Why LinkedIn is So Expensive?

Why LinkedIn is So Expensive?

Anurag Pandey

Linkedin is a Networking platform and it is on the one hand, disappointing that we have to pay for LinkedIn; however, the fees are varied, and they do offer discounts and free programs to various levels of individuals. 

I will confess that despite being a professional that relies on LinkedIn for my business, I resisted paying for a profile for ages. And then it hit me that as a consultant and freelancer, Linkedin Video Downloader does provide me a service with access to clients, the ability to share my expertise and to grow my network.

That is a much more expensive fee than LinkedIn, which only charges me a flat membership fee, but then lets me network all I want. In November, I paid significantly more to Upwork and got less business then I did to LinkedIn.

Pinterest Provides Informative video and want to download pinterest video then you can use free and premium account and use Pinterest Video Downloader in free of cast.  Remember if you pay for something you are likely getting a service. Now, as to whether you value the service enough to pay, that is something you need to decide.

if you think it is too expensive to buy a paid membership, then stick with free. That is your choice. And plenty of people get by on the free profile, but it does limit the value that you can receive from the platform.

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