Widdle Sissy Baby

Widdle Sissy Baby


Widdle Sissy Baby

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Topic: Please Mommy (Read 11329 times)

Tiny Johnny

Story Queen

Posts: 74
Karma: +27131/-0

« on: March 08, 2022, 05:50:16 AM »
Part 1 "Mommy thaid to tell everyone that I athed to be dwessed wike thith" I was standing in front of my family and my wife's family along with some of her friends at the baby shower her sisters and cousins were having for her. "That's a good baby girl Johnny, now remember to curtsy like you asked me to teach you" With that I lifted my dress at the sides, smiled big and crossed my legs while bending. My former wife straightened the oversized bow on my head as I bent, laughing and shaking her head. "I don't know what came over her, but this is what she wants, so..." What nobody knew was that her cousin was holding a remote control to the shock collar she had placed between my legs. She smirked as she manipulated it in her hand so I could see. She gestured to lift my dress higher as I curtsied. As it was so short anyway, there was nothing left to hide, so I complied as she grinned. "Those are darling padded panties on her aren't they?" her sister said to everyone. "I made them for her after she asked." The padded panties covered my pink diaper for extra protection. They had white lace trim and a big pink ribbon on the bottom of each side. The edges of my diapers were visible even with the panties on. The two suppositories I was given by she and her sister a little earlier were beginning to work their magic. As soon as my curtsy was complete, her sister started the applause. "Well we wouldn't want to withhold what she asked for so I think we should all welcome our new widdle girl!" Uh Oh! From the looks of things I think she is messing herself!"  I had to go so bad and didn't realize I was squatting just off the floor and began to mess my diapers as my face was turning red from the effort. I soon let loose a huge mess. My wife and now mommy put her hand on her nose and asked her niece to get my diaper bag from the other room and meet us in my nursery upstairs. I was grabbed by the ear and made to turn around and show my full loaded diaper, quite obvious from the sag and the stain. "Come along naughty girl, let's change your pampers for the fourth time today." Everyone laughed as she dragged me toward the stairs. When I was being pulled half way up the first step, she let go so I stumbled and fell onto my bulging bottom on the main floor. My stinky load was smashed like a pancake all over my bottom. As soon as I hit the floor, the shock collar went off between my legs and I started to bawl. "Fine, you want to sit down, you can sit in your mess then, but not here where everyone has to smell it. Jerry, would you put the brat's playpen outside in front of the garage. She can sit out there and enjoy her mess." My wife's new boyfriend was glad to help and I soon found myself in a big playpen in front of the house, crying my eyes out. Jerry and my wife/mommy had taken an inflatable doll and fastened a couple of big full baby bottles to her chest, then hung them over the side of the playpen. I had to crawl over and suc-k on the two nipples that were there filled with yucky baby formula as if I was feeding. " I will feed you too, after I change you in a couple of hours. Enjoy your mess widdle girl! LOL." Mommy told me. The rest of the party came out to the garage and sat and had food off the grill, played baby shower games and had a good time. They put a couple of fans outside blowing in my direction too keep the stink out and another two on the other side of me blowing back so that the smell was all around me and no one else. Whenever a car drove past or a neighbor came out to look, they all waved and said I asked to be a baby girl from now on so they should respect that and treat me like it. The ladies made sure I had plenty of dolls and rattles to play with. If I wasn't playing, I felt a little shock down below. There I was sitting like a baby girl with a full diaper and everyone being told I asked for it.

Baby Mac

Super Sissy

Posts: 113
Karma: +366/-3

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2022, 03:48:24 PM »
Wow its great to see a new story here and this is a fantastic part 1 please keep going. I love how humiliating is is for the sissy i hope it gets more sadistic.


Story Queen

Posts: 84
Karma: +574/-14

« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 02:35:46 PM »
Great first start. Please write more when you have time. :)

Tiny Johnny

Story Queen

Posts: 74
Karma: +27131/-0

« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2022, 09:20:04 PM »
Part 2 "Dwink all your formula baby and I will get you out." I suc-ked on each of the nipples as hard as I could as the doll looked down at me. "That's a good girl, keep nursing sissy." I heard the cameras taking pics of me while I suc-ked. It seemed like a long time before I drained each of the big bottles and my tummy was full and rumbly. "Ok sweetie, let's get you changed now. I think two hours is probably enough to let it get all over, besides it won't be too long before it happens again!" I was laid on the lawn next to my diaper bag. "OH MY! What a messy baby girl we have here. Can someone turn on the hose?" Her sister got up quickly and ran to do it. The shocker was removed and I was being wiped when she brought it over. "Better take her dress off." "Thanks for putting the spray nozzle on, she's going to need it." "Sure, can I do it?" "Why not!" I was told to open my legs and my paci was shoved back in my mouth. The cold water shot hard all over me and I cringed as it did. The water stopped briefly while I was re-positioned for another round. After about four rounds of squirming they decided I was done. The cold droplets were running all over my lower half and I was freezing with goosebumps everywhere. "Oooo her little leggies are cold. Well never mind I will put her tights on her." A pair of pink tights were taken from my diaper bag. After my legs were dried, they fastened a diaper with a big hole in back of it onto me and pulled my tights up secure and covering the hole. I was dressed again and mary janes were put on my feet. "Now go kiss your mommy and thank you for feeding you her two big ones." Everyone watched as I was led over to the doll. "Thank you mommy fo feeding me." "Tell her what a hungry widdle girl you are." "I am a hungwy widdle girl mommy." I then gave her a little kiss on her rubbery cheek. "You can do better than that, give her a longer kiss. No wait. Give her a nice long kiss on her behind sissy!" My face was shoved in the doll's hole and I gave it a big kiss. I was dragged back toward the party and you could hear my mary janes dragging along the driveway. There was a short stool in the garage near the end of a table. It had a large rubber pen-is fastened to the middle of it. I soon felt my tights being torn open at the back. "You are now on time out, so sit on your stool sissy. Remember, the one you begged me to get you?" The shock hit. "Yeth mommy, thanks mommy." I had to work to sit down. After several attempts I heard the applause as my eyes were rolling when I made it all the way. "Good sissy baby. Now enjoy your time out." After about thirty seconds I felt the vibrations kick in and it was pulsing up and down. Within a few minutes, I began to groan. "What did you say sissy? Did you want it faster? Is that what you said? Well ok then here you go!" I moaned and groaned as everyone watched me getting it ever faster and faster. Soon I was ignored and they began chatting as I rolled my eyes and started to cry.


Mommy's Dearest

Posts: 26
Karma: +86/-0

« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2022, 12:43:29 PM »
Wonderful development. Feeling that dil-do in his boipussy must be heavenly!

Baby Mac

Super Sissy

Posts: 113
Karma: +366/-3

« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2022, 09:35:22 PM »
So twisted, hope it gets darker cant not wait for the next part!

Tiny Johnny

Story Queen

Posts: 74
Karma: +27131/-0

« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2022, 01:11:58 AM »
Part 3 I was left sitting and moaning for a long time. Everyone ignored me and continued on with the party as I kept rolling my eyes and bouncing out of habit. My bottom was sore from the pounding it was getting but it didn't matter to anyone. After what seemed like two hours, I was taken off my time out stool. "Ok baby girl, enough fun. Now let's get that pacifier of yours cleaned up." My face was forced down and a bungee cord fastened across the back of my head to the sides of my stool. I was made to su-ck the large brown-stained thing! "That's a good baby girl, now it will be ready for the next time you ask to use it." My rear was paddled while I completed the cleaning. The nasty taste was hard to take but the cord held me in place. If I tried to lift off of it, I was forced back down by the cord and gagged. Everyone watched my new activity. Her sister and a few of the women sat nearby talking about me as if I wasn't hearing them. "She is such a naughty baby girl, but she wanted to do this you know." "How did she ask?" "Asked? She had put a diaper and dress on and came down and begged, Pwetty please make me a sissy baby girlie. Pwetty pwease with sugar on top? I will do anything for you mommy" They all laughed at that. "And so she is doing anything" Tears were streaming down my face as I worked my mouth, an occasional shock felt beneath my diaper. "Keep cleaning widdle girl" The torment continued for at least ten minutes. When it was clean, I waved my hand and I was removed from it. Cheers and applause greeted me as I was sat down on a big blanket on the floor and given a baby doll. I had to play with it, while the rest of the guests played games and had fun. I got a shock if I was not playing nicely. They played a baby naming game, a mommy guessing game, and a diaper the doll game. Everyone got prizes and enjoyed playing. Even the kids got to play those games while I had to play with my doll on the floor. "Okay everyone, time for mom to open gifts for the baby!" There was a huge pile placed near me of wrapped presents. Mommy was sat down next to me and handed gift after gift to open. She held each one up as she opened them. Everyone made comments how cute they were. The gifts were a lot of short frilly baby dresses and outfits for a baby girl, but in my size. Several cases of diapers, plastic pants, bibs, pacifiers and rattles were also among the gifts. The largest one was a pink and white rocking horse given to me by her and her sister. Mommy smiled and thanked everyone. "Going to need a lot of diapers, so thanks, she just wets and wets all day long" "Well those are the kind that change color so you will know when she does!" "Oh nice, so will everyone else too!"  Everyone laughed, including mommy. "Oh aren't these plastic pants precious! What cute princesses on them. Just like she likes, don't you baby girl?!" I felt the shock and said "Yeth Mommy, pwease mommy, let me wear them." I was laid down, my dress pulled up and the childish plastic pants snapped onto me. My new baby reigns were latched onto me and I was given a rattle to shake. She and Jerry lifted me onto the rocking horse, strapped my hands to the handles and I was bounced several times to get me going. "Wee, sissy girl! Hold on tight" Mommy said as I heard a lot of cameras clicking.  If I slowed down, mommy had one of her nieces run over and give me a push to keep me going while everyone enjoyed cake.
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Nick was looking forward to this little babysitting job. It showed in his happy demeanour, from the moment he left the house to the moment he stepped onto the house's porch. The walk wasn't that far. Due to the forest-y environment he lived in, the walk to another house was only 15 minutes away. Despite the distance between the two houses he, and the owners of the house he was going to, were technically next door neighbours. He enjoyed how isolated he was. His parents 's job made him basically own the house for most of the year. He could do whatever he liked. However, he opted to take care of the house, do chores and do side jobs for cash. His parents topped his account up quite regularly, so he didn't need to work. But, he found joy in it. He knocked on the front door thrice whilst standing at the porch. Nick felt daft that he didn't check the weather beforehand, and the 15 minute walk turned into a 5 minute sprint when it started to rain. His white t-shirt, cargo shorts and hiking boots were drenched in water. He prayed that the door opened soon. His prayers were answered when the door slowly swung open, revealing the form of a teenage girl, not much older or younger than he was. Heather. A gentle girl whom he took a liking to ever since they lived next door. She had long blonde hair that hung at her back, sea blue eyes that always mesmerised him and the figure of a goddess. She currently wore short shorts and a black shirt, as well as a pair of white socks. Her once neutral face turned into shock and worry when she saw him there, his brown hair and clothing drenched. "Oh my gosh! Nick! Get in! In! You're going to freeze like that!" She exclaims A few minutes later found him sat by the fireplace, in his underwear with a pink towel around him. He kept the towel wrapped around his body so he could get himself warmed up. It was then that everyone present in the house showed up. 4 girls in total were present. 2 of them, the eldest, were Heather and Rachel. Rachel was the same height and age as Heather. Both of them stood at least half a head taller than him, which made him feel embarrassed and rather small in their presence. Rachel was a brunette who wore a flannel shirt, jeans and a black choker around her neck. She had her arms folded and smiled at Nick. "Feeling better, WeatherMan?" Rachels asks him humorously. The boy huffs and shivers some more. "Shut it..." The other two girls were aged 10 and 11. They both wore their pajamas as it was fairly early in the day, and they were both sleepy. However, they looked happy to see Nick. He shuddered, remembering the embarrassing fact that the two of them combined where enough to overpower his wimpy self. Babysitting them was always a chore. After meeting them, Heather stayed with Nick as Rachel went to Heather's room to take a call. The two kids scurried off to their room. "We haven't got many boy clothes, so I guess you're stuck like that for a while." She jokes with a giggle. Nick laughs as well before looking at her. "Well, I hope my clothes dry soon. I don't fancy walking around the house in my undies with the girls around." Heather nods. "You wait right here. I'll see if I can go find something." And so, Nick was left alone in the living room. At least, he thought he was alone. The two young girls came back, both wearing floral dresses. Nick smiled at the two. "Hello girls! Need any-" He was cut off when the two girls lunged at him, pressing a cloth to his mouth and nose. "MMMPH?! MMMHN!!" The eldest girl, an 11 year old called Becky, wrapped his towel around him like a cocoon, making him unable to move as the youngest, Lucy, pressed the cloth to his face. "MMMmmhhnn....mm...." He groans before he was fast asleep. ------------------------------------------------ Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of The Sissy Baby. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below as to what you want to see happen next!

Nick had very little time to react before his sister had strapped pink, leather cuffs to his wrists. Even worse was that she kept them locked on with a red, heartshaped padlock. The young boy felt humiliated but a tiny voice in the back of his mind told him that this was what he should have expected were he not careful. "Mmmmpphh.." He groans, looking up at his taller sister.

"Awww~ poor widdle sissy feeling embawwassed?" She links the cuffs together as she baby talked to him. The boy only looks down at his cuffs and tries to pull against them. Unfortunately for him, this was of no use. "Hehe. I have plans for you, Nikki~ I think you'd like
Caleb's head pounded. That was the first thing he was aware of. He groaned and realized his mouth was drier than it had ever been. He shifted slightly, but his arms and legs felt as if they were weighed down with bricks. Even moving his fingers was nearly impossible. For a moment, he thought he was wearing thick mittens, but that did not make any sense. What had happened? He had been invited over to a girl's house. Whose? Olivia Smythe's! He gasped as memories flooded back to him. Having drinks, laughing, talking about his first semester of college, and gently teasing her about her doll collection as she teased him back about his long lashes and pouty lips. “There was a girl I knew in college who had the same lips as yours. Everyone called them dick-sucking lips.” Olivia had teased. He had laughed, but blushed at the same time. What had happened? Had he gone home? He didn't remember calling an Uber, so… he groaned as his head pounded again. He tried to sit up, but his head might as
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