Why Is Cultural Studies Important

Why Is Cultural Studies Important





Cultural Studies is a study that shifts continuously based on shifting discourses and is also a field that can accommodate a number of meta-narratives

Cultural Studies Books Showing 1-50 of 17,607 Mythologies (Paperback) by Hence, education is an important factor which contributes in social harmony and peace . Art focused on the three perfections; painting, poetry, and calligraphy Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions .

The hallmark of Aboriginal culture is 'oneness with nature'

Why The Andy Griffith Show Is Important to Popular Cultural Studies Why The Andy Griffith Show Is Important to Popular Cultural Studies Vaughan, Don Rodney 2004-11-01 00:00:00 T he A ndy G riffith S how is a nostalgic A merican popular cultural masterpiece valid for all time Sociologyโ€™s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies . They very loosely resemble the concept of metacognition , or the process of thinking about oneโ€™s thinking Ethnic, national, and cultural identity are all very real things, and Why do you think that is? Maybe there aren't enough people interested in studying history, and really grasping its importance? .

The more skillful you are at discerning the feelings behind othersโ€™ signals the better you

The weekly curriculum has a variety of topics, digital support, and activities to use for quality student engagement Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts . For example, a cultural emphasis on success is reflected in achievement-orientated characteristics like Cultural problems cannot be resolved at the surface Why is cultural awareness important for buisiness people? Give examples .

The Bellagio Declaration of the European Cultural Foundation and the International Council for Educational Development states, โ€œFor effective international cooperation, knowledge of other countries and their cultures is as important as proficiency in their languages and such knowledge is dependent on foreign language teaching

These skills include strong verbal and written communication skills, deep understanding of the institutions and processes that shape the world, cross-cultural Throughout history, many have reflected on the importance of language . Hotels have been transformed into quarantine units It has experienced a period of rapid growth in the academy, appearing at many universities in a variety of forms and locations (although rarely as degree-granting departments) .

Cultural diversity definition, the cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a society, or an institution: Dying languages and urbanization are threats to cultural diversity

These teaching tips and resources focus on the topic of multiculturalism and diversity Cooperation depends on expectations aligned with power . ) And this is the true beauty of cultural diffusion, that expansion of the mind Moreover, these cultural values highly influence a personโ€™s principles and philosophies of life and oneโ€™s way of living .

Cultural Studies analyses phenomena like subcultures, fashion styles and leisure practices to make sense of how we experience and organise our lives and govern our societies

Arts, culture and heritage represent more than $56 billion in the Canadian economy and close to 655,000 jobs in sectors such as film and video, broadcasting, music, publishing In fact, there is evidence that the strength of personality traits varies across cultures . For many people, their own cultural values are too important to put a price tag on, and no destruction can be considered creative Creating harmonious relations with others through reciprocity and the fulfillment of social obligations is more significant for most Japanese than an individual's relationship to a transcendent God .

The arts reflect the unique cultural perspectives of diverse cultures and illuminate migration patterns and cultural interactions

The benefits family studies professionals provide extend beyond individual families Why is it important? If you study well at school, you can enter a university or college and become a good specialist . Teaching diversity exposes students to various cultural and social groups, preparing students to become better citizens in their communities Through conflict in a specific situation, a balance of powers and associated agreement are achieved .

Cultural diversity is a driving force of development, not only with respect to economic growth, but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life

In his first book, Liberalism, Community, and Culture (1989), Kymlicka develops his case for multiculturalism within a Rawlsian framework of justice, viewing cultural membership as a โ€œprimary good,โ€ things that every rational person is presumed to want and which are Research findings, knowledge from basic science, clinical knowledge, and expert opinion are all considered evidence; however, practices based on research findings are more likely to result in the desired patient o โ€ฆ . Visit Constitution Facts Online to Learn More About the U Like the Frankfurt school, British cultural studies concluded that mass culture was playing an important role in integrating the working class into existing capitalist societies and that a new consumer and media culture was forming a new mode of capitalist hegemony .

Why Is Cultural Studies Important It took Thomas Jefferson 17 days to write the Declaration of Independence

, employment assistance, Housing First programs, targeted rental/housing subsidies) to avoid or The observable aspects of culture such as food, clothing, celebrations, religion and language are only part of a person's cultural heritage . Download (PDF, 86KB) This guide builds upon the important work that the Lenape Center, American Indian Community House, Rick Chavolla, Emily Johnson, the New Red Order (NRO) and the Native American and Indigenous Student Group (NAISG) at NYU have been doing with regard to land acknowledgements in Lenapehoking What is cultural awareness? What are the different degrees and stages? Cultural awareness, on the other hand, is the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural This was my degree of cultural awareness before I left America at the age of 19 to study in France .

Broadly speaking, cultural studies is not one arm of the humanities so much as an attempt to use all of those arms at once

Cultural capital can exist in three forms: in the embodied state, i Instead of living in a state of reaction, you can participate in the cultural changes which are shaping the future of our society . Cultural notions of โ€œfeminineโ€ and โ€œmasculineโ€ behavior are shaped in part by observations about what women and men do Question: Why is the birthright so emphasized in the Bible? Answer: The birthright is emphasized in the Bible because it honored the rights or privileges of the familyโ€™s firstborn son .

There are two general categories of assessments: formal and informal

Organizational culture is a hot topic these days, and for good reason Teachers through the internet have access to lesson plans, on-line photo galleries, stories, maps, virtual field trip, international radio programming, and e-mail pen pals . Why is culture important? Read this OpinionFront article to find the answer โ€ข Contemporary studies indicate that teen pregnancy interferes with young womenโ€™s ability to graduate from high school and to enroll in and graduate from college .

When most people think of bacteria, they think of disease-causing organisms, like the Streptococcus bacteria growing in culture in this picture, which were isolated from a man with strep throat

The thrust of this paper therefore, is to examine those socio-cultural factors Culture is particularly important during times of great change, such as mergers and acquisitions or corporate divestitures, which offer an opportunity for a fresh start on culture . Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies MA (2020), Junior Research Fellow, PhD student People share a culture even if each member's personal values do not entirely agree with some values withheld in the society .

UNICEF is a leading source of information on the situation of children around the world

DZULKIFLI Abdul Razak's column, Save our vanishing kampung Why should the kampung disappear? Of this, I am keen to learn The creation and promotion of culture in todayโ€™s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies . , a global technology company headquartered in Palo Alto, CA, which began when Hewlett-Packard Co Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today Magazine .

Why do museums save artifacts at all, when it would be so much easier just to save pictures of them? There are two ways to answer this question

You can tell any placeโ€™s cultural values by their accepted, normative Culture is so important to society because culture is constructed by society . In fact, a collective study by the Center on Education and Georgetown University found that people who hold a bachelor's degree and work full-time earn 84% more in their lifetime than those with a high school diploma With big names like Google and Facebook setting examples for what a healthy company culture looks like, many others are following suit and fostering cultures that align with their values and needs .

One of the major goals of multicultural and regional studies programs is to cultivate in students the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to function in an ethnically and racially diverse nation and world

It is important to recognize that people from different cultures have are different in a variety of ways, including different ways of looking at things different ways of dressing different ways of expressing personality/goodness In an even more recent formulation, Merelman (1984) regarded the degree of cultural coherence as the important element of American culture in explaining much about its class and political life . This page contains journals related to social psychology, personality psychology, and general psychology Provide background on the topic to explain why it is important ___C .

This enables a more objective evaluation than comparing content based on the impressions of a listener

Each of us has a different experience with the rest of the world - an experience shaped by societal norms, cultural differences, personal experiences, and more Cultural systems create genuine, authentic worlds that are experienced as real . Info on Navajo Clothing, Homes Art, Language, History, Culture, Jewelry, Sand Painting, Rugs, Code Talkers, the Long Navajo Walk and many other subjects They believe that media is influenced by profit, since corporations run the media .

All liberal arts degrees help CLA students develop their Core Career Competencies, and global studies majors develop specific skills that are applicable to lots of different careers

Cross-cultural psychologists study how different cultural factors influence individual behavior Cultural differences like these are less widely known, but theyโ€™re important when it comes to understanding your students from different backgrounds . The women and men who enroll in our classes each semester gain the opportunity to understand how social, historical, and psychological forces, organized by the central concept of gender, shape them as individuals; attain a fuller understanding of human behavior, culture, and society; acquaint themselves with the experiences of those of I shall present a corpus of evidence from cultural psychological research on Chinese psychology .

cross-cultural awareness, to develop, sensitivity, understanding, to understand, your cultural background, to identify, your patterns of behaviour and beliefs, to Exercise 5

In contexts of cultural interaction, realities often are pitted against one another It has dominated a feudal society that in essence has lasted 2000 years and for that reason its influence over the history, social structure and the . Why psychologists need to study cultural diversity Why cultural studies are important to students As once stated by C .

Studies have documented considerable variation in perceptions of safety culture across organizations and job descriptions

To conclude, cross cultural studies are very crucial to maintain better relations between nations and to enrich universal culture This is why it is important to foster CQ within a global organization . This article reviews the cultural perspectives of language and speech disorders as portrayed by persons with language and speech disorders, parents, teachers, and language and speech pathologists There are barriers to bridging differences that include technological development, pressure to study foreign languages, and prejudices .

Classics Losing Out to Pop Culture China Internet Information Center, Aug

It is intertwined with everything that one sees in his day to day life - advertising, landscape, buildings, photographs, movies, paintings, apparel - anything within our culture that communicates through visual means Why is understanding culture important if we are community builders? What kind of cultural Brown University Training Materials: Cultural Competence and Community Studies: Concepts and Culture Matters is a cross-cultural training workbook developed by the Peace Corps to help new volunteers . 2 New Studies Reinforce Why Company Culture Is So Important Family studies programs can be found at all academic levels, from associate to doctoral degree programs .

The term cultural heritage encompasses several main categories of heritage: Cultural heritage

English is the primary language of many countries touched by British imperialism, and also of many business and cultural spheres dominated by those countries Our new What Every Catholic Should Know book series is written for everyday Catholics looking to explore the beauty and culture of our faith . Cross cultural communication can also refer to the attempts that are made to exchange, negotiate and mediate cultural differences by These schools do more than simply value it, though: they expect it .

Workplace culture and conditions may contribute to Americans' loneliness

Why? On what grounds does she make the case that popular culture is so important to examine, and do you agree? Why are gender, race, and nation important lenses to examine cultural texts that use nature? YOUR TASK: In your blog, explore any or all of these questions by posting an image or cultural text that you analyze in a Sturgeonian way The study of cultural differences combines perspectives in psychology and anthropology to understand a societyโ€™s signature pattern of beliefs, behavior, and social institutions and how these patterns compare and contrast to those of other cultural groups . Cultural theorists are interested in how the dominant ideology of a culture subverts other ideologies via social institutions, such as schools, churches, and the media Denying cultural expression means limiting the expression of unique perspectives on life and the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation .

Cultures are not fixed, monolithic entities, but are fluid, always changing and responding to pressures and influences, such as the changing experiences of its members, or interaction with other cultures

While fragile, intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization Science, and its practical application, technology, have had a major influence on social and cultural change, and on the ways people interact with the world . A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources In traditional Aboriginal belief systems, nature and landscape are comparable in importance to the bible in Christian culture .

Which is why building your optimal culture begins with understanding the values at the root of it

Explore collections and stories of cultural movements and current events in the world, including Hollywood controversies, artistic influences and more Kluckhohn, one of the fathers of cultural studies, has defined culture as the set of habitual and traditional ways of thinking, feeling, and reacting that are characteristic of the ways a particular society meets its problems at a particular point in time (in Schwartz and Davis, 1981, p . Consistently ranked in the top ten television shows (and number one It is also important to focus on different criteria depending on the level of education .

Underline important places and people and identify them

After the father died, or in the fatherโ€™s absence, the firstborn son assumed the fatherโ€™s authority and responsibilities Through feedback collected from teachers, students, our international participants, and Cultural Vistas staff, we learned that these presentations are influential and can make a lasting impact on everyone's life . The work culture brings all the employees on a common platform and unites them at the workplace This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides .

Education in the United States follows a pattern similar to that in many systems

Cultural preservation include documenting and studying languages; preserving and restoring historic relics significant to a culture or heritage; and encouraging the preservation and use of indigenous or tribal languages and rituals Several have used the term to signify the differences in communication due to biology and others use it to represent differences resulting from social, psychological and cultural interactions . Examples of culture can be tricky to pinpoint, as culture can be different things It draws writers from all backgrounds and areas of expertise who come here to challenge their ideas about thinking and writing, move beyond the surface of stories, and develop a distinct voice .

How does cultural diversity benefit workplaces? Learn all about cultural diversity and why it matters

com, our purpose is simple: to live and deliver WOW Culture is important to us because it defines our evolutionary identity . This web-based resource helps teachers incorporate the Indian Ocean into world history studies by illustrating a variety of interactions that took place in the Indian Ocean The University of Minnesota Hopi Blue Corn Maiden Kachina This is actually a site of various artists works .

This balance is a definite equilibrium among the parties' interests, capabilities, and wills; the agreement is a simultaneous solution to the different equations of power, and thereby the achievement of a

Among these, the most significant is the concept of cultural Read about each country's most important facts and figures, geography, government, religion and economy . As we continue to understand more about the human genome, it becomes increasingly important to consider environmental and cultural contexts as well as genetic variation; however, in the study of gene-culture interactions, faulty logic or racial biases about โ€œcausesโ€ of human differences may be used and must be cautiously guarded against There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations .

However, if you are discussing, for example, the historical context in which the episode originally aired, you should cite the full date

Regrettably, social studies education is not such a smooth sailing enterprise in Nigeria schools due to some socio-cultural factors at play A counterdisciplinary praxis undertaken by resisting intellectuals would not be effective if it had as its only audience people in universities . Learn to identify what culture can look like with this list of examples By studying at UoPeople, I have more control over my schedule .

Sadly, the history of mankind discriminating against each other based on cultural differences has been with us for ages

The Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies program affords students an opportunity to explore the culture, society, economy, and politics of this important and growing segment of our national population Values โ€“ conscious or unconscious โ€“ are the motivation for every decision made or action taken . Why is reading so important? Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to childrenโ€™s educational performance The field does not conform to specific guidelines that make up many academic disciplines but rather requires its own criteria .

These ideas, called the three ways had a large impact on the way people lived as well as their art

It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices The reasons to study pop culture are all connected to answering that question: 1 . 3: The position I develop in the manuscript is too lengthy to reproduce here, but the point I want to emphasize is that The classes will be taught in English, but you will also learn the Japanese language intensively in the early stage of your studies .

This is particularly important where research may lead to peer-reviewed publications, for example, in drug discovery and vaccine efficacy studies

Both traditions focus on the evils of class society and the struggles that occur among the different social forces It is the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States . , in the form of long-lasting dispositions of the mind and body; in the objectified state, in the form of cultural goods (pictures, books, dictionaries, instruments, machines, etc Why study Science? As one of the oldest disciplines, and a driver of human progress throughout history, studying science can be hugely beneficial .

The employees in their own way contribute to the culture of the workplace

The present dissertation is largely based on research in the field of translation World wide access to multicultural information and current events in other regions makes the Internet an important educational tool . Cultural and linguistic competence is as important to the successful provision of services as are scientific, technical, and clinical knowledge and skills The significance of this is that the lives and experiences of women and men, including their experience of the legal system, occur within complex sets of differing social and cultural expectations' .

Conversely, planning, delaying and spacing births appears to help women achieve their education and career goals

Why Cultural Diversity and Awareness in the Classroom Is Important Embracing cultural diversity can help you succeed as an educator See Also: Diversity, The Many Faces of Cinderella, Countries of the World, Multicultural, Current World Problems . Other scholars think that it is important to do whatever it takes to preserve languages because they are reflections of unique Indigenous cultures and are the source of these culturesโ€™ independency For example, I make a case in my book for why teaching about religion in the United States is an important dimension of educating for democratic citizenship in the context of our own multicultural, multireligious pluralism .

Culture Amp, the People & Culture platform, makes it easy to collect, understand, and act on employee feedback

(Perhaps the most important!) Don't withdraw! Travel within the country, and visit cultural events and locations, such as museums or historic sites These studies are for the purpose of looking at the media issues and determining whether these issues are important . In line with all people (and with many animal species) the Piraha presumably perceptually subitize quantities of objects what you know about this culture and explain why you feel this culture is interesting .

Ultimately, however, Postcolonialism is a hopeful discourse

There is compelling evidence that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life It achieves this by: Build character traits that include resilience, perseverance, work ethic, critical thinking and discipline . Hereโ€™s how you can get your child off to a great start Cultural awareness understanding that our own culture differs from one individual and group to the next We become mediators between cultures .

(You'll find a number of remarkable studies examining parallels between Buddhism and Christianity

Here, we outline the importance of learning history and reveal study tips The ability to recognize how people feel is important to success in your life and career . Because of the speed of change today within culture, itโ€™s more important than ever before to think a little more like a social scientist Established in 1986, the peer-reviewed journal of the SCA has expanded the boundaries of the discipline and brokered new engagements with adjacent fields .

Research is completed through various methods, which are similar to those of case studies, but since the researcher is immersed within the group for an extended period of time more detailed information is usually

That is why it is important to look not at the general world / national rankings but at specialized ones โ€” reflecting the indicators of the university specifically in your field of study or specialty What they don't prioritize is cultural intelligence, unless an international engagement is involved . Western ideas about personality may not be applicable to other cultures For more than 140 years, our faculty and students have worked side by side in pursuit of discoveries that improve lives .

cultural heritage has increased to such an extent during the last 20 years that it now calls for far greater resources than are available to UNESCO on its own

cultural services of the french embassy in the united states Night of Ideas 2021 Night of Ideas: Closing the Distance Night of ideas is a virtual marathon event featuring philosophical debate and artistic performances from around the world A pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures . Michel Foucault - Summary of important ideas Perhaps the most recognizable figure associated with postmodern thought is Michel Foucault (1937โ€“1984) For example, a study on sports involvement among children and young people in Namibia has shown that those who participated in sport and physical .

For a biologist, it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory Petri dish

It is learned and passed from the older generations to the newer ones Here we consider two areas in which the theories converge: (a) in family system theoristsโ€™ description of an overly close, or โ€œenmeshed . Cultural studies is a broad category that ranges from Art and Music history to world histories and anthropology These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group .

This book provides a thorough and critical engagement with Stuart Hallโ€™s theories of media, discourse, race and ethnicity

COVID-19 test results come back within 24 hours โ€“ or even faster ), which are the trace or realization of theories or critiques of these theories, problematics . Emphasizes power, equality, individuality, freedom, success, and the importance of knowledge-- which are all core American values The division of labor is generally by gender, although all members of the groups may be called upon to help with the crops .

(For more on perceptual subitization, see Dehaene 1997, 66-72; et al

By bringing together individuals from different backgrounds and experiences, businesses can more effectively market to Also, it's important just to improve yourself by learning as much as you can, and culture is a good subject . Confucianism is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture as well as a complete ideological system created by Confucius, based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties Find helpful articles, rich lesson plans, and a variety of books to promote cultural sensitivity and introduce students to cultures other than their own .

Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard by David Moser University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies (็ฎ€ไฝ“ๅญ—๏ผšไธบไป€ไนˆไธญๆ–‡่ฟ™ไนˆTM้šพ๏ผŸ) (็น้ซ”ๅญ—๏ผš็‚บไป€้บผไธญๆ–‡้€™้บผTM้›ฃ๏ผŸ) The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, Hard for whom? A reasonable question

According to Cultural Competence in Health Care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions?, by Georgetown Universityโ€™s Health Policy Institute, one source of dissatisfaction relates to language Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies, is a specialization in anthropology and sister sciences (sociology, psychology, economics, political science) that uses field data from many societies to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture . This article is devoted to the important characteristics of the lingua-cultural components of the English language English Language Arts Standards ยป History/Social Studies ยป Grade 6-8 ยป 4 Print this page .

Why ethnic studies is important today Ethnic studies is critical because it provides a multidisciplinary lens through which new approaches to learning will emerge

A culture is just a group of individual human beings Paterne Rwigema, the in-charge of sports and I think teaching students only academic knowledge but disregarding culture is not good because culture contains many values that are helpful in . Why Creativity is So Important Today: Process-Driven Jobs are Going Away Read National Geographic's latest stories about culture .

Researchers require additional cross-cultural data to determine if precursors, consequences and major implications of Strange Situations are similar or different in each culture

In orienting a business for a certain target group, companies need to study the cultural values of that group Many theories have emerged over the years, and they continue to be explored, individually and in combination, as criminologists seek the best solutions in ultimately reducing types and levels of crime . What makes YFU cultural exchange programs great? Discover why international student exchange programs are import for your students as well as Our summer, semester, year and gap programs are all economically priced in order to ensure that every student who wants to study abroad can do so Ask what the familyโ€™s views are on independent feeding? As children get older, family mealtimes set a good example; studies indicate that family mealtimes can be important in preventing childhood obesity .

The lingua-cultural knowledge can be got by students through original texts that contain plenty of lingua-cultural units

Because cultural studies wants to know how culture is lived and experienced by a full range of participants, it does not limit itself to studying high art or official history Mead was thus the first anthropologist to look at human development in a cross-cultural perspective . Why is culture important? Culture is a strong part of people's lives Cultural identify is one of the important ingredients offered at school and home as they grow, he says .

Highly individualistic cultures believe individual is most important unit

Furthermore, the paper demonstrated some methods of teaching culture using authentic texts, videos or music Language is pivotal, but I believed that there are more significant things that a people can bear in . Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being Since 1979 he has authored and coauthored more than a dozen books, including Italian Cuisine: A Cultural History (Columbia), Food: A Culinary History (Columbia), Famine and Plenty: The History of Food in Europe , and the recent .

Integrated studies involves bringing together traditionally separate area of curriculum so that students may make the connections between subject areas and apply all areas of knowledge to the topic or problem

For example, learning about the multi-cultural American society helps students understand democracy, rights and freedoms and the need to balance the various values, cultures and ideologies to have a balanced and peaceful co-existence Rather, cultural studies pays special attention to those forms that permeate everyday experience: subcultures, popular media (television, film, the internet), and a . It is especially important to take into account the impact or confusion that it could cause for others, which in turn, could cause them to avoid adopting the change Integration across multicultural teams can be difficult in the face of prejudice or negative cultural 4 .

Integrated assessment models attempt to account for interactions between social and natural systems

Knowing and minding the specificity of another culture is very important and in this case the Lewis There is also a point to use this model in the multicultural setting A growing achievement gap between Asian American students and their white classmates is due largely to greater work effort and cultural attitudes, not innate cognitive ability, researchers say . It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals They often focus on things that are universal among different cultures of the world, as well as differences among societies .

Nutrition is the study of food and how it affects the body The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what . He has achieved wide recognition for his many searching and thoroughly researched studies of culinary traditions The proliferation of fake news sources on social media has raised questions about the duty of sites like Facebook and Twitter to screen content and distinguish fact from fiction .

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