Why no figure/figcaption

Why no figure/figcaption


Indeed, it's slideshow with figure/figcaption in the source, the reason I transformed them into normal div is because this site has many slideshows like this but with large block of texts.

For example:


Actually, it looks not that bad in editor preview when you use figure/figcaption in slideshow:

But when you open it in telegram client (screenshot from macOS):

I don't know what's going on here, maybe the text block is too large so it's not shown.

Let's test it on telegram for iPhone (6):

Same result, no figcaption shown.

How about clicking the image in slideshow?

It's there, but it's also bad user experience here.

And there're a lot of them:

  1. https://www.parents.fr/enfant/culture-et-loisirs/mardi-gras-le-top-des-deguisements-pour-enfants-79121
  2. https://www.parents.fr/bebe/allaitement/allaitement-ces-photos-qui-ont-fait-le-buzz-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux-13909
  3. https://www.parents.fr/etre-parent/maman/fete-des-meres-les-stars-celebrent-les-mamans-13253
  4. https://www.parents.fr/etre-parent/maman/15-tenues-de-grossesse-pour-celebrer-les-fetes-2018-334901

Case like the one you reported is pretty rare, so it's a comprise here, I confess it's not perfect, but it's at lease suitable for this site.

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