Wife Fucks Stranger Stories

Wife Fucks Stranger Stories


Wife Fucks Stranger Stories
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Loving Wives Innocent Wife Fucks Hotel Stranger
Wife hopes to be seduced at the hotel bar.
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A few months ago my shy wife of five years, Claire and I engaged in our first "hotwife" experience. That night was only supposed to be about her teasing our limo driver by letting him see her naked and watching us fuck. Things progressed in exciting ways that night, however, and she ended up teasing AND fucking him after our nice dinner out of town. To say living out that fantasy met with our expectations is a major understatement. We shot a video of the experience and still watch it nonstop. Afterward, I kept waiting for negative repercussions to emerge in our relationship. To both of our extreme relief, there were none. I know that sounds crazy, doesn't it? How is it possible to get off on another guy fucking your wife and NOT have to pay the piper later with emotional anguish? Beats me. All I can tell you is that I felt nothing but love for my wife while she fucked this stranger. The more she got off on him, the hotter it was for me. After that night my opinion of her has only improved. Believe me, I know this concept is fucked up, but I actually gained respect for her after watching her fuck him. Don't ask me why or how because it is a complete mystery to me too. But our sex has been insane ever since. After about a month of fucking like rabbits, I asked if her if she was up for another experience. "If you are OK with it, I am totally down!" She answered.
Unlike the wives you read about on porn sites, Claire is the most normal woman you will ever meet. At 34, she's a great wife and mother to our three kids and is an active member of our community. Though she is a conservative dresser, her cute face and gorgeous "C" cups still turn heads. At 5'4" and 120lbs; she's a classic MILF. She has a very modest demeanor, but all of her ex's know she has an amazing libido. Her friends in our community would be floored if they knew this other side of her.
Claire and I had talked before about going to a hotel somewhere out of town and having her meet a stranger in the bar to bring back to our room for sex. This was the experience she seemed most comfortable with, so the planning began there. The problem was that it was a real crap-shoot whether we would get the right guy to not only hit on her, but also be willing to have sex with her in front of me. As much as this sounds like a great experience in erotic literature, to actually go through with it is a different story all together. This is considered creepy by most men. From my research it became clear that most men would not be comfortable with this scenario at all. I suggested we use Craigslist to find our man but she rejected this idea immediately. For whatever reason, she found that idea gross. "Let's just go and try it my way." She said. "If it happens, it happens. If not, we will still have a nice night at a hotel and I promise I will make it worth your while."
Umm, yeah... I thought. Or, we could set up a sure-fire experience where the chance of success is nearly 100%. Either way...
OK, what happened next is not something I am proud of. I know what I did was dishonest. I also know there has to be total honesty in these types of relationships because trust is SO important. I know these things... But I REALLY wanted to see her fuck another guy. I didn't want to leave it to chance. So, as the hotel date got closer, I set up an email account that Claire was unaware of. I searched the Craigslist ads in the city our approaching date was in and responded to five of them. I wrote to each man, telling him the truth about my situation and included a couple pictures of Claire. All five men were interested, so I basically interviewed each one. They all sent pictures of themselves, and three of them included pictures of their cocks. This was a very time-consuming endeavor, but I wanted to make sure Claire had the best possible guy. I also had to exercise self discipline, because the guys I wanted to see her fuck were not exactly the guys she wanted to be with. If she wasn't attracted to them, this was never going to happen anyway. I eliminated two losers right away for embellishing their attractiveness and fitness levels. The three remaining were all acceptable physically. James was a muscular black guy with a huge cock. He was an easy winner in my book, but Claire just isn't into black guys or huge cocks. Two of her few, major flaws. And because this was a covert operation, my guilt was pushing me toward picking a guy she would choose. I very reluctantly passed on James. This left just Dale and Charlie.
Charlie was a decent looking professional guy. He claimed he was a lawyer, but his clever sense of humor brought that fact into question. He had short brown hair, green eyes, was 5'11" and lean yet muscular. Just Claire's type. Every guy on the Craigslist personals claims to be well-endowed, and Charlie was no exception. Unfortunately, he didn't include a picture for proof, so I was really in the dark in that area. Dale, on the other hand was a bald, white muscle-head. He was 6'1" tall and included a picture of a nice fat cock. It wasn't the monster James was sporting, but it was definitely a show-stopper. He seemed intelligent from his emails, but didn't possess the quick-witted charm that Charlie displayed. The thought of this muscular gorilla pounding the shit out of my Claire was a huge turn on for me. But I also knew that for her, this would be a no-brainer. She would choose Charlie in a heartbeat. I tortured myself over this decision. In the end, my guilt got the best of me. Charlie was the winner.
By the time the big day arrived, Charlie and I had developed a great email rapport. I genuinely liked him and felt like we were friends. The plan was for Claire and me to go out to a nice dinner and return to the hotel room for some drinks. Once Claire was nicely buzzed (and thoroughly turned on) we would go down to the bar separately. I would sit off to the side and watch the action as my wife sat at the bar hoping for Mr. Tonight to approach. Of course, she didn't know I had stacked the deck and covered my bets. I had Charlie's cell phone number so I could let him know our timeline and coach him if he got into trouble. I made it very clear that once he introduced himself to Claire, the rest was up to him. She had no interest in having sex with just anyone. It had to be someone she was attracted to and found interesting. If he got rejected there was nothing I could do about it. Of course, I helped him out quite a bit. I told him what her interests were and what kinds of guys she liked. As I write this I realize just how underhanded the whole thing was.
Claire and I drove 45 minutes to another town where we checked into our hotel. We made up our minds this was going to be a great night whether we found a suitable man or not. We got dressed up for a nice dinner. Claire looked amazing. She had a new red dress on that fit her like a glove. The top wasn't great for a downblouse shot, but it was short on the bottom. Even though she was nervous about the decision, she decided not to wear panties. Anyone near her could get a great pussy shot when she sat down. She felt a bit exposed at first, but after two glasses of wine in our hotel room she loosened up.
Dinner was terrific. We had a male server, so Claire was able to tease him with a number of excellent pussy shots. His face turned red every time and we had some great laughs over it. Even though dinner got us turned on, she seemed to be much more nervous about this evening than she was the night she fucked the limo driver. Probably because fucking the limo driver was a spontaneous action and this night the sex was planned. We went back to our hotel room to prepare for our hopeful evening of stranger-fucking. I suggested we sit down and have a drink to calm the nerves. "I have no idea why I am so nervous," she confessed. "It's not like we haven't done this before."
"Only once, Sweetheart." I said. "Cut yourself some slack. This is all still new for us. If you aren't feeling up to it, then just don't do it."
"But you will be so disappointed." She said.
"Hey, this is for both of us. I want you to be cool with this or it won't mean anything to me. Look, let's just go down to the bar with no expectations. Check things out. Maybe you will relax and enjoy it and maybe you won't. But if you aren't into it, it is no big deal. I am still going to take you back here to screw your brains out." I said with a smile. I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up onto the counter. I could see her beautiful pussy clearly now.
"What are you doing?" She asked with a knowing smile.
"Nothing." I said, leaning in to kiss her neck. I moved over to her mouth and started kissing her passionately. It didn't take long before she was kissing me back. With one hand I started playing with her tits and with the other I went for that sweet, wet box. She gets aroused so incredibly easily. Once she was ready, I slipped two fingers into her and started getting her really turned on. Then I bent forward and starting licking her delicious pussy. I could have licked her all night. She wanted to fuck right there, but we had a date with destiny waiting downstairs. I licked her right to the point of orgasm and then pulled back. God willing, the next time I licked her pussy would be right after it had been well-fucked by a stranger.
"You fucker!" Claire laughed. "Ok, asshole." She gave me a warm hug and said "I'll give the plan a try." And with that, I could take the guilt no longer.
"Wait," I said. "I have to tell you something..." I confessed to Claire what I had done and why I had done it. She was very pissed off at my deception, to be sure. I apologized over and over. The good news is she was nicely buzzed and still very turned on from our foreplay. I could also tell she was intrigued by the guy that survived my selection process. I pleaded with her to just meet him. If she didn't like him, no big deal. After several minutes of empty promises and pathetic begging, Claire agreed. We were off to the hotel bar.
As planned, Claire entered first. She walked right up to the bar and took a seat away from the other patrons. I followed and sat at a small table away from everything. My heart was beating out of control. As soon as I sat down I texted Charlie to let him know we were in the bar. I described what Claire was wearing. It was such a turn on watching my hot wife sit at the bar by herself waiting to be seduced. Several men were checking her out and I prayed she would be bold enough to start showing off her pussy. Just then I saw a man making his way toward the bar. I knew immediately it was Charlie. I got a shot of adrenaline that almost caused me to pass out when I saw him. What had I done? This was really happening.
Charlie sat two stools down from Claire and smiled innocently at her when he took his seat. He ordered a drink and then just sat there staring off into space. Was this guy losing his nerve? It didn't matter. Because to my delight, Claire starting talking to him. Holy cow... I couldn't hear the conversation, but they appeared to like each other. Even though Claire had been warned about the insider information I have given him, she seemed to genuinely be into him. Charlie was much better looking in person. He had an infectious smile and possessed the kind of spirit that drew you to him. It didn't take long before they were both laughing. Then I remembered Claire had no panties on. She was facing Charlie while they talked and had to be giving him the greatest view he had ever seen. I could be wrong, but I really don't think she was aware she was even giving him a show. She just seemed really into him. I think she approved of my beau. Charlie slid over to the stool next to Claire and ordered them another round. I had a raging hard-on as I watched this scene play out.
For the next 45 minutes I watched my beautiful wife flirt like I had never seen before. She was hanging on every word and laughing the hold time. She kept leaning in and touching him as she spoke. Finally she leaned in and whispered in his hear. From his expression I knew she had broached the subject. He, of course, already knew what this night could be about if he played his cards right. Charlie called for the bill and that was my cue to head up to our hotel room. I quickly set up the video camera in the closet. I hid it well and cracked the door far enough that the couch and bed were in plain sight. Once I was sure the camera was ready, I sat down at my computer to fake like I was working. This was silly, but I was nervous and didn't know quite how to do any of this. Five minutes after I arrived, I heard a key in the door. Claire walked in with Charlie.
"Hey baby!" she said with a proud smile. "This is Charlie."
I stood up to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Charlie." I said with an anxious smile.
"Honey, Charlie has agreed to help us out with um... with our, uh... fantasy." Claire said awkwardly. With her back to Charlie and smiling broadly at me, she mouthed, "OH MY GOD!"
This was all a bit overwhelming for me. I was completely turned on in anticipation of the impending sex. Claire seemed really taken with Charlie. I felt like I had the tiger by the tail.
Charlie excused himself to the restroom and Claire excitedly told me about her blind date. "Oh my God," she whispered. "He is such a bullshitter! He told me he's been divorced for two years, had a vasectomy and hasn't slept with anyone since his wife. God only knows what the real truth is. He told me he's only been with THREE women and I am far more attractive than any of them. I know he's totally full of shit, but I find him really fun! He's SO hot!"
Oh brother, I thought. What a bunch of bullshit. "So you like him? That is awesome, Sweetie! Let's have a drink," I suggested. Charlie returned and I poured three Whiskey Sours for us as we tried to relax with small talk. Living out a fantasy is always different than how you imagine it. Real people need to relax before they can jump into bed with each other. The alcohol was as much about all three of us calming down as it was about us getting to know each other. We talked about where each of us grew up and went to college. I have no idea if Charlie was being honest with his stories, but he came off as genuine and was certainly affable. Claire was sitting on the couch opposite Charlie on a chair. The more she relaxed, the more she seemed to forget that her pussy was fully on display. My dick was throbbing watching Charlie stare at her beautiful box while we talked about everything but sex. After half an hour we were all pretty relaxed and enjoying each others company. I suggested Claire and Charlie sit next to each other on the couch to get to know each other better while I excused myself to the restroom.
I stayed in their much longer than I needed to, hoping the two of them would feel more intimate without me in the room. I listened intently at the door but couldn't hear a thing. I slowly opened the door far enough to see their reflection in the wall mirror. Adrenalin shot through my body once again, as I saw Claire leaning in on him, kissing him passionately. She was clearly the aggressor. And this was clearly happening.
I watched the show for a few minutes before returning to the room with a raging hard-on. Charlie paused as he saw me. I said, "Don't mind me guys. Just enjoy each other." Claire moved his face back to her lips without ever looking over at me and began kissing him once again. She then moved to face him on her knees, straddling him on the couch. She unbuttoned his shirt, kissed his neck and opened his shirt to expose his beautiful, toned body. She moved her hands across his muscular abs and leaned down to kiss his bare chest. I was absolutely mesmerized by my wife. I had never seen her so sexually aggressive. Charlie reached up and slowly pulled down the straps of her dress off her shoulders. He kept pulling the straps down until her bare breasts were fully exposed. Charlie grabbed one of her tits with his hand and put his lips around the other. Claire loves getting her tits sucked. Her head fell back as he squeezed one nipple and nibbled the other. Once his mouth had fully devoured one breast, he moved over to the other. I loved watching another man experience the tits I have coveted for so long.
"I want to taste your pussy," Charlie whispered. He lifted her up and laid her back, gently on the couch. Charlie got on his knees in front of her and lifted her dress up to expose her perfect pussy. He softly licked her lips with the tip of his tongue. Claire responded immediately with a sharp arching of her back. Charlie started sinking his tongue deep into her pussy. He was lapping up her juices like he was hungry for her. Claire was moving quickly toward orgasm. Charlie slid two fingers into her and she almost lost it.
"OK, Champ- hold on!" Claire joked. "My turn."
Claire slid off the couch to her knees and unbuttoned Charlie's pants. I was SO thankful I had set up the video camera. This was pure gold.
Charlie sat back on the couch and she pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles. I couldn't pull my eyes from the impressive package bulging in his underwear. "Please, God..." I whispered to myself, praying he had a big dick. She grabbed his waistband and slowly pulled his underwear down. This is a thrill I wish all men could experience. She was such a complete slut. In a moment frozen in time, she exposed Charlie's perfect dick. Long, veiny and thick; this was a cock she and I could both agree on.
"Oh Charlie," She cooed as she gently stroked it with her hand. She looked over at me and smiled, "I bet you are LOVING this, Dave." I smiled back and nodded in affirmation. She licked his entire length, starting at the well-groomed bottom and finishing with his large, thick head. She opened wide and engulfed as much as she could. Charlie's eyed rolled into the back of his head and he leaned back in ecstasy. My friend Charlie was now experiencing what many lucky men have experienced with my sweet Claire; one of the finest blowjobs in the world. He put both hands on the back of her head as she feverishly went to town on his cock.
This was heaven for me. Even though I had seen her fuck another man just two months ago, watching her suck another stranger's cock was just as mind-blowing. I believe I could watch her fuck a thousand different men and my reaction would still be the same; absolute heaven.
As Claire masterfully sucked his cock, I moved behind her, got on my back and slid my face between her legs. What a sight! I pulled her hips down toward me so I could lick her pussy while watching her suck Charlie's dick. She was sopping wet. "Oh my God," She said, taking the prick from her mouth. I was getting a mouthful of pussy juice and drinking it down as fast as I could. What a slut! I could have stayed there for eternity if it wasn't for my warped desire to see her take that cock out of her mouth and shove it deep into her belly. I licked her pussy for a couple more minutes before standing up and helping her take her dress all the way off. Once she was naked, she stood up, turned around and sat backwards in Charlie's direction. He grabbed her around her waist and guided her down to his rock-hard waiting cock. I stared into her face as she slowly slid the lips of her small pussy onto the thick head of his cock. I don't kno
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