Wienchain -Unraveling the Blockchain World One Click at a Time

Wienchain -Unraveling the Blockchain World One Click at a Time

Author : dogml1

Blockchain technology, along with the adoption of cryptocurrencies, is gaining momentum. The enterprise blockchain market is expected to reach $21 billion over the next five years. Just eleven years on, and both sectors have matured greatly, resulting in well-established organizations taking the technology more seriously as they tackle challenges that come with implementing blockchain and the use of digital assets.

Smaller firms in the sharing economy can find it difficult to compete with established, centralized platforms. A blockchain-based protocol plans to change that.

Now, a new blockchain-based protocol says it is aiming to tear down unsustainably high barriers to entry that are stopping startups from flourishing. The Wienchain provides a platform so that fledgling projects can build a sharing economy service. The team behind this new concept also believes it can solve some of the biggest challenges in the gig economy.

Through the platform”Wienchain”, Our major goal is to create value for people and align incentives for all stakeholders. We are looking at creating a new form of organization that can provide new options, solutions and innovative answers to a variety of trends in modern society such as the increasing numbers of digital jobs, liquid careers, global teamwork, project-based, self-determined office hours or even career limitations based on your create value for people and align incentives for all stakeholders. We are looking at creating a new form of organization that can provide new options, solutions and innovative answers to a variety of trends in modern society such as the increasing numbers of digital jobs, liquid careers, global teamwork, project-based, self-determined office hours or even career limitations based on your nationality.


Wienchain is a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) that provides businesses, freelancers and teams with a wide variety of benefits and services to help them grow their projects. Funding, marketing and security are just some of the benefits provided to companies that are a part of the Wienchain ecosystem.

“What is a DAO?” To put it in simple terms, a DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that operates according to a set of laws or rules that are designed by a fully transparent, stakeholder-governed, smart-contract based program.

Some of the benefits of Wienchain are…

Reduces The Technical Burden

Development is expensive and time consuming, Wienchain helps solve this problem. Developers can build on top of Wienchain’s high functioning blockchain and in doing so drastically cut down development costs and eliminate potential attack vectors for your project.

Reduces Marketing Costs

Marketing is often a hefty cost for a startup and the results are not always guaranteed. Companies that join the Wienchain ecosystem join an existing network of users, allowing them to take advantage of the network effect and receive free marketing by being exposed to all other users in the ecosystem.

Increased Clarity for Investors

With a vast amount of startups popping up daily it’s often difficult for investors to find high-quality and trust-worthy projects. Wienchain helps with this process by having all projects be vetted by the DAO.

📍Wienchain has achieved 1.7 million transactions within 5 months since its launch and this is an excellent result.

On top of that, there are a total of 28,950,000 WIEN locked in 1158 masternodes.

For more information:


Since its launch, Microchain has completed 1.7 million transactions within 5 months, which is a good result for blockchain projects.

Currently, it has reached 1,158 micro-chain main nodes, which means 28.9 million micro-coins are locked.

Please click on the link to learn more:


Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Service (PoSe) are two

common validation method used in blockchain technology.

Leveraging on the pro of both validation method, Wienchain is utlizing both PoW and PoSe based validation method in a hybrid fashion to increase security and sustainability in blockchain. Block rewards are given to both PoW Miners and PoSe owners through the Wien Masternode Network (WMN).


Wienchain is a hybrid system encompassing both concepts of Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Service to solve inherent issues pertaining to security and decentralization with sustainability and scalability in mind. In its initial stages, Wienchain will be a PoW centric coin where network circulation is increased through traditional mining and miners are rewarded with block rewards. A proven method for exponential growth in infancy stages where hashing difficulty levels are low and reward-to-work ratio is high.

As Wienchain’s value, network circulation and hashing difficulty increases, users are rewarded with coins through the PoW algorithm. Therefore, as traditional mining becomes less rewarding over time, a progression into PoSe increases sustainability as energy requirements of the network are significantly reduced.

Becoming A WIENCHAIN Masternode

Masternodes (MNOs) play an integral role in the Wienchain ecosystem. MNOs provide a key function for Wienchain by guaranteeing fast, smooth and secure transfer of data. To provide these important services, MNOs are rewarded in WIEN coins. Masternodes also have voting rights allowing them to play an important role in Wienchain governance.

How to become wienchain masternodes: Link1Link2

Or the fastest way is to go to the website WIENCHAIN a simple way to set up Wienchain Masternodes.


Wienchain maintains the validity and security of its chain with a unique, hybrid consensus algorithm. The consensus is created through a combination of both miners and Masternodes. This article provides an in-depth outlook of how mining on Wienchain works (Article on Masternodes coming soon)

Like on many blockchains, transactions on the Wienchain network are secured using a cryptographic method known as Proof of Work (PoW) mining. In this process, powerful computer processors search for solutions to a mathematically difficult problem defined by the X16Rv2 hashing algorithm.

X16Rv2 Proof-of-Work

This algorithm is the latest version of the X16 which is a descendant of the X11 hashing algorithm, an algorithm that runs 11 hashing functions and was primarily implemented on Dash. The X11 hashing algorithm was great because it ran 11 different hashing functions — making it difficult for any particular mining sector to dominate the market. Similarly, the X16R runs 16 hash functions in its series.

The great thing about X16R is the fact that it becomes very problematic for it to be implemented into ASICs, due to the 16 hash functions and the random order that each hash function uses.

Every proof-of-work algorithm with the aim of preventing the existence of ASIC will fail because there is no absolute way of preventing it but there are ways to slow down the existence by making it harder to create such as using different

types of algorithm.

The x11 is a common hashing algorithm that utilizes an unconventional approach also recognized as algorithm chaning. X11 contains all of 11 SHA3 candidates algorithm, where in the chain, the calculation of each hash is submitted to the very next algorithm. By adapting multiple algorithms,

the chances of an ASIC being created for the currency is small.

Despite the complex chaining of hash algorithms, the D3 ASIC miner from Bitmain has made X11 mining with GPU and CPU not profitable. So, we will be using another type of hashing algorithm in Wienchain. To ensure that the hobbyists are able to mine the WIEN with Central Processing Unit (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Wienchain will continue to make changes to the hash algorithm as soon as the existence of ASIC for X16Rv2.

ReadMore: Link

Wienchain Wallet

Wienchain Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows you to store multiple cryptocurrency including WIEN, Tokens and Assets that are tokenized using WienAsset in just one and only wallet. Wienchain Wallet is design in such a

way that they are a wallet where you are able to pay in a cryptocurrency that you do not have by converting other cryptocurrencies that you have. There is no need to create another wallet and download additional wallet allowing you to send one type of cryptocurrency and the receiver receiving the type of cryptocurrency he preferred.

The merchant can select the type of cryptocurrencies they preferred and the system will do the conversion giving the payer the options to choose between a wide range of cryptocurrencies available in the market.

Wienchain Wallet Create it with ease, easy to use interface and low transaction fees


Wienchain utilizes the technology of blockchain in order to offer freelancers, entrepreneurs as well as established companies the ability to plug into a thriving ecosystem. Through Wienchain entrepreneurs can collaborate, gain access to funding and advisors from various fields, or even pitch new projects through an easy to use dynamic proposal system.

Wienchain also aims to be a platform that can be easily integrated into existing e-commerce solutions, financial institutions as well as social media. This is realized through the use of a seamless abstraction layer which then allows existing commercial, financial and social media platforms to utilize features such as the DirectSend without having to heavily restructure their infrastructure. As such, we strongly believe that Wienchain, with its open-ended design, is highly adapted to serve as a strong foundational layer for a large number of financial and commercial protocols in the future.


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Forum Username: dogml1

Forum Profile Link: Link

Wienchain wallet adress: WRC7dACA81wjrsuQYCNXsCuLgGk1WG1PxC

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