Why Do Sagittarius Cheat

Why Do Sagittarius Cheat


Why Do Sagittarius Cheat
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If you’re suspicious of the Sagittarius guy you’re dating, you may wonder if you’re with a cheating Sagittarius man.
Is this zodiac sign more likely to cheat than others?
You can tell a lot about how a person behaves in romantic relationships by looking at their star sign.
Astrology can even help you predict whether or not a particular sign is prone to fidelity.
Once you know more about his zodiac sign’s typical personality traits and behaviors in love, you will be able to determine if a Sagittarius man is likely to cheat.
One of the astrological aspects that can help us predict whether or not a particular star sign is likely to cheat is the sign’s natural element.
Every zodiac sign correlates with one of the four elements of nature: earth, fire, water, or air. The elements reveal some of the character traits of the signs.
Sagittarius is one of the fire signs, and fire signs are known for being energetic, enthusiastic, warm, and passionate.
Thanks to his fire element, the typical Sagittarius man’s personality is vibrant and lively. He is very physical and expresses himself a lot with his body.
He enjoys working out and needs to stay active to feel mentally healthy. He is always on the move and uses lots of hand gestures and body movements while speaking.
His physical nature makes a Sagittarius man more likely to cheat because he is so used to expressing himself with his body.
He might find himself kissing or sleeping with a woman other than his partner because he’s more likely to take action, even when it’s a bad idea, than to sit still.
A Sagittarius man’s weakness in love is his reluctance to commit. Sagittarians value their freedom and don’t like being tied down to anything, including relationships.
The key to knowing how to understand a Sagittarius man is realizing that the more you push him to commit, the less likely he is to do it.
When a Sagittarius guy commits to a monogamous relationship before he’s ready, he is more likely to cheat on his partner.
He resents being tied down to someone, and he is especially bitter if his partner pressured him into a relationship before he made up his mind on his own.
A Sagittarius man is more likely to cheat when he has made a commitment he didn’t truly want to make. He cheats both out of resentfulness and because he wasn’t fully prepared to be in a monogamous relationship.
One of the reasons a Sagittarius man is so hesitant to commit is that he dislikes feeling trapped. He can be very indecisive and prefers to build his life around being able to change his mind whenever he wants.
If you want to know how to attract a Sagittarius man, you can’t give him the impression that you’re looking to settle down right away.
You also shouldn’t have a firm, rigid view of what you want for the future without any room for flexibility and changing plans.
When a Sagittarius guy feels trapped in a particular lifestyle or with his partner, he will cheat to regain a sense of independence and freedom.
He might cheat, whether he realizes it or not, as a way of ending the relationship so he can get out of it without having to make the conscious decision to break up.
As a very physical and active star sign, a Sagittarius man has a high sex drive.
He views sex as a way to satisfy a physical urge, and if his partner doesn’t meet his sexual needs, he will seek out someone else.
When a Sagittarius man says he loves you, it’s his promise to be faithful to you and to keep all sexual activity within the confines of a monogamous relationship.
But if you are wondering how to know if a Sagittarius man is using you, he won’t tell you he has feelings for you and will only interact with you to satisfy his physical urges.
A Sagittarius man has a strong libido, so you can bet that if he isn’t sleeping with his partner or being fulfilled sexually at home , he is seeking pleasure and physical release somewhere else.
Sagittarius is a cheerful, happy-go-lucky zodiac sign. A Sagittarius guy never takes anything too seriously, which is one of the qualities that makes him so lovable and easy to be around.
Unfortunately, it also means he doesn’t take his romantic relationships very seriously, either.
If you’re curious about how to know if a Sagittarius man is playing you, he will be upfront with you and say that he’s not looking for anything serious while he’s on a date with you.
This means that he’s only looking for a good time and he won’t enter into a committed relationship with you.
But even a Sagittarius man in a monogamous relationship has a hard time taking his commitment to his partner seriously, which leads him to cheat.
Every zodiac sign is ruled by a particular heavenly body that reveals something important about that sign’s personality. Sagittarius is guided by Jupiter, the planet of travel, education, and luck.
His guiding planet tells us that a Sagittarius man is carefree because he is blessed with good fortune and tends to rely on luck.
He is so used to things working out in his favor that he typically doesn’t plan too far ahead. Instead, he follows his gut instincts and whims.
A Sagittarius man is more likely to cheat because he doesn’t worry about the consequences of his actions. He believes that everything will turn out alright in the end, so he does what he pleases without concern for the repercussions.
He won’t think about the pain he is causing his partner or the fact that his indiscretion could cost him his relationship.
He is too focused on the moment and his own feelings, plus he knows that Jupiter’s lucky influence will help him come out of the situation unscathed.
Some star signs are more outgoing than others, and Sagittarius is a very social and gregarious sign.
A Sagittarius man enjoys meeting people and he makes new friends easily. He is an extrovert who gets his energy from being surrounded by others.
Not only is a Sagittarius man friendly but he is also quite charming and flirtatious. It’s hard to know when a Sagittarius man is expressing his love because he’s so flirtatious with everyone.
When a Sagittarius man is not interested in you , he won’t pay attention to you or flirt with you at all. He won’t lead on someone he’s not attracted to.
A Sagittarius man’s flirtatious nature can get him into trouble because it makes him more likely to cheat.
When he flirts with a woman and she reciprocates, one thing can easily lead to another and the Sagittarius guy ends up being unfaithful to his partner.
If the woman he is flirting with follows his lead and pursues him aggressively, it might be too much temptation for him to resist.
Since Sagittarius is such a social and outgoing zodiac sign, it makes sense that he has more opportunities to cheat.
If he was the type of person to stay at home every evening and on weekends instead of going out to bars and clubs, he wouldn’t have the chance to meet women he could cheat with.
And since it’s so easy for him to strike up a conversation with strangers, he is more likely to find a woman he likes than if he was a wallflower who kept to himself.
A Sagittarius in love likes to bring his partner with him when he socializes, but he also doesn’t mind going out by himself or just with friends.
He won’t cheat when his partner is there, but since he spends so much time gallivanting around town, there is a chance he could cheat when he’s away from his lover.
With Jupiter, the planet of travel, as his guiding planet, a Sagittarius man loves getting out of town and going on vacation.
He wants to see the world and explore as many new places and foreign cultures as he can. Traveling gives him perspective and a sense of purpose.
When a Sagittarius guy is in a relationship, he enjoys taking his partner on vacations and exploring the world with her.
But he also likes traveling alone, and he doesn’t mind leaving his partner behind to go on trips by himself.
A Sagittarius man is more likely to cheat than other signs because he goes out of town by himself a lot.
He can get swept up in feeling like he’s single again when he’s in an exotic place away from his partner.
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by Denise April 19, 2019, 10:35 am
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This sign is one hell of a thrill seeker. Excitement is what they search for in life. They’re always looking for brazen, different methods to make life more worthwhile.
This can often come to the detriment of their relationship as they can easily become bored and exhaust the fun in it quite quickly. More often than not, this will be the main reason why this woman will choose to be unfaithful.
Five signs a Sagittarius woman is cheating on you:
The Sagittarius woman cherishes freedom above all else. She seeks to see the world and enjoy it all. Anything exciting the life has to offer, the Sagittarius needs to enjoy.
That’s why she’ll fly past anything even close to boring, like an arrow going for its target.
She’ll stop at nothing, exhausting any method she can think of if it means being able to find new ways to make her youth and energy shine. Her love for adventure is unparalleled.
This of course includes finding new ways to indulge in carnal pleasures. After all, what is life without amazing sexual activities to enjoy after a good coffee in some exotic faraway place.
Her relationships , whether physical or emotional, need to stay fresh and place no restrictions on this wild sign.
It’s not often that you’ll see a Sagittarian stray from the path of loyalty. But it is not uncommon, after all, this sign is still human and will eventually succumb to certain desires or in some cases, be forced to do so.
What does this mean exactly? Well, placing limits on her freedom is a huge mistake. She loves roaming freely and a partner that doesn’t respect that will be an instant turn-off.
This sign tends to be loyal. Usually it is them that are the victims of cheating as a Sagittarius will only resort to disloyalty if forced to do so.
A good sign is when your Sagittarius partner starts looking for pretty much any reason for a fight. The increase in one sided discussions based on blame and whatnot are great indicators that she might be giving up on you.
This is a woman that will take pride in her traits. She’ll even try sharing them with you. How? Well your Sagittarius partner, when in love, will attempt to share her ways. Trying to teach you how to enjoy everything in life as it goes.
From the small things to the greatest events one could imagine. She’ll show you the secrets of her ingenuity when it comes to making up fun side activities and going on adventures to far away, even mystical-like lands.
One downside to this? Well, this woman simply can’t cope with the idea of settling down. Committing just isn’t in her vocabulary. At least not usually.
A serious relationship will be seen as a threat by this woman. A threat to her freedom, to her exciting and brilliant life. You simply can’t rely on her to stay. Her spirit is too free to be tied down. At least not unless she lets it get tied down.
This nomadic sign has great fun, yes. She tastes the fresh fruits of life on a daily basis.
But this makes it so that her relationships are often short-lived. That’s a given, seeing as how she simply hates the complications that the relationship leash brings in her life.
This is a sign that has a hard time staying loyal. It’s just how it is. This doesn’t mean that all Sagittarius women find it impossible to keep a lasting relationship. It’s in the area of possibility for them. But it is true that this sign is inclined towards cheating more often than the rest of the zodiac signs.
It’s hard to blame them seeing as how their free spirit and adventurous nature keeps them on a constant search for intriguing and spicy things to do in life.
Not everything is bad when it comes to having a relationship with a Sagittarian. These women take relationships as something quite serious.
She’s an empath at heart and can’t help but love her fellow people and feel for them on a deep, almost painful level.
This in turn makes her easy to trick. It seems you can’t have them all. She’s a woman that will always do her best to keep everybody’s smiles and laughter safe.
She strongly cherishes the appreciation her partner can give her. She needs to know that you recognize her awesomeness. Awesomeness that she wants to share with you.
If you’re somebody that can share in the glory of an exploring, adventures life, then you’re the right one for the Sagittarius.
Having shared and common interests is a must with this woman. The more, the merrier, as her love can only grow in accordance to your own.
The Sagittarius’s strong inclination towards cheating is surely one of her biggest cons. It’s not that she wants to hurt you in any way. It’s just the way she lives her life. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical or emotional.
The Sagittarius will often be seen as a happy bee flying from flower to flower in the pursuit for happiness. In this case, happiness being great sex and fun times or even exciting travels with a loving partner. Or partners?
The Sagittarius can share happiness with everybody. Either on an emotional level or on a physical one. The only requirements are overall enjoyment and the freedom to do what she yearns for: live life on the exciting spur of the moment.
Sags aren’t ruthless. They know what they’re doing can be hurtful towards her partner. But this problem pales in comparison with her drive to not get bored.
You’ll often find Sags changing lovers as if they were pairs of socks. On the contrary. The quick pace at which she can do this can actually relieve the everyday stress of her generally chaotic and filled with hardships type of life.
The energy this fills her with is just like cocaine for an addict. Only in this case, the Sag is a junkie for adrenaline.
Oh, boy! Now you’ve done it! It’s understandable how you might have been pushed to do this, but the lack of morality is still there. While the Sagittarius seems to have a will born of iron, similar to an unmovable mountain.
That’s not always the case. These women can be highly sensitive on an emotional level. Hurting her feelings and betraying her trust doesn’t help with this in no way.
Cheating on her is basically asking for it. She’ll bombard you with insults that you have yet to believe can come out of anybody’s mouth.
Her very being will be that of a raging storm, coming your way only to devastate everything in its path. Including you, that is.
Every single mistake you’ve made will be brought back to your life. Dug up by this furious archer sign. All of this so that she can be sure you regret what you’ve done to her brilliant, dedicated and loving self.
Even if you do get this sort of reaction out of her, it doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. Sure, you’re a cheating bastard, but you can be a cheating bastard that has the chance to salvage his relationship.
She’ll give you a second chance, but make sure you deserve it. Forget about anything that money can buy. What she needs is your utter dedication towards forgiveness and patching things up.
This time, more so than ever, her trust will need to be earned. And doing that might prove a task ever so difficult.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

by Denise April 19, 2019, 10:35 am
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The Sagittarius thrives off of venturing through his days. If his life could be a movie, it would be a thrilling, fast-paced action/ adventure spin-off. This aspect can be found in your more intimate moments as well, especially the ones shared in bed.
These men never stop their search for different things to enjoy which is generally a good thing. Who would like a boring partner anyway? Keep in mind that this can also means that they take longer than most to get serious about a relationship.
Five signs a Sagittarius man is cheating on you:
Commitment comes slowly with this sign, but once it does come, you’ll have yourself a loyal, hyperactive Sagittarius on your hands. They appreciate freedom almost more than anything. Keeping them confined within your grasps is the worst thing you could do.
Cheating for a Sagittarius is a strange thing. Why? Because you never really know if he might be cheating or not until you’re left speechless at the sight of the betrayal.
A Sagittarius will stay loyal to his loved one. Sure, it takes a while for him to fall in love, but once it does, chances are it’ll stay that way.
Of course, the opposite can happen as well. Love forgotten isn’t uncommon with the Sagittarius.
If his feelings for you falter, he’ll certainly look for somebody else to fall in love with and it won’t be until it’s too late that you’ll find out, as Sagittarius men hate breaking up with their partners. They’d rather wait until they get caught.
These men are quite the charmers. With highly developed socializing skills, they’ll find no hardships in communicating and getting along with everyone around them.
You might be asking yourself how this can be a bad thing. Getting along with everyone means they are able to digest many forms of BS, which in turn might lead them to get into superficial relationships.
Another side effect of this trait that will directly affect you is the ease with which he’ll manipulate you into thinking he’s being loyal while he’s actually hopping from one gal to another.
Yeah, he can do that. He can convince anyone into getting down and ready and he can also mold your choices into being with him.
At the start of a relationship with him, make sure you have The Talk first. No, not the one about the birds and the bees, silly.
You’re both already grown-ups. In the beginning of your hopefully long journey together, you need to get things straight first.
Tell him what it is you’re expecting from him. How else would he know if it’s a serious thing what you two have or just a fling.
If he does cheat on you, you can’t really hold him responsible since you didn’t make your intentions known to him nor were there any borders established.
A good and obvious sign he might be cheating is when you notice a drastic and sudden change in your Sagittarius man. These changes are often physical, esthetic. It can be a new haircut, different fashion sense, it might even be make-up, who even knows at this point. Just know that this means he might be changing for the new woman in his life.
He used to pay attention to you, didn’t he? He’s not that attentive to your desires and interests anymore? That’s a bummer.
Has he been putting off most of the plans you’ve been making recently? Well, if you add two and two together, you might get a four as a result. In this case, four means that he’s probably cheating.
Another sign would be that even if he’s showing a lack of interest in you, he’s showing it for something else. If he’s been paying attention to his phone a lot more lately, it might be because he’s texting someone. You probably already know who.
A great way to make your Sagittarius cheat on you is suffocating him. Show him a little bit of that good
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