Wife Come Home Sperm

Wife Come Home Sperm


Wife Come Home Sperm
By Guest, 10 years ago on Being Married
My wife come home from work two weeks ago and asked if she c...

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my wife come home from work two weeks ago and asked if she could suck this young man of 18 off as he asked her to she is 45 years old i said no now she as asked about five times now she said she would like to suck him off what should i say
No one can tell you what to say, this you have to make the final decision....I will tell you what my opinion is and what I would do.
First, my opinion--no matter what you say, prepare yourself for the worse. I always tell my kids (who are not kids anymore) never follow your heart, always follow your head and you gut. When it comes to relationships and love, the heart tends to lie to you, you want to believe your heart. Look at this as an outsider, if she continues to ask, she is probably going to do it anyway. That is my opinion. My husband's exwife approached it similar to how your significant other is, and no matter what he said, she still did it. Now several years later, she is married to that other person, she found that if she just stayed on her own side of the fence and watered her own grass, it would be even greener that the grass on the other side of the fence. Now, she has realized that she had it all the threw it away, and now it is too late.
Now, what I would do in your situation--depends on what I plan on doing if she went through with it. If you are not honest with anyone, be honest with yourself. If she does this are you sure you are going to leave her? Or, if she does this are you willing to forgive and, well you are not going to forget....? Or are you going to decide that if she is going to do it, so can you? Or, whatever you feel you can handle, and how you are going to handle it when or if it happens, talk to her about it. Alright, if this is what you are going to do anyway, this is the outcome.
Take a look at the whole thing and decide on your own what you should do. If you decide that you will have a open relationship, she sees others and you see others, be honest with her that is what will happen and be honest with yourself, this is the way it is. If you do not want that type of relationship, you have the right to say, hey, if that is what you want then we are not meant to be together.
Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.
thank you for your advice i still hope she wont do it behind my back
Andrew, I hope she doesn't either. No matter what stick to your guns. Once you set the boundries you have to stick to them. You need to think about yourself too. Let me know how you do with this. I pary for the best going your way.
she did not asked me last week but she's use in a lot of make up and i keep thinking of what you said she mite be going it already what do you think
Just because she is using a lot of make up does not mean she has done anything wrong. Usually when someone has they will change in their actions, not just make up, saying things and not realizing they are actually giving hints that there is something going on. Actions when with you may change, more worried about what you may be doing, many times someone who is cheating will just figure the other person will too and sometimes they try to find reason to justify what they are doing. I would follow my gut, I have always found that when I have a reason to worry, there is. I am a very trusting person but I beleive in not listening to your heart all the time when it comes to love. I hope things work out.
she's going to a work's party this week i know he's going to be there i asked if i could go she said no its just work mates only we still get on really well but she wont talk about it when i ask her
Andrew, Iknow this is not what you want to hear, but I would move on in your situation. She wants to be with him, it sounds. But she don't want to totally let you go without knowing what is going to happen with that relationship. If I was her I would understand you being worried and if you were not allowed to go then I would just not go either. That is something that would just put extra pressure on the relationship with you and she should be looking at that.
do you really think she wants to leve me for this young man of 18 years of age she is near 45 don,t you think he just wants ***** then he mite leve her after he's had what he wants i don.t know if i should tell her to ***** sex and see what happends after i still love my wife and i hate to think of her sucking him off but i don.t want to lose her
Age don't matter. My husband's nephew, in his late twenties, 28 or 29, his wife is one year younger than me, I am 47. He has a step daughter, that calls him dad, who is 12 years younger than him.
Just keep your guard up, you have to think of you. I hate to see any relationship not work out. I would not give her permission, certainly not, if she wants to be with someone else she should do what is right and either end it with you or you guys have a mutual agreement. If you give her permission she will probably do it for sure....she needs to take responsibility for her actions if she does do anything. And there is a chance that if they do anything at all that it would not work out with them, but I would hope you were strong enough to say, hey that is what you wanted I told you I wasn't sitting around waiting for you. To me it sounds as though there is a good possibility that it will happen. If she is going to do it anyway, no matter what you do or say is going to change that, you need to know that because you did not do anything to cause it, she has an opportunity and she may go for it. If it happens I hope you are strong enough to realize that it was not your fault and if she ever tried to make you think that it was then you would stand up and say no I did not sleep with him you made that decision. You will have much more respect for yourself and that is important.
Why is your wife asking you for your permission to this? Its such a hurtful thing to you...is she trying to make you jelouse or hurt you? If she really wanted to do it, she could have done it behind your back and you would have never known. I think she was being mean about something...I'm so sorry you have to go through this....please tell her to stop such nonsense!
I don't understand why ur wife would wanna just suck someone off????
i no what your saying is right i,m in my 40's i don,t wont to be left on my own even if its not my falt witch its not i really don,t want to lose her and she's not talking of leveing me she says its just a young man she wants to suck off and that will be it i think you think she will do it any way and i,m almost sure she wont do it agian i hate to think of her doing it but it mite be the only way forword for us
Have a private detective go to the party. Get pictures Get a lawyer in advance have him prepare everything. Get ready to change all the locks on the doors before she gets home. Be ready at the last moment to take her off all bank accounts and credit cards. Shes going to do it if she hasn't already. Protect yourself no matter what you could loose everything and your wife. or tell her to invite him home and you can watch.
bystander i need your advice about link 13 reply ples
Sorry Andrew, for some reason it was not letting me log in to certain rooms, like this one. I wasn't doing it on purpose, if you don't get a reply from me send me a private message anytime, I was getting those.
Andrew, I will back you up whatever you decide to do. But I have been in your situation, you feel worse about yourself if you don't stand up for YOU!! I know you love this woman, but it is wrong for her to do you this way. In all honesty, if she wants to do it then it does not matter if you give her permission or not, she will do it. Under no cercomstances should you give her permission for this when it makes you feel this uncomfortable. You will have absolutely no respect for yourself, I promise you that. The reason she is asking you is if it messes things up then the fault lands on you, make her take the responsiblity for her actions!! She is being immature and very unreasonable. She wants to excuse her and find the blame to be put someplace else to releive her own guilt, and you should not allow it.
No matter how hard it is to do, you have to stand firm ground on this. She needs to know what your boundries are, that you are going to stand by them and you are not going to take her ****. If she does this, she needs to know you are....leaving, or not waiting around for her and it will be on your terms, in other words, when her fling is over don't be getting mad at you for having your fling, stand firm Andrew. You will have so much more respect for yourself when you do not allow her to put the blame on you.
Let me know what happens and you can private message me anytime. Good luck.
thank you four all your help and advice i can,t beleve she will end it all after over 23 years but life very hard at this moment i,m fed up i feel to old at 44 to be on my own who will wont me now i,d let her do it if it would just end there and go away but i,m not sure it will
Andrew--I even asked my husband so I could get it from a males point of view, he agrees, he also thinks that if you give her permission that it would not end, she wants permission once, then one more time and then who knows. He said if you are going to give her permission then you may as well have an open relationship.
Now I told what he thinks about that, I am going to yell at you just a little, no a lot, I don't want to hear the negative like "after 44 who is going to want me" ****!! That is exactly what she is hoping you will think. That is called control. Don't let anyone control you, there are plenty of gals out there you age, trust me. You feel like you are in a rut and you need to do some tweaking to get you out of it.
Sense I do not know what you look like, I will just give you a few general tweaking tips that would go for just about any guy. First clothing. Yes, sometimes the clothes do make the man as they say....some guys it is the dress type clothes that just looks great on them and then there are those guys who have a jean butt. Find out what works for you. You can make both work. Most generally, I like jeans on guys but you want the right jeans. None of this baggy showing the butt crack stuff, you want them firm fitting but not tight to where it looks like you were poured into them. Find the right kind of shirt, not everday t-shirt but not tie only either. Make sure it is a color that is good for you. Now, you want to make just a little change, no drastric stuff. Just enough to make people around you wonder what is different. One shade of hair die, shaving, the shaving is important. Instead of clean shaven, use the electric shaver backward so you leave just a stubble, even out the edges, and clean shave the areas that need it, like under the chin, high cheeks. Go get just a little different hair style. Find you an Avon rep near you, get this mens cologne called Mesmerize. I bought that for my husband because it smelled so good. Well he went into the hospital and took it with him and used it there after he took his showers and no matter who came in they just went nuts over his cologne. He put it on one time and the nurses was outside his room and one of them said "I smell a man" and it was right after he got out of the shower and put his cologne on. So, after that he has always wore his Mesmerize. I don't know what we are going to do if Avon ever discontinues that stuff.
Just do what I said, Andrew, I told my husband the same thing and you would not believe the reactions he gets from women. He is 51, he has more confidence now then he ever had. Promise me you will try the tweaking and let me know. Oh, and be prepared for your wife to do some sucking up, and you can take that however you want to. But, I would not let her off the hook too easily!! And I sware I am not purposely putting in all those puns, they are just falling into place here, lol. Now get of the darn computer and start tweaking, if wifey decides she wants to get all dolled up for this guy, start going out on your own. What female friend do you have that you can trust her advice or taste? She would be a perfect one to go with you to the store and pick out the best jeans for you and shirts. I think you need to get out of the house, and if you don't meet someone that way, Andrew, what are you using right now? The computer with internet and endless ways to meet women. There is some out there that will want someone even as old as 44!! πŸ˜‰
you know quite alot don,t you its just not me i,m sorry to say i,m a bit shy you make it sound so easy i don,t know if i can do as you say but thanks anyway this as been going on a long time now i cant tell may be i,m to close but do you think she;s already do,n it honestley
she has gone out with her frends i,m not sure there all women but i don,t know for sure i went out last night with out her had a good night with my frends there was this women called debbie there she's very nice but i don,t want anyone else and it would be unfair on debbie if i did so i went home with a hangover alone
Well if it is unfair to Debbie or not depends, it depends on whether or not you are promissing to spend the rest of you life with her or if you are being totally honest and telling her that things just are not going well between you and your wife, she has decided to see someone else too and you are having a hard time dealing with it, Debbie may just decide that you can be friends and just talk about it, which would be great for you, or Debbie may have recently gotten out of a relationship herself and not looking for something serious but misses the companionship. Be open with her and give her the chance to make the decision herself. If it did lead someplace with Debbie, well, you just may decide YOU don't want to continue with your marriage. Sounds like you would always wonder yourself what if with Debbie yourself and your wife is leaving it open for you two to be with others. I would still do the tweaking on your appearance, that would make you feel better about yourself and right now I think you need that. And Debbie just may be that female friend you need to help you decide just how and what to tweak. If you have reason to believe that your wife is seeing someone else, chances are she is. And with what she has talked to you about then you have to prepare yourself to move on, if she wants that kind of relationship there is nothing you can do about it, but you don't have to have it, but finding someone else who wants what you want would be a good idea. Not saying Debbie IS THE ONE, but how do you know if you don't get to know her? Be honest with her and see where it takes you. Best of luck with that.
i will think about debbie just been talking to my wife trying to sort this mess out i asked her how all this come about with this young man she said it all come about as a joke at work he would say when am i going to get that suck off she said he said it most of the time as a joke my wife said i will do next time he asked i will do it and thats how it all begone she said he is just i kid there's nothing in it if i just let her do it its only a bit of fun she said she will never leve me that she still loves me but would like to suck him off just once when he asks i just want to do it and see he's face and i would like you to know i,m doing it so its not behind your back i,d like you not to worry about it as nothing else will ever happen , what do you think ,
I think that she gave you your answer, so do you have Debbie's number yet? She is testing water and if she loves you as much as she says why is she telling you the next time he mentions it she is going to go do it? Andrew, you are asking what we think, well, what I think is you need to move on, now is the time. It will not be only one time, she does have an interest in this other guy regardless of what she tells you, she is counting on the fact that you love her and hoping you believe you cannot go on without her. I feel you should prepare yourself and whatever strength you have stand up to her and say, "I am not worried about you leaving me, I am leaving you". Already have your things packed and in the car/truck whatever. Call an attorney. I think someone gave you the advice of clearing your account, good advice, make sure all the checks that are due to come through have before you tell her, get your financial matters out of the way, take out the money and get your name off of the account and opne you a new one in your name only. You may think she won't but I will tell you, I thought that and my account was cleared and I had bounced checks and a whole heck of a lot of mess. Then they would not let me close it until it was all taken care of but wouldn't let me take his name off the account either, I needed his signature. I had to allow them to close it on me, never made good on the checks until they did knowing it would not do any good, and then finally got it all taken care of. Almost 10 mos later, I did. Save yourself the headache, open a new account first, put your money in it without her knowledge, and get your name off the account that is joint with her.
Come on Andrew, you know the answer to what you should do, now you just need the strength to stand up for yourself.
our money is in my name already debbie is ok as a frend for now i don,t need to be in wrong if things don,t work out i would still like to be with my wife i,m sorry to have to say i love her allways have but i do know your right and the money is safe so do you think i should let her suck him off and see what lifes like after she's do it if i can live with it i don,t know if i can and she want do it no more after she's do it and things mite be ok if there not then i will have to go it would kill me if i did and then debbie mite be more then a frend what do you think to that
Andrew, trust me, if you left her it would not kill you. You may feel like it will, but you were breathing before you met her, as much as this is killing you inside, you are still breathing through this and you will continue to breath even after she is gone. I would not tell you this if I had not gone through it myself, I have been where you are at, I even had the same self esteem of nothing. She counts on that, you will not go on because you cannot do without her. Bull, you are strong, you will go on and you can do.
Answer to your question: NO I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD LET HER SUCK HIM OFF!!!!!!! You do not have control over you right now, you need to get that control back. Once you have my friend, you will never give that control up willingly!! You are still listening to your heart, it is lieing to you again, and again, and still again. Just like your wife is, she is either lieing to herself by saying she does not have any interest in this other guy, it will only happen that one time and never again. That too is bull!! Whatever it takes get the control over your emotions and your life.
Do what I said, work on you, your wife, if she hasn't already, will do this. If you do not get control over your emotions and you then you are going to fall apart, you will have a nervouse break down. I know, I did it. I almost went bald too. Yeah, a female, only in her twenties was almost bald. I had to get about 75 shots in my head three times a week. That is what it took, and a whole lot of prozac, to get rid of HIM. And guess what....I am still breathing. I got my hair back (don't regret the decision to keep the hair over him one bit), got control over my emotions, my heart, my life and when he came back
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