Wife First Time Stories

Wife First Time Stories


Wife First Time Stories
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Loving Wives Wife's Unusual First Time
Wife feels sorry for a younger guy she later fucks.
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There are thousands of men who fantasize about their wives having sex with another man, but very few will experience it quite like this.
Anyone ever had a younger man just take a liking to your wife? Surely some have, but I mean quite literally a guy who developed a serious crush on her. One who would have bathed a cougar if she asked? Well, my wife had such a fellow in her very recent life. He adored her. This infatuation was well within reason too.
I had become accustomed over the years to men of all ages being overly nice to my wife, and not just because of her sweet disposition either. Basically, any man producing testosterone finds himself staring at her. She's what most would consider the true definition of a MILF. Let's face it, how often these days do you see a knockout 39-year old woman, who is 5' 2", 110lbs, brunette, with absolutely perfect legs, perfect ass, and an unbelievably beautiful smile?
Now when I say a younger fellow, I mean that my wife was 39 and this young man was 22 at the time. She's not the type to take advantage of kindness and actually he's not the type who even knows he's going overboard for her, but it's so very obvious when he's always trying to please her in everything he does.
First of all he loves hanging out at our home because we never treated him any less because of his age. From the first time he met us, when he was nineteen, he just felt comfortable around us. His mother had been our neighbor for over seventeen years, but he had lived with his biological father until he was nineteen, moving in next door to be closer to the state university and to have more freedom.
From first sight, he was utterly in love with my wife, Kathy. Jack was a very intelligent fellow with a full-ride academic scholarship, but was a complete moron when it came to his love life. The funny thing is, if he had treated women as he treated my wife, they would have fallen at his feet. He was actually a rather handsome guy with an athletic build, but had been sheltered by his father and stepmother all his life. He didn't even go to his senior prom because his dad put so many restrictions on prom night; he felt it wasn't even worth the effort.
Over the few years he lived next door, he became very comfortable around us, and we with him; it was not uncommon for him to be lying on the couch in our basement watching TV when my wife or I got home from work.
Late one evening, around 1:30 AM, my wife and I finished watching a series of DVDs we had rented. We were both barely awake as the final movie was ending, when suddenly we heard a knock on the sliding glass doors leading from our bedroom to the back yard. My wife instantly panicked and rolled off onto the floor in just her panties, dragging the bedspread with her to cover her breasts.
I rolled in the opposite direction and grabbed my pepper spray from the night stand on my side of the bed. As I crept towards the door, I saw a silhouette of whom I was pretty sure was Jack. I barely plucked the blinds back and sure enough he gave a silly wave and smiled.
Kathy and I knew he had a big date this very evening, but wondered why at 2 AM he would be knocking on our door. As I slid the door open, he immediately began to apologize saying, "I'm so sorry to bug you, Mike, but I saw your lights on and, well, I'm locked out next door." I immediately told him to come in, and he glanced to his right seeing Kathy getting up off the floor with the bedspread tightly clutched to her chest. He again began to apologize for the intrusion.
Kathy began asking a flurry of questions, "Why would they lock you out? Don't you have a key? I thought you had a big date tonight? How'd that go?"
Being very comfortable with us he explained, "They locked me out because they are assholes. As far as my date, it went just like all the other disaster dates I've had recently... I didn't get laid."
Kathy chuckled and said, "If you keep thinking you're going to get laid on every first date, you're setting yourself up for disappointment, don'tcha think?"
He smiled and replied, "Well yes, but damn it, I'm 22 years old and have had sex four times in my life; and three of those were with the same chick, who insisted that I not only wear a condom, but that I take it very slow so as not to break the condom. Then when I finished, I was to be ultra careful not to even take the condom off unless I was five feet away from her because she said some of it might get on her... Now, does that sound like a wild and satisfying sex life to you?"
My wife and I looked at each other and grinned as if to say, "That was a little more information than we expected." Kathy jokingly said "Scoot over here; at least I can give you a hug." Keeping the blanket pulled close to her chest with one arm, she leaned over with her left arm and hugged him saying, "You have your whole life ahead of you stud-man, just stop trying so hard."
He chuckled replying, "Easy for you to say, you and Mike can bang each other ten times a day if you like."
She laughed and said, "Married people don't have sex ten times a month silly," as she jokingly rolled her eyes at me.
I could tell he had been drinking heavily for two reasons; one, I could smell it from across the room and two; he was in rare form, saying whatever was on his mind. We had known him for quite some time by this point though, so almost no topic was off limits and basically there was no subject we hadn't spoken to him about before.
Right out of the blue and in pure drunk fashion, he said "You know, I really do have enough common sense to know not to expect to get laid on every first date, at least with a decent chick, but I've not been really dating the most moral chicks in the state you know, and hell, I can't even get a hand job... even a simple hand job would at least keep my balls from aching, and she could still be pure as the driven snow."
I laughed and said, "I know it's late, but you're probably going to stay the night anyway, so let me get you a drink, I think you can use one." Actually I figured it might tire him out and he would want to go crash on the couch in the basement. Kathy just continued to laugh her hind end off at some of the things he was saying.
I walked to the kitchen and was gone approximately five minutes grabbing three glasses and a bottle of Crown Royal, and as I walked into the bedroom, I heard my wife explaining, "What in the name of good sense makes you think a hand job isn't sex; she would still feel like she was engaging in a sexual act, and feeling slutty."
He replied, "But I would be the only one getting off, and, well... Awe hell I don't know."
I set the bottle and glasses down on the dresser and jokingly said, "Are you trying to talk my wife into giving you that desperately needed hand job, you sneak, is that what I'm hearing?"
He laughed and replied, "Oh I'm sorry, Mike, we should have told you, our whole plan was to have you go to the kitchen for drinks while Kathy gave me a hand job... Thanks, Kathy, you made my night."
She laughed and said, "Oh you know me, I thought it was my female duty, felt sorry for ya."
I returned the joking sarcasm saying, "So basically if I had still been in there making frozen daiquiris, you might have gotten laid."
He laughed and replied, "You're the luckiest man I know, I would give both my feet to have that experience."
My wife smirked and said, "Okay boys, let's calm down. Poor Jack over here is already about to climax in his pants, let's not be cruel." We all continued to small talk and harass one another as we drank.
After thirty minutes or so, he began daring us to do shots, and my wife kept insisting that she had had plenty, reminding him that if he hadn't knocked on the door she would have been asleep by this time. After several more minutes my wife finally said, "Fine, fine, fine, pour the damn shots, just shut up about it already." She had already put down at least three double-shot mixed drinks, and I would know, I was pouring them. After several shots, my wife, along with what she had already drunk was quite buzzed. Jack was damn well getting hammered, but rather than getting more tired, it seemed he was becoming more and more awake.
At around 3:15 AM, he got back on the subject of, "Why can't a woman just give a guy a hand job on a first date?" I know this will sound insane to some people, but after having several drinks and shots, hearing it over and over and watching my beautiful wife lean into him innocently, I slowly began to fantasize about my wife giving him this coveted hand job he kept going on about. In fact, the more he spoke of it, the more I thought about it.
My wife kept giving him the same generic advice, when right out of the blue, and I will never forget this moment for the rest of my life, I said without a great deal of thought, "Enough about the hand job. Honey will you please give him the hand job so we can stop talking about it?"
There was a very odd five seconds of silence before my wife finally replied with her chin hanging down to the floor, "Um, what was that, Mr. Mike?"
I just kind of grinned and said, "What the hell just give the poor guy a hand job before he jumps off a bridge. Then we won't have to hear any more about it." She kept her mouth open the entire time I was speaking in an utterly shocked manner, almost as if waiting for the punch line as Jack sat there looking like a deer in the headlights.
Finally Jack said, "Oh shit, are you serious... Oh shit, oh my God, you need to stop teasing. You're kidding right?" My wife just kept staring at me almost the way someone does when they just heard a long joke and didn't quite get the punch line.
I immediately walked to the dresser and poured another shot for each of us, when Kathy finally said something. Still in shock and with a slight yet confused grin, she said sarcastically, "Oh my God, my husband has a few drinks and wants to watch me give a guy a hand job. I suppose if you pound a few more, maybe Jack can fuck me, how'd that be, husband?"
I calmly replied, "Oh calm down, don't you feel sorry for him just a little bit?"
She paused for a second and replied, "I feel sorry for starving children in Africa, but I haven't sold my home and shipped them the money yet." Meanwhile Jack is sitting there hanging on every word continuing to wonder if he was actually hearing what he was hearing.
I handed her the glass, and she continued to glare at me with a combination of pissed off, confused, and oh shit, all rolled into one. Jack, still sitting on the end of the bed at Kathy's feet, said, "I swear I wouldn't tell a soul, Oh my God, this would be so...."
Just before he could finish, Kathy said, "Jack, just shut the hell up... just, shut, up."
There was this uncomfortable fifteen seconds of silence that felt like thirty minutes. I just kept a mischievous smile on my face as she continued to stare at me. I could tell she still wasn't quite sure if it was a joke or what. Within an instant her expression changed from confused to, "Ok, I'll play along, but I still don't think you're serious." I think to her it became like a game of chicken, to see who would swerve first.
She turned and looked right at Jack pointing her finger in his face and said, "If I even get a smirk from a neighbor, a friend, or one of your buddies, you will never be welcome in this house again and I will tell everyone you are the biggest liar I have ever met." He kept completely still and wide eyed as she spoke, and after she was done laying down the law, he agreed profusely, and I must say he looked mortified.
My then wife looked at me and said, "Hand me a T-Shirt." I reached into one of her dresser drawers and quickly handed her a T-Shirt. As I handed it to her she just let the bedspread fall from her perfect breasts as if it was just me and her sister in the room, and slipped it over her head.
After she put the T-shirt on, she sat there and just stared at Jack with her eyebrows raised, saying nothing. Jack looked around glancing back and forth from me to her, in total confusion and terror. She finally asked, "Do you want to do this with your pants on?"
He nervously jumped up, and began muttering "Oh right, sorry, I just, well, yes, right..." mumbling away in pure babble. As he fumbled with his pants, my wife threw off the bedspread from her legs and scooted down to the end of the bed.
This was without a doubt the most erotic moment in my entire life, watching a 22 year old man taking off his pants between my wife's legs as she sat there with her hands on her knees waiting. As he stepped out of his pants, he immediately grabbed at both sides of his underwear and slid them down. His cock was so rigid he had to push the front of his briefs out past his cock to get them off, and as the band of his briefs hung up on the head of his cock, his erection slapped back against his stomach.
Kathy kind of chuckled and said, "Excited are we?"
He replied, "You really, really, have no idea."
My wife then put her hands over her face and slowly pulled them down and said, "I need just one more drink, and then we'll do this."
Jack immediately agreed saying, "Oh hell yes, me too." I think my wife was buying time to see if I would finally flinch, or tell her this was all a joke, but I didn't. I poured the drinks, giving Jack about half a shot and giving my wife a double. I handed it to her, and she immediately held her nose and gulped it down, freezing for about twenty seconds as if the slightest thing would have made her throw it up. Jack too threw his back making a similar liquor face.
As they were throwing back their shots, I couldn't help but notice that Jack's cock was maybe only a half-inch longer than mine and about as thick, but the head of his cock was unusually large. I mean it was very disproportionate from the rest of his cock. It looked like a good sized plum you might find in the produce section of the grocery store sitting on the end of his cock. His cock was standing straight up too, with a wet shiny smear around the tip and a clear drip of per-seminal fluid at the opening.
As he finally got his act together and, having thrown back the shot, he walked in front of my wife not knowing what the hell he was doing, and she just glanced at me for a brief second, took a deep breath, and rather reluctantly and slowly reached up and put her hand on his cock. When she grabbed it, the head of his cock oozed out a large drop of clear slick fluid and she immediately said, "Oh my God, look how much stuff is coming out of you."
He replied and nervously chuckled, "I told you, I desperately need this." As she began stroking slowly back and forth, she was spreading the slick pre-cum all over the length of his cock. Although she hadn't commented on it, I know she was amazed at the size of the head of his cock. Not more than thirty seconds into it, he asked in a very out of breath way, "Is it ok if I lie beside you while we do this?"
She said, "I guess," and scooted up onto the bed on her left side as he slowly moved and laid on his right side.
As he lay down beside her, he rolled slightly to his right side and my wife rolled to her left. Once again she reached and began stroking his cock with her right hand almost in a pulling motion. After only a few seconds he acted like he was positioning more to his right side, and as he did, he put his left hand on my wife's right hip and onto her panties. Neither of them knew but I had made my way down to a chair by the foot of the bed and had begun very slowly and inconspicuously stroking my cock underneath my pajama bottoms. Keep in mind this was all taking place within a span of only few minutes. As I kept stroking my cock I began to notice he kept leaning in as if he was trying to kiss her, when suddenly my wife looked up from staring at his cock and they began to kiss.
Only seconds into kissing, he slid his left hand down between my wife's legs, and by the time she grabbed his wrist as if to say, "No," he was already feeling her pussy through the crotch of her panties. I had no idea what to expect because, although she still held his wrist, he continued to rub the crotch of her panties. Meanwhile she had stopped stroking his cock. They continued to kiss as he went from gently rubbing the crotch of her panties to trying to get his fingers under the side of her panties. He fumbled for a few seconds and finally managed to get his fingers under. He instantly pushed his middle finger inside her pussy as far as he could get it.
I kept stroking my cock as I watched in a combination of shock and complete erotic ecstasy. As I stroked I had to stop every few seconds or I would have exploded in my pajamas. Every few seconds I could hear my wife exhale with a sharp but low, "AAHHHH," when he would thrust his middle finger in deeply. The entire sight was driving me out of my mind with eroticism. I watched for maybe another minute, and then had a moment of temporary insanity. I rose out of the chair, walked over to the foot of the bed, grabbed the waistband of my wife's panties, and began to pull them off of her. The entire time I was inching them off, they continued to kiss. Jack pulled his finger out of her and was helping scoot them off the opposite side under her ass. I could only imagine what was going through his mind.
As I got them halfway down her thighs I began to question why she wasn't saying or doing anything to stop me, but was so worked up I realized I was getting even more turned on because she wasn't. After I slid them down her beautiful legs and off her sexy feet, I made my way back to the chair at the foot of the bed. My excitement level was beyond any experience in my entire life. My hands were actually shaking. Before I had even sat down and put my hand down my pants, he once again was fingering her. I just knew Jack's nuts must be aching at this point with anticipation of the unknown.
He kept fingering her when suddenly he removed his finger from her pussy, and reached midway down her right thigh and pulled her leg over him as he scooted as close to her as he could. My wife still wasn't going along with the entire thing as much as he would have liked. I was sure he was trying to see if she might roll on top of him, but instead she had her right leg over him and he was rolled on his left side. They continued to kiss and with every second, he kept trying to scoot down further as if to angle himself to enter her, but again, she wasn't exactly making his life easy. In fact, I was thinking she was just teasing the hell out of him and perhaps still playing chicken with me.
Finally after about a minute, he had angled himself in such a way that he reached down and moved his cock to her crotch. The way they were lying, there was no way he could easily enter her. At one point he began barely pulling at her ass and slowly half thrusting his cock across the opening of her pussy. This went on for several minutes with him stopping suddenly on occasion, which I knew was to keep from shooting his load. I too had to abruptly stop stroking my cock many times or I too would have shot my load. The fluid leaking from the head of his cock kept smearing against my wife's inner thighs and pussy, so much that it looked like she had already been fucked by three guys.
He continued pulling at her ass trying to get any angle at all to put his coc
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