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Read The Lost Valkyrie in order! Some chapters are NSFW!
The demon was dead, and many of the people were recovering, including Tyna, who had remembered who she was, and that her real name was Rune!
Now Rune and Thyra went looking for Ulf, whom they’d heard fighting the demon in the feast hall.
“Oh Thyra, what if he’s hurt,” Rune asked, looking worried.
Meanwhile, her friend was trying not to get frantic. “Let’s just find him, first,” Thyra reasoned.
But everywhere they went, their people needed help, and they called out to their Queen and their Princess for assistance. Many were injured and many others were dead. It was another serious blow to the Kingdom, and the pair of girls found themselves barraged with continual requests they felt obliged to try to handle.
Soon they were organizing a mini-hospital in the feast hall, using feast tables as treatment areas to bandage the injured up while waiting for those with medical understanding (too few) to come and help with the more serious cases. And nobody seemed to know WHERE the King was.
“Move that one to the free table over there. You’ll have to clear the food off it, first, just put it under the table for now.”
“Help me, please, my son is injured!”
“Can he walk? Have him come to us.”
“Have you seen the King? Where was he last?”
For some reason, nobody seemed to have seen the King or his guards. It was maddening!
After a while, they had an initial count, at least. Twelve people were slain. Another twenty-two were wounded, apart from those who had been hit with demon sicknesses. This last group seemed to be fully recovering, including those who had been afflicted in earlier attacks, and who had been continuing to suffer. Like Rune had been…
Two villagers came carrying Ulf between them.
“Put him here,” Thyra ordered, pointing to a free table.
And Rune was at his side in an instant. “What happened to him,” the Queen asked, looking over his body for injuries.
“We found him under the bodies of several of his guards, my Ladies. He is alive, we know that much. The guardsmen were all dead.”
“GET THE PHYSICIAN!!!” Rune was starting to feel hysterical as her husband wasn’t responding.
“Fear not, my Queen,” Thyra said, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “My brother has the hardest head I’ve ever seen.”
“I hope you’re right, Thyra,” Rune said, letting her friend comfort her. “But look! His body is bruised all over, and he has an ugly-looking gash to his head.”
Thyra looked her brother over, nodding at her friend’s description. “These look painful but not too serious. But look, this bruise is getting worse. That cannot be good.”
Now the Princess looked worried. She’d helped the Physician with enough injured men that she knew bruises to the torso that spread meant the man was probably bleeding on the inside. From such an injury no man recovered.
“My Queen…” Thyra started to say, but then she stopped, looking uncertain.
“What is it,” Rune asked, looking deeply unhappy and helpless.
“Well, I have a question. You saw the demon knock me over. Me and almost everyone else but you. And I didn’t see what happened after that… until the demon was standing over you.”
Her friend was speaking slowly, uncertainly, and Rune, feeling desperate bordering on panic, wanted her to spit it out. “Yes, Thyra? What of it?”
“My Queen, I saw the fire leap from your hand and burn the demon. It was more amazing even than what I saw in the mountain pass, and now I know for truth you are no normal woman. And I wonder…” she trailed off and paused, looking at Rune in an odd combination of fear, wonder and hope.
“You wonder if there is anything I can do for Ulf. You wonder if I can… heal him?”
While Rune was pondering the question, the Physician finally arrived.
“Your pardon, my Ladies, I have been much in demand.” The old man looked tired tonight, but he glanced around, assessing the situation in a glance. “You have done well to assemble so many of the wounded all in one place. And the King is here!”
He wasted not a moment more, examining the young man with an expression that grew more grave as time passed.
“Princess, will you assist me?” And he had Thyra clean the gash to the King’s forehead. “He will also need a paste to close the wound, my Lady.”
“He'll have a scar there to remind him of this battle,” the man said to Rune as Thyra worked. “But it is this wound here that worries me.”
And it was the spreading bruise to Ulf’s abdomen. Indeed, the girls could see the purple color had spread further since they had first seen it.
“I fear the King is bleeding inside,” he said, confirming their fears. “If he is, there is nothing I can do to help him. I suggest prayers to Odin for mercy.”
And with that, he begged to be excused, so he could attend to others who needed him.
As the Physician moved on, Thyra looked at Rune, and Rune at Thyra. Thyra looked like she was fighting despair.
“Do you think you can do it,” the girl asked her friend.
Rune looked doubtful, but she said, “I can try.”
From that moment, Rune set up a vigil over her King’s body, holding his hand and brooding on the task needed. Thyra left instructions for the Queen NOT to be interrupted. Any needs could be directed to the Princess while the Queen cared for the injured King.
And the needs were many! Thyra found herself quite distracted from her worry for her brother.
A good thing, too. The King grew pale and did not awake, while the bruising of his abdomen only spread and got worse. His Queen cared for him, keeping his brow cool, checking the gash on his forehead.
But mostly, she searched inside herself for some sign of a healing gift.
She had the gift of heavenly fire. And she had a gift for sensing danger. But what about healing? She’d never had even an inkling of such a thing.
She’d been in battle when her sisters needed healing, too. It was not as if there had not been chances for such a thing to manifest.
It seemed a vain hope without any basis to think she might be a healer! It just wasn’t there in her cupboard to be pulled and out used.
As the King got worse, Rune despaired for the life of the man she loved.
“This cannot be the end, my King,” she whispered to him, her tears falling into his chest.
Although the mini-hospital bustled around her with activity, everyone knew not to interrupt the Queen. By now they’d all heard what she’d done to the demon: the fire from her hand. If anyone could save their King, it was her!
Thyra DID stop by to check in, chancing the interruption to try to encourage her best friend, whose tears were still dripping down onto the King from above.
“Have you had any success,” The Princess asked gently, her hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“Nothing. I just don’t seem to have it. I hoped I did. Fri…” Rune paused, stopping herself, as she was about to say “Friia told me.” That would never do. At least until she told Ulf she was a Valkyrie.
She continued. “Someone wise in gifts once told me I had more than one gift, or I might. Or more than two, even. But I cannot find a healing gift to try. I don’t know HOW!”
Frustrated and upset, Rune began to weep again as Thyra tried to console her. It was hopeless!
“Oh Thyra! I’m going to lose him! Why does love have to hurt so much! I should never have come here, to this place! I feel as though my heart is being ripped from my breast!”
By now she wasn’t weeping: the Valkyrie was sobbing.
The Princess was quiet for a short while, letting her friend feel the hurt. After all, there was nothing she could do except be there for her.
“Ulf, my King, don’t you dare leave me, now,” she cried.
“Rune,” Thyra said, interrupting. Something in her voice made the other girl pause, and she looked up at her friend to find the Princess staring at her.
“What is it,” she asked, wiping her tears, or trying to.
“Rune, even your TEARS are glowing today. If I had ever been tempted to doubt your love for my brother, seeing that would be the end…”
“They are?” The Valkyrie asked in wonder. That was new.
It made her pause and take stock of her condition. Glowing tears? Yes, she could feel her power was strong, and she realized now she was hot, the inner heat coming off her in waves. She knew her heavenly aura must be showing brightly, and she thought about the light within her.
Suddenly, Rune could hear Friia’s voice in her head, again.
“You are a being of light. It flows through you like a stream. You don’t ‘make’ the light shine or the water flow. It flows!”
And she remembered how she’d defeated the demon in the throne room, modifying how her danger sense worked to be faster, letting her not only know that danger was near, but also anticipate the demon’s moves. Letting the light show her more efficiently where the beast was at every moment.
All at once the Valkyrie realized! She didn’t have multiple gifts. She had ONE gift. A gift of light. Of life. Of goodness! A gift she could mold to meet her needs and wishes!
But could she mold it to THIS need? The young Queen knew she had to try.
Rune had gasped out loud as she had begun to understand. Thyra’s startled query if she was OK went unanswered as the Valkyrie looked within, seeking the light that flowed like fresh, cold clean water within her.
And she found it. It had been there the whole time.
“Please,” she said in her mind, not realizing she’d also said it aloud. That one word embodied all her love for Ulf, for Thyra and for all of Bollurgard. For all the silly, frail humans she’d met, with all their fears and foolishness, all their love and family and delightfully mundane lives.
And the light seemed to hear her, welling up inside in a way she’d never quite experienced. The same, but also different. It filled her until the young Valkyrie felt it spilling out of her, and she opened her eyes to see where it would go.
Ulf lay beneath her, still dying, and Rune felt her love for him burning clean and bright, without selfishness or fear. The light seemed to want to come out of her hand. But instead of being a weapon, this time the light was life and healing.
Lifting her hand, the young Queen felt almost in a dream as she placed it on his belly, right where the ugly bruise was centered, where his abdomen was now distended and hard from the blood trapped inside. She could FEEL her love for him mixing with the light as it entered him there, her hand glowing bright with power.
“By the gods, let him be healed,” she said softly. “Let him LIVE.”
Knowing a thing deep inside can be an odd experience, and Rune simply KNEW that Ulf was being healed right then and there.
Thyra didn’t know it, but she actually SAW her brother's distended, purple bruised belly returning to normal shape, his skin un-bruising before her eyes. If there was such a thing as “un-bruising.” Soon the King seemed to start to rest more comfortably, his color beginning to return.
“You did it,” she gasped. The King’s sister was overjoyed, and now she cried, too! “You’re AMAZING! You DID it!”
“I did, thanks be to the gods. It was there the whole time, Thyra,” the Valkyrie replied. “I just had to figure out how to let it work through me.” She sighed in relief. “Let’s let your brother rest awhile. He has earned it, I think.”
As Rune gazed down at her husband in adoration, Thyra nodded. “And there are many others who need healing, my Queen. Can you help them, too?”
The Queen laughed at Thrya’s hopeful grin. “Of course I will do what I can for my people.”
And so the pair went from table to table, and Rune let her healing power flow for each one that was seriously injured. All the ones she touched were healed, and the people of the Kingdom celebrated, many of their loved ones being returned to them.
“The Queen! The Queen is healing her people!”
“My daughter was dying, and now she lives!”
“Never has Bolllurgard been happier!”
It was tiring work, and when they were done, Rune needed to lay down. Getting used to using her power in new ways took some practice. But as she rested, she was happy, and she shared in the people’s joy and love.
She’d never had “a people.” Of course the Valkyries were her sisters, and the heavenly powers were with her, but it wasn’t the same. Helga and Hildi were her true friends, and that came closest for the girl to feeling like this.
“But can these Midgardians still be my people?” The Valkyrie wondered. Valkyries were not Queens, and they didn’t have “people” here. Involvement with the men of Midgard was controversial, and she had MARRIED one of them!
It was jarring - she had two sets of memories. Her Valkyrie life, and her shieldmaiden life. She had to fit them together!
The more she considered all this, the more worried Rune became. Odin was going to be PISSED. What was she going to DO?
The girl sighed. Her wedding felt like it had been a month ago, and Rune was weary. She fell asleep in her bridal tent, wishing Ulf would wake up and come to hold her.
It was some time later - she couldn’t say how long - when Rune awakened to find the tent dark but for the lights coming from the feast hall, and those were rather faint, though she could still hear some activity there. She assumed it was the more seriously injured still recovering while their friends and families cared for them.
Thinking on all that had happened as it came back to her memory, the Valkyrie felt a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness. A sense that was marred only by the returning worry of what was going to happen to her, next.
As she moved to look around, she heard a deep growl from behind her in the bed.
“Are you awake, my Queen? I had begun to think you might slumber forever.”
And with that, strong arms she’d have known anywhere slipped around her, pulling her back against a broad, muscled chest as a man’s lips gently nibbled her ear, making her laugh.
“My King,” she cried, turning to face him. “How long have you been here with me,” she asked him between kisses.
“A few hours, my Queen,” her man told her. “It felt like a lifetime to wait, but I heard you’d been working hard and needed your rest.”
“And are you well, my husband? I was worried about you,” she replied with a sigh as her mate nuzzled her neck, now, his great big hand closing gently around one of her breasts, making her tingle and shiver in his grip as he teased her body. He seemed to know just how to touch her to make her instantly aroused, and this time was not an exception.
He just growled at her question, rolling her over on her back and slipping between her thighs.
“Oh, my Lord, you are quite well, indeed, aren’t you,” she giggled, gasping softly as he entered her, his girth parting her and filling her in wonderfully sensual ways. She moaned and writhed against him as he took her, the feeling of his love for her sweet as well as satisfying.
After they were finished, they lay together, sharing the warm glow of bliss coming from the Queen as they chatted quietly.
“And I love you, my King. You’re amazing. Where did you learn your way around a girl’s body like that,” she replied, teasing him gently.
“I’m just a natural, I guess,” he said with a wink, making her laugh.
“Right, I am sure that is it,” she responded with a little scolding. “Tell me who she was, and I’ll fight her for you.”
“I confess, my Queen, that I cannot recall her. You are the only woman for me. Now and forever.”
“The poor girl,” she joked. “Having experienced the best, now she must go through life without you even remembering her.”
Ulf laughed. “Women are fickle. First you wanted to fight her. Now you feel sorry for her. Will you really be mine, forever? I heard your name has changed while I was recovering.”
Rune arched a brow in surprise. “You did, did you? I was hoping to tell you that news myself.”
The King smiled. “Please don’t be angry at my sister. She was very excited. She told me all that happened while you slept for hours and hours.”
The Valkyrie sighed. “I could never be angry at Thyra. If you had been unavailable for some reason, I’d probably have married HER.”
“She’s adorable, I know.” And he sat up in bed, offering his hand to her formally. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Rune of Bollurgard.”
His bride sketched a curtsy motion and then took his hand shyly. “It is my pleasure, my King. Do you have any questions about what you’ve heard?”
“Just tell me you’re NOT already married to someone. By the way, Rune is an awesome name, and it suits you.”
This made her laugh. “Of course not, my husband. And thank you. I am glad you like my name.”
Pausing a moment, she sighed heavily. “There IS something we should discuss, my King. And it is ALMOST as bad as if I were already married.”
“Oh?” Now it was Ulf’s turn to arch a brow. “Well, you had better tell me straight away, then.”
“My Lord,” she started, feeling quite formal. “I am a Valkyrie. I came here from Valhalla to track and destroy that demon. After the fight, when the demon afflicted me and I lost my memory, I did not know who or what I was.”
The King listened closely, nodding. “That explains a lot, though I admit I did not know that Valkyries could do the sorts of things I’ve seen you do - and heard you had done.” He seemed to consider her words for a minute or so, and then he looked back at her.
“So why is it bad, my Queen? Are you not allowed to marry?”
He didn’t look upset at all. Did he not understand?
“My King,” she tried again. “That is part of it, but not being allowed to marry is only the beginning of the problem. I’m not even HUMAN. I don’t know if I can bear you an heir. How can I be your queen? The people will never accept it.”
Ulf laughed. “You just saved the lives of hundreds of people by destroying the demon. In front of them all. Mothers with small children. Widows and cripples and men who have seen too many winters to defend their people as they’d like to. Not to mention the many brave warriors who tried to do that and fell to the beast. The beast YOU defeated for them.”
She was about to respond, but he kept going, holding a hand up.
“And then, you healed their King, and you healed dozens of others, a number of which were certainly GOING to die, despite our wise physician’s best efforts.”
She was about to respond, but again, he held his hand up, gently silencing her while he continued.
“Your people ADORE you.” He laughed again. “ALMOST as much as I do. You should have heard them calling out your name and celebrating while you were resting just earlier! Where there was before only sorrow and loss, YOU have given them a measure of JOY they thought they’d never have. You are their HERO. You could be one of the three Norns, and they’d still love you and want you as their queen.”
The Norns of Norse mythology wove the fate of every person as threads into a tapestry of the fate of the world from beginning to end. Fate was often cruel to the Vikings. Norns were the stuff of awe and foreboding - not love.
“But my King,” she said as her eyes filled with tears. “Your heir…”
“We’ve barely begun to try, my Queen. And if we find that no heir comes to us, there are other options. Are there no orphans we might adopt? We have a particular problem with dead fathers around here, lately. Perhaps the Queen has noticed.” And he winked at her while her tears spilled over, running down her cheeks.
“You…” she started, shaking her head. “You are the most wonderful man in Asgard or Midgard…”
“You’re right, I AM,” he said playfu
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