Why Do People Masturbate Into A Sock

Why Do People Masturbate Into A Sock


Why Do People Masturbate Into A Sock
I was recently staying at my parents for a few days and without thinking i opened up my 15 year old brother's door to tell him something and i think he was masturbating with a sock? I don't really know what or why but i was pretty stunned. Is this something that boys do? Like i know that they do it but why into a sock?
Is it normal for guys to masturbate into a sock?
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What your little brother is doing is not your concern when it's too intimate! By the way poor him, lol To answer your question, I don't think it's normal. But nothing to be worried about. I don't know anyone that does that. I'd like to tell you more but would not want to give you info about how best to spot what's happening with your brother in mere concern of him. But I don't judge you either, haha. Also 14 and 15 are the ages when it's happening most often, so don't think of him as dirty or perverted.
Some guys might but I don't think it's really normal at all ... it's much nicer to masturbate 'au natural' and easier to control the orgasm when it starts so it's a little more prolonged, which makes the (unhindered) ejaculation soooooo sexually pleasurable.
Okay so its not normal, i wasn't sure. It was just a shocking thing to walk in on and didn't know if it was actually a thing or not
How did your brother react when you walked in on him? He must've been so embarrassed? Did he say anything to you afterwards?
He yelled at me to get out and i closed the door as fast as possible. He didn't come out of his room for awhile and i went out a but later so didn't see him til the next day, and i pretended like it never happened
Lol thanks i guess, i just preferred to act like it never happened to avoid any extra awkwardness lol
not that I've done it.. but it is solely for easy clean up haha
@CaliSoccerGuy. Either that or the sensation. Lol
Yah the consensus seems to be that it is for easy clean up i guess. Just didn't know it was a thing so is curious if anyone else had heard of this or not
like they do it for a different sensation?
I'd rather just show myself spraying a big load online lol Why not put on a show
@CaliSoccerGuy lol if it pleases you.
Taking a glance doesn't intrigue you any? lol
You seen one you have seen them all. Lol
not true... lol At the very least "follow" me on here haha
It's definitely about the clean up. And it's quiet. I realized that one night when I woke up and saw my husband doing it. I had said no earlier to sex that night b/c I had started my period that day. I didn't say anything I just continued to pretend to be asleep and let him enjoy the moment. The next month when I was on my period I just pretended to go to sleep waiting to see if it was a one time thing. And Nope ! he did it 2 different nights. So when the next month came around I went to bed earlier than normal and left a new 3 pack of socks and a note on his side of the bed.. " started my period today, these were the softest socks I could buy I'm sure your penis will love me for it, have fun " Lol
I use a sock when I masturbate sometimes! I use one when I am masturbating and I have nothing to clean up with! When I am getting ready to shoot my load! I will put the sock over the head of my cock and shoot my load in it! Sometimes I start to cum I don’t get my cock it to far and I get my cum on my leg! So I finish in a sock easy clean up!
I wouldn’t say it’s normal... but I wouldn’t say it’s not normal. You hear the occasional joke about it often enough and of course, most guys who do it won’t publicize it so any guy you know could do it and you’d never know. I do. I use a sock so I can stay under the covers and not make a mess
I feel like that would feel bad if he were cut, if not then maybe it feels good, but most likely the sock is just their to catch the jizz. It's stealthy compared to other things. People tend to just throw a sock in the wash, they're not going to turn it out. If he did it on a shirt or towel then it can be more easily noticed, and using tissues can make them pile up. A bin full of tissues when you don't have a cold is often a give away. Plus you can go through boxes quickly and people will notice all the tissues are gone. Do it in a sock, bunch it up, toss it in the wash, good chance nobody's the wiser.
Well, this is normal to happen with guys to do these things My sister whose older one time caught me i was age 13 and she was 23 at the time , she saw the size of my penis and said wow your cocks big, soon as she said it i exploded my load all over my hand in front of her she turned red in face.
I've never been a sock guy, but whatever. People masturbate in all sorts of ways. Maybe he's afraid that if he soils the sheets your mother will see it.
First time I hear about a sock being used for beating the meat but pretty innovative I must say 1. Keeps the 'mess' confined 2. No one looks into a sock or checks it for smell or stains. Since he may not be doing his own laundry, saves embarrassment
Thank you, young lady for liking my opinion
I've heard of many guys masturbating into socks before for the sake of not making messes when they cum. I personally have never liked the idea of that at all and never tried it.
I've never used a sock... that's a waste of a sock.. But I've heard of a cum sock all the time. You see jokes in movies and such about a "cum sock" someone uses to cum inside lol I'd rather "bust" my load elsewhere!
I don't know about most guys, never heard anyone admit it. I never have ever. Don't really see the point and it "dulls" the sensation.
Oh hells yea!! It is normal for anyone who hasn't tried it they are missing out. I only use it to clean my mess but once you finish in it feels amazing better than sex sometimes. But for sure its normal. I feel bad for your brother though. I had a similar experience and it was embarrasing as f! Lol
Ahh yes. In high school, I used a wool athletic sock. Softer than cotton. I would have it on hand and then slide into it and jack with it just as the moment approached. I would fantasize it was a girl's mouth. I came a lot and shot some distance in those days and it kept things tidy.
He may want it that way. It is absolutely normal for him to do it that way. For other boys , they can chose to do it the way they want to do it.
I never understood the allure behind fapping in to a sock. Feels fucking disgusting.
Lol I don't know why except one person said that it saves the mess lol
It seems like a few guys have heard of this and some are surprised i haven't heard of it. Like is this something girls know about too lol?
I have known about it but I would still not do it. I don't know how I would ever wear that sock again, even if I wash it.
That doesn't sound very hygienic and you'll probably ruin socks that way.. I wouldn't be surprised if there are plenty of guys who do that though..
Less mess - throw it in the laundry and mom will handle it (I never did that, but he's a clever little wanker)
Less of a mess and it's all confined to a sock. lol
I've done it a handful of times-the sock catches the mess. I didn't USE the sock to jerk off, I used the sock to "catch" the cum
Yah i guess it makes some sense now just never really thought about it before that lol
this question is a prime example of why i like this site-crazy fuckin questions lol
Ived done it before. Easy cleanup is why. Usually with socks I planned in throwing away.
So the sperm doesn't make a mess I suppose?
Yah i just never knew that boys used things like a sock to masturbate into i guess. I just assumed they used a tissue or did it in the shower. It was just quite shocking to see and i guess i didn't know it was a thing they did lol
Have you ever heard of this though? i guess i knew boys have to deal with sperm when masturbating but just didn't realize they used socks and stuff like that
I think I saw it happen in an American Pie movie lol
Lol its been awhile since i saw that movie. I know guys do a lot of masturbating but i didn't really think about how they contain the sperm i guess lol
lol no i dont wanna ruin my socks. tissues work just fine.

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Home > Men > Dear Men, Here's The Reason You Should Not Masturbate Into Socks

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In today's episode of bizarre cases, we bring to you a case you will remember the next time you TOUCH yourself. 
We, humans, have all sorts of weird habits, and collecting semen is one of them. No, this information is not deceiving. There are some men out there who have some sort of vessel to store their semen. 
Though this practice may astound some of us, it's a practice followed by many men.
A famous case from Reddit , where a young man ejaculated in a 'cumbox' & later, out of embarrassment, decided to set it on fire. 
Over the years, men have kept socks, towels, or any sort of clothes around to jizz into and keep it for weeks and years. 
Meanwhile, a woman on Reddit posted a photo of the towel her boyfriend uses as a jizzrag (he does not wash it enough). It was covered with ants.
Now, this may sound terrifying, but the reason behind it is more bizarre. 
Mark E. Moffett , a research associate at the Smithsonian Institution, who specializes in ants, explained it quite simply. "All I can say is that protein and fats from any source can be tasty!" 
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Do any of you masturbate into socks?

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The thing I dont get is - is the sock just the catchrag, or do you actually use the sock like a pocket {censored} or something?
I have never understood that. Never felt compelled to include a sock in my wanking at all actually.

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I dont get the socks thing. Does it feel better? Just curious.

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I make paper mache unicorns with mine.

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I dont get the socks thing. Does it feel better? Just curious.

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Crave Case , August 19, 2012 in Amps

I know several people that prefer this. I've never really understood it.
Lol i did every night in college no lie. Its amazing. My mom was all like why are you buying old school 80's knee high tube socks all the time, i didnt have the heart to tell her.
So what's the deal, do you wash and reuse them, or do you just spunk 'em up until they become more like a cast than a sock?
The thing I dont get is - is the sock just the catchrag, or do you actually use the sock like a pocket {censored} or something?
I have never understood that. Never felt compelled to include a sock in my wanking at all actually.
This. Do you lube up the sock first so it sort of feels like a wooly quim, or what?
I dont get the socks thing. Does it feel better? Just curious.
I make paper mache unicorns with mine.

i blast through tissues in one shot. like a shotgun.
I also wish someone would explain how this works. I always thought it was just an awkward 12 year old thing to do so your mom doesn't find a bunch of balled up tissues in the trash can or something. Also, do you turn the sock inside out so you feel the smooth side?
I did once. I was kind of weirded out by it.
Did you get lost on your way to OJ?
What you do is you lube up the inside of a dish washing glove then wrap a towel around it and fold the glove onto to outside of the glove.....prison style fleshlight
I have. Now I normally just jerk off into a pair of my ex's panties while crying.

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