Why Is Everyone Talking About Fireplace Wall Mount Right Now

Why Is Everyone Talking About Fireplace Wall Mount Right Now

Add Warmth to Your Home With a Fireplace Wall Mount

A fireplace wall mount can provide warmth and ambiance to any space, whether in your office, home or commercial space. These wall mounts are simple to set up and include mounting brackets that can be used for hanging or recessing into a wall.

For a simple and quick installation, follow the guidelines on the manufacturer's website. Make sure that the bottom of the fireplace and the wall-mounting brackets are compatible. Then, you can secure the fireplace to the wall.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace can create an impressive focal point to a room, creating ambience and warmth. These units are available in various sizes that can be customized to fit any space. A smaller model would be perfect for a bedroom while a larger model can be utilised in a living or family room. Some models also come with a recessed option for installing them on the wall in a way that they are flush to give an elegant look.

The size of the fireplace wall mount will also play a role in the way it appears in the room. For dramatic effects, many people choose to place them higher on the wall, typically 6 to 12 inches off the ground. Some people prefer to mount the TVs at the normal height of 4.5-5 feet. This allows them to be seen by most people sitting in the room.

Whatever size you choose it is crucial to be aware of certain elements to ensure that your fireplace is safe and efficient. For instance, you should ensure that all combustible objects are kept at least three feet away from the fire, including drapes and furnishings. In addition, you should make sure that the mounting brackets are secured to the studs as they are. If you are unable to locate studs, you can use plastic anchors. This will ensure that the fireplace won't be pulled away.

Another important aspect to take into account when choosing the right fireplace wall mount is the amount of heat that it produces. A best practice is to select a fireplace that produces roughly the same amount of heat as your average household electric heater. Using this guideline, you can be confident that your new fireplace will be able to provide sufficient supplemental heating for the entire space.

Some fireplaces have distinct features that set them apart from the competition. For instance, some fireplaces offer remote control operation with adjustable brightness settings and no-heat options. They also have cool-to-the-touch glass and realistic-looking LED flames. Other notable features include a convenient built-in shelf that can be used to store electronics and an easy installation process that doesn't require professional help.


A fireplace wall mount, unlike a built-in electrical fire, which must be wired to the electrical system in your home It is semi-permanent. It can be mounted directly on a wall, or into a bracket which is then mounted to the wall. It is crucial to select an area that is close enough to an outlet to allow the power cord to reach it, while allowing for sufficient clearance from other objects. This is in line with the manufacturer's recommendations in the manual for your owner.

Before you begin the installation process, make sure that your fireplace is in good properly by plugging it in and playing around with its LED lights and heat settings. This will let you know whether it is ready for the installation or if it has to be checked further.

Make sure you have the area ready for where you'll be installing your fireplace mount. Depending on the model you purchase, this could mean mounting a bump out onto the wall or covering the wall with drywall. In the latter scenario make sure you use proper drywall techniques such as mudding and taping, and allow it to dry completely before continuing.

After the walls are prepared and the brackets are attached to the wall using screws. The brackets should be placed into the studs that are behind the drywall. This will help to prevent the fireplace from slipping away from the wall later on.

After the bracket has been secured, it is time to mount the fireplace itself. It can differ between models, however, generally there is a ledge on which the fireplace will rest and places to connect it to the brackets at the top. You can then add any additional media like logs or embers.

Some models let you connect the firebox and screen to the wall bracket. This makes installation even simpler, but it is important to check that everything fits properly and is secure prior to closing.

After the fireplace is installed, you can complete the look by tacking or fixing the bracket to the wall and trimming the wires. You can also consider using paintable wire covers to camouflage the power cord if you wish.


A fireplace wall mount is a great method of heating your home without occupying valuable floor space. It is important to use security measures when using this type of fireplace. The first step is to make sure that the fireplace is grounded to prevent electric shock. Also, be sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure proper use.

Although it is possible to find wall-mounted electric fires that don't produce heat, most of them come with a heater to increase the realistic and ambiance the flame effects. This is usually in the form of a fan-forced heater that blasts air through a heating element however some models could have an infrared heater as well.

Once the fireplace is mounted it is important to be cautious not to touch the hot surface, because this can cause burns and damage the unit. Additionally, it is recommended to keep combustible materials at least three feet from the fireplace to minimize the risk of fire. Be sure not to block vents on the rear of the fireplace.

There are other safety features to look for when selecting the wall mount for your electric fireplace. For instance, you must be sure that the device has an emergency shut-off switch to avoid overheating and fires. It's also a good idea to choose a unit that produces a lesser amount of heat, as it will help save energy.

The material used to surround is also crucial. Choose a material which is safe for pets as well as children such as wood veneers, steel, or glass. It is also recommended to select an item with a display or remote control to make it easier to use.

There are numerous types of electric and ethanol wall-mounted fireplaces. The best fireplace for you is determined by your budget and your home's design. No matter if you opt for an electric or ethanol fireplace you can be certain that it will bring warmth and elegance to your home. However, you should always adhere to the safety guidelines of the manufacturer and keep your family, pets and friends secure when using this fireplace.


The design of the fireplace wall mount will determine how it appears on your walls. Some models are designed to stand out while others blend into the decor of your room. Modern models, such as the Streamlined electric wall fireplace has a sleek and modern front with a minimalist style. It offers top venting that allows heated air to circulate seamlessly while preserving the fireplace's elegant design. Its flat mount as well as the easy-to-use remote make it a breeze to operate.

There are also electric fireplaces that are wall mounted with more traditional looking mantels. These units are ideal for homes with existing open hearths or for those who want to convert a wood-burning firebox to an electric fireplace without chimney. These flat-wall fireplaces are available in various sizes, and they usually have a shelf to display decorations. These fireplaces are great for living rooms, bedrooms and even home offices.

Gas wall-mount fireplaces are another excellent option for those looking to create a warm, warm and inviting ambience in their homes. These units have the traditional log set and are available in different frame styles that include black and natural stone. These units also have an adjustable LED flame color and an ember bed for a customized touch. on the wall fireplace come with an integrated TV mount for additional functionality.

Certain models can be positioned directly on the wall while others are designed to be partially or completely recessed into a wall. The Allusion wall-mount fireplace has a tiny footprint that allows it to be recessed into frame walls of 2x6. But, you can add a trim skirt over the exposed portion. The Allusion has a convenient remote with multiple heating settings, allowing you to enjoy the fireplace all year long.

Surface-mounted electric fireplaces generally project from 4" to 6.5" into the room, so they're simpler to install than models that are built into the wall or built out of an existing wall cavity. Renters will also appreciate the ease of installation since they don't need to worry about drilling holes in their walls. You can easily remove or move the fireplace whenever you move.

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