Why Explainer Videos Are Effective?

Why Explainer Videos Are Effective?

Joe Root

An explainer clip is a brief, powerful video that conveys your brand promise and explains to potential customers why they should take notice. Consider it an elevator pitch in the video.

There are many options for explainer videos to match your brand's goals and style. You can use any of the different explainer videos styles, but your goal should be to explain your product/service and answer the question "what's the deal for me?" from your audience.

Mat King, Vidyard’s video production manager, gives a brief overview of the explainer video and the steps to making one. Blake Smith, Vidyard’s Art Director, is with him. Together, they break down an explainer video and highlight the best parts.

Explainer Video Production

Benefits of explaining videos

Explainer videos make it easier for people to understand and identify complex concepts.

They are extremely popular and a great way to learn about brand information. In fact, 96% of people have viewed explainer videos specifically to learn about a product. 68% of respondents said they would prefer to see a video about a product/service than a text-based article (15%). Asking people what type of brand video would they like to see more of? They chose explainer videos more than any other type.

Website and Landing Page

Your website is a good place to put your explainer video. A simple introductory explainer video is great for your home page. However, more detailed explanations will work best on landing pages that reflect the video's message.

(Psssst. Not sure how you can add your explainer videos to your site? Vidyard offers free video hosting that allows you to embed your videos anywhere.

Social channels and social ads are great places where you can experiment with explainer video because you can quickly collect feedback and gather results. It is possible to create an explainer video that speaks to customers in different areas of the customer experience and targets them accordingly.

You could, for instance, make a simple explainer video to share in social ads. This would target people who have never had a business relationship with you. You can also use remarketing to target people who have visited your product page or abandoned the product in an online shopping basket.

People know a bit about you from their own channels. Use explainer videos or product benefits to increase your credibility as an expert in the niche.

Crowdfunding Sites & Campaigns

An explainer video is a must for any crowdfunding campaign. It is important to explain the benefits of selling a product that doesn't exist yet.

Kickstarter states, "Make a compelling and engaging video. It's the best way you can introduce yourself to people and show them what your work is.

Events, Conferences, and Presentations

It doesn't mean that explainer videos must be only available online. A short explanation video can give you an introduction that grabs attention and draws your audience in before any of your presentations begin.

A simple explainer video can be used at trade shows to help people understand your brand and your products better than anything you could say throughout the day.

What are the key components of a quality explainer clip?

It is difficult to create a high-quality explainer video. As with all things, the better the quality, the more money you can expect. Because costs can rise quickly, it's important to know the expected return on your higher investment.

Deep research about your brand, products, and target audiences

It is possible to produce captivating videos that draw your audience's attention. That's how you convert those customers. If your target audience is not interested in your product, then even top-tier content will be useless. This is where market analysis comes in.

It is possible to greatly improve the quality of your videos if you are willing to spend more on your content. It is possible to ensure that your videos are perfectly tailored for your audience by conducting extensive research. Research is a good investment because it can help you navigate your way through the competitive market. You will be able to analyze what works, what doesn't work and avoid anything that could be considered too similar. We all know that data is essential. Video creation is no exception to this rule.

The last point is still true. The more unique your content is, the better. Unique content is more likely to rank higher in search engines. Additionally, it will make a better impression and save you from worrying about whether your words are too close to the truth.

Video creation can be expensive. However, it gives you full control over the way they are used. All assets are yours, so reusing them later will not be as expensive. You also don't have the risk of them being used in any way you don’t like.

Make a booking for a call banner with better animation and asset quality

High-quality components and high-quality explanation videos are essential for high-quality videos. This in turn increases project costs. There are many options that are cheaper than a whiteboard, including 2D animations. These are still capable of conveying your message to an audience. A better type of video and a larger budget is essential to improve your video marketing strategy.

3D animation is one way to do big-budget marketing. The level of detail, camerawork, graphical quality, and visual quality are unmatched. These animation styles, which are nearly infinitely customizable and of high quality, are a costly investment. Your quality brand will be properly represented by quality content.

The last point is obvious: competent people create quality products. You'll be more successful if you have professionals on your staff. explainer video production is no different. Your project will be completed on time, with no delays or stumbling stops. Pros will ensure you achieve the best results. You should seek out specialists as your projects become more complex and may require additional roles. Although it may save you money, having your animator work as a scriptwriter can often lead to worse results.

The tech industry is always evolving and inventing new technologies. These technologies are difficult and complex for the average person to understand.

Explainer videos are a great way to make it easy for customers to get the most out of new technology. The whiteboard animation software videos simplify the concept as they don’t tell the user how the technology works. Instead, they show the process. Every tech company seeks the best explainer videos because they increase conversion and time spent on a website. This improves Google rankings.

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