Wife In Law

Wife In Law


Wife In Law
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Instead she arranges, offhand, a nice little farewell dinner for her husband that was and the lady, Flora, who is to be her successor three months hence. [ … ] Flora is generously constrained to leave the sometime-husband and wife to talk the matter over. "Are we not wives-in-law ?" says Madame. And the upshot is that although Flora interrupts them by phone from her flat below several times until the receiver is left off, Madame easily wins back her husband. Indeed, so complete is their absorption that they have forgotten completely the trifling circumstance that they are no longer man and wife.
the collection of people who would gather in either of the two houses for Christmas and Thanksgiving, and sometimes again in summer. This collection involved former mothers-in-law, former husbands, ex-wives of former husbands, and doddering uncles from distant marriages, as well as, of course, the various and sundry children and dogs (dogs-in-law as one family member calls them) of the now recombined families. In the process, I believe, we were responsible for the creation of a new American family relative—the wife-in-law , or the husband-in-law.
"Your plan provides Browne with two charming wives and gives me but one. [ … ] " "But, my lord," said Saunders, "doesn't the plan give Lady Deppingham two husbands? It's quite a fair division." "It would make Lord Deppingham my husband-in-law, I imagine," said Drusilla quaintly. "I've always had a horror of husbands-in-law." "And you would be my wife-in-law ," supplemented Lady Agnes. "How interesting!"
Many husbands, like the wives-in-law themselves, were deeply divided and upset over a family life that could no longer be defined as a single unit.
wife-in-law ( plural wives-in-law )

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Wife-in-Law by Haywood Smith.

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Preview — Wife-in-Law
by Haywood Smith

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Red Hat Club comes a story about two unlikely friends who would never have imagined they'd end up married to the same man. Neighbors Betsy Callison and Kat Ellis were oil and water when they met thirty-five years ago. Betsy was a prim, neat freak, Republican wife, and Kat was a wild, irreverent, hippie Democrat. But they so
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Red Hat Club comes a story about two unlikely friends who would never have imagined they'd end up married to the same man. Neighbors Betsy Callison and Kat Ellis were oil and water when they met thirty-five years ago. Betsy was a prim, neat freak, Republican wife, and Kat was a wild, irreverent, hippie Democrat. But they soon discover common ground that creates a bond that lasts for decades. Until Betsy's husband leaves her for his secretary, then comes sniffing back around two years later and convinces newly widowed Kat to marry him! Not that Betsy wants him back, but it’s hard to move on when the newlyweds are flaunting their love right across the street. But there’s trouble brewing in Paradise, and no one knows philandering Greg better than his ex-wife Betsy. Can Betsy get involved in her best friend's marriage--even if it means helping her wife-in-law figure out the same man she shared a bed with for thirty years? Told with Haywood's Smith inimitable southern voice, Wife-In-Law provides loads of laughter, insight, and plenty of heart.


(first published 2011)

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I found this book to be very uneven. The idea of two good friends who become estranged when one marries the other's ex seems like it could have potential, but I didn't feel this story was executed very well. Haywood spent a lot of time on their past friendship, rushed through their falling out, and tacked on two (2!) sudden deaths, for good measure. I like the idea of a strong friendship between women that weathers life's ups and downs, but this one didn't convince me.
I found this book to be very uneven. The idea of two good friends who become estranged when one marries the other's ex seems like it could have potential, but I didn't feel this story was executed very well. Haywood spent a lot of time on their past friendship, rushed through their falling out, and tacked on two (2!) sudden deaths, for good measure. I like the idea of a strong friendship between women that weathers life's ups and downs, but this one didn't convince me.


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Jul 25, 2011


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it was amazing

Wife In Law Author Haywood Smith Reviewed by Fran Lewis Would you want to live next door to a Hippie? Would you invite a stranger to have dinner and sleep under your roof knowing them for a day? Would you invite them into your home and not worry about whether they might steal from you or not? Betsy Callison and Kat Ellis met thirty-five years ago and became life long friends. Betsy very staunch in her ways, prim and proper and always worried about taking care of her husband’s needs and wants and Ka
Wife In Law Author Haywood Smith Reviewed by Fran Lewis Would you want to live next door to a Hippie? Would you invite a stranger to have dinner and sleep under your roof knowing them for a day? Would you invite them into your home and not worry about whether they might steal from you or not? Betsy Callison and Kat Ellis met thirty-five years ago and became life long friends. Betsy very staunch in her ways, prim and proper and always worried about taking care of her husband’s needs and wants and Kat the total opposite. Betsy a neat and obsessive compulsive in her ways concerning how she keeps her house, cooks and organizes her life, and Kat totally the opposite become fast friends over a fried chicken dinner, a quick decision to invite her and her significant other to stay in her house on a hot sweltering night making them become fast friends. But, what happens next will most likely change everything as author Haywood Smith relates to the reader their meeting, their back stories and their lives before things changed for both of them in this hilarious and yet heartfelt novel Wife-In-Law. Betsy a Republican with a husband who just got promoted to CPA and has begun traveling a lot and Kat a staunch Democrat and Hippie forms an unusual friendship that takes them across almost four decades. But, Greg has an affair with his secretary leaves Betsy and winds up with Kat. As the author recounts their early friendship, Kat’s mishaps trying to learn to cook, their encounters before marry her ex-husband you begin to understand how Betsy feels, the frustrations, anger and the way she handles having them live across the street from her. Added to that the author relates her father’s leaving home, how she felt when left with her mother told in Betsy’s own voice. The author flashes back to the 60’s, 70’’s and three years before Kat finalizes her marriage with Greg to help the reader understand the decline in their friendship and to what lengths Greg went to destroy it. As we learn more about their lives before her divorce, we learn about Zach’s undercover job, being shot, and how both Greg and Betsy came to Kat’s aid along with protecting their family. From watching their daughters play Tball to poor Amelia’s fear every time she came up at bat, to Betsy’s pleading with Greg to let her quit but relenting with the promise of ballet lessons, the author give the reader an inside look on their lives, their struggles, triumphs and eventual downfall. From her father’s betrayal as a child, to her mother’s illness that drove him to leave and her husband’s adultery, Betsy toughens up and withstands it all. As Kat learns the meaning of true friendship, Zach and Greg bond. The first day of kindergarten and the antics Sada and Amelia pull will definitely crack up the reader and make you smile. When two mothers defend their children to one principal will she have a chance against these two headstrong women? As their friendship grows so does Greg’s hidden problems at work, the arrest of Arthur Andersen his boss, his financial situation and the ultimate deceit as he leaves a note to Betsy stating he is leaving her for his secretary and his settlement in a cold letter followed by the death of Zach from AlS these friends have been through a lot and their loyalty towards each other about to change. Some men just need someone to cook and take care of them and make them feel important. Greg was always in control of how things were run, what Betsy did and made sure she was the dutiful wife and mother to his children. When going on trips or cheating on her he just about justified his actions and did not consider that she would be devastated or upset. Coming back after Zach’s death would really change things between her and Kat as Greg decides to become a member of Kat’s family and poisons her mind against Betsy, her best friend. Will their friendship survive and what will happen when they flaunt their relationship in Betsy’s face and decide to take the plunge and get married? Betrayals, disloyalties, love, hate relationships, past experiences revisited and two friends who friendship is tested to the limit. Remembering her father’s desertion, Kat’s childhood experiences and much more what happens next will surprise the reader. Author Haywood Smith brings to light many issues that some face today that of adultery, divorce, child services intervening in Betsy’s life when she wanted to go with her father and was told she could not, children that stick together and true to life experiences dealing with death and survival that provide humor, tears and understanding in the lives of these two women that are not that different from many today. But, then one woman’s gossip causes so much pain as the two friends come to a crossroads and a rash decision is made costing someone their life. Why and who you need to find out for yourself and will the forgiveness ever be said between these two close friends? As Betsy’s mother creates a new life for herself and many lies revealed and truths told what will happen to those living on Eden Lake Court? What will happen to Kat and Betsy and what does happen to them will definitely make you smile, possibly double over laughing and renew your faith in good old fashion high jinxes, smart and sassy girl power, survival of the cleverest and just plain love. How this all turns out will definitely make you want the author to bring these two back again for more? Wife-In-Law is a must read for those who want to know what to do when your husband strays, your best friend marries him and your own mother is nuts. Told in Betsy’s own voice you hear her words, true feelings, emotional battles and triumphs. Author Haywood Smith definitely created the right formula for mystery, suspense, romance, and much more in this great novel. This is one novel that will bring smiles to your face, cheers when things go right, laughter when they go wrong and definitely make you wonder just how far two women will go to remain or not remain friends. Find out for yourself when you read this Five Star Book. Fran Lewis: reviewer


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Definitely not my genre so I didn’t have much patience for this. The blurb was definitely misleading; the whole best friend marrying your ex thing was at best a chapter. It comes up in the beginning and then reappears 60% of the way. The book is more acutely described as life of a suburban housewife whose best friend lives next to her. Friendships are made, children are born, people age and there is death. None of it really impacts you emotionally and, despite some scenes that were meant to be f
Definitely not my genre so I didn’t have much patience for this. The blurb was definitely misleading; the whole best friend marrying your ex thing was at best a chapter. It comes up in the beginning and then reappears 60% of the way. The book is more acutely described as life of a suburban housewife whose best friend lives next to her. Friendships are made, children are born, people age and there is death. None of it really impacts you emotionally and, despite some scenes that were meant to be funny, I did not laugh. The event just happened and we move on. The pace is uneven - the bulk of the book focuses on the early friendship of the women with this massive jump when everyone has grown up and kids have moved out. I would have gotten a headache if I honestly cared - I just wanted to get to the part I was promised in the blurb and the longer I had to wait the more annoyed I felt. So after 9 years on my TBR I can say that at least I finished it. The writing is not terrible in the sense that there are no errors or spelling but I never really got any distinct voices here. Betsy is our main POV character but the rest, even her best friend are cardboard cutouts or caricatures at best. Kat fares the best but even she swings between crazy hippy Democrat and best friend for no reason. There was no emotional truth; after reading this I still don’t know why Betsy and Kat were friends except for geographic proximity. However, the most egregious thing was the plot twist in the end. I won’t bother spoiling it as frankly it could have been aliens landing (they aren’t) and it would have made as much sense. The ending is bland and exists only to provide someone a present which hasn’t been deserved or wanted. Not recommended at all.


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Oct 11, 2011


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review of another edition

I will say that the story I got wasn't exactly the story I was expecting. I get the idea of mismatched best friends, but this was a pretty extreme case. Throughout the years of friendship, I found Kat to be very selfish. Betsy seemed to be far more emotionally invested in the friendship and it showed her actions from the very beginning. Overall, I did like the book due to Smith's wonderful writing style. I enjoyed Betsy throughout the book...but found many of the other characters to be one-dimen
I will say that the story I got wasn't exactly the story I was expecting. I get the idea of mismatched best friends, but this was a pretty extreme case. Throughout the years of friendship, I found Kat to be very selfish. Betsy seemed to be far more emotionally invested in the friendship and it showed her actions from the very beginning. Overall, I did like the book due to Smith's wonderful writing style. I enjoyed Betsy throughout the book...but found many of the other characters to be one-dimensional. The end got a little crazier than I was expecting...but still had a happy ending. This is a nice read-in-one-sitting book if you have nothing else pressing to do, but it certainly wasn't as good as some of Smith's other books.


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Feb 22, 2014


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review of another edition

In suburban Atlanta, two completely opposite young women meet as neighbors, and despite the odds, become best friends. It was the 1970s when they first met, so imagine Betsy Callison's surprise to discover that beneath the surface, she and the young "hippie" Kat Ellis would have something in common. They would bond and sustain that bond for many years. Betsy and Greg are young Republicans, diametrically opposed politically to Kat and her partner Zach. But over time, the differences mattered less
In suburban Atlanta, two completely opposite young women meet as neighbors, and despite the odds, become best friends. It was the 1970s when they first met, so imagine Betsy Callison's surprise to discover that beneath the surface, she and the young "hippie" Kat Ellis would have something in common. They would bond and sustain that bond for many years. Betsy and Greg are young Republicans, diametrically opposed politically to Kat and her partner Zach. But over time, the differences mattered less than what connected them. Or so it would seem. But time and circumstance would change everything, and Betsy would find herself in a very strange situation. Greg has left her for his secretary, and then, a few months later, when Kat is widowed after Zach's death, Greg starts spending a lot of time with her. When the two of them announce they are getting married, everything seems suddenly surreal. Would what Betsy knows about Greg be something she could share with Kat, who is suddenly going to marry her ex-husband? And after the wedding, when she realizes that Greg has poisoned her friend against her, will she be able to warn her when old patterns begin to repeat themselves? "Wife-in-Law" started out much better than it ended, in my opinion. I liked the first person narrative of Betsy in the present day, and then as she started sharing bits and pieces of the past, I felt I was there with them. The era of the 70s felt real and appropriate for the times; but suddenly, the narrative sped ahead and it seemed as though we were being "told" about what happened, when being shown worked so much better for me. Betsy's actions later in the book seemed out-of-character. She was too forgiving and too good...and in the end, her behavior ended up sugar-coated and sweet, which was not where I thought the story would go. I normally love this author's books, but except for the beginning, this one was disappointing. 3.5 stars.


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Sep 20, 2011

Anita Johnson

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Betsy and Greg Callison were newlyweds back in the '70's and the first homeowners in their new Atlanta subdivision. Betsy is the head of her Young Republic Women's group, maintains the perfect house and is the epitome of a Stepford wife. She can't wait to meet the new neighbors moving in across the street but is shocked and disappointed when they turn out to be two unmarried hippies, Kat and Zach. Despite their political and cultural differences, Kat and Betsy become best friends, sharing more o
Betsy and Greg Callison were newlywed
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