Why You're Failing At Side By Side Fridge Freezer Under Counter

Why You're Failing At Side By Side Fridge Freezer Under Counter

Zanussi Under Counter Side By Side Fridge Freezer Review

There are plenty of options to consider when looking for a brand new fridge. Side-by side refrigerators provide premium convenience and efficient storage, while being an attractive addition to any kitchen.

This refrigerator has plenty of space to store your shopping with two VitaFresh trays. It also has an enormous freezer compartment that is ideal for storage of leftover shepherds pie and frozen peas!

Below are some examples of

This Zanussi Fastanstic fridge freezer is equipped with an impressive A+ rating and is a great choice for those who want to cut down on their electricity costs. With the innovative AirFlow+ fan, this model can circulate cool air around to ensure that the food you buy is chilled for a longer time. It also has the half-width salad drawer which is ideal for vegetables such as courgettes and turnips. This fridge freezer has a total capacity of 160 Litres (Net) with 3 shelves in the fridge and 2 full height freezer drawers with bright LED lighting and an inside electronic control.

This fridge freezer has an alert that sounds when the door is opened to let you know when your fridge door is open. This is especially useful if there are children living in the house as it can help keep food safe and prevent accidents. You can also pick a model that features a reversible door hinge so you can decide which way the fridge opens.

This Zanussi fridge freezer also has a feature that is smart and lets you to monitor the temperature with your smartphone or tablet. It will then be able to ensure that the freezer is operating at its best performance. This is especially useful in the event that you intend to utilize your freezer to store frozen products like meat, vegetables and fish.

Energy efficiency

Fridges and freezers are always in operation, and consume a lot of power. New models consume less energy than older models. Additionally, you can get huge carbon savings by upgrading your fridge to an A-rated model. The energy monitors in your plug-in will tell you how much power your fridge or freezer consumes each year.

The Zanussi ZEAN82FR refrigerator under the counter has a 95 litre capacity (net), so you'll have plenty of space to store fresh food items. There is side by side refrigerator and freezer in the door to store juice, milk and condiments. A salad drawer keeps your fruits as well as vegetables crisp and crunchy.

Inside the freezer, there are three drawers - the one in the middle is deeper for storing bigger items. There are also height adjustable shelves to allow you to store your food items however you want. The shelves are made of glass and the transparent doors allow you to see the contents of the freezer.

You can connect this undercounter fridge freezer to your home Wi-Fi connection for updates as well as additional features, including a food diary and energy monitoring, as well as personalized welcome and recipes. A timer that can be programmed allows you to program the freezer's defrosting to times that are convenient for you. There's even a door alarm and this model can be recessed into your worktop, so it blends seamlessly into your kitchen.


This fridge freezer is stylish and simple. It can be incorporated into any kitchen style. The stainless steel finish is easy to clean as is the anti-fingerprint window. There's plenty of storage space thanks to four shelves for the fridge as well as a separate salad drawer and a full-width bottle rack. The shelves are slightly narrow and cramped for taller items.

The freezer has an Auto Defrost feature that will automatically defrost your fridge at same time, which saves you time and effort. The freezer is home to three freezer draws with alternating sizes, so there is ample space to stash your weekly food items. The middle drawer is bigger than the other two and is perfect for storing large frozen items like joints of meat.

Blast chilling helps preserve the texture, flavor and nutritional value of your food. This freezer features a Quick Chill feature that is perfect for quickly chilling new purchases without increasing the temperature of food items already in use. The Beko Connect app allows you to monitor and control your refrigerator freezer remotely. This means you'll be in control of your weekly shopping even while out and about. This feature is perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle and frequently shop in the stores.


This freezer is frost-free and has many smart features that will keep your food fresher for longer. With separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer ensure that your food is kept in optimum conditions, while preventing bacteria and odours from spreading onto other foods.

Specialized drawers are available to store different ingredients and ensure they are in the best condition for longer. For instance, deli drawers are ideal for storing perishable meats and cheeses, while drawers with a crisper appearance can be altered in humidity to suit the thick skin of vegetables and fruits like peppers and apples. Fresh food is available throughout the week.

Controlling your side by side fridge and freezer can help you save money on food and reduce food waste. Start by cleaning your refrigerator and reserving certain storage spaces. This will make it easier for everyone in the family to find the items they need, and also prevent the refrigerator from becoming overcrowded.

The Zanussi fridge application allows you to keep an eye on your blast-freezer in real-time from any place and receive valuable notifications when it is time to schedule maintenance. The app will alert you to possible problems with your refrigerator, so you can fix them quickly. The refrigerator will also remind you to order replacement ice bags, ensuring that you're always in stock.

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