doing to.

A finger on the clit the other pinching the nipple with your tongue on/in their anus and they just explode!!!!

But hygiene is important.
M y wife does. I started off by just licking her snatch, after a while i was licking a bigger area and i noticed that i was getting close to the a-hole. I was into it so i thought what the hell and jabbed at it with my tongue. She lifted her hips slightly which made me think she liked it so i spent the next ten minutes licking her ass and tongue fucking her. It was hot and she couldnt get enough. Although we dont talk about it :)
T reat it like a clit and she'll love it. Then you can get her to return the favour. Try not to tounge fuck it cuz it might hurt them.
Y es!! I love it when someone does this to me (and I keep it very very clean so it's more likely to happen!)
Y es, most do and i like a pretty butt and licking a nice clean female anus, it's very sexy!
M y wife loves it when I lick and gently finger her ass, and it really helps her cum harder. I think anybody - male or female - who is approached by a gentle lover can be taught to really enjoy anal stimulation.
I have to start by massaging her neck and back with almond oil or baby oil. After 10-20 minutes of this, I'll work my way down to her bum, gradually getting closer to the target. I brush my thumbs closer to the anus until massaging it. I may then nuzzle her bum whilst continuing the oily massaging. If lucky, I will start licking around the anus and then on it. Occasionally, I'll get my tongue slightly inside!
She denys liking this but she gets incredibly wet.
She must be clean though. It's definitely not a poo fetish!
i like to lick vagina and asshole too (if kept clean)..
just love it
I t depends. I would like to to that for a woman.
I find it very nice, it can be very sensual with the right person :)
i have yet to find a girl who doesn't like it
i hace licked alot of ass them seem to like it
M ost women just love Γ­t and can never get enough if you start with it.:)
e m... no well i dont anyway its a bit creepy
I think most women and girls love it and as long as I can remember most were even insisting that I did for them.
I think it is a quite special thing for girl and women if they get licked their anaus.
As a man I never had feelings like that altough I tried a few times when I was a boy.
The girls wanted to have it from me all the time and so I wanted to find out how it is and found a boy at my age who was willing to accept facesitting by me.
It was of course arousing but not that what I expected and after some time I gave up although the boy was doing a real good job in my butthole.
Perhaps the anus of girls are much more sensitive.
m y wife loves it when I lick hers.she licks mine too.Its so erotic.
n ever had any complaints from my gf's and many of them inititated it first and I obliged them. Wouldn't want anyone licking my ass but I'm happy to do it for her.
I don't know about most women, me I don't like things in my butt. Nope, not me.
I think almost all women and girls are enthusiastic on this.
Seems to be typical for most girls and women.
I love licking my girls ass damn taste good ...
I think women are too different that you could ever generalize.
Some like it, some love it and some hate it.
Every woman or girl is different so that you can not find a rule.
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