Wife Catch Me

Wife Catch Me


Wife Catch Me
You are sad now, but imagine how sad you would be if she got pregnant by this asshat. Also imagine if this druggie gave her HIV! I get that you r heart is broken, but ignore her threats, push for custody. As Billy Joel said "all she can do is throw shadows at you"

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017 8:28 PM by KEISHA KORE


Confessions of the Mistress
“Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way.”
It seemed as though my life was spinning out of control. Too many, it seemed I had it together. Others knew I was just barely hanging on. And I was. I was fighting depression alone, now raising chi..

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 8:38 PM by Jeff j

So it all started back in the summer of 2016 my wife was just a few months into her new job. She had left the ems field for a 8 to 5 job. To be home with are two boys more. A little about us we meet in 2008 got married in 2010 had two bright and handsome boys. Back to what happened not to long after she started her new job about 5 month in her job site lost a co worker to a car accident. She she..

Monday, July 31, 2017 9:02 AM by DET

I had to forgive her because i told her i would. This was soon after we married, and before our two children. Stacey confided that her previous boyfriends had always accused her of cheating. I said i dont know what the big deal was as long as you stayed together. Though she said she'd never would it was shortly after our second child that we had an iud placed to avoid further pregnancies. I ..

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Monday, June 13, 2016 9:20 PM by Guest

Rating: +48|-53

 I work out of town 2 weeks out of the month and I have been married 15 years : I get home from work one night my wife is sleeping with my son. The next day she sets me down and tells me she has been unhappy for years at least 4 years and wants a divorce and if we don't get it soon we will hate each other , she wants a nice divorce and us to be best friends.my initial thought was to seek counseling from our pastor ; 3 days later we set down with my pastor and he says he knew she had been texting a man and I imediatly got that familiar sick feeling in my stomach even though she denied it and sure enough I checked the phone records and she is having an affair and I didn't say anything hired a pi got proof (took 4 weeks and cost a lot)(knowing they were together in my home while I was working and the kids were in school was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with )and filed for divorce. I hate my wife with all my heart and I don't want to but i do and I know this will pass ; her and her new boyfriend (drug head) (whom I have known since childhood) and hate also. She will probably have joint custody of our 2 children 14 and 11 and that's why I hate her so much. and now she is telling everyone I beat her up for years and all kinds of other lies to deflect from her being a pos. She still goes to the same church I do and I feel uncomfortable around her and I will never speak to her again but I feel like moving away and starting over and of course I don't want to remarry as I have been cheated on before in marriage and been faithful ,it sucks period marriage and women. Also can't move away because I want to be with my children .

Custody ;

Divorce ;

Kids ;

if you play this right you can get full custody. This happened to my uncle and he got full custody of his son
yes that's considered adultery and you can get full custody of your children 
The BF I am currently dating goes through the exact thing you went through but after he met me, he is happy. Trust me, once you etc someone who really love you, you won't even remember the pain and thankfully hates he did what she has done to you.
Your wife is a selfish bitch. She has proven she will lie in an attempt to destroy the man that is her children's father. Stop at nothing to get full custody of your children. She and her boyfriend will destroy your children. 
I agree with the others. Drug head probably has a criminal record. Use it.


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Apr 8, 2017

So I just checked my wife's FB messages and found out that my wife has been cheating on me with a neighbor. We have been married for 13 years and have 3 kids and I love her dearly. They have been texting for about 5 months and I think having sex for a couple of months. I read all of the messages and they were heartbreaking...talking about sex and stuff. She mentions in her texts she doesn't have love for me talked about divorcing me for him. When I confronted her about it, she was in shock I found out. I didn't lash out but told her how heartbroken I am. I asked her about when she was going to ask me for a divorce and she said she didn't know, she said it "comes and goes". I asked her if she would now pursue a divorce and she said she didn't know, "I'm in shock". I said if she wants to try and make it work, she has to break it off with him immediately. She said OK. AFter the confrontation, I check her FB message again and she told the other guy that I knew everything and asked I don't ruin his family. It seems my wife is his 3rd affair. I mentioned that I don't know what to do but have lots of thinking to do.

We are taking the kids to the beach in a week...not sure what to do about that now..
Sorry man.

If the neighbor is married, expose the affair to his wife.

Oh, and back up all of your evidence.
Virginia: "Why can't you kids leave well enough alone? Everything was fine until you started digging around."
Burt: "You sound like a Scooby Doo villain."
So sorry JDA that you are here but at least you know now and can take action:

1. Insist she give you access to all phones, pc, etc, sounds like you have a key logger in place. VAR her car too, to ensure she is still on no contact. If necessary insist on a lie detector test.
2. have her write out a time line of her affair - tell her you have not decided what to do and will be consulting a lawyer (she needs to be shaking in her boots) but she better not lie as you will find out and all bets are off
3. Contact OM wife and blow up his world, give all the details you have found out, let him be busy saving his own marriage, hopefully he will move away.
4. Contact the lawyer and see what the options are - even if you reconcile, it is good to know
5. Get yourself some IC, to handle the next couple of months
6. Your wife has to be doing everything to bend over backwards for you to reconcile, tell her this, if not you will proceed with divorce
7. Consider MC when the dust has settled

You will soon find out if she is truly remorseful or just sorry she got caught. A cheater who is more worried about their own discomfort that your pain is not one you should reconcile with, it will set you up for a life of misery.

Do not make any decisions right now as things are raw and emotional

Keep coming here to get advice and support as there are many men who have been in your shoes
The life you have, is the life you create
It's good you posted here. Your situation emabarrassing due to the neighbour thing. If it makes it any easier the affair was probably just a fantasy. It was exciting because it was forbidden. It looks like she doesn't view this guy as relationship material, however, she has clearly considered it. She needs to convince you that she wants to stay married. It's going to be a slow process. I think you should tell her you will agree to marraige counceling if she demonstrates honesty and she understands she is going to have to work for it.

I also agree with you that it would be good to get some space mentally. Can she go and stay with parents for a few days? You should read some stories here and find someone you can identify with. You need to figure out what is going to make this situation palatable for you. You might feel you need to move away.

Discussion Starter



Apr 8, 2017

Yeah, I feel terrible...3am and probably won't sleep at all.

I know the other guy's family and kids. Think I should give him the chance to tell his family first or just go ahead and do it myself? I'm thinking of his wife and kids, not him.

Discussion Starter



Apr 8, 2017

Discussion Starter



Apr 8, 2017

Yeah, I feel terrible...3am and probably won't sleep at all.

I know the other guy's family and kids. Think I should give him the chance to tell his family first or just go ahead and do it myself? I'm thinking of his wife and kids, not him.

Virginia: "Why can't you kids leave well enough alone? Everything was fine until you started digging around."
Burt: "You sound like a Scooby Doo villain."
Virginia: "Why can't you kids leave well enough alone? Everything was fine until you started digging around."
Burt: "You sound like a Scooby Doo villain."

So I just checked my wife's FB messages and found out that my wife has been cheating on me with a neighbor. We have been married for 13 years and have 3 kids and I love her dearly. They have been texting for about 5 months and I think having sex for a couple of months. I read all of the messages and they were heartbreaking...talking about sex and stuff. She mentions in her texts she doesn't have love for me talked about divorcing me for him. When I confronted her about it, she was in shock I found out. I didn't lash out but told her how heartbroken I am. I asked her about when she was going to ask me for a divorce and she said she didn't know, she said it "comes and goes". I asked her if she would now pursue a divorce and she said she didn't know, "I'm in shock". I said if she wants to try and make it work, she has to break it off with him immediately. She said OK. AFter the confrontation, I check her FB message again and she told the other guy that I knew everything and asked I don't ruin his family. It seems my wife is his 3rd affair. I mentioned that I don't know what to do but have lots of thinking to do.

We are taking the kids to the beach in a week...not sure what to do about that now..

You hear all the time that the BS has to eat a **** sandwich, but most of the time the WS -- IS the **** sandwich.

Discussion Starter



Apr 8, 2017


I have everything. Even took pictures of the messages on her phone.

I will let the other wife know tomorrow and show her everything.

You mentioned friends and family, should I let my family know now or wait?
Get checked for STDs and make sure your wife knows.

And tell her you're doing DNA tests on the kids and watch her reaction.
“The time's gone by for sentiment and all that foolery. Mercy's all very well but after all it's justice that clinches the bargain.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


I have everything. Even took pictures of the messages on her phone.

I will let the other wife know tomorrow and show her everything.

You mentioned friends and family, should I let my family know now or wait?

Virginia: "Why can't you kids leave well enough alone? Everything was fine until you started digging around."
Burt: "You sound like a Scooby Doo villain."
jda79 : listen to those guys who have posted. This sucks. We've all been there. It hurts big time.

Right now, you most likely want to save your marriage. You need to do research here on things to do. Keep your eyes and ears open and mouth shut.

- Whatever actions you decide to do, DO IT! Don't warn or threaten wife with what you MAY do...
- When possible, as you find out more and want opinions - look here or ASK here first.
- Get a SONY var. They sell it at BestBuy and other electronics stores - even bestbuy. Don't buy it with a creditcard that your wife may notice on a creditcard purchase or amazon account. Maybe have a friend buy it foryou. You need 1 or 2 of theses. DO NOT let her know you have them.
1 goes in her car. The other, hide or keep in your pocket when you both are going to have a sit-down talk about your relationship. You want to keep this as proof and so you can review later. Your mind can be foggy and you may not catch or understand what she is saying.
- get the SONY VAR that is about $50 which has a USB port. Turn off the beep (button press).

- DO NOT think you KNOW YOUR WIFE. She's had sex with your neighbor behind your back. She is considering leaving you and hurting hee children over a serial cheater, she's been played. She can actually turn on you... and having a VAR can be handy if that happens. When my wife assaulted me and ended up arrested... I forgot I even had the VAR going at the time. The only blood the police saw was mine. Sure I could win in a fight with her, but I'm not going to beat down a woman half my size. The recording has me saying "stop, go away" and "stop hitting me" while she is cursing, screaming and making a ruckus.

- You *WILL* need to expose the affair now. best way to get that guy to stay away from you and your wife. His wife should know what he's doing... wouldn't you have wanted someone to tell you? Don't warn your wife... just do it.

- take photos of any and ALL evidence... Use your phone to take pics of messages of her phone... even showing the phone itself.
- document everything.

Buy this book, read it... it will take about 90minutes. Then give it to your wife to read - *IF* you both are thinking about staying together (reconciliation)

Get this book as well... its 400 pages... it may help you, may help her. Who knows. Right now, your wife is not thinking.

If you want to divorce, then start on it now. Get a lawyer and have her served... while her head is in the fog.

The "help your spouse" book is for cheaters. It's written in a way that they may understand. Your wife is on the fence... so its worth a shot to have her read it. If she refuses and the other things that aine has told you to do. Then move for divorce, even if you DO NOT want to.

Start on 180. It's hard, but do not play nice with your "wife".
Supporting those who want to divorce or reconcile. Not every relationship is the same.

Discussion Starter



Apr 8, 2017

Is this her first affair?

You need the kids to be DNA tested.
I think you should contact the other spouse immediately. I would want to know and so would you. I agree with the others that you are going to come up with a plan that you can tweak along the way. You need to find out what you can deal with. After you expose to his wife you are going to feel more angry and the trickle truth will start. You can assess things after that.

So I just checked my wife's FB messages and found out that my wife has been cheating on me with a neighbor. We have been married for 13 years and have 3 kids and I love her dearly. They have been texting for about 5 months and I think having sex for a couple of months. I read all of the messages and they were heartbreaking...talking about sex and stuff. She mentions in her texts she doesn't have love for me talked about divorcing me for him. When I confronted her about it, she was in shock I found out. I didn't lash out but told her how heartbroken I am. I asked her about when she was going to ask me for a divorce and she said she didn't know, she said it "comes and goes". I asked her if she would now pursue a divorce and she said she didn't know, "I'm in shock". I said if she wants to try and make it work, she has to break it off with him immediately. She said OK. AFter the confrontation, I check her FB message again and she told the other guy that I knew everything and asked I don't ruin his family. It seems my wife is his 3rd affair. I mentioned that I don't know what to do but have lots of thinking to do.

We are taking the kids to the beach in a week...not sure what to do about that now..


I have everything. Even took pictures of the messages on her phone.

I will let the other wife know tomorrow and show her everything.

You mentioned friends and family, should I let my family know now or wait?

The life you have, is the life you create

We are taking the kids to the beach in a week...not sure what to do about that now..


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