Why the platform had to shutdown

Why the platform had to shutdown

Mohamed S. aka kamikazechaser

Around a month ago, a thread surfaced on r/MuslimMarriage on how several trolls/imposters were active on the ISO thread. Around August, I too noticed an influx of such people on the platform and warned the mods regarding this.

While this issue is rampant on almost every app, I felt the need to purge the platform rather than ignore it and wait for community pooled reports to come in. At this point, I had two options: Either find such trolls and ban them individually or temporarily shut down the app and re-launch it with stricter requirements/checks.

The former option wouldn't cut it. I have opted to shut down the app temporarily and remove all accounts as I cannot identify the imposters from the actual users.

In the future, the app will take an even stricter approach. v1 gave me insight into a lot of areas where I went wrong. Inshallah, in the coming months I'll work on v2.

Discord link for updates/discussion on the project.

P.S: A few users want a copy of their data, I'll send out an email on how to access that before 17th December.

Report Page