Wife Humiliation Story

Wife Humiliation Story


Wife Humiliation Story


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If you think she has enjoyed the previous D/S stuff and this seems like a natural progression, then its probably find. Just be sure that (in addition to a safe-word of course) there is a *clear* separation between bedroom play and real life.

"Ante Christum Me Prosterno Sed Ante Nihil Aliud Incurvabo"
First this is just a thing that runs her on. And it has probably been a fantasy for a long time. The reconnection has obviously made her feel more safe in discussing these things with you. There is probably a whole lot of fun exploring in your future. This desire she has likely has no relation to anything other than fantasies that have been bouncing around in her head for a while.

Talk to here some more, go slow. If her issues are serious enough that you a concerned about it perhaps you could have a session with her and her counselor or you two could go to a marriage counselor and discuss it.

But I think she just wants to be bad and wants to be punished for being bad.

But I think she just wants to be bad and wants to be punished for being bad.

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May 24, 2018

wow, you are one lucky guy!
She is a submissive, and you admit you like to be dominant.
It might be a little weird at first, but it sounds like this is exactly why you had a lagging sex life up to now, and MIGHT be the key that unlocks her libido.

Talk to here some more, go slow. If her issues are serious enough that you a concerned about it perhaps you could have a session with her and her counselor or you two could go to a marriage counselor and discuss it.

I am not against spanking and the like but sometimes I see a self hatred thing operating which is not healthy. You need to be careful that you don't endorse that by the words she asks you to use and what is done to her. I think spanking and the like is healthy because of the feeling of it but punishment and humiliation is something else.

, but it feels so counter-intuitive when I consider where her head is at outside the bedroom.

This would be the only way I could be so aggresive with her. I have no issues performing this role, I like to be dominant so it does suit us both. I'm just concerned about the timing. If she wasn't having self esteem issues there would be no concerns at all on my part. I think a very frank talk is in order about how such activities may effect her outside the bedroom.

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May 31, 2018

Where is it? I presume not in the toilet.

I think if she wants you to humiliate her more and you are ok with that, you should just go ahead and do it.

Sex for some people is escapism from realities. What you do in the bedroom (or toilet), stays in the toilet. I mean you have to understand that it does in any way not mimic reality. It also doesn’t mean you should treat her with lack of respect outside the bedroom (not saying you are doing it but it’s a typical ‘beginners’ mistake when t come to these things).

Good luck. And don’t flush with her head in there Choking hazard!

@Wooodd , under the circumstances, you are right to express caution.
the key to making this happen is for both of you to sit down and start with guidelines and rules between each other..so for example...you have a list of words that are acceptable and not acceptable, what acts are acceptable, you should do this on only special days that you both agree, all other days everything goes back to normal life....also have a secret word that when ever it maybe to much for her or you everything stops for that day and you discuss open what happen to feel that way...the key is in making this special for both of you without causing emotional problems on either side.

As the dominant I am never in control. It appears that way from the outset but she will set all boundries and can halt proceedings at any time.

She (the submissive) untimately has control and holds all the cards. Its a great dynamic.

the key to making this happen is for both of you to sit down and start with guidelines and rules between each other..so for example...you have a list of words that are acceptable and not acceptable, what acts are acceptable, you should do this on only special days that you both agree, all other days everything goes back to normal life....also have a secret word that when ever it maybe to much for her or you everything stops for that day and you discuss open what happen to feel that way...the key is in making this special for both of you without causing emotional problems on either side.

Are you wanting to know HOW to do it?

Just watch a Rocco Siffredi video and follow suit.


Some don'ts:

1) No guns or knives

2) Spank only until red and chapped...not bleeding

3) Light choking only

4) Adjustable nipple clamps only

5) Silk or polyester rope only...no scratchy hemp rope please...

6) Bleach-water handy if watersports or poo-poo involved....

Urrgh. That guy...He has had waaaay too much ***** over his career span. And has made waaaay too many men cum as a result (I console myself from the latter).
Yes. Jealous much. :soapbox::rant:

Have you seen that movie on Netflix about him?

No, is he unhappy, depressed and has ED problems? He should retire so others can have a turn...:crying:


Some don'ts:

1) No guns or knives

2) Spank only until red and chapped...not bleeding

3) Light choking only

4) Adjustable nipple clamps only

5) Silk or polyester rope only...no scratchy hemp rope please...

6) Bleach-water handy if watersports or poo-poo involved....


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Another old story of mine I hope you enjoy:

It was 6:30pm I just finished up at the office when my cell phone rang. It was Carol a lady I had met last week at a conference.
Hi Carol how are you? I'm fine she said what are you up to? Oh just finishing up on a few things then heading out. She paused for a second. Why don't we meet for a drink at Gillys? I hear they have a pretty good band. I hesitated, I was thinking well if I go my wife will be upset, she probably has dinner waiting for me. Then I thought well, I don't think one little drink with a college was going to make any difference.

So I went ahead said sure. Ill meet you in a hour. She hung up. I called my wife and told her i had to stay at the office late tonight, ill catch you latter on tonight.

Got into my car and headed over to Gillys. I went into the dark, almost empty lounge. There she was sitting in a booth in the far corner. She kind of looked like a younger version of Cathryn Zeta Jones.

I sat down and ordered a glass of scotch she had waiting for me.
How you been Dave you look a little tired today. Oh I said, trying not to stair at her to long. She was way to good looking for me to hang out to long, my wife might get the wrong idea and i might get to many wrong ideas. We had a nice time for a couple of hours. I was feeling a little tipsy and decided to head on home.

When I stood up to leave she gave me one of those light but slightly seductive French kisses on the side of my cheek and I left.

A week or two went by, when I cam home, I dropped my brief case through my jacket on the chair next to the door and sat down to watch TV. My wife and teen daughter came in from the back porch. They sat next to me and kicked off there shoes. How was your day to day hun ...my wife asked with a soft smile. Fine I said wirily, just long. I could smell there un washed feet on the coffee table in front of us. SHeesh you two did you just get back form the gym? your feet kind of smell i said in a polite but somewhat serious way. I got up and went to take a shower.

The following weekend one of my wife's sisters flew in from New York to spend some time with her niece and sister. She was a psychologist employed by the state for some sort of trial study that from my understanding had something to do with behavior modification for criminals who either were violent or committed to prison for sex oriented crimes.

I never did like her very much she seemed kind of creepy when she looked at people as if the people she was looking at were a hamster in a maze and not really a person to interact with.

One night I came home and over heard my wife and her talking in the back porch. She looked destressed and angry. I came out to see what happened. Hi honey what's wrong? Oh nothing she said wiping her eyes. I almost caught a nonverbal look at me like she was angry with me about something. Her sister was being as weird as ever given g me that cold clinical but some what knowing look.

The next night I came home and saw all three girls sitting out on the back porch. My wife looked up and noticed me coming in the door and asked me to join them out back. I put my stuff down grabbed some juice and sat down with them.

We started to talk a little about nothing when the conversation being led by her sister, started to get into her clinical trial she is doing for the government on behavior modification. She mentioned how she was able to get violent criminal to alter there behavior through hypnosis and suggestion. How they have responded quite well and through her psychological treatments began to change from seeing women and pray and objects to be dominated to fearing women and treating them with almost subservient attitudes.

There was one such prisoner who was spending life in prison for brutally raping a women after her psychological treatments they placed a naked women alone in his cell and all he could do was cringe in the corner in fear. She mentioned how she moderated later the treatments and he was able to be safely released on a limited bases on parole.

I smiled and laughed ya right, I have always been a doubter when it came to hypnosis. I don't think you can make a horse dance like a chicken just by waving a silver chain in front of it. No offence of course.

My sister in law just sat back and smiled, hmm I see. Care to try a experiment? I bet I can make yo love something you don't like. Care to give it a try? giving me a knowing smile. I love a challenge. Sure I said, I hope your not offended but its just what I think that's all. Care to give it a try? she asked again. Ok, ill humor you.

She said, fine now what is it that nauseates you more then anything else? What is a major turn off to you socially? My daughter chirped, I know something daddy doesn't like, the smell of feet. when me and mom were sitting next to him awhile back and we put our feet up on the dining table he said he hated the smell of our feet got up and left. Mom and I thought it was kind of funny.

Ok then, I bet i can make you not only tolerate but actually get turned on by feet and foot smell. I'll even make it more interesting, I'll have you still not liking feet but be compelled through sexual desire, be turned on by feet and there smell while at the same time hating the smell and look of them more then you already do.

That's a suckers bet, because no one could make me do that. I have always been repelled by feet and there smell, they are kind of gross. My wife was watching and listening as a cat watches a mouse. My daughter was just smiling waiting to see what was going to happen.

Ok. give it your best shot I smiled in a kind but skeptical way.

She pulled out a diamond neckless, told everyone to be quiet as she got me started. I sat back just watching her set up. She said, lets go over to your bed and get started. So all the ladies' and I went to our bed room. my Sister-in-law asked me to lay back and relax and watch the waving diamond sparkle left to right. My sister dimmed the room light and I watched the diamond and listened.

Sarah my sister-in Law pulled out a syringe and injected me with some fluid. I jumped, startled, what was that?!! Just part of the experiment it is perfectly safe. I said ok, I laid back and watched the swinging diamond. I felt very tired as she droned and counted after awhile i felt i was sleeping but still awake. I couldn't move my arms or legs.

All i could hear was he soft droning voice as if it came from another world the diamond was all i could see flickering above.

Sarah looked up at her sister and niece and smiled. Ok he is under. I gave him a relaxant that also has suggestive properties. He doesn't even hear us. Now, shall we began hehe.

My daughter Jen just said coool this is so cool. my wife also responded and said this is going to be so much fun the cheating bastard.

Sarah then pulled off one of the shoes and sked the other ladies to do the same. She said to them, now as I am imprinting suggestions and trigger words in his mind I need yo to both put your and my shoes over his face so the foot smell becomes associated with pleasure. Pleasure? my wife jumped in hesitantly. Yes Sara said, I want you to rub his goin slowly as i talk to him and as he smells the inside of our shoes.

Hehe ok, Jen you are never to tell anyone you saw this ok? promise? Oh yes of course mom she gave a crooked and knowing smile.

Ok. Dave Sarah said, every time you hear the word foot fetish you will be in a trance but still aware of everything but unable to control your sexual impulses. When you smell our or any other girls foot smell you will automatically be turned on almost uncontrollably. you will be able to fight it but only after a tremendous amount of effort. the more you smell at anyone time however the less able you will be to resist the temptation.

When you see a girls feet without shoes or a dangling shoe of a girl you will immediately be turned on almost uncontrollably it will become a torturous time or tease and denial and sexual frustration.

Now ladies put your bare feet up to his face. Don't touch his face just put them inches from his face. Good, now Dave you now can see the objects of your overwhelming desire. yet you will still hate the shape and smell of them but you wont be able to resisted the sexual excitement caused by them. you will be in a state of sexual tension almost to orgasm but never quite. Abe to resist but at your torturous expense. all you need ot do is see female feet and your torture will only stop when you turn your head for 5 minutes.

Now. If you hear the words -obey now- you will be put in to this incontrollable trance again moving your eyes to uncontrollably stare at any ladies feet around you. You will not be able to resist and command you give you. You will be away in your mind how you hate there feet and there shape but you will not be able to resist the sexual tension they cause and be forced by your only sex drive against your will to do ask they tell you. Do you understand? Dave softly said, yessss.

Ok when you wake you will remember nothing while you were in this trance, it will be as if nothing happened. Do you understand? you will feel well rested. Girls she looked over at her sister and niece who were noticeably giggling. My wife and daughter just giggled: this is going to be so much fun lol.

When i awoke I felt rested and said is that it? you just put me to sleep and I wake up. Well, I'm not ready to flap like a chicken yet hehe. I guess you lose. No offence intended of course. Oh Sarah said with a wicked little knowing smile, none taken.

Dave said and just so you know i still hate feet and have no intention of smelling them. Ok your right Sarah said, lets go out on the sofa and watch a movie. Sarah just smiled and said, just one thing, please don't call my boss at the office after this ill be out of a job he giggled.

Well meet you out there. We only had one sofa, there wasn't any room for me once they sat down. My wife waved me over to sit on the floor and lean back against her legs. She hit the remote and started to softly rub my shoulders.

A few minutes into the movie I heard a whisper behind me , Sarah said something to my daughter, she giggled and said ok. I couldn't quite make out what they said but didn't make anything of it.

Then my daughter slipped on her shoes and put her bare feet on the coffee table in front of me. Her feet couldn't have been but a foot away from my face. I was ready to get up and leave for the smell was nauseating. She wore she shoes with bare feet and the smell almost knocked me off my feet.

But then suddenly.
Part 2

All the sudden the cheesy smell of her un washed feet hit me like a brick but for some reason I couldn't compel myself to move. I froze. For some reason I couldn't explain while I hated the smell of her feet a mere 12 inches from my face I couldn't move I was also noticing that the longer i sat there close to her feet the more my heart started to beat and my skin stared to tingle. I felt myself getting nervous as for some reason my daughters feet were turning me on in a big way.
I was feeling both nausea from the smell of her feet but at the same time so turned on I couldn't move. I sat there trying to ignore my daughters feet trying to focus on the movie but no matter how much I tried my eyes started to wander to the nauseating but sexually exciting feet of my Daughter. I thought to myself I have to stop this what is wrong with me? This is my own daughter, I cant be thinking about this, this is wrong. I looked back at her and she just appeared to be watching the flickering screen in front of us. But somehow I knew there was something wrong.
Then after a few minutes my daughter crossed her feet at the ankles facing her sole right towards me inching them just inches from my face. The smell was even worse as she started to wiggle her toes. I was frozen I couldn't move from these nauseating but tempting feet of my daughters.
I caught my self just staring at them. I felt like I was going to get sick but at the same time I started to shiver with sexual excitement.
I thought what's wrong with me?
Then Sarah my sister in law crossed her left leg over her right and dangled her nylon foot from her black flats a mere inches from my face. A this point I was feeling nauseated. It smelt like she hadn't washed her feet in days but I was so sexual excited I couldn't draw away from them.
after just about 10 minutes both feet on either side started to wiggle and rotate like tempting snakes right next to my head. My wife chimed behind me "are you ok dear your shaking a little, are you cold or something? I mumbled um no hun I'm ok. She said are you sure? Sara chimed I hope my feet are bothering you. Are they bothering you? No Sarah they aren't. I said a little irritated but thinking but oh her feet are driving me crazy but oh how they stink. What wrong with me?
Sarah asked, you don't have a "foot fetish" do you? all the sudden I really started to shiver as Sara started to slap her heel against her sole, moving them a inch from my face. No-no I said half heartedly. Oh my gosh I cant believe there nasty feet are almost making me come I cant let them see me like this. So i crossed my legs trying to hide from them my reaction to there feet. My daughter then moved her sole closer to my face and aske are you sure you don't have a foot fetish daddy?
At that point I was almost drooling but nauseated at the same time. I was thinking did Sarah really do something to me?

No I'm not. Sarah asked: could you sniff my shoe please it needs airing out. I said, no way your sick.
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