Why We Love Composite Doors Romford (And You Should Also!)

Why We Love Composite Doors Romford (And You Should Also!)

Why Choose Composite Doors For Your Home?

Traditional wooden doors require a lot of maintenance and may begin to look old and outdated However, composite doors last longer. They do not swell in the winter or in the summer and are therefore strong and sturdy.

With our new automated locks, your home becomes an easy target for burglars. This is a huge benefit for homeowners who wish to keep their property warm and secure.


If you are looking for a front door that looks like a traditional wooden one but without the need for regular repainting, then look no further than a composite front door. With an insulated plastic skin that is reinforced with glass, these doors are color-resistant and don't have to be painted or sanded. You'll find the right door to fit your home and personality, with a variety of styles and colors to choose from.

Modern composite front doors can be fitted with a variety of glass to allow natural light into your home, or maintain your privacy. These doors also come with weather seals that block drafts and keep your home warm for longer. With the option of a smart lock, you'll feel secure knowing your door is secured even when you're away from home.

upvc sash windows romford to note that if you buy a composite door, you'll need a frame. This is because they're generally heavier than traditional timber doors and need frames that are stronger to support them. This is crucial since a weak frame can cause your doors to swell or even break.

Our County Collection composite doors are available in a variety of attractive colors and woodgrain finish options. They also come with an extensive range of glazing options for you to create the perfect appearance. Seven standard shades are available but custom colours are available upon request. These doors are created with the environment in mind since they're made of durable glass-reinforced plastic with a foam core. They're also energy efficient, and have a an excellent level of insulation that can help lower the cost of heating and stay warm all year round.


If you want your front door to appear modern, you should consider a composite door. They are available in a variety of colors as well as finishes, woodgrain effect and glass options to help you create the perfect appearance for your home. They are also stronger and more durable than a standard UPVC door, making them more secure and better in enduring weather conditions.

These doors have been designed with the same problems like their PVC counterparts. They are, therefore, more difficult to break into and will keep your home in Romford warmer. The outer skin of composite doors is constructed of durable GRP and an a foam core that is insulated which makes them extremely robust. This reduces heat transfer between your home and outside and saves you money on energy costs.

Composite doors are also color long-lasting, which means they won't lose colour over time. They will keep their vibrant appearance throughout their lifespan providing you with a stunning first impression. This is a major benefit over UPVC doors that are more likely to need repainting over time.

Another benefit of composite doors is that they are simple to install and maintain. To keep them looking new, all they need is to wipe them down with an abrasive pad. They won't expand or shrink during summer and winter, meaning that they will fit their frame perfectly. You can make your home even more secure by choosing a front door made of composite that is Kubu SmartLock compatible. This is because you'll be connected to your door lock to your wi-fi or smartphone, enabling you to determine if it's locked or not.


Composite doors are a modern front door solution that is very durable and provides many advantages over traditional wooden doors. They are extremely durable, possess excellent thermal insulation properties, and are energy efficient. They also offer a level of security that is unbeatable, making them a great option for your Romford or Essex home.

Composite front doors are available in a broad variety of styles, colors and wood grain patterns. Select a wood that is in harmony with your home's design and take into consideration the texture of the grain as well. Texture refers to the size, variation, and pattern of cellular structure, which affects how a wood looks and feels. Some wood grains have the appearance of wavy, while others have marbling effects that enhance the aesthetics of your home.

A wood-grain finish will give your front door a more natural-looking appearance and will complement any exterior materials you have including brick and stone. This makes it a great option for homes along the coast or in the countryside. It is also easy to clean and doesn't need much maintenance. It also resists warping, fading, and discolouration.

Contrary to uPVC, composite doors have a solid timber core and are much more secure. They can be fitted to modern door locks that don't require you to raise the handle to open. This means that you won't have to be concerned if someone attempts to gain entry to your home.

Taylorglaze offers a wide selection of composite doors in Romford and throughout Essex. Our team of door installers will assist you in choosing the best style and finish that will suit your home. We offer a range of styles, colors and glazing options to suit your unique taste and offer the best value on the market. We also offer a variety of smart security features which can be integrated into your composite doors. For instance Kubu SmartLock Kubu SmartLock lets you check whether your door is locked on your mobile device.

Bold colors

For homeowners living in Romford RM1 and the surrounding Essex areas, Taylorglaze offers a vast selection of styles, designs and colors, as well as glazing options to help you build your perfect front door. These stunning doors will not only add an amazing first impression to your home, they will also provide increased security, energy efficiency and reduced heating bills.

Composite doors are constructed from a solid wood core encased with durable uPVC. This means that they are resistant to rot, swelling, or warping. This combination of materials offers a higher level of thermal insulation than a traditional wooden door and ensures that your home remains warm.

You can pick from a range of colors to complement the decor of your home, whether you prefer a brighter front door or one with a subtler shade. The glass reinforced plastic skin is fade-resistant and will not require sanding or painting the front door will look as beautiful in five years time like it does when it was first installed.

If you're looking for a front door that makes a statement, try a rich aubergine or peacock blue shade. These vibrant colors will immediately catch the eye and make your house stand out in a landscape and blend in with the rest of the neighbourhood.

If you want a subtler alternative, you can select from a wide selection of pastel colours. Pastel shades such as French Grey or Duck Egg Blue complement the colors of your home and reflect your style. You can even personalise your front door by choosing the right handles and accessories. This lets you choose the perfect door for your home and turn it into a true reflection of your personal style.

Kubu SmartLock

Our composite doors are fitted with secure, anti-snap locks that are standard. These locks are useless when left unlocked. This leaves the home vulnerable to burglars. SmartLock allows homeowners to check their doors in real-time and make sure they're locked. This feature is a great way to stop burglaries and provides peace of mind to homeowners not sure if they've locked their door before leaving.

Kubu uses sensors that are simple to check your lock in real-time, uploading this information to the App. This allows homeowners to check if their door is locked or not, at any time from anywhere, and with an indicator that is plugged into the wall, it will glow blue to signal that all doors are locked. There is even a 'geofence smart alert' which will notify you if you have locked your door but not locked. This ensures your home's security.

The smart kit is able to be added to Hurst Doors* when your door is being manufactured or installed, so it's in the future-ready stage from the start. For installers and fabricators, this is a low-risk option to offer smart technology as an option for homeowners, and it'll make the doors stand out from other brands.

Once the kit is added, end-users can download the Kubu App and connect their Smart Door Sensor and Kubu Hub through the in-app instructions. This will then allow them to monitor their door's status as well as monitor access and receive notifications, as well as review the full record of their door's activity. They are also able to share the door with friends and family and have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones will be safe at home.

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