Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer When Injured In A Car Accident

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer When Injured In A Car Accident

Zoe Hillings

A Houston Texas Car Accident Attorney reviews cases that are presented to his office. Many times clients will come to the car accident attorney's office seeking representation after being in a car accident in another state or country. Texas is a very popular destination for folks that travel from far away to seek counsel concerning automobile accidents that occur within the state. To hire a top houston auto accident lawyer follow the link provided or read more below.

The personal injury lawyer experienced in the car accident law in Texas will review the case and present recommendations for winning the case. Typically the client does not go to court unless the case is extremely important. Typically lawyers offer defense trials on a contingency fee basis. Attorneys normally receive some payment if the case is won.

nephew Philip had was rear ended by an uninsured driver while he was standing in a wait position. He was hospitalized and required numerous surgeries including one reconstructive ear surgery. Referring him to Rasheed Taylor, a car accident lawyer who shares an office just north of on 610 South Loop, who uses an auto accident clinic that he uses almost exclusively. Rasheed specializes in providing legal assistance to car accident injuries, irrespective of whether the source of injuries is other than a vehicle collision. On the day of the accident Philip actually missed several days work as a result of his injuries.

When interviewed, the driver who hit Philip testified that he had been speeding and did not notice anyone in the car ahead. Despite this testimony the jury found him liable for the car accident injuries and awarded him a financial settlement. Philip now owes about $3 thousand dollars in medical expenses and lost wages. His insurance policy will not cover the full amount, leaving him to pay out of pocket. In fact, since it is against the law for an insured driver to pay for medical expenses out of his own pocket, this situation has made paying medical expenses extremely difficult.

The second driver, annel, sustained an arm wound and back pain after the accident. She actually told the court that she could not remember anything prior to being struck. ocket was also found liable for the injury claim, although he had previously been in a similar situation. ocket could not produce the necessary medical records to establish that there were no pre-existing conditions prior to the accident. This, together with the fact that no auto insurance policy would have paid out since her injury claim, has forced her to file a personal injury claim against him.

Another example is that of Terry P. Murphy, who sustained an injury from a semi tractor accident while working for a trucking company. Terry had been off his truck for only fifteen minutes when the accident occurred. Despite this short time of absence, he was able to provide insurance evidence of how the accident happened, including a police report and a detailed log of his work schedule. He was able to prove that he had remained on duty the entire time and had not missed any days of work. The trucking company's insurance company failed to provide any compensation.

A third example is that of Thomas J. Coffey, an attorney practicing in Houston. Mr. Coffey suffered a back injury after a tractor trailer accident. He was treated at a local hospital and had to take a leave of absence from work. An auto accident lawyer, working on behalf of Mr. Coffey, got injured while trying to help another client, identified as John G. Smith, another accident victim. Mr. Coffey's injury claimed brought about heavy financial complications, forcing him to discontinue his legal practice.

In the end, Coffey ended up having to file a personal injury lawsuit against both parties. In his personal injury suit, Coffey was able to prove that both parties were at fault and were responsible for his injuries and loss. The court awarded him monetary damages as well as the right to be paid workers' compensation benefits for the time he was absent from work. He was also entitled to receive medical attention and rehabilitation care for his back injury. The court found that the trucking company was partly to blame because they did not properly train their drivers concerning road safety. Coffey received a large settlement because his case was heard by an experienced car accident lawyer.

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