Why it is sometimes difficult for a freelance engineer to get an order. What to do about it?

Why it is sometimes difficult for a freelance engineer to get an order. What to do about it?

A qualified engineer with extensive experience does not mean a rich person. When working for hire, the employer does not always adequately reward the specialist and pay him the desired salary. You don't have to rely on employers who only care about their own interests. After all, the goal of any entrepreneur is not to make an engineer happy and content, but to make more money. Instead, you can create opportunities for yourself and receive recognition and feedback for your work. One of the most significant consequences of this is an increase in self-confidence, which makes freelancers more inclined to take risks. As a result, most freelancers report being happier and don't mind the extra hours that can help increase their earnings. Whether you are a full-time employee,

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