Why Girls Cum

Why Girls Cum


Why Girls Cum
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Scientists Think They Know Where Female Ejaculation Comes From, And What It's Made Of
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Okay everyone, it's time to talk about female ejaculation - because it's not as mysterious as many would like to believe.
Scientists have found evidence that women who 'squirt' are expelling one of two different types of liquid - one pure urine, and the other a combination of urine and fluid from the female prostate gland.
Researchers in France back in 2015 were the first to observe the mysterious phenomenon using ultrasound scans, to discover that the ejaculate originates in a woman's bladder - and is made up mostly of urine.
The team, led by Samuel Salama, a gynaecologist at the Parly II private hospital in Le Chesnay, worked with a small sample of seven healthy women who reported "recurrent and massive fluid emission" when they were sexually stimulated. It's not uncommon for women to experience a little bit of milky white fluid leaking from their urethra at the point of climax, but the practice of 'squirting' enough liquid to fill a drinking glass is relatively rare. 
"A few small studies have suggested the milky white fluid comes from Skene glands - tiny structures that drain into the urethra," wrote Helen Thomson for New Scientist at the time .
"Some in the medical community believe these glands are akin to the male prostate, although their size and shape differ greatly between women and their exact function is unknown."
Salma's team first asked the participants to submit a urine sample, and then their pelvis was scanned via an ultrasound machine to make sure there was nothing remaining in their bladders.
The women were left to either masturbate in the lab, or have sex with a partner, until they were just about to climax. This gave the researchers enough time to get their ultrasound machines at the ready.
In what must have been one of the most awkward moments of their lives, the women had scans performed on them as they were climaxing, and the expelled fluid was collected in sample bags. One last scan was taken of their pelvises afterwards to get a view of the bladder.
Oddly enough, even though the women had emptied their bladders before the big event, the scan taken just before they climaxed revealed that the bladders been completely refilled again, for no other reason than the women had been sexually stimulated.
The scan after the climax - and ejaculation - occurred showed that the volunteers' bladders were once again clear. The team published their results in The Journal of Sexual Medicine .
Soooo, does this mean the liquid that's being squirted during sex is urine? The team had already confirmed that it was coming from the bladder, so it's a good bet.
They compared the samples that had been bagged up during climax to the urine samples collected at the beginning of the study and found that in two of the seven women, the samples were both chemically identical. 
In the remaining five women, the samples were slightly different.
The team found an enzyme called a prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) that was present in small amounts in these volunteers' ejaculated urine.
"PSA, produced in men by the prostate gland, is more commonly associated with male ejaculate," said Thomson at New Scientist , "where its presence helps sperm to swim. In females, says Salama, PSA is produced mainly by the Skene glands."
So when females ejaculate during an orgasm, they either release plain old urine, or urine that's been diluted by fluids from the female prostate gland.
Thomson spoke to an independent expert, Beverley Whipple, a neurophysiologist from Rutgers University in the US, who said that when we talk about female ejaculation, we should really only be referring to when PSA is released, not urine.  
The remaining mysteries surrounding this phenomenon are whether or not it serves some kind of adaptive function, and why so few women are able to do it. Researchers think it could have to do with perhaps some women not producing PSA at all, or maybe the size and shape of an individual's prostate gland comes into play.
Salma thinks all women should be able to squirt "if their partner knows what they are doing", New Scientist reports.

© ScienceAlert US LLC. All rights reserved.

Scientists Think They Know Where Female Ejaculation Comes From, And What It's Made Of
© ScienceAlert US LLC. All rights reserved.
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Okay everyone, it's time to talk about female ejaculation - because it's not as mysterious as many would like to believe.
Scientists have found evidence that women who 'squirt' are expelling one of two different types of liquid - one pure urine, and the other a combination of urine and fluid from the female prostate gland.
Researchers in France back in 2015 were the first to observe the mysterious phenomenon using ultrasound scans, to discover that the ejaculate originates in a woman's bladder - and is made up mostly of urine.
The team, led by Samuel Salama, a gynaecologist at the Parly II private hospital in Le Chesnay, worked with a small sample of seven healthy women who reported "recurrent and massive fluid emission" when they were sexually stimulated. It's not uncommon for women to experience a little bit of milky white fluid leaking from their urethra at the point of climax, but the practice of 'squirting' enough liquid to fill a drinking glass is relatively rare. 
"A few small studies have suggested the milky white fluid comes from Skene glands - tiny structures that drain into the urethra," wrote Helen Thomson for New Scientist at the time .
"Some in the medical community believe these glands are akin to the male prostate, although their size and shape differ greatly between women and their exact function is unknown."
Salma's team first asked the participants to submit a urine sample, and then their pelvis was scanned via an ultrasound machine to make sure there was nothing remaining in their bladders.
The women were left to either masturbate in the lab, or have sex with a partner, until they were just about to climax. This gave the researchers enough time to get their ultrasound machines at the ready.
In what must have been one of the most awkward moments of their lives, the women had scans performed on them as they were climaxing, and the expelled fluid was collected in sample bags. One last scan was taken of their pelvises afterwards to get a view of the bladder.
Oddly enough, even though the women had emptied their bladders before the big event, the scan taken just before they climaxed revealed that the bladders been completely refilled again, for no other reason than the women had been sexually stimulated.
The scan after the climax - and ejaculation - occurred showed that the volunteers' bladders were once again clear. The team published their results in The Journal of Sexual Medicine .
Soooo, does this mean the liquid that's being squirted during sex is urine? The team had already confirmed that it was coming from the bladder, so it's a good bet.
They compared the samples that had been bagged up during climax to the urine samples collected at the beginning of the study and found that in two of the seven women, the samples were both chemically identical. 
In the remaining five women, the samples were slightly different.
The team found an enzyme called a prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) that was present in small amounts in these volunteers' ejaculated urine.
"PSA, produced in men by the prostate gland, is more commonly associated with male ejaculate," said Thomson at New Scientist , "where its presence helps sperm to swim. In females, says Salama, PSA is produced mainly by the Skene glands."
So when females ejaculate during an orgasm, they either release plain old urine, or urine that's been diluted by fluids from the female prostate gland.
Thomson spoke to an independent expert, Beverley Whipple, a neurophysiologist from Rutgers University in the US, who said that when we talk about female ejaculation, we should really only be referring to when PSA is released, not urine.  
The remaining mysteries surrounding this phenomenon are whether or not it serves some kind of adaptive function, and why so few women are able to do it. Researchers think it could have to do with perhaps some women not producing PSA at all, or maybe the size and shape of an individual's prostate gland comes into play.
Salma thinks all women should be able to squirt "if their partner knows what they are doing", New Scientist reports.

Do you swallow because you enjoy the taste or because people think it's hot? Do you swallow even if you don't like the taste?
Girls that swallow: Why do you swallow cum?
Girls, Do you chicken out to swallow cum?
Why do you girl swallowing? Have you ever swallowed stranger cum?
Girls, for those of you who do not like cum or swallowing why do you dislike it?
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I always swallow! I've given head to 3 guys, and even though the taste of their come is somewhat different, I've gotten used to it after awhile. I enjoy giving head and to me swallowing goes with giving head. It just seems to me that it'd be a big interruption to spit or take it out and grab a tissue or w/e, etc. Even though, other than the 2nd guy I gave head to, they were kind of ewww the first several times, I eventually got to enjoy the whole experience because it's pretty exciting to me to get a guy off that way. It's so personal. My boyfriend (the 3rd guy I gave head to!) loves it. I liked everything that had to do with giving the 2nd guy a bj right from the 1st time. We did it a lot and he knew it turned me on too. With my b/f, I didn't like it at first at all but never complained. I definitely do like it now.
Awesome...simply awesome. wish I could meet someone like you!
I am so totally with you on this! Of course I did it to please the guys but over time I became a bit addicted. I love to look up into their eyes as they came. The eye to eye contact had always been huge, very personal, and so deeply connecting. So the addiction is not only the feeling of them flowing into your mouth, all over your tongue, and throat but the connection or how intimate it can get. Yes there are some guys where it is harder to get them to look at you but when they do they all love the eye to eye as much as I do. Then there is the addiction of having this amazing member of a guy's anatomy in your hands and mouth with him leaking his very private flavors.
I swallow because I enjoy swallowing. I like everything about it. I'm an oral sex fan and a cum swallowing fan. The taste is almost always good and sometimes it's great. Sweet cum is best, but salty cum is good too. Sometimes there's almost no flavor at all and I'm disappointed with that. Texture wise my husband's cum is almost always thick and creamy which I like very much. Rarely it's watery and that is also disappointing to the point of being shocking to me when it happens. I swallow no matter what and I always tell him it was good. If it was better than usual I do my tony the tiger impression and tell him it was great. Sex is very mental and I wouldn't want to put any negative thoughts into his head!
Good for you TinyClit. I am a male. Are there any secrets you or your husband uses to make cum taste sweet, and not bitter?
@JohnE_62 It's all about your diet. Fruits and veggies = sweet Meat, milk, cheese, etc = ewww Some food Zinc rich is also good to get better "load", Tomato and watermelon work fine for me. ofc you don't need to go hardcore mode with a single diet. Just control what you eat before having relations, like... some veggies for lunch and dinner and a couple fruits around the day and you (or she) will notice the difference that night. This been working for me since... probably 2009 so I'm feeling confident on the diet being the first way to control the taste of your... well, that. I guess everyone's body and metabolism may be different, so you would need to try and get what you and your partner enjoy most. If you just have different / occasional relations with random people, then just note their expression when they swallow, as OP said in a very fun way, a Tiger tony expression is a clear sign that the taste is sweet and enjoyable.
Honestly, I swallow my man's come because it is a part of him. I mean if you are headed downtown on a man and you are not willing to accept that he will shoot a wad of cum, then why go down at all? I can't think of anything more degrading to a man than have his chick spit out or not accept his essence. If you are sucking it in the first place...be prepared to slurp and swallow ladies...
Awesome answer.... are you married??
Thanks! Not married. Love your name....you must get a lot of "hits" with women wandering just how low
Wow! Thanks. I feel it's a nurturing act.
I love your answer. Yes, your lover's cum is his essence, without your girl swallowing his essence, she is telling him she doesn't love him enough.
i was with a girl who really enjoyed swallowing for a while once...she got me to eat a lot of pineapple and some other things that evidently changed the flavor. good times! but most girls are kinda iffy about the whole thing and, like was said, would do it just get it out of the way. just FYI for you girls: there was a research article that came out recently, no pun intended, that showed it's a strong antidepressant! so swallow away...i work in a research facility and we were joking that it must have been men that published the article.
Just fyi, it is true that sperm is a Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor, which is the family of antidepressants to which belongs prozac. However its potency is very low and you would have to swallow a lot (a lot) to actually see some benefits. As an added bonus to this answer, I enjoy when a lady swallows ONLY if she is genuinely enjoying the act too. You might not detect the sutile differences in the first encounters, but through time you will always spot a girl who does it just for convenience, and those who enjoy it as much as you do. Sex is a reciprocal way of giving pleasure, so forcing up things or doing it in a planned way is a big turn off for me. So I'd rather have sex with a girl who won't swallow than with a girl who swallows and is neutral (or negative) about it.
Am I really the only guy who was curious and checked his own out? It doesn't really taste like anything. OMG, I am going to make this an anonymous post...
I've tasted my own come on plenty of occasions. I've also tasted and swallowed other people's cum
Ok, OP, but you are gay (It seems). I'm straight, and I did it once anyway...
Lol I'm not gay but I guess I'm not exactly bi either. I'm not attracted to men in any way but I'll do things with them. Just no sex ahahahaha so I guess I'd be bi-curious?
Guess so. I wouldn't do anyting like that with other guys, so I guess you're more bi ("bi-er"?) than me, that's for sure.
I don't view you as bi then. just curious (not bi curious simply curious) ahahahahaha I know this one girl that makes every guy she gives head taste their own come before she swallows for them
Yeah, I was just curious. I wondered what my Girlfriend was tasting, so I checked it out one day. It was long ago, I was a teen.
That's freakin great Good for you, I don't know you but I am proud of you for manning up and seeing what we go through
Dude - if you suck mens dicks, then swallow their come for please, I got new for you. You gay.
@ thompson75 Please learn to use the right words and not be a douchebag. Thank you
Your gay, now that you did it your gonna like and keep on doing it.
Tasting your own come doesn't mean your gay.. And to the guys who think its gay, you're immature and don't know what the definition of "gay" is.
I enjoy watching my girlfriend face jizzed
I've been swallowing my own for many years now. Doesn't seem to matter what people think, since most have no idea. An old girlfriend was very surprised when immediately after she gave head, I asked her to kiss me, and give it all back. I let her know she never needed to swallow, that I'd be more than happy to do it for her. I've given a few BJ's over the years and can't imagine not finishing things off right. I like pointing out to the guy that I now have a load of hot cum in my belly, and YOU put it there. Then I'd thank him. His ego was already on a high, since I just finished him off, but after I'd thank him, his ego would skyrocket.
@Gary16 I love to lick my cum from my girlfriend beautiful pussy and I get so turned on when she asked me to lick my cum from her ass her butt is perfect.
Don't really care about the taste...he likes it, it's less messy so why not? Sorry nothing really erotic about it for me. Besides he's willing to go down on me and get all messy..I'm not gonna be stuck up about something that doesn't bother me to begin with.
it all depends on the guy. some have a sweet taste, others salty and some just have no taste. but I will usually always swallow. its less messy, and he is always overwhelmed and excited. its all about making them happy.
I swallow it because I like the taste and texture of it number one. Number two is because guys like it when we swallow it, seems to be a turn on for them and lastly would seem a bit awkward to have to excuse myself for a moment to spit it out or whatever, then return for my turn at getting satisfied.
not a huge fan of the taste but guys seem to love it when you manage to swallow every drop! the healthy defo makes it taste a bit better. you do get use to it. i think its from guys watching to much porn that they like to come in your mouth or on your face. i always like to mix it up a bit and get him to come on my boobs! I have always ;ike the feeling of that
I swallow because I love the taste AND I think it's hot. I just love the whole experience of it. A nice big come shot is such a huge turn on to me. I guess my guy likes it too
I swallow and prefer to. I don't really enjoy the taste all that much but it changes from guy to guy. Some guys taste better than others but that's because it all depends on the food they eat. For example the guy I'm with now eats soo much junk food... his come does not taste very good ... the reason why I swallow is because yes the guys like it and also it's easier. It doesn't make a mess if you swallow.
i eat a lot of fruit and meat, my lady tells me I'm very sweet
The taste really depends on the man. But mostly I think its more about the texture then the taste, its like having a big wad of snot in our mouth. Anyway I am not a fan of swallowing but will do it anyway when I need to. I try to initiate oral when we are both in the shower or if I am planning to shower so that he can cum on my face or breasts and then I can wash it off. But if I am giving him a blowjob any other time I just swallow. There is no sense in not swallowing. If it hits my tongue I am going to taste it anyway so what difference would it make it spi
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