Why I Want To Marry Him

Why I Want To Marry Him


Why I Want To Marry Him
Whoever is happy will make others happy too.
I wrote these to give to Nathan before our wedding:

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This is a tribute to the man who puts a smile on my face every day and always amazes me. You have the kindest heart, the best smile, and you’re my best friend. Being in different states gives me a lot of time to think about why I love you and why I want to marry you. Five years with you is not nearly long enough and I can’t wait for forever with you.
I didn’t know it at the time, but our first kiss is one of my most favorite memories. We went to Water World in Denver and we were on the dinosaur ride. You put your arm around me while we sat in the tube and you looked at me asking if it was okay to kiss me. Now, I cherish your kisses and wouldn’t survive without them.
All the things we went through in the past five years have only made our bond stronger.
When you ask me what I miss you about, I can genuinely say everything. Even when you’re so annoying and won’t quick tickling me; yes I miss that. The thing I miss the most about those times is when I ask you why you won’t stop; every time you tell me it’s because you love my laugh so much. That melts me.
I cry of happiness whenever I think about our future together. I get that lump in my throat and my jaw tightens up because I can’t imagine life without you. I start to daydream about all the wonderful adventures we will go on and I smile from ear to ear.
I love everything that you are. You aren’t afraid to put me in my place (and vice versa) but you’re also not afraid to let me know how much you love me. You’re kind, smart, and hilarious. You are the most hard working, determined person I’ve ever met in my life.
I love your family and my family. I love that our families can spend time together. I love that my dad made you do a cement mixer and you took it like a champ. I love spending time with your family and love when you’re with mine. I enjoy being able to share those little moments with you.
You’re my best friend. My mom has told me since I can remember that I need to marry my best friend. Aside from being in love with each other, I can tell you anything and I trust you with my life. You make me laugh harder than anyone and I love how you make me smile.
I love that you want our future just as much as I do. It’s something that we can talk about in all seriousness and get so excited about.
I fall more in love with you every single day and that’s something I will never let go of.
You’re my forever and I love living life with you.
You might be surprised to learn that nearly half of women over the age of 50 struggle with uncomfortable symptoms due to vaginal dryness. This is an extremely common issue for those entering menopause, but it can also affect those of a younger age as well.
You might be surprised to learn that nearly half of women over the age of 50 struggle with uncomfortable symptoms due to vaginal dryness. This is an extremely common issue for those entering menopause, but it can also affect those of a younger age as well. Common issues like UTI’s, yeast infections and medications can cause vaginal dryness but one of the big culprits for both cause and prevention is diet. Supplementing your diet with nutrients and vitamins to encourage your body to produce the hormones it needs are one of the many home remedies for dryness . There are many factors that can cause dryness and the uncomfortable symptoms that come along with it, and diet is one of the big culprits on the list. Keep reading to learn about adopting nutrition habits that both alleviate and prevent dryness!
They could be some of your favorites.
It goes without saying what July 4 th symbolizes for Americans and undoubtedly its more important holiday. From parades to foods to speeches, all Americans know that it relates to the day when the 13 original colonies broke free of England, then ruled by King George III. A sometimes-overlooked aspect of Independence Day is bonding with family and friends. That is, after all, where my favorite memories were.
It's ridiculous the government thinks they have the right to control what a woman should do with her body
According to New York Times , in 2019 abortion had been banned in seven states, Ohio, Kentucky, Utah, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Utah and Arkansas are limiting abortions in the middle of the second trimester. Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi and Georgia passed heartbeat bans which does not allow abortion after detecting a heartbeat from the fetus. Also, Alabama does not allow abortions even if a person was raped said CBS. Although, "Abortion is necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the woman." The Supreme Court just overturned Roe vs. Wade.
I was raised in a strict, Irish-Catholic family. My parents and grandparents, even though I love them, instilled many beliefs in me that I came to disagree with as I grew older, things like "homosexuality is weird and wrong." I eventually rejected many of these ideas once I began growing into myself, but there was always one belief I let ring true well into my teen years: abortion is the murder of an unborn baby.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too.
I wrote these to give to Nathan before our wedding:

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I knew I was going to marry my husband within a week of connecting with him.
He was everything I never really knew I needed — and when I found it, it all just clicked.
Luckily for me, my husband felt the exact same way. Five weeks after our first date, we decided to get married, and our wedding day was just three weeks after that.
Although I hadn't been a huge fan of relationships before, my husband had several really important qualities that helped me just fall into him — qualities that were going to be critical for the man I spent the rest of my life with. Not only that, but it felt like we had a perfect connection from day one.
Every couple is different, but if the man you're with exhibits these qualities, those are some good signs you've found the man you should marry:
The most important quality that the man you're going to marry should exhibit is that he should love you for you — exactly who you are, including everything that comes along with that.
I'm not the best at relationships, and truth be told, I have some fairly crappy qualities. I'm moody, I get stressed very easily, and I tend to lose sight of basic necessities like eating and hydrating when I'm focused on something.
My husband knows about every single one of these — and he loves me, still.
He says he doesn't love me in spite of them, he loves me because of them. When I'm moody, he stays loving until I get out of my mood. When I'm stressed, he offers to help in any way he can and rubs my feet. When I forget to eat and drink water, he feeds me and fills up my water bottle.
The man you are going to end up with should love everything about you and should do everything he can to make sure you know it.
Although your forever partner doesn't have to be a stand-up comedian, you and he should be able to laugh together all the time, and you should find him funny.
My husband loves cheesy puns and he finds every opportunity he can to make them up. He also likes to just be goofy around the house. These are two of my favorite things about him. I love that it feels like my life will be a constant adventure full of laughter and fun because he doesn't take himself too seriously.
Laughter is an important part of a healthy relationship and it helps you connect. Even if no one else does, you should find your partner fun and funny — it'll make your life so much better in the long-term.
How your mate treats you is obviously really important, but you can also tell a lot about him based on how he treats those around him.
What I loved about my husband immediately is that when I talked to people who knew him better than I did, they'd always say first and foremost how kind he was and what a good man he was. It didn't take me long to see this for myself. Whether we're at a restaurant where the waiter messes up our order or waiting in a long line at Disney, my husband is constantly kind, considerate, and patient with those around him.
The man you are going to marry should be a good person — with or without you.
Finding the man you should make your husband will make you feel like you can be open about anything and everything.
One of my favorite things to do with my husband is just sit around and talk to him. We can talk about anything and everything, and we often do! Our conversations range from what our upcoming travel plans are to how we feel about what's going on in politics. I feel like I can connect with him on any topic and because of this, our connection grows every day.
When you meet the one you should make your husband, you'll feel like you want to talk his ear off — and he'll feel the same.
It may sound like a big "duh," but if you're thinking you might want to marry someone, you should like him as well as love him.
Too often, we find ourselves caught up in how attractive someone is, or how sexy they are, or other surface level qualities that don't define who they are as a person, and we forget that underlying any true relationship should be a genuine affection for the other person.
I not only love my husband, but I truly like him. In fact, I adore everything about him and I know that if we had never gotten married, I still would have been really happy to be his friend.
Before you decide to marry someone, make sure you actually like them instead of just being caught up in the love.
Along with liking your partner, you should also really respect them.
My husband is intelligent, hard-working, and would do anything for me and our little family of fur babies. I respect the way he treats his own family as well as mine, and I love that he has friends who speak highly of him. Even if he wasn't my husband, I would really respect him, and that makes me even happier that he is my husband.
When you find the man that will be your husband, you should feel a tremendous amount of respect for him, along with love and all the other positive emotions you feel.
When you think you've found your future husband, you should feel like he's your sanctuary.
At the end of a long day, whether it was a good one or a bad one, all I can think about is my husband. My favorite thing to do is to get all wrapped up in him on the couch or on our bed, and just feel taken care of.
I have never experienced that type of security before, and I truly love it with him.
Your forever partner should be the person you call home, and the person whose arms you want to shelter you day and night.
It would be hard to spend forever with someone if you thought true romance was a candlelit dinner and they thought it was putting the toilet seat down. Similarly, if you think a healthy sex life is a few times a week and they think it's once every six months, that won't work either.
My husband and I are on the exact same page about sex and romance. It just happened to work out that way — we didn't work on it at all.
We both feel like romance can either be the cheesy romance from books and movies, or just doing nice things for each other on a random Monday. We're also on the same page about sex: We decided when we got married that we'd prioritize our sex life and try to have sex at least once a day. (I know, it's a lot for some people, but for us, it works!)
You and your future hubby should feel the same way about these things to make for a more harmonious relationship.
If you think you've found the man you should spend forever with , make sure he feels the same way about you.
My husband reminds me every single day in some way that I am the most important thing in his life. Whether he's doing something sweet for me or just telling me with his words, he never fails to make sure I know how special I am to him. I love it. Life is already so stressful, and the last thing I want to question is how my husband feels about me.
Your potential partner forever should be prioritizing you in his life — and making sure you know it.
If you see any of these signs in your mate, chances are you've found the man that will be your husband. It's definitely one of the most exciting, wonderful feelings in the world!
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