Wife Cheating Bbc

Wife Cheating Bbc


Wife Cheating Bbc


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Hi im a married white woman, who has been meeting a single black guy. other than kissing and hugging nothing sexually has happened.. he wants us to sleep together, i find myself weakening i want him too. i love my husband but want this black man so bad. im split 2 ways & confused.

You should definitely take every inch of his black tool. My husband tricked me into f****** a black guy once and I loved every bit of being his white w**** . He pulled off his condom and it was the hottest c** I've ever had shot into me. I even let him and two of his friends pass me around multiple times

Go ahead and f*** him. Then wall him into your daughter's room and let f*** her, that way she will know how much of a piece of trash you are

There is more to life for a couple than f****** . If you have a good husband maybe you should look at yourself for sexual behavior in bed with him. Have you let your passion for your husband die by living the poor me, he just don't understand my needs. If you let him know your needs you wouldn't be writing I'm confused.

And then there would be no more white women to f*** , you stupid n***** , that’s the problem with you stupid knuckle dragging fucktards, you can’t think past the tip of your duck...

Invite him over so he and your husband would meet.

Your body and his body is telling you what to do. A lot of men would love for you to follow your desires-it may even make him wise up and perform better. If not, part ways in peace and stay with the man who can satisfy your deepest cravings!

Desires of the flesh, IT's a Sin to commit adultery, to many reasons you are risking your soul. Do you really want to break your husbands heart? he will know and find out, even if you hide it he will sense it, you will be able to tell as he changes towards you over time. Is this worth the risk to love, we should look at eternal life.

Ridiculous. I've had black women say the exact opposite to me...so funny!

Your right, I know I need to stop and I will...I do love and thank my husband for all he has been … but why don't a white think that his wife wants and needs s** like him….we are not china dolls.

For as far as you have gone he should know, he can decide if he wants to stay with you or not. You are a risk and the truth should set him free if he needs. Sad you think this Is normal and ok. The injured party here is your husband for you even to think of straying, he needs to know because no matter how you try to hide it your heart will tell the truth of who you are right or wrong.

Charlotte Ruble I find you to be very ungrateful, despicable, and trashy. I never thought that you would lower yourself to ever being with a black man. Not only that but you have been married to a wonderful Christian man who has lived you more than his own life. He has bent over backwards to provide for you and your son. Did you even stop to think about what your son would think and feel. Kissing and hugging is cheating Charlotte and you should be ashamed of yourself for even doing so. Is give anything if your daddy was still alive knowing that his little girl is dating a n***** . He would kill both of you. I'm letting your husband know I read this and that you have confided in me that the missing and hugging went much further. He deserves so much better than you. Your and ungrateful b**** . I'm also taking this to your mom and sister. You deserve everything you get for being a n***** loving w**** . And also how dare all you n***** loving whites on here for talking my best friend to have s** with this man. Don't ever speak to me again Charlotte.

This must be a joke...right? (if not, i am seeing a chubby & pale, benign as yellow paint person - a generally unnoticed person reach out to cause some chaos for attention)

You should have been with him already, I give myself to any black men that want me,and I let them all c** inside my p**** . My husband has accepted that I am a black c*** w**** and that I only want to have black mens babys. I have given birth to 9 black babys and I will never stop. Greg loves my big used sloppy p**** and he eats me out every night and cleans all the c** off my p**** .

Yum yum he is a lucky man getting to eat that sperm 😍

I don't even know you but I am in love with you. if you ever leave your husband please marry me

Confused hu? Three words for ya. Forsaken all others. Kissing and hugging another man, but you love your husband. Yeah right. How dare you. Thanks for making all married white women look bad. For the color of man you want FU!

Well now I guess I just found that smoking gun didn't I Charlotte deary. You'll be getting those divorce papers now... No need to be weak any longer you are free at , last. Turning this over to lawyer and authorities. Dating inmates is a crime in the work place.

You are just upset that he is going to bust that coochie open in a way you never could.

Well now I guess I just found that smoking get about you and Smiley didn't I Charlotte deary. You'll be getting those divorce papers now. I'm happy for you. No need to be weak a any longer now you can have him. I'm moving on

I've cheated many times on my husband and don't regret any of it. At first, I was scared but grown more into it. My husband is clueless. His c*** is worthless for the most part. I have my needs and go elsewhere to get them fulfilled. I prefer black men because they know how to make me organism. My husband to me is used as a safety net financially, it certainly isn't for my sexual needs. I attend many parties with black men, sometimes we get really drunk or smoke weed or etc. I know some of them have made videos and movies of me but I try to hide my face but sometimes I don't care except to organism. I've cheated so much now it is almost an addiction to big black c**** . I'm always on the lookout when I'm around town or shopping, I stare at their crotches first to try to see how big they are. Sometimes I go to the inner city to pick up some weed or whatever, and we party there, I just get really h**** when high or drunk. Big black c**** seem to always make me come. I can say now probably out of my best 100 friends, 90 or 95 are black men. My husband truly is clueless! When he is gone or working, I am finally enjoying myself! Sometimes I want to say f*** you to him but he is a good as a back up financially. I would encourage all women if your husband is not satisfying you sexually go elsewhere, and I prefer bigger black c**** . D!

This thing that is cheating on her husband is lost. Lets see. 1. cheats on husband 2. smokes weed 3. f**** black men What a sick b**** .

Yes and you will have to answer to God one day unless you repent.

Go for it your husband will really like it you'll be so hot when you get home you'll show him how to f***

F*** the black guy, your going to love it and then you will be f****** him from then on!

Leave your husband becayse clearly he isnt enough

Nasty n***** loving b**** ! I hope your husband beats the s*** out of you!

God you really are so nasty. You are just disgusting filth, that's what you are, that's all you are. Filth. You are shaming your husband, your children, and your parents. Your entire family. Shame on you. Shame.

You are filthier,twice as disgusting and ugly...you probably have never had s** except with a rat for years. Whats wrong with a white woman, married or not,having s** with a fine black man of her choice?

What's wrong? Did you read that post? The guy below me is on mark.

She is going to destroy her marriage. Knowingly and willingly, she is just going to explode it because she is in love with a black. That's disgusting and it's filthy. And it makes me sick.

What does your ethnicity have to do with anything? What does the ethnicity of the person you're cheating with, have to do with anything? I call bullshit! You're trying to seek attention and encourage controversial comments regarding, you deem is still taboo topics!! Such as; Interracial relations. It is,the 21st Century dumb ass! Interracial relationships happens and has happened for centuries! If this confession is genuine, you should be more concerned about, the fact you're already cheating on your husband and contemplating cheating further, by having sexual relations with this man.Not, focus on the race of yourself and the person you're cheating with! If you want to be that way, I'm black, curvy, have a big booty, juicy lips and my man is white, has blue eyes and a creamy c*** ! Controversial enough for you! Dumb ass!

I think, to me, him being black added to the s** . The color contrast, and he did have big hands and he didn't forget to love my t*** , caress my body, and lots of foreplay, kissing, licking, nibbling ...he prepped me and my p**** to the point that … yes, I was asking and begging him to f*** me.

You wouldn't have started seeing him if you were not intending to f*** hi. Stop lying to yourself and just do it.

I'm a white man but i think all white married women should be black bred!

No. No. No. Your an a****** who thinks all white women should be black bred. Besides she does that, she's just breeding down.

Do you like the taste of sperm too?

I had a girlfriend who loved to do it with black men

Women f*** better after they get black d***

You're all a bunch of slutty housewives who never deserved families in the first place, please avoid men's hearts and bathe in your disease.. give yourself to a brothel, jesus christ. Don't cheat you stupid f**** , it eliminates the purpose of marriage. Why justify cheating? saying it's your fantasy and people should be accepting because "You want this" or.. you're tired of being oppressed by men! the very same men who drive you to cheat because you're insatiable. Nobody should respect that at all, if you want to cheat you're still a cheating w**** . Kill yourselves. or maybe.. you just want something new? Well, here's news for you stupid women. Penises come in all shapes and sizes and it doesn't matter what you look like because it's all down to location, people who live in typically hotter climates will have bigger penises, just because your black doesn't imply anything.. uneducated idiots..

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How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. Send your questions for Stoya and Rich to howtodoit@slate.com .
A couple years ago—about 10 years into our marriage and amid our trying to fix some desire discrepancy issues—my wife confessed that she cheated on me with a good friend of ours, someone who was in our wedding party and has since made moves on her. This took place about a year before we were engaged, so a long time ago. While we have come a long way, it’s taken me a long time to get over this because of certain details. The biggest of these details is that she told me he performed a particular act for her, one that she enjoyed—an act she won’t let me perform on her. I’m very attracted to my wife; I couldn’t feel like a luckier guy. She is not the most (or least) sexually adventurous person; nor am I. I’m quite happy with our sex life, except that one thing. I’m slightly obsessed with it. She seems to enjoy porn that contains it, and she’s had it and liked it before, but doesn’t want it from me. She claims it’s a hygiene issue, but I feel like that is easy enough to solve. Simply put, I’m not going to do something she says she doesn’t want. At the same time, I really want to shed my insecurity about her getting freaky on the low with our old friend but not me. The male psyche is a little ridiculous, I realize. What should I do?
At least you’ve still got your sense of humor.
Your wife might be having a bit of a madonna/whore moment over the hygiene issue. It might feel like it’s one thing to let someone she’s having a short affair with do—something that mildly squicks her out—and a whole other thing to have the same mouth she intends to kiss goodnight forever be one that’s just removed from her rectum. You could try broaching the subject of a dental dam (a barrier generally used to reduce the possibility of passing sexually transmittable infections) to see if that solves the hygiene concern. You might find that your wife has other qualms about participating in analingus, and if that’s the case, you should probably drop the subject for now. Since you (applaudably!) don’t want to do anything she doesn’t want to do, you’ll want to be cautious with anything that might feel like coercion or nagging.
Yes, the male psyche can be a bit silly. So can the female. Be gentle with yourself for having feelings. Insecurity and jealousy are completely reasonable reactions to learning of an infidelity, even if it occurred a long time ago. Give yourself permission to feel those emotions. Your wife may never allow you to eat her ass. You should probably begin preparing for that now, and focus on the things you do love about your existing sex life, which sounds like plenty.
I am a fortysomething pansexual woman who’s been in a monogamous heterosexual marriage for 15 years. I didn’t mind being monogamous. We have kids, so it’s not like I had the time or energy for more than one romance.
However, the kids are older now, and my husband and I agreed to open up the sexual aspects of the relationship—which I look forward to, but there are a few hooks:
1) I do not want to be polyamorous. A single romantic relationship is quite time-consuming enough. I just want to hang out, bone, and go home.
2) My taste is not vanilla. I need my sex to be safe, sane, and consensual, with a partner who respects safe words.
3) Even if I don’t want to be polyam, I still want to know my play partner beyond filling in the kink questionnaire. Imagine accidentally screwing a Trump supporter, a men’s rights activist, or Gamergater. I would have to bathe in bleach forever.
How do I find someone I trust enough to play with, but not get into a relationship territory? Do I look for FWB? I have one poly dom friend who is flirting heavily with me, but she is married to a close friend of my husband and that seems like a potential can of worms. Do I go to munches? Do I put “no romance, but we should hang and see if we want to have kinky sex” in my Tinder profile?
You seem really clear on what you want and what you don’t want. That’s great. It’s important to know what your boundaries are and what you’re looking for. You might want to consider other dating sites and apps along with Tinder. Some cater to the kink community and others are popular with non-monogamous people, who are likelier to be accepting of your open marriage and proficient at navigating creative relationship styles. (Try FetLife, which caters to kinksters, or OkCupid, which has a lot of poly people for some indiscernible reason.) Whichever service you end up going with, your instinct about what to put in your profile feels spot on. You’ll probably want to disclose the fact of your existing marriage before the end of the first date, and definitely before you decide to meet up.
The tricky part is going to be getting people to hear your boundaries and internalize them. Casual friendship with sex is, in my experience, one of the hardest things to maintain with
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