Wife Breeding Club

Wife Breeding Club


Wife Breeding Club
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
The Breeding Club: a place where one's innermost kinks and headiest desires could come out in the dark and sordid halls. That was due to what took place within them, however, as the Head Mare of the club ensured that all was kept in due order and a high standard of cleanliness at all times, a place that furs would want to keep returning to over and over again to have their lusts sated. Black and red was the manner of the public areas, the bar allowing a free-flowing array of drinks, although those who drank needed a stamp on the back of their paw to ensure that they would not engage in risqué sexual acts afterwards, every last aspect of the club closely monitored.
Put it this way: if you were looking for privacy, it was not the club for you. Everyone was there to show off their bodies, a heaving mass of leather and lace and latex and rubber -- all manner of materials designed to conceal, titillate and awaken fantasies that no one imagined had ever existed. That was the beauty of the club, after all, thrumming with music and the burble of voices, depending on which room one entered. It was there for all to invite and explore and push those delicious limits with friends and strangers alike, seeking out that ultimate breeding thrill above all else.
With a friend or a stranger though -- that was the question on everyone's mind. Everyone knew what went down in the club but, well, the number of females that left with a womb full of cum, dripping male essence, was never recorded. They didn't need to record it when the evidence was before their eyes in swollen bellies, the ones who had succeeded in their mission smirking with glittering eyes, languishing in the attention and praise at proving their fertility. It was more difficult for those of the male persuasion, or at least producing some form of seed, to genuinely show-off their prowess in any other way than the public fashion and they could most often be found with a needy femfur or three, ploughing into them over and over again in the most public place possible.
Nalu could have been both and, in all honesty, she had been in both the bottom and the top in The Breeding Club before, enjoying all that came her way. A luxuriously coated hybrid between a stark black crow and a skunk, creating a gryphon type, the hermaphrodite pleasure-seeker stalked her way through the club with a bob in her step, energy up and eyes glittering as they searched for something a little sweeter that night. The white stripe running down her back and tail caught the eye and it would have been impossible to miss her even if the subtlety of feathers slipping into fur where her hybrid halves came together was so sensually sinuous that one could have been forgiven for not noting the difference immediately.
But she was there for a reason and Nalu panted lightly through her nares, her fluffy tail flicking keenly with due intent. Licking the edge of her dark beak, she giggled and sashayed, shimmying her way through the bodies as someone up on an elevated stage moaned, their pussy full of horse-cock. She, in all honesty, wouldn't have minded some of that for herself that night, but she was not in the business of having a clutch seeded in her belly that particular night. No... It was time to take the male half of her for a ride, to prove herself in another manner too...
Friends and acquaintances alike recognised her instantly -- it was hard not to with her distinctive black and white marking setting her apart from the rest better than any kinky attire ever could have. No, Nalu always came in nothing more than her fur and feathers, her wings her cape if she needed any modicum of privacy at any time. And yet in such a location, that just didn't seem to be something that was ever needed when all she wanted was to cheekily bob into the spotlight and tickle the snout of her next victim with the tip of her tail.
Ah, there were so many to choose from and, already, her shaft stirred in the light slip of a sheath tucked down into the fluff of her crotch, nuts aching for something that she had, perhaps, denied them for a little too long. They would have to pipe down, quiet themselves, Nalu seeking the perfect victim, a pleasure partner unlike any other that she had had before.
Her eyes raked the crowd, clustered around a fox who was engaged with a hermaphrodite snake, the naga's body spilt in thick coils across the dance floor. No one stopped them, of course, from fucking in such a public spot, although the club staff had been known to move along partners who seemed to be blocking the main thoroughfares from time to time. Everything was about the pleasure of it and Nalu spent a moment enjoying the fox, his bared teeth and slanted ears, as he slammed into the snake, so submissive that her coils may as well have been liquid jelly for how well they wrapped around him. Where she could have dominated, she submitted, and Nalu appreciated the beauty in that.
No. Someone else. Someone else would bear her seed and she lingered on a small, petite mare with black spots on her white hide. She was dressed in a miniskirt that, well, may as well have been a belt, tail raised and showing off the goods, winking anxiously to any male that may have wanted to take her. Heat rushed to her loins and Nalu's paw snaked out, slapping the little mare's rump before disappearing, easing back into the crowd as if she'd never been to begin with.
But they'd never know it was her. She was gone, giggling, excitement rising, cock trying to peek out of her small sheath. But not yet. Not quite yet... There was time still to arouse herself and, as cute as the mare was, she was not the one for her that night, her pussy wet already and reacting to the multitude of scents filtering through the club, every last one of them speaking of abject, ardent lust.
Sweat. Cum. Sex. It all came together. And she wanted every last bit of it.
Another mare caught her eye but she dismissed her black coat as quickly as she had the first equine she'd contemplated. Too muscled. She wanted something softer... A sable antelope? Now, that was a cutie that she had not had for herself before! But, no, she'd keep looking, stepping quietly into a smaller room with her wings politely tucked in against her back and cataloguing the many furs that were there, including a wolf, a bongo, a fox, a deer, and then...
Nalu sucked in a breath, tail stiff. Yes!
There could never have been another choice once Nalu had seen her, the tiger that she would soon come to know as Kat, although the hue of her lightly orange-brown fur, gentler than typical tiger shades, was set off by her latex bra and panties, her cutely chubby form daringly bare. Still, Kat pressed her legs together as if she was afraid of someone seeing too much, already pushing the limits of what she was comfortable with despite the very reason that she was there, like everyone else in the club. It was funny how that worked but everyone had to start someone even when their confidence was not particularly high.
The sabre-toothed tiger leaned in close to the stage with her lips parted, avidly watching the white rabbit take what they all presumed to be his partner, a hare with long, sensual ears. They cried out and clasped paws as if they had been together for a long time and, truly, it would have been impossible for the tiger with pink stripes to ignore them, wanting it all as much as they did, although what she really needed was a fat length of fuck-meat to sink into her pussy too.
Ignorant to her casual stalker, the gryphon herm who lingered further back, observing and waiting, Kat moaned out loud, excitement drawing her to sharp risk-taking. Oh... Oh, why wouldn't the rabbit have her? She'd muttered something to him as he'd led the rabbit doe up on stage with him, the female blushing furiously, but he must not have heard her as he showed no reaction at all to her words. It was always the way! She found one that she'd like and, well, they were already with someone else! It didn't matter if someone was into kink or not, she just wasn't a lucky one, never a lucky fur.
The sabre-toothed tiger jumped and shrank back, eyes wide and yet her tail still twitching, betraying the excitement twisting and writhing just below the surface. What? Why was the black fur...a gryphon? Why were they staring at her like that? There was more than a little something predatory in the gleam of her eyes and still... Kat's eyes dropped and the cat gulped audibly, even in the throng of bodies, there suddenly seeming to be more space around her than she was comfortable with, the lure of another drawing her to them by the course of an invisible string.
The gryphon-skunk was not just a female, despite her appearance...
Kat's voice wavered but she tried to show her boldness too, inherently rising up like a serpent within her. She was strong, yes, though she wanted to cover her breasts, hide herself away, as much as she wanted to put herself on show and out there too. No, she needed something, something more, someone more, pussy burning without heat, desperate for that thing. The bunnies on the stage squealed and fucked, well, like bunnies, rampantly driving, the sloshing lewdness of his multiple orgasms spilling out heatedly over the stage in such a way that it would have been impossible to ignore.
Smiling, Nalu took Kat's paw and pressed it gently between both of hers, patting it as if she was trying to comfort the tiger, who was only a little shorter than she was.
"Now... You can come with me. The only name you will need for me tonight is Nalu. Learn it well, sweetie."
Dominant to a fault in her current mindset, she turned on her heel as if there was no chance that Kat would not follow her, drawing the sabre-toothed tiger along with her as Kat scrabbled to keep up. Bodies parted to allow them through and Kat scrambled to find her hind paws, teetering in a pair of heeled boots designed for her type of paws, the straps running up her calves and leaving the majority of her fur and toes there bare. It was a kinky look and yet it seemed to be the very look that had gotten the breeder-cat just what she wanted as she trotted and hopped, trying to balance in the heels that were hardly worn and still bearing uncomfortably on the soles of her paws.
Kat whimpered and blushed, trying to call Nalu's attention and, to her credit, the herm gryphon slowed and peered back at her, the feathers on her face seeming to ruffle seductively. But, of course, perhaps that was just her imagination going overboard, the heat curling up in her belly growing more and more, an unstoppable force that she wanted to coax on, though not gingerly in the slightest.
"What's the matter, cutie?" Nalu smirked, a giggle on her beak. "Cat got your tongue? No one is going to hurt you here..."
And Kat knew that was true, licking her lips and purring, whiskers quivering.
"Oh... I know. But you don't have to take me anywhere. I'm Kat..." It felt silly to state her name so obviously but necessary at the same time. How long were you watching me?"
It was not a time for conversation as Kat's cheeks heated up, though Nalu was considerate enough to answer, slowing to wind her arm around the tiger's waist and draw her curvaceous form in close and warm. There was more than enough heat in the club for the naked and nearly naked bodies to be found there but the heat rising from Kat's cheeks could not and would not be denied. She blushed heavily and whispered out a moan, trying to press her thighs together even as she walked, her latex panties slick with arousal.
"Oh, long enough to see that you were just what I wanted," Nalu murmured, fingers closing more tightly on Kat's paw. "Delicious... Have you ever been told that before?"
She was kinkily predatory, working on her own arousal, pushing all the right buttons even as the mere presence of the delectable little cat with her did the trick in all the right ways. Nalu's breath caught but then she was turned about, halfway through the door out of the side-bar area, poised in the entranceway and, well, quite aptly blocking the way of others. But they were there to be adored and it would have been a strange act and moment indeed if anyone had wanted to push their way past them right then and there, two lusty creatures on the brink of diving into something that would sate both of their breeding urges.
Licking her lips, Kat purred and glanced down obviously at Nalu's shaft, the pink tip just barely poking out of her sheath. It was now or never and she wasn't about to let her nerves get in the way of taking what she wanted, the neon light over the door flickering from blue to red, taking note of the debauchery that was about to happen.
"Maybe I should give you a 'taste' of what you'll be getting from me..."
She wasn't taking 'no' for an answer and Nalu was more than amenable, the gryphon's hips rising to meet her as Kat sank to her knees, demonstrating shocking suppleness that one may not have expected from a larger fur. But she was full of surprises and even she would not have said that her personal health and fitness was not at the top of her list of priorities, needing to know that she was strong and capable of everything that she set her mind to. And, right then and there, all she wanted to do in the pounding, seductive heat of the club was to show Nalu just why she should fuck her.
Nuzzling at the gryphon's thigh, she boldly pushed down her nerves, working her way towards those heavy balls, openly on display. The fur that covered them was softer than she could have expected and Kat's warm breath washed over them as she explored, ears twitching to catch the cries of other furs enjoying the show for themselves. Someone suggested that they should be up on stage next but she was too caught up in enjoying the moment to care, blocking the way and taking what she so very desperately needed either way.
The gryphon herm's beak parted but there was no time for her to moan as she rocked and ground her hips, Kat's warm lips finding her balls and pressing into them in the most devout, tender of kisses. Everything about her came softly but confidently as if she took her pleasure in the gentleness of it all, though she was a submissive through and through, the scent of her heat coming more and more thickly as Nalu tuned in to her sense and presence. Inhaling over and over again, Nalu panted and leaned back against the door frame, gripping it tightly in one forepaw, grunting and groaning as she was pleased, the tease driving a little more of her cock to push out into open air. Just how did Kat know to do that to her?
It didn't matter -- nothing mattered in the face of pleasure. Nalu's hips worked as Kat blushed and mewled, even trying to stick her tongue into the gryphon's sheath, working it in alongside that tantalising sliver of cock, revealing a softly rounded, fleshy head. Oh, how she yearned to take it into her mouth, to give it the pleasure that she so sorely deserved! Already, Kat sank and sank into sweet submission, her heat making her pussy wetter than it ever had been before, although the environment of the club would have been more than enough to rile up anyone at the end of the day.
"Darling..." Nalu huffed, rolling her head back, eyes half-closed even in the public environment. "I think...ah...you may be taking a taste of what's on offer here and not me!"
But neither of them was set to complain as Kat mewled and tugged lightly at the gryphon's sheath with her lips, keeping her teeth carefully out of the way. Now, those would most certainly hurt if she slipped up! She had to be careful but, oh, it was so hard to think of silly, little things like that when all she wanted was right there before her, slowly but surely teasing that delectable length of cock out into the open as the crowd gasped. It was a modestly proud length and Nalu even helped her along, guiding her into parting her lips around it, taking it into her mouth even while it was only half-hard. As long as she was ready for it, something like that just didn't matter, the tiger's eyes closing as she secluded herself down and down and down into the realm of raw sensation, luxuriating where, for at least a time, she would not be disturbed.
She could relax there, letting that soft length harden up in her mouth, tongue curled and pressed up wantonly to the underside. Oh, it was delicious, the slickness of pre-cum mingling with natural musk, although the mere scent of her skunk part, far from being disgusting and vile, drew her in, a tartness cloying through it as if to tempt at being overpowering. Maybe it would have been overpowering if she had not had so much else to focus on at the same time. But it triggered something deeper inside her as the outside noise of the club became a dull roar and din pressing down on her eardrums.
Deeper, she could go deeper still. The scent wound around her muzzle and drew her down, tongue flicking up over that smooth cock-tip. Oh, there was nothing more she could have wanted, nowhere else that she would have preferred to be than on her knees, serving the beautiful one. Nalu groaned and thrust into her mouth and Kat gladly accepted the musky offering of her cock, naturally scented and yet still clean and alluring, tickling the roof of her mouth. No, she needed it deeper still, shoved up into the back of her throat, and Kat growled, determination rising through as she sought to get it where it belonged, gulping and working her throat, pushing away her gag reflex.
But that could not go on forever and the act of breeding made her latex panties slide slickly against her soaked pussy, grinding and humping against nothing. On show, she was an embarrassment to herself in the very best sort of way, eyes half-lidded and lust at fever-pitch, every nerve-ending in her body tingling, vibrating. She couldn't stay still, constantly shifting her weight as if that small action alone would get her pussy ground down into the latex, getting her what she needed... And yet there was only one who could give her that and it was the very tantalising hermaphrodite gryphon hybrid who was standing over her at that very moment, waiting on both her lust and her pleasure.
Nalu hissed through her beak, wings fluttering up, though she tried not to block the view of anyone, curious eyes clustering in, paws on cocks and fingers driving into pussies alike. Everyone wanted a piece of the action but all she was there for was the sweet little sabre-toothed tiger on the ground, suckling on her cock as if she was merely a kitty-cat who wanted the cream. And she would have that then, Nalu's lust suitably heated, simmering through under the surface of her fur and feathers.
"Come, cutie," Nalu purred, knowing that her command, however lightly it was given, would be followed. "Up here..."
As if in a dream, Kat allowed herself to be guided back against the wall, arms pinned above her head, wrists encased in soft, leather cuffs. But there was nothing soft about how they were hoisted up, fixed in place, her breasts heaving and the hungry crowd hankering still to see just what she was hiding beneath it. The tightne
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