Why real estate is a better investment

Why real estate is a better investment

The theme of object selection and investment method is as old as the world. Today we talk about why we consider real estate to be the best investment of our finances.

First, we define the popular and proven alternatives and sift them out. We are talking about bank deposits and the stock market.

Of course, both of these markets have their conclusive advantages, in the case of bank deposits it' s lowest entry threshold and absolute passive investment. The stock market, in turn, is a remarkable opportunity to get the highest profit, including in the shortest possible time.

But, of course, high profits do not exist without high risk. This is mainly true of stock market - trading in assets represented on stock exchanges is as easy to lose their funds as to multiply them. Chances to earn in this area for a beginner even don't equal 50%. According to statistics, four out of five investors leave the market having lost all their savings - this is pure psychology. As for bank deposits, we don't have to talk about high income at all. Due to their reliability, according to the statistics, banks offer their depositors minimal interest, which at best will only cover inflation.

And what about real estate?

Investment in real estate combines all the best characteristics - this market is stable, constantly evolving, and with proper efforts, you can find a project that will bring a yield of several tens of percent. Does the world have an area that boasts the same set of advantages and at the same time is legal, regulated and protected by the state? It is unlikely. There's no need to talk in detail about every advantage, everything is obvious here, let's talk about the more important aspects for an investor.

There' s of course a barrel of honey and a spoon of tar in this barrel, and not only one.

The first disadvantage is the high financial threshold for entry. It does not matter what type of property you are going to invest in, with a few thousand dollars in the hands of a good property you can' t buy.

Many people are scared away by the seeming complexity of real estate investment, because a simple "buy an apartment and start renting it out" will not bring you much profit. It is important to choose the right object, to invest in it a minimum of effort and finance and to realize the most profitable.

Without risk nowhere. Despite the fact that real estate is one of the safest assets, you can lose money here. Apartments in your area, region or even country can be highly depreciated for various economic, political and other reasons. It is important for investors to understand the market they are investing in and to be able to predict the future.

Time and labor costs. In addition to choosing a project, it is necessary to inspect it, check the developer, periodically visit the site to check the work and sign documents. And if you invest in foreign real estate, you need to fly to another country and study its legislation.

Fortunately, there is a solution for all these problems, and it' s called INEL Company. By investing in real estate with INEL, you really get away from the vast majority of disadvantages, while maintaining absolutely all the advantages. Specialists of the company take on all concerns for the selection and verification of developers, as well as acceptance and implementation of built objects. In addition, INEL Company is a crowdfunding platform, which means you can invest almost any available amount. Of course, the problem of risks cannot be completely solved, but, agree, it is better to let experienced professionals deal with this issue.

Thus, investing in real estate is indeed the most reliable, affordable and proven way to preserve and exaggerate capital for a private investor.

By investing in world real estate together with INEL Company, you stop wondering "How to earn, not lose" and just think about how to earn more! INEL Company - Follow your dream!

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