Wife Fucking Strangers Stories

Wife Fucking Strangers Stories


Wife Fucking Strangers Stories
The source of this story is Storiesonline
True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I have always wanted to see my wife having sex with strangers.Watching their cocks go in her would be a real turn on for me.This story is how I got her to do it.
My wife and I had a normal sex life, but I wanted her to try something different. I have always wanted to see her having sex with another man.
She is a good looker, slim, fair hair, 36c, and shaved.
I wanted others to see her completely naked.
I brought up the subject several times, but she did’nt seem interested.I eventually got her to come with me to a nude beach.
When on the nude beach I got her to remove her top, she was not to bothered about that. We saw other couples and single men walking about completely naked. I said we should do that, seems so free and easy.
I was now naked, she still had her bikini bottoms on. A few single men came past and some chatted.I eventually got her to remove her bikini bottoms. “That’s better” I said.
Again single men came by, they were having a real good look at her now.She lay on the sand with her legs closed. “Spoilsport” I said to her,”you know they want to look at your pussy”.
“Stop it she said, you should not want other men to look at me that way”.
One guy came up to us and sat down and chatted for a while, he kept glancing between my wifes legs, I smiled at him and slightly nodded, he knew what I ment.
Still she just lay there with her legs closed, not what I wanted.
We left the beach after a few hours.
When we got home we had a furious row about what I had tried to get her to do on the beach. She said to me “you are a sick pervert, wanting me to show my pussy to other men”.The row continued till we went to bed. She was restless and could not sleep, I started to feel her tits and pussy, she was a bit off but let me continue playing with her.Her pussy was wet, I said to her “thinking about that guy on the beach are we”.She did not reply but she got wetter.
I said to her “we are going to the same beach tomorrow, maybe you will change your mind” “We will see” she said.I thought that is promising.
The next day arrived and we set off for the beach. We sat in about the same place as we did the day before. This time I did not have to tell her to get her kit off, she got completely naked, wow I thought this is an improvement.
We stretched out on our towels, it was a lovely day and there were many people around, couples single men and familys. It was good to see familys there, bringing up the kids in a free manner, I also liked looking at them.
A few men strolled by, some nodding. One guy sat down in front of us about 15 yards away, my wife noticed him. She turned to me and gave a grin, lovely, maybe a change of mind. She propped herself up on her elbows looking at the guy.He was looking straight back at her, she seemed to be enjoying it.After about 20 minutes he got up and left, probably looking for more action.
I brought some wine with us, thought it might loosen her up a bit.We both had some, it felt good laying in the sun having a drink. It was not long before another guy sat down in about the same place as the other one, again looking straight at my wife. She again propped herself on her elbows, looking straight at him, this time she opened her legs slightly.Good I thought the wine must have loosened her up a bit.
I could see that the guy was stroking his cock, after a while he let out a muffled grunt, obviously he had cum.He got up and left shortly after.
I said to the wife “did you see what that guy was doing”, “yes” she said.See what affect you can have on men, she gave a grin. I thought this is good, I asked if she wanted some more wine, to my surprise she said “yes”.
We finished our wine and laid back on the towels.I kept looking up to see if any one else was sat down near us.After about 30 minutes, with my eyes half shut, I heard a voice saying “enjoying the lovely sun are we?” I looked up and it was the guy from yesterday, my wife stired at the same time. “nice to see you again, thought you might be here today, or rather hoping you would be”. “nice to see you to “I replied.
“Do you mind if I sit near you “he said. “no, that’s ok “my wife said to my surprise.I thought the wine must be working. He cleverely put his towel down close to my wifes feet, good move I thought. He now had an excellent view. We chatted for a while about trivial things, then he said “had many men sitting or bothering you today”, “only 2” I said but they did not bother us, they kept there distance.
“Now that is a surprise, only 2, I thought there would be many more wanting to look at your lovely wife “ The wife gave a big smile.I agreed with him. “You have very pretty feet, and lovely red toe nail varnish” he said.Again the wife smiled. He then touched her on the foot, the wife did’nt say anything, just let him do it.He got a bit bolder, and touched her ankle.He looked at me and said “is it ok to do this”, I told him “don’t ask me it is not my feet you are touching, ask the wife” she nodded to him.
He was obviously naked, and we could see his cock getting bigger. He then moved his hand up to her calf, lightly stroking it.The wife just let him do it. I was enjoying the scene very much.He moved his hand up to her thigh, stroking with his finger nails all the time.She did not say anything or stop him, obviously enjoying the situation.
He got up to move his towel in line with ours, next to my wife.WOW his cock was rigid. He sat down again and continued stroking her thigh, much easier for him now that he had got closer. He moved his hand up to her hip, then stroked her belly just below her belly button.I was nearly on the point of cumming. He kept on looking from side to side in case any one was watching. He then put his hand on to her tit, she did not stop him, he squeesed it and twidled her nipple, my wife let out a gasp, but did not stop him. I kept looking at him and nodded my approval.
He then moved his hand down to her belly, slowly stroking it up and down, on each down stroke he got a bit nearer her shaved pussy mound.Eventually he delved between her partly closed legs,”oh yes” I said, he smiled at me.She opened her legs a bit wider for easier access, he parted her lips, she squirmed, she was loving it.
He got hold of her hand and put it on his cock, she did’nt need any encouregment, she started to stroke him. All of a sudden he took his hand away from her pussy, he had spotted some lookig at what was going on.my wife said “ok, that is enough for now”.He just laid back on his towel, cock sticking up.
“We need a bit of privacv, when will you be here again?”. “Next weekend” I quickly said, wanting to see more of this. “Ok next weekend I will bring some windbrakes, we can put them up and get behind them so no one can see what we are doing”.My wife nodded her approval.
After a few minutes he got up and left. “See you next Saturday” he said, we both agreed.
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She has sex with stranger to spice up their sex life.
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Joe and Betty tucked their two small children in bed, then decided to prepare themselves for bed. It had been a couple of nights since they had sex and Joe was horny. They took showers, dressed in their night clothes, fixed drinks and settled side by side on the living room couch. They shared a few sexy kisses while consuming drinks.
Joe lifted Betty’s nighty up over her head and took his pajamas off. Joe kissed her breasts, then assisted her to sit on his lap. She reached down to aim his hard cock so that she could slowly ease down. This was a general routine for them during their five years of marriage.
Betty raised up high enough for them to see his cock pull nearly out and then go back in.
Joe said, “I know this is a subject we’re talked about before. It would be very exciting for me to see another man’s cock in you like this.”
“Please don’t talk about that. Can’t you be happy for us to have our own sex in private?”
“I do like our private sex life, but we do it the same way all the time. Wouldn’t it be sexy to do something different to spice up our sex lives? I would love you even more if you would try it one time.”
“I love you too. But some guy might give me a disease.”
“Don’t worry about that, make him use a condom. You’re on the pill, so you can’t get pregnant.”
Betty didn’t say anymore as they continued to watch his cock go slowly back and forth in her. Joe had brought up the subject many times, but she was against the idea.
She finally responded, “I love you very much and if that is what you want me to do, I’ll consider it. Where would I find a guy?”
Joe’s face broke into a smile. He had talked about it long enough. Maybe now he had convinced her to do it.
“That should not be very difficult to find a man. You could go to the Holiday Inn cocktail lounge and meet a guy just passing through.”
“OK, sometime I might do that. I know I would be so nervous that I would not have an orgasm. In fact, I don’t want an orgasm with another man. You’re the one I love and I only want orgasms with you. I would just let him fuck me and end it. Would that please you?”
“Honey, you’re a wonderful wife and I love you so much to give it a try one time. Why don’t you get dressed right now and go to the cocktail lounge?”
“Right Now? We should wait to think it over. Also, we don’t have a babysitter.”
“Why wait. I’ll stay home with the kids. Go get dressed and I’ll call a cab for you. You will be safe going to the Holiday Inn.”
Betty was shocked to think a stranger would be with her so soon. She really wanted more time to be convinced that she would have sex with another man.
Joe got up, took her by the hand and tugged her down the hall to the bedroom. She reluctantly went with him. Joe opened her closet for a mini skirt that he knew would cling to her shapely body. He assisted her in getting dressed, then watched her comb her shoulder length hair. She looked very sexy to him. He visualized a stranger lifting her dress up over her head. His cock remained hard just thinking about what could happen this very night.
Joe was talking while she was getting ready, “There should be some nice looking guys in the cocktail lounge. Try for a guy with a wedding ring. Before you bring someone home with you, let him know that your husband will be in the same room with you. Also, he will have to use a condom. That way, there will be no big flap here at home if he doesn’t agree.”
Joe kissed Betty when she went out the door to get in the cab. Now he had to wait, but he didn’t know how long.
Sometime later a cab drove up in the driveway. Joe watched out the window and opened the door for them to come in.
Betty introduced the guy, “John, this is my husband, Joe. Come on in and sit down. I think we’ve had enough drinks already. Please excuse me.” The two guys watched Betty as she walked down the hall to the bedroom.
Joe looked the guy over. He was handsome. He was dressed in a sports coat and tie. Maybe he was a salesman staying overnight. Joe noticed his wedding ring. He decided to talk to John before any action could start..
“I want you to treat my wife like a gentleman, like you would want another guy to treat your wife. She is very nervous. This is her first time to do anything like this. No rough stuff and no bad language. While you wait for Betty, you might as well get undressed.”
John responded, “Your wife is beautiful and sexy. I’ll treat her nice. I’ve had one other experience like this in the past where a husband wanted me to have sex with his wife while he was in the room. I don’t mind doing this for you.”
Joe then excused himself. He joined Betty in their bedroom.
“What are you going to do? Are you changing clothes?”
“I don’t know if I can go through with this. I know you want to watch, but wouldn’t you like to send him away and we will have our own private sex?”
“Honey, please don’t change your mind. Do it for me. Try it one time and if you don’t like it, never again will I ask.”
“Alright. One time! As long as I’m going to do it, let’s get it over with. Then send the guy away. I think I’ll change clothes. Yes, I’ll put on my nighty and robe. Is that alright?”
“I had pictured in my mind that he would take off your dress, but taking off your nighty would be sexy too.”
She responded, “I’m very nervous. Are you sure you want to see him fuck me?”
“Oh yes, please do. Don’t do it here in our bedroom, but take him into the guest bedroom.”
“I can’t keep from being nervous. I’m so dry and he will be wearing a dry condom. I don’t know if he can get it in. I’ll be embarrassed to get the KY jelly out when he is with me.”
“Let’s do that now. Lie down on the bed.”
Joe squeezed a liberal amount of lubricant on his fingers. He made sure a goodly amount was inside her hole, then wiped off any excess on the outside. When he was pushing his fingers in her, he fantasied that John’s cock would spread her lips and plunge all the way in her body. He would see the real thing very soon.
Joe said, “Now, he should be able to easily slide all the way in. Wow! This is going to be sexy. I love you so very much for doing this for me.”
Betty was now dressed in her sexy nighty and robe. “I’m as ready as I’ll every be. No kissing. Do you think he will want me to take his cock in my mouth?”
“Honey, please do, I want you to do it.”
“I don’t want him to cum in my mouth. He can cum in my pussy with the condom on.”
Joe held her tight as they shared a very sexy kiss.
Joe led a very nervous Betty into the living room.
John exclaimed as he stood up, “You are beautiful and so sexy looking.” John had undressed and was wearing only his boxer shorts.
John walked up to her and put his arms around to hug her. He kissed her on the cheek, then moved his mouth to face her lips. She turned her cheek for the kiss as she didn’t plan to kiss him. She wanted him to quickly fuck her and then leave. John moved his head back to look in her eyes.
“Please, you are so pretty, I want to kiss you.”
Betty hesitated at first, then allowed him to kiss her. She could feel his tongue snake between her lips searching for her tongue, but she had her teeth blocking it. The kiss was very brief. Again, John moved his head back to look in her eyes.
“Please, let’s do it again. I know we can do better.”
Joe spoke, “Go ahead, honey, do it.”
She glanced at Joe, then decided it was no big deal anyway. This time she opened her mouth to mesh with his mouth. Their tongues were dancing as they held a long kiss. Betty could feel John’s very hard cock pressing against her.
She knew this stranger’s cock would soon be fucking her unless she stopped right now. She loved her husband and he wanted her to do this. If she stopped now, her husband would be very unhappy, and she wanted him to be happy. She decided to continue and do her best to give him a good show.
Joe encouraged them, “Let’s go in the bedroom.”
John put his arm around Betty’s waist and walked behind Joe as he led them to the spare bedroom. She felt as if she was walking in a dream and this was not really happening. Joe had opened the bedroom door and was waving for them to enter.
Once in the room, John held her while they shared more sexy kisses. His hard cock was rubbing against her, but she was too nervous to feel sexy. She wished he would hurry and fuck her, then leave.
Betty could feel John’s hands peel her robe from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He then felt her breasts through her nighty as he kissed her again. He moved one hand down to the hem of her short nighty, then let it travel to her crotch where he touched her clit. He continued pulling up the nighty to lift over her head, then let it fall to the floor. The lights were still on for all to see her standing completely naked.
John let his shorts fall to the floor, then stood back to look up and down Betty’s shapely body.
He cupped her ample breasts with his hands and leaned down to kiss her nipples. She noticed Joe was intently watching. John took one of her hands and moved it down for her to feel his cock. She thought it felt very similar to her husband’s cock as she squeezed it.
Betty wanted to see what it looked like. She back away from him to look down. His cock was oozing pre cum on her body. She didn’t move and waited for John to take the initiative.
Joe spoke up, “Why don’t you take it in your mouth?”
Her husband’s voice encouraged her to take action. Since she had agreed to have sex with this guy, she might as well continue. She pushed John to lie on his back on the bed. Then she got up on the bed in a position to take his cock. She had a lot of experience with her husband’s cock in her mouth.
She noticed Joe was standing near the bed watching. She decided to give him a good show. She took this strange cock head between her lips, swirled her experienced tongue around and then deep throated him as far as she could. She started up and down movements causing him to hunch up to her mouth. She didn’t want him to cum this way, especially in her mouth. She raised her head to look at Joe.
“Well, did you like watching that? Are you now ready to see him fuck me?”
“Honey, he can fuck you later. Let him cum now. Suck him dry. You could turn around in a six nine position and let him lick your pussy.”
That was not in her original plan, but that’s what her husband wanted her to do. She resumed giving John a blow job while he was looking at her pussy and ass. She could feel him suck her clit, but it wasn’t turning her on very much. She was very nervous and too intent on pleasing her husband.
John thought her pussy was very juicy. He didn’t realize he was tasting the lubricant Joe had used to lubricated her hole.
It wasn’t very long before John became very vocal. His body strained and shook as she took a big load of spurts in her mouth and throat. She held on to his cock as it jerked with each spurt. It took him a little while for his body to relax. Then she let his small limp cock slip out of her mouth.
Betty went to the hall bathroom to freshen up while John sat up in bed.
Joe joined Betty in the bathroom. “Honey, you were wonderful.”
“I hope you liked it. But I didn’t want him to cum in my mouth. That was a change in plan. Now what do we do? Can we ask him to leave now?”
“I want him to fuck you like we originally planned. Give him a chance to get an erection again, then let him do it doggie style.”
“Alright, if that is what you want.”
Joe and Betty returned to the bedroom. John was looking at Betty who was still naked.
John said, “Please stand there, I want to see your beautiful body. My wife is rather fat and it is so nice to see a shapely body like yours.”
Betty responded, “Thank you for the complements. As soon as you get hard, my husband wants to watch you fuck me doggie style. Would you like that?”
“Yes, very much. It won’t take lon
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