Why Does My Vagina Swell After Sex

Why Does My Vagina Swell After Sex


Why Does My Vagina Swell After Sex
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Try These 20 Best Sex Positions For Pregnancy
Elizabeth Bacharach
Elizabeth Bacharach is the Assistant Editor at Women’s Health where she writes and edits content about mental and physical health, food and nutrition, sexual health, and lifestyle trends across WomensHealthMag.com and the print magazine.

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There's nothing like a toe-curling romp to leave you feeling oooh- oooooh so good. That is until you detangle your bodies, roll over to the other side of the bed to cool down, and realize your vagina is swollen AF.
Is she supposed to be that red? That plump? That...irritated?
As you've probably guessed, the answer is heck no. But (keyword here!) there's no reason to spiral into a tizzy over a swollen vagina because, although you and your friends might not talk about it on the reg, it's actually pretty common and usually easily manageable. (Phew.)
Curious about what's going on with your vag? One gyno answers all:
So what does a swollen vagina after mean? Turns out, there are a handful of reasons for that post-coital puffiness—here, the possible culprits, plus how to treat:
Here's the thing: Every time you get turned on, your vulva and vagina begin to swell because of all the amped up blood flow down there, according to the Cleveland Clinic .
But if you notice other symptoms, such as thin cuts around the vaginal opening—that might mean the swelling et. al. is actually due to a rougher-than-usual sex sesh. If this is the case, you might also experience a bit of bleeding and find that the area is a little black and blue, explains Alyssa Dweck , MD, ob-gyn in Westchester, New York, and coauthor of V Is for Vagina .
There's no reason to call it quits if rough sex is your thing, but you don't want to leave an unhappy vagina, well, unhappy.
To ease the swollen sitch, take an OTC pain reliever, or soak your genital area in a sitz bath (a shallow bath that fits over the toilet made for treating down-there probs). Or sit in a regular bath filled with warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes, Dr. Dweck recommends.
Upon further examination, you notice that your red, swollen vagina has a...rash.
It's very possible your vagina is having an allergic reaction or has a sensitivity to a product, such as a latex condom, or even sperm, Dr. Dweck says. (A semen allergy , a.k.a. seminal plasma hypersensitivity, is a rare allergic reaction to the proteins found in semen that can cause redness, swelling, pain, itching, and burning in the genital area, according to the International Society for Sexual Medicine .)
More often than not, however, after-sex swelling is the result of your body's sensitivity or allergy to common irritants, such as products with spermicide (nonoxynol 9), fragrances, latex, and vaginal medications.
To figure out what's going on, Dr. Dweck recommends first eliminating any of these items that you've been using and observe how your body responds.
Two words nearly every women dreads hearing. But sorry, girl, but if you're swollen down under, yeast might be to blame.
First, a quick refresher: Caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida ( which is naturally found in your vagina, btw) , a vaginal yeast infection is best known for its common symptom of, to put it lightly, extreme itchiness in and around the vagina, according to the Office of Women's Health .
If you suspect this is your first time with a yeast infection , it's best to consult your doc, who can screen you for other problems to be sure. If it's truly a yeast infection, they can prescribe strong, fast-acting anti-fungal meds.
But if you've been here before and are positive your swelling (and other circumstances) are because yet another yeast infection, skip the office visit and try an OTC anti-fungal treatment, like Monistat.
This condition happens when there is too much of a certain bacteria in your vagina, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
While similar in symptoms to yeast infections (pain, itching, burning, and, yup, inflammation and swelling), bacterial vaginosis (BV) typically causes a discharge that is gray, thin, and fishy-smelling, says Dr. Dweck. That being said, BV can also be asymptomatic, meaning it doesn't produce any symptoms (aside from the swelling you already noticed).
BV can technically go away without any treatment, per the CDC . But if you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, get checked by a doc, who can prescribe antibiotics to treat the issue.
Having sex when you're dealing with a Sahara situation down there ( no shame!) can leave your vagina red and painfully swollen.
The issue could be the result of not enough foreplay, but low estrogen levels due to menopause, perimenopause, lactation, or birth control can also cause vaginal dryness and atrophy [thinning, drying, inflammation of the vaginal wall], says Dr. Dweck.
If it's the latter, your vag may also feel somewhat thin, abraded, and inelastic, she adds.
To fix, start by bringing lube into the bedroom, simply to increase moisture and decrease swelling-causing friction. If that doesn't help, consider visiting your doctor—if low estrogen is truly to blame, they may recommend treatment, such as taking additional estrogen.
Certain STIs that, per Dr. Dweck, cause "tissue inflammation"—such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis —can cause vaginal swelling.
While chlamydia frequently doesn't cause symptoms, trichomoniasis is a common offender of a reddened, swollen vulva that can also lead to bleeding after sex, irritation, odor, and, per the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), a yellow-gray or green discharge that may also smell fishy.
All you need to treat, per ACOG , is a single dose of an oral antibiotic, so if anything of these symptoms show up with the swelling after sex, see your gyno, stat.
And disclaimer? Regular STI screenings are always a good idea.
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying tissues that may cause the skin to become swollen, red, and tender, according to U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Cellulitis can happen when, say, normal bacteria that lives on your skin enters through a cut or break in your derm layer, thereby causing a skin infection.
So while sex doesn't cause this swelling, getting frisky can certainly aggravate it and even bring it to your attention, especially if swelling continues to increase (meaning the infection is spreading).
Other tell-tale signs of cellulitis? Fever, nausea, vomiting, and a warm-to-touch, tight, glossy, or stretched appearance of skin. Relief includes antibiotics (so call your doc!) and using a warm compress on the area, Dr. Dweck explains.
Hopefully this isn't the cause of your after-sex vaginal swelling unless you're trying for a baby. But it can be a common one: Thanks to all the hormonal changes brought on when you're expecting, your body starts to swell in a variety of different places—your vagina included.
During pregnancy, there's also increased blood flow and pressure from the uterus, which can amp up this swelling, according to the Office of Women's Health .
Once you ensure that the inflammation isn't caused by, say, an infection, you can treat allover puffiness by avoiding prolonged standing and wearing compression socks or support stockings.
Yep, compression socks can help you have a less swollen vagina after sex. Who knew?!

By Esha Iyer July 27, 2020 Posted July 27, 2020
© 2019 Creative Expansions, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Vaginal health is an important thing to think about, especially after intercourse. And a swollen vagina might be warning you that something is wrong.
It's not as if you need to know the benefits of intercourse to enjoy a good tumble. In any case, it does release a lot of stress. And once it's done, rolling over to catch your breath and cool down can be just as relaxing. But then you feel like there's something wrong and there's plumpness you feel in your vagina. Looking down, it seems red, swollen and causes irritation. Is it supposed to be that way?
Not exactly. There are many causes for vaginal swelling after intercourse. Some might be nothing to worry about while some might warrant medical intervention. If you feel uncomfortable, visiting a doctor to clear up your doubts is advisable.
However, here are a few reasons why you might be experiencing swelling and redness down there:
If you find that accompanying your swollen vagina is a rash, then it could be that you are sensitive to something that comes in contact with your vagina. For example, you might be allergic to a brand of condoms or in some cases, even sperm. In order to find out what is causing the reaction, try eliminating some of the items you are using during intimacy and make note of how your body responds to it.
According to Medical News Today , intercourse can cause the vagina to swell but if the act takes places when the vagina is not lubricated enough, the friction can cause minor tears in the vaginal walls. This can lead to pain during intercourse which can also cause extra swelling later. Due to the minor tears, it also leaves you more vulnerable to infection.
Healthline states that your vagina requires a proper balance of good bacteria in the vagina to protect it. Those bacteria can battle bad bacteria and make sure your vagina is healthy. However, sometimes the bad bacteria can outnumber the good bacteria and cause a vaginal infection known as bacterial vaginosis. Of the symptoms that appear, swelling, redness, itchiness and a fishy odor from the vagina are some of them.
The most common symptom of a yeast infection is extreme itchiness in and around the vagina, according to the Office of Women's Health . As per Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist in New York, the infection can give you redness and swelling that can make your vagina look "beefy, inflamed, and blistered," according to Women's Health Magazine .
Vaginal dryness starts to occur as you grow older. "The issue could be the result of not enough foreplay, but low estrogen levels due to menopause, perimenopause, lactation, or birth control can also cause vaginal dryness and atrophy [thinning, drying, inflammation of the vaginal wall]," says Dr. Dweck. This can also cause your vagina to feel thin or inelastic. This may lead to rough intercourse which could also cause the swelling.
In more severe cases, your vaginal swelling could be caused by an STD like chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes or gonorrhea. A reddened, swollen vulva can also lead to bleeding after being physically intimate, irritation, odor, and be a sign of an STD says the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) . If you notice this happening, you need to visit a doctor immediately to have it treated. 
Though you may be facing menopause or may have already gone through it, a swollen vagina after intercourse may also be a sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, increased blood flow and pressure from the uterus can increase the swelling in the vagina, according to the Office of Women's Health.
WomenWorking.com is committed to supporting women to live fully, giving them tools, tips, and inspiration to move through challenges in every aspect of their lives.

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I'm an 18 year one lesbian, recently every time me and my partner have manual sex or when we have mutual masturbation- where she rubs my vulva. At the end of this whole sexual activity, my clitoral glans, labia minora and vagina walls swell up. There was once it was really painful when I sat or bathe especially when I wash it with feminine hygeine wash. I like this whole sexual activity but I don't want my vagina to swell everything we do such a thing it's quite a hassle cause it feels quite uncomfortable. Please tell me what to do. Thank you, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
originally written 07.09.2008  •  updated 06.19.2018  •  
Delilah: what you're describing is most likely a completely normal physiological response to being sexually aroused.
Part of female sexual arousal , much like erection for men, is swelling of the genital tissues due to blood pooling in the pelvis: the clitoris (both externally as well as internally), the outer and inner labia , even the mons will often get larger and "puffy" when a woman is very sexually excited. How much or how often that happens really depends on a given woman. Some women get that aroused and have that response all the time, others less frequently, and some have yet to ever have it happen. You may not be noticing or feeling it as much when it's going on, because you are (understandably) distracted while sex is going on.
But it's not really something a woman can prevent, save doing whatever we can to keep ourselves from becoming highly aroused, which doesn't sound like such a good deal to me, particularly if you're going to be having any kind of sex. Even though I hear that you're not feeling comfortable with this aspect of your sexual response, sex isn't going to feel as good when we're less aroused: the more excited we are, the better it feels. If, however, your partner is being particularly aggressive with her hands or fingers, that might cause additional swelling, so if you like, you can try a few times where she's a little more gentle to find out if that helps and feels better for you during and afterwards.
That should subside, however, within a few hours of sexual activity or arousal, if not in a shorter period of time. If and when it doesn't, it might be because orgasm wasn't reached, so that vasocongestion (what men call " blue balls ," but it happens to women, too) sticks around and can start to feel painful. If and when that happens, rather than washing your genitals -- particularly if you're using fragranced or antibacterial washes, or washing inside your vagina , neither of which are healthy for your vagina -- your better bet is a cold compress, and/or a basic analgesic, like an aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
In the off-chance that this isn't about arousal, and is ONLY happening after sex is over, the only other possibility would be that it's an allergic reaction to something: maybe a hand creme your partner uses, the soap she's washing with, the kind of lube you're using, et cetera. If you want to check and see if it's that. Next time have her use latex or nitrile gloves for the manual sex and a hypoallergenic lube (Pink lube or Emerita lube are both good in that department), and see if you have the same response. If you do not, then it may be an allergy or sensitivity we're talking about, so what you'll want to do is either keep to gloves (they usually feel better with manual sex anyway), or start narrowing down what the allergy is through trial and error, by her one day not using a given hand creme, the next using a different soap to wash up with, what have you.
But if it turns out not to be an allergy, and instead your normal sexual response, what I'd encourage you to do is to just try to get a bit more comfortable with it. If it's a psychological discomfort, know it's a normal sexual response, just like reaching orgasm is normal, feeling your heart rate elevate is normal, just like self-lubricating is normal. If it's physical, then set a cool compress or ice pack near the bed before sex begins that you can use right afterwards if you like. If it's continuing long after sex is done and you're not reaching orgasm during sex, then you two might try some new things to see about getting you to orgasm.
To sum up your plan of action?
1. May as well check for a possible allergy first to rule that out, or discover that's an issue. If so, figure out what the allergy is to and get rid of that agent. If you two can't figure it out yourselves, you could see your gynecologist and get some professional help in finding the culprit.
2. If it's not an allergic response, try having your partner adapt what she's doing to see if some or all of the swelling just isn't a bit much.
3. If it's none of those things, accept that this is part of your normal sexual response simply because you're getting very aroused and enjoying yourself, which is obviously a good thing. If you find it uncomfortable afterwards, treat the issue with a cool compress and/or an analgesic.
Here are some links for you with a little more information:
Information on this site is provided for educational purposes. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in-person medical professional. The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should always consult your own healthcare provider if you have a health problem or medical condition.
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