Wife Best Husband

Wife Best Husband


Wife Best Husband
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Husbands Ranked From Best to Worst According to the Zodiac Signs

Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at Marriage.com, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

What is Marriage?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

There’s no denying that we all show some aspects of our star signs in the way that we navigate and experience life.
Most people who are aware of zodiac signs will have experienced a sinking feeling when they find out that the star sign of a potential suitor is not compatible with yours .
Each star sign has its traits; some signs are more outgoing, others more organized. Which leads to the question, which star signs make the best husbands?
Of course, the answer to that will depend on your personal horoscope but as a general rule of thumb, taking into consideration the typical traits of each star sign, here’s our take on husbands ranked from best to worst according to the zodiac signs. 
At the heart of most marriages is love and emotional commitment and underneath everything that a married couple experience together they will always be seeking emotional support and connection from their spouse.
Which is why Cancer ranks number one for the best husband according to the zodiac signs. 
Cancerian husbands are sensitive, nurturing, resilient and strong home lovers – perfect husband material.
A level-headed, kind husband with a huge heart sounds like a top quality husband to us. If your husband is a Libra, lucky you.
He’s going to be all in when it comes to love.
Your marriage, your married life, and your Libran husband’s love for balance will really enhance the life of those around him.  
A Scorpio can build emotional bonds as well as they can hold a grudge (ahem). 
Stay on the right side of a scorpion though, and you’ll discover qualities that all scream husband material. They are loyal, committed, supportive, protective and selfless in a way that no other sign is.
Capricorns can get a lot of stick for being a little too practical and realistic. However, those are two amazing qualities that will provide a bedrock for a solid, sustainable and steady marriage. 
They don’t take commitment for granted , and if they commit to you, they will move heaven and earth (or climb the steepest mountain to support you). 
People often forget that our dear goat friends also have a fishy tail, which represents deep but often hidden emotions that are not shared with just anybody! 
Once you dive in with a Capricorn, and they know that they can trust you, you’ll start to see why a Capricorn ranks so highly on the best husband ranked according to the zodiac signs list.  
A Pisces husband is a good catch. They are creative, emotional homemakers and will do whatever they need to do to create a peaceful vibe in your home and marriage.
They will also make fantastic loving and nurturing parents !  
However, Pisces can lose their sense of reality occasionally which is the only reason why they have ranked at number five on the best husband ranked according to the zodiac signs. 
Most Taureans enjoy a steady home environment, and they love their luxury and creature comforts, so you’ll definitely build a stable and comfortable life with your Taurus husband.
This ensures that your Taurus will try to be emotionally present for you as a prerequisite for their marital commitment. You might need to guide them a little in that area. It’s an investment that could create the perfect husband though.
Leos can be extremely attached and committed to their wife, home, and family which is a huge plus if you have a Leo husband.
Being married to a Leo is like taming a lion, they are loving, committed, loyal and utterly loveable, but they don’t hold back when something upsets them. 
A Gemini husband will undoubtedly keep you on your feet – for Geminis need the stimulation of all kinds which creates a happy and fun marriage. 
Emotional connection is a must for a Gemini, it’s so important to them, that if they don’t get it eventually, they might seek it elsewhere!
Although they’ll probably wait many years before they do move their emotional connection onto somebody else. They are loyal and do give things a fair chance.   
Virgos will be the best at settling down, but it doesn’t always mean that they are the most comfortable with being settled. 
They are also loyal and committed to their wife, family, and commitments which makes them quite the catch. 
If you want adventure , and want to be the first at everything, and you don’t mind having to just let your husband do whatever it is that he wants to do, then you might be in for a fun ride with an Aries.
They don’t do things by halves and always have to be first at everything which can create some fun adventures and when things are great, your Aries will be all in and will overwhelm you with everything that you need from a relationship. 
But when things don’t go well, if an Aries becomes bored or depressed or if you just want a quiet life, it’s time to run for cover. 
The reason why Aquarius ranks so low as a husband is not that they wouldn’t be loyal or even emotionally invested.
But because they spend so much time living in their heads that they won’t be very likely to be able to show you the emotional commitment they feel for you in a way that you might understand, even though they will love you in their own way.
Sagittarius husbands are fun, entertaining and full of vibrancy, but the only problem is that with a Sagittarius it’s difficult for them to be loyal. 
We are not saying that all Sagittarius spouses will cheat, but in essence, Sagittarians are the lovers of everything, which can include other people! 
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

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Rachael Pace is a noted relationship writer associated with Marriage.com. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Rachael enjoys studying the evolution of loving partnerships and is passionate about writing on them. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together.

What is Marriage?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

What Is Love?
Approved By Angela Welch , Marriage & Family Therapist

For many people, finding a good wife is a blind man’s buff because they don’t know the qualities of a good wife to search for. It is important to mention that knowing the qualities of a good wife will guide your search when you are ready to get one.
Women with qualities of a good wife are worthy keepers, and they deserve all the care and respect because they have the purest intentions for the home.
One of the reasons why a woman is tagged a good wife is because of her readiness to make the marriage work . When the couple disagrees, a good wife would follow the lead of her husband and be receptive to resolving issues amicably.
Also, a good wife understands her husband cannot be perfect, so she does not struggle to mold him into her perfect model. Rather, she adjusts to his personality and corrects his shortcomings when he errs.
A good wife displays qualities that not only help build a home and family but also helps her project herself as a good human being. 
More than aiming to be a good wife, it is also essential to have positive attributes as a person, which in turn will reflect in your role as a wife. These qualities will keep all your relationships within the family healthy and balanced.
But if you are unsure what to look for in a good wife specifically, here are 20 qualities of a good wife that will help you in the search better:
A good wife exhibits both care and compassion. She is sensitive to the family’s needs, and does her best to provide a solution. She understands when her husband is frustrated, and tries to make him happy .
Her caring disposition makes sure the family does not lack in any aspect of life.
A good wife is not oblivious to the little things that happen in the home. 
For instance , if the husband does something considered to be small, she does not ignore it. Rather, she warms up lovingly and appreciates him . On the other hand, if the husband is sad about something in the home, she tries her best to fix it.
No matter how busy the good wife’s schedule is, she makes time to spend with her husband. 
Some women don’t spend time with their husbands using excuses like an extremely busy schedule. A good wife understands that the quality time spent maintains the spark in the marriage.
One important role of a wife in a man’s life is acting as a source of encouragement and support. 
In both good and bad times, one of the qualities of a good wife is to encourage and show her husband that he is loved. When men experience challenging times, they don’t see their value. 
However, a good wife reminds them of the great worth they possess.
A successful marriage thrives on respect. If you are searching for the characteristics of a good wife, make sure she is respectful. 
In addition, a good wife appreciates her husband’s effort, and the husband reciprocates with respect and love .
If you are thinking of what to look for in a wife, know that a good wife puts her family first. 
The family’s needs and wants top her priorities, and she’s not apologetic about it. A good wife goes the extra mile to ensure her home is comfortable for her husband and kids.
A good wife does not cheat because her husband is her one and only lover. 
In addition, she could have close friends, but her husband remains her best friend . If there are any pending issues, she talks first to her husband, who doubles as her best friend.
In marriage, one of the qualities of a good wife to look for is her willingness and ability to tackle problems . 
A good wife neither leaves all the problems to her husband to solve nor points accusing fingers at anyone. Instead, she works together with her husband to combat these problems.
What makes a good wife is her ability to collaborate and participate as an active team-player . She does not leave her husband to tackle any issue alone. 
Rather, she contributes her quota, and she acknowledges her husband’s effort. A good wife knows that collaborative efforts keep the marriage intact as everything goes smoothly.
A good wife understands that everyone needs their personal space . 
When she notices her husband needs some alone time, she respects his decision. She is also clairvoyant as she knows the right time to warm up to her husband and cheer him up.
When it comes to romance, a good wife knows how to integrate this into her marriage. 
She plans surprises and does little things that catch her husband unaware. She is sensitive to her husband’s needs, and leverages this to make romantic gestures.
A good wife is always true to herself and her words. She isn’t a copycat. 
Although she has mentors and role models, she remains authentic and her true self because that’s what matters to her husband and her marriage.
Being a good wife requires the input of effective communication . 
When there are issues in the marriage, she tries to keep an open communication instead of being silent about them. She prevents her husband from guessing as she lays bare her mind and proffers ways to move forward.
One of the important attributes of a good wife is her ability to ensure her husband attains his best potential. 
She provides her husband with the commitment and support he needs to conquer grounds. She knows how powerful her position is in the family, and she uses it to her husband and home’s advantage.
One of the traits of a good wife is her ability to give a listening ear because she knows it aids effective communication. 
Hence, instead of just hearing, she listens to understand her husband. When her husband wants to discuss with her, she keeps all distractions at bay to focus on him.
One of the attributes of a good woman is she doesn’t see her husband’s achievement as a means to compete. Rather, she appreciates him and acknowledges his efforts.
A man can only trust his wife when she has proved to be honest countless times. 
Lasting marriages are built on honesty and effective communication. There’s a twist to being honest; you don’t have to say anything plainly. For instance, if you don’t like his shoes, you can replace them by getting new pairs.
Generally, men love women who are good in bed and vice-versa. 
In fact, for some men, it is one of the important qualities of a good wife in a relationship. A good woman does research on how to satisfy her husband in bed . So, he doesn’t look outside.
If her husband loves a certain sex style, she masters it and gives him the best in bed.
Watch this video for more insights:
A good wife takes her spiritual life seriously because she knows it is beneficial to her husband and home. She prays for her husband and home, and she meditates regularly. 
Also, she ensures her husband is doing well spiritually because it helps them bond better in faith.
When things are looking bleak in the home, a good wife knows she has to maintain a positive attitude for the atmosphere to remain cool. 
In addition to remaining positive, she keeps the home in good shape even when it is frustrating.
Above all, one of the qualities of a good wife is knowing that her home has to be a safe place for the family to grow, play and live. 
Hence, she is unrelenting in achieving this. If you are searching for the best wife qualities, the attributes in this article will guide you in making the right decisions.
When you see a woman you like, hold intelligent conversations around these qualities of a good wife to provide an insight into the kind of person she is.
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

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Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on... more
Instead of making jokes about each other, have a hearty laugh together.
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journal... more
It takes a great deal of effort to make a marriage work successfully. And one of the most important elements of marriage is having fun. This post on husband and wife jokes can help you add some fun and spice to your marriage. If both the husband and wife do not mind cracking jokes at their expense, keep reading.
These jokes are not meant to hurt anyone’s emotions or feelings, and neither do we aim to demean the husband or the wife. We also do not endorse gender typification. Instead, these jokes are witty, humorous and make troublesome situations for married couples feel lighter. Read on for laughter inducers compiled in this post as an attempt to spark joy in your married life.
Marriage is a long-time relationship with lots of ups and downs. You need to be more of friends than serious partners to enjoy the roller coaster ride. So remember, husband and wife jokes are to be taken with a pinch of salt. If the joke is on you, try enjoying the fun side. Not every joke your spouse cracks on you reflects what they feel about you. So take them on a light note and do not feel offended by these harmless jokes. Instead, focus on sharing the chuckles and laughing your hearts out. And prepare yourself for a witty and hilarious comeback the next time.
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