Wife Fucked Story

Wife Fucked Story


Wife Fucked Story
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I learn the allure of the cuckold's humiliation.
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I never understood the whole cuckold/humiliation thing. I know it is a big turn-on for a lot of guys, but could never see how I could be aroused by the humiliation of my wife being fucked by another man.
That's not because I hadn't had the experience of sharing my wife. On the contrary, Kate was rather promiscuous when we first met, and she kept fucking other guys quite frequently after we became a steady couple, and for a while after we married.
I never minded this. In fact I was very aroused by it, especially when she'd tell me in glorious sexy detail what she had done with another man. And I'd be even more aroused when she'd come to me straight after she had been with another man and I would 'reclaim' her by fucking her while his semen was still nestling there where he had left it in her pussy.
But I never felt humiliated by this, because it always seemed to me that her promiscuity was a celebration of her sexuality, rather than a denigration of mine. It never seemed to me that `Kate had any idea that she might be humiliating me when she gave herself to other men. ` Her adventures certainly never weakened the very close romantic bond of love and commitment between us.
And I guess I didn't give much thought to how the other men who she so eagerly allowed to fuck her might have seen the situation. It never crossed my mind, really, that as another guy fucked Kate he might have been thinking of me, and of what it might mean to me to know that she was offering him her body.
I assumed the men who fucked her were just thinking about her, of the pleasure they were getting from fucking her, and the delight they felt at her willingness to offer herself to them. I gave no thought to what these men might expect me to feel about what they were doing with my wife, and what she was allowing them to do with her.
And so I didn't feel humiliated by the fact that she would moan and writhe with pleasure at the caress of other men's hands on her body, their mouths on her breasts, their tongues in her mouth and the sensation of their cocks sliding in and out of her pussy. Nor did I feel humiliated by her desire for them to ejaculate inside her and leave their semen in her vagina.
Because I didn't feel humiliated by all this, I didn't imagine that the men who fucked my wife would think I felt humiliated, nor that they would feel that they had humiliated me by fucking her. Nor did I understand that for some men, a big part of the pleasure of fucking another man's wife is the knowledge that in fucking her they are humiliating him. And I certainly never imagined that I might be aroused sexually by knowing that another man believed that he had humiliated me by fucking my wife.
But all that changed one night, when what should have been a simple session of wife-swapping went slightly awry. This was many years ago, when Kate and I had been married for about two years. We had left university and moved to a new city to start jobs. With the easy-going student life behind us there was less opportunity for either of us to find casual sexual partners, and so our sex life had mostly settled down into a very comfortable - and still very sexy - monogamy. Mostly, but not entirely...
We made plenty of new friends in our new life, people about our own age who, like us, were starting out on married life and had not yet had kids. There was one couple in particular, Phil and Wendy. Kate had met Wendy at the place they both worked, and they became close friends. Phil and I had a little less in common, but were very happy to spend time in one another's company.
Before long we were seeing them often - once a week or more - going out to a restaurant for dinner or meeting at one another's houses to sit round and chat and drink. They were a good looking pair, and before long our relationships started to get distinctly flirty. I won't go into the details here, though it makes quite a sexy tale in itself, but after a few months it became clear that all four of us were keen to get into bed with each other's partner. Kate and I had discussed this possibility, mostly in bed while we fucked, and we'd agreed that we were happy for it to happen.
One night at their place, after a nice dinner and a bit to drink, the chemistry seemed to click. We were in their living room. Kate was sitting on one couch with Phil, and I was sitting on another couch, just a few feet away, with Wendy. There had been a certain something in the air all evening, with the flirty talk a little more explicit than previously. Now the lights were low, the music was soft, the conversation slowly petered out, and both pairs began, in a tentative way, to make out. It was really just cuddling to start with, but then things went further than we'd ever gone before when we began seriously kissing one another's partners.
I was having a great time kissing Wendy, and she was responding very passionately, our tongues sliding over one another in our open mouths, while she squirmed seductively in my embrace. I was very aroused by now, and very keen to take things further, of course. I wanted to glide my hands over Wendy's breasts and start to move under her clothes, but I wasn't sure how far the others would want to go.
At the same time I was trying to keep an eye on what Kate and Phil were doing on the other couch - I've always loved watching Kate with other men, and I also hoped they would lead the way in taking things further, giving me the cue to start undressing Wendy.
Sure enough, after a few minutes I glanced across to see Phil's hands up under Kate's top, obviously fondling her breasts through her bra, while they kissed deeply. As I watched I saw Kate reach around beneath her top and undo her bra, allowing and inviting Phil to caress her now-uncovered breasts. Kate loves having her breasts stroked like that and it makes her very horny, so I began to hope that before long Phil would be fucking my wife, and I would be fucking his.
Wendy certainly seemed keen. Inspired by Phil's and Kate's example I slid my hands under Wendy's shirt and began to stroke and fondle her breasts, at first over her bra and then, encouraged by her moans and sighs, pushing it aside to caress her nipples. She was clearly aroused and eager, reaching down to slide her hands over the long bulge in my pants.
Soon things looked even more promising when Kate, in a single fluid motion, threw off her top and shrugged off her bra, presenting her naked breasts to Phil's gaze. She looked superb as her lovely, ample, shapely tits swung in front of him. He lunged for them, kissing and licking her nipples as she sighed with pleasure. It seemed certain now that Phil and I would soon both be fucking one another's wives.
But things didn't work out that way. I had unbuttoned Wendy's shirt and undone her bra and was happily kissing her breasts, while I started to stroke her upper thigh under her skirt and she was allowing her legs to fall open for my hand, when we both became aware of movement on the other side of the room.
We looked up to see that Phil and Kate had stood up, and Phil was leading Kate by the hand towards his and Wendy's bedroom. We broke off our kisses as we watched them cross the room and disappear. Obviously Phil was taking my wife off to fuck her. I was a little surprised that they were going to another room, because I'd assumed that we'd all be fucking together. I was a little disappointed too, because I'm both a bit of a voyeur and a bit of an exhibitionist, so I'd have loved to watch Phil mount my wife, and I was quite keen for him to watch me mount his wife.
But mostly I was delighted that there now seemed no doubt at all that I was going to fuck Wendy. She was quite gorgeous, and very fuckable indeed. So as we heard the bedroom door close behind Phil and Kate, I turned eagerly back to Wendy, looking to move swiftly to get her out of her clothes and onto the floor with her legs open for me.
But Wendy had other ideas. In the preceding weeks she'd been the first to start the serious flirting between the four of us, by stroking my thigh under the table in a restaurant when we four were dining out together, and she'd always seemed happy to take things further.
That evening she had done perhaps more than any of us to nudge the mood along by making a joking comment to Kate about the size of Phil's cock - which seemed an unambiguous invitation for Kate to try it for herself. And until this moment she'd responded very eagerly to my caresses on the couch. So I thought that she was more than happy about whatever might happen between Phil and Kate, and between me and her.
But as soon as she saw her husband lead my wife to their bedroom she froze, as the reality of what was about to happen hit her. It was clear that she and Phil were not as experienced as Kate and I were in such situations, and she was taken by surprise at her own reactions to what was now about to take place.
As she heard the bedroom door close she pulled back from me and sat quite still for a long moment. Then without saying a word or looking at me she rearranged her clothes, swiftly refastening her bra and buttoning up her shirt.
After another long pause, she looked across to me. She was clearly quite distressed and very apologetic. "I'm so sorry, I'm just not sure I can handle all this."
I said I understood, and as she continued to apologise I reassured her that it was fine and repeated that I understood, as indeed I did.
Then we lapsed into an uncomfortable silence, the two of us perched on the couch, until after a minute or two she she stood up and said "I think I need a cup of tea. Would you like one?" I said I would, so we walked together into the kitchen and she put on the kettle.
A strange and poignant interlude followed, as the kettle slowly boiled, she made the tea, poured us each a cup and we stood, quite companionably, leaning against her kitchen bench, mostly in silence, while her husband fucked my wife behind the bedroom door just a few feet from where we stood.
Occasionally we'd hear muffled sounds from the bedroom, moans and sighs and grunts and giggles. Neither of us alluded to what our spouses were doing with one another in there, but it was suffocatingly obvious that this was all that either of us was thinking about. Wendy did not now seem especially upset, just a little withdrawn and preoccupied.
I was of course still very horny from my embraces with Wendy on the couch, tantalised by missing out on what she had seemed so ready to offer me, and utterly aroused by knowing that Phil was fucking Kate just a few feet away from where I stood sipping tea. But all that apart, it was not an unpleasant situation.
Their fucking did not take very long. Later, once we were home and I was taking my turn fucking her, Kate gave me a detailed account of what she and Phil had done together while Wendy and I drank tea.
He'd undressed her. She'd undressed him. She'd licked and stroked his cock for a while as she sat on the bed and he stood over her. Then he'd laid her back and licked and fingered her pussy. She said he been doing a good job of tonguing her clit and cunt lips and had brought her quite close to orgasm, but he had stopped before she came. He'd climbed on top of her and she'd pulled her knees back and opened herself and offered herself to him and he'd pushed his cock rather roughly into her cunt and fucked her missionary style and before long he'd cum inside her.
She said he had a nice cock and he'd been very aroused and had thrust into her pretty hard but she'd liked that and he'd had an intense orgasm and pumped a big load of semen into her, which she'd felt as it surged into her pussy. It was a good fuck for her.
I wasn't surprised. I don't think Kate really liked Phil especially as a person: he was not quite her type. She was happy enough to spend time with him as Wendy's partner, but he was a bit too much the sports-mad 'man's man' for her taste. But not liking a guy all that much had never stopped her offering herself to him if the sexual chemistry was right, and there were things about Phil that I knew would ring her bell.
He had two things going for him. One was that he was well-built. I'm quite lightly built, which Kate always says she likes, but I've always noticed - and she's freely acknowledged - that she does find herself attracted to larger, well-muscled men. Phil was no Mr Universe, but he certainly ticked this box for her.
The other thing he had going for him in Kate's eyes was a certain breezy sexual confidence. I've always been a little diffident around women, happy to let them take the lead, but Kate I knew often responded well to a man who made it plain that he wanted to fuck her and was happy to assume that she was happy to be taken by him.
Phil had ticked that box too. So there was no doubt that she'd enjoyed being fucked by him...a lot.
After he came he'd laid heavily on top of her and they'd kissed a bit in a desultory post-coital kind of way. They'd thanked one another agreed it was a nice fuck Then he'd pulled his cock out of her pussy and they'd got dressed in silence, and then Phil had opened the door into the kitchen and out they came.
As they emerged I glanced first at Kate. I could almost smell the sex on her, and she was looking just the way a woman does look after she's been nicely fucked. Her hair was everywhere, her makeup was smudged, her face was a little puffy, her mouth was a bit slack and she had a slightly dazed expression. In other words she looked gorgeous and very sexy. Phil too looked a bit dazed and spent, and at first a little sheepish. But not for long. Soon he was looking positively wolfish.
Of course they both assumed that I had been fucking Wendy while Phil was fucking Kate. They probably half-expected to find us still at it, naked and entwined, on the living room floor. They were both therefore very surprised to see us standing right there in the kitchen drinking tea. No one spoke, but Kate, with a woman's quick perceptions, understood the situation in a flash. She cast a questioning glance at me, and I smiled reassuringly in response. Then she shot an anxious glance at Wendy, worried that their friendship would suffer from what had happened.
Phil was a bit slower on the uptake. He did a kind of double-take as he saw us there, and it took him a moment to process what he was seeing. He looked first at Wendy, but she was looking down and would not meet his gaze. Then he looked at me, and I looked back at him, and in his glance I could see the dawning realisation that I had not fucked Wendy.
His face was transfigured by a look of jubilation as he understood what had just happened - or not happened. He leered at me with something between a sneer and a smirk, his eyes narrowed, his mouth hard, his chin raised arrogantly.
He did not understand, or care much, why this had happened. All he cared about was that he had fucked my wife and I had not fucked his wife. Instead all I had done with his wife was was share a cup of tea with her.
It was a strange and potent moment. From the way he looked at me I could see that he was powerfully affected by the situation. So was I. We were standing there face to face, my wife by his side. Just a minute ago she had been lying naked and panting beneath him with her legs spread wide and his cock buried deep in her pussy while he pumped his semen into her. As she stood there now beside him, his semen was leaking from her cunt and oozing into her panties.
And as Phil and I held one another's gaze for a long moment, the fact that I had not fucked his wife while he had fucked mine flowed between us. His gaze told me that In his eyes this meant that he had asserted his masculinity over me, and humiliated me. It also told me that he loved this feeling, and he loved the fact that I knew how much he enjoyed my humiliation.
My own reaction was rather complex too. I was angry with him, of course, not because he'd fucked my wife but because he was so obviously and unapologetically convinced that he had scored over me by doing so. But I was also, at the same time, and to my great surprise, very aroused by it.
I found that I was turned on by the idea that he thought he had humiliated me by fucking Kate, and that Kate had humiliated me with him by offering herself to him and by enjoying herself so much with him.
It was more than that, though. I was turned on by him, as he stood there sneering and smirking at me. I felt a jolt of sexual charge between us. Maybe this was clear from the way I looked back at him. Maybe I looked a little submissive, as if I thought it was his right to fuck my wife if he wanted to, and to humiliate me by doing so. It was very strange, and rather potent.
And what of Kate? I found myself wondering at that moment too what she made of all this. Did she too feel that I had shown myself less of a man by not persuading Wendy to let me fuck her? Was she humiliated by my humiliation? Or was she turned on by it? I'd find out later.
We all stood there at the bedroom door for what seemed like and age, but was in fact only a few moments, before Phil spoke. He wanted to rub it in.
"What have you two been up to?" he asked with an unpleasant laugh. "Having a cup of tea?"
Neither Wendy nor I answered. Kate swiftly and correctly assessed what had gone on and was suddenly worried and embarrassed by the whole situation.
"We'd better go..." she said, and without another word she headed for the front door. I followed her, leaving Phil and Wendy in the kitchen for what was no doubt going to be an interesting conversation. We climbed into our car and headed home, and as we drove away from their house we had our own interesting conversation.
"Are you OK?" Kate asked, in a worried tone.
"I gathered that! But why not?" she asked.
"I think she freaked out at what was happening. I don't think she'd really thought it through, and when the crunch came she wasn't really ready for it all. But it was OK. We had a nice cup of tea! How about you?"
"Oh, well, of course he fucked me. It was very nice. I'll tell you all about it if you like, when we get home. But what was that between you and Phil just then, after we emerged from the bedroom?"
"Umm, I'm not sure," I answered, truthfully. The fact was I was till trying to process what had gone on. "He seemed a bit elated when he saw that I had not been fucking Wendy while he was fucking you. And I think he was thinking that I'd be kind of humiliated by that."
"That's a bit off, isn't it? Of him, I mean? To think he'd humiliated you? I mean it was Wendy's fault for leading things on and then backing out. Don't you think? I mean, you don't feel humiliated, do you?" She sounded worried now, but also a bit intrigued, and q
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