Why does a transfer of BTC to PayPal have a top priority?

Why does a transfer of BTC to PayPal have a top priority?


Over time with the increased government scrutiny and unwanted invasion by phishers, users now realize that the cryptocurrency world is not as anonymous as most of them were led to believe. Safety, anonymity and privacy at transfer Bitcoin in PayPal has top priority.

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A tech startup called, CoinPal is changing all this and giving back cryptocurrency enthusiasts their security and privacy. The start-up provides a cryptocurrency exchanging platform that gives you the option to exchange Bitcoin to PayPal, making it easier for you to cash out your cryptocurrency without traces. CoinPal reintroduces anonymity by allowing online shoppers that pay using cryptocurrency through addresses that remain anonymous when the user is completing transactions. The shoppers, as such, cannot be associated with the various addresses they use.

How Does CoinPal Work?

CoinPal work by essentially collecting cryptocurrency from the people using cryptocurrency, mixing it with a giant pile of other cryptocurrencies, and then cashing the PayPal balance out to an account of their preference, with the total amount that you put in minus 0.5-3%. The 0.5-3 % is generally taken as a profit by the Bitcoin Start-Up company. This is how they make money.

A Bitcoin exchanging service (also known as a transfer) allows you to exchange, withdraw and cashout cryptocurrencies, without your transactional data becoming public from your cryptocurrency. In short, it makes your financial transactions anonymous in the true sense. It is done by mixing your transactional data with a pool of Bitcoin data. This ensures your data is secure, you have control over your privacy, and no data can be traced back to you through CoinPal, as the link between the sender and the receiver is broken.

CoinPal: The smart bitcoin withdraw solution

CoinPal is a unique cryptocurrency exchanging/transfer service that ensures your cryptocurrency becomes untraceable, and no link exists between the stakeholders. They have designed different pools of cryptocurrencies based on their sources, with variable fee percentages. This segmentation and differentiation ensure the instant and clean exchanging of the Bitcoin. The three pools include Standard Pool, Smart Pool, and Stealth Pool. It uses a closed-source smart code which is devolped by the CoinPal team to avoid errors on multiple occasions.

Features of Coin Pal Platform

Zero Post-Transaction Logs - CoinPal platform keeps transaction logs for only as long as it needs them. The longest period that these logs can remain is 24 hours, otherwise, the platform keeps them only for as long as is necessary to complete a transaction.

Full Anonymity - The need for complete anonymity is greater in the online space, and it is only second to the information online prowlers seek. Users that sell Bitcoin cryptocurrency on the platform does not even need to input their information. Instead, only the recipient address is necessary.

Customizable Process - Users can set various parameters as they so choose. You, for instance, can choose the amount of cryptocurrency to cash out, the commission to pay for the mixing, and the delay period you prefer.

The importance of privacy and security while transacting online cannot be stressed enough. It probably is the reason why platforms like CoinPal are timely. The advantages it offers hold the possibility of making crypto mainstream.

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