Why Do Guys Like Going Down On A Woman

Why Do Guys Like Going Down On A Woman


Why Do Guys Like Going Down On A Woman
3 Reasons Why Men Are Attracted to a Woman’s Breasts
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3 Reasons Why a Woman’s Thigh Gap is So Attractive to Men
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So, what is it with a woman’s boobs, tits, jugs or breasts?
Why are we men so attracted to the extra bits of flesh on a woman’s chest?
What is it about a woman’s breasts that makes us feel attracted and turned on?
The three main reasons why men are so attracted to a woman’s breasts are:
Men are attracted to features about a woman that make her look different from a man.
The male and female bodies are very similar, with the main differences being a woman’s obvious feminine features and the differences between our genitals.
Obvious feminine features include her hips, her breasts, some facial features and her genitals.
When a heterosexual man sees another man, no attraction is triggered because there’s nothing to feel attracted to.
It’s just a male body that is of no use to him.
However, when a heterosexual man sees a woman with obvious feminine features, his sexual attraction is immediately triggered because she’s obviously a female.
She is a potential mate for him to implant his seed and make copies of his genes.
Breasts signal that a woman is ready for breeding.
It may sound superficial just to be talking about breeding, but that’s where the instinct of attraction comes from.
We have a primal instinctive need to get to the point where we can breed, so we can pass on our genes.
A man’s attraction for a woman is automatically triggered when he sees a healthy, physically attractive woman who has a fully developed body of breeding age.
Attraction is much more simple than love and relationships and marriage and all the other things that happen when a man and a woman get together.
Attraction is based on the primal instinctive need to plant our seed and create offspring.
When a man and a woman show genuine mutual attraction for one another, it helps to release the brain chemicals of dopamine and oxytocin which create sexual desire and brings the couple closer together.
A woman’s breasts is something obviously feminine about her that we can focus on and get turned on by which then makes her feel turned on and excited if the attraction is mutual.
If a woman doesn’t feel attracted to a guy, she’s not going to be excited that he’s looking at her breasts and he wants to touch them and kiss them and suck them.
However, if a woman is attracted to a guy and she’s kissing him and then having sex with him and notices that he really loves her breasts, it’s going to excite her and turn her on.
Humans have a lot of face to face sex, so a woman’s breasts gives a man something to be excited and turned on about.
It also gives the woman something extra to feel turned on about as she observes her man feeling genuinely attracted to and aroused by her.
Since men are mostly attracted to a woman’s physical appearance and show obvious attraction to women, men are often pointed out as being horny and desperate and wanting sex more than women.
However, a man’s attraction to a woman’s breasts is completely normal and natural and it should be expected.
It’s nothing for a man to be ashamed of.
Men are hardwired to naturally feel attracted to feminine features in women.
Of course, I’m not saying that guys should be whistling at women on the street and saying, “Hey, nice tits. Let me grab them. Get them out.”
What I’m talking about here is the way that a man’s attraction to a woman works.
It’s completely normal and natural that we men instantly feel attracted to a woman’s physical appearance because what our primal instinct of attraction is driving us to do, is to find a physically attractive woman who is healthy and has a fully developed body of breeding age to implant our seed in.
Unlike women who have a primal instinct of attraction to find a guy who is going to be able to protect them and keep them safe and provide for any potential offspring that they may have, we don’t need woman to protect us and make us feel safe.
A man’s primal instinct of attraction isn’t looking for a woman to provide for him and keep him safe and protect him and make him feel like he can look up to her and she’s going to take care of him.
That’s what a woman is looking for in a man, but what a man is looking for in a woman is a place to plant his seed.
So, for all the men watching this who’ve ever felt a little bit embarrassed that you feel so attracted to a woman’s breasts, just know that it’s completely natural and normal.
It’s not your fault that you feel naturally and instantly attracted to a woman’s physical appearance.
It’s just how the nature of attraction works.
So, go ahead and enjoy the boobies…
Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.
This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.
Dan Bacon is a dating and relationship expert. He knows the secret to attracting and picking up women for sex and relationships, which has allowed him to enjoy his choice of women for many years. Watch this free training and he will share the secret with you.
Dan Bacon used to be hopeless with women. He lacked confidence in himself and couldn't get women to like him. Despite being a good, honest guy, women just weren't interested.
When he created the controversial attraction techniques that he now teaches here at The Modern Man, beautiful women began flooding into his life and wanting to be with him.
Dan has already helped 1,000s of guys to get instant results with women ( success stories ) and he would love to help you too.
So, if you are sick and tired of not getting results with women and would like to try something new that is absolutely guaranteed to work for you, then get started here .


We’ve all seen the stats about how faking orgasms is more common than you would think. And if you’re here, then you’re obviously trying to score some real points in the bedroom.
Sure, pleasing a woman isn’t exactly rocket science, but it does take some rock solid technique. Don’t think you can just go down there and do whatever you want. That’s a waste of energy. Going down on a woman requires a lot of communication and some experimenting.
But before you start performing oral on your girl, it doesn’t hurt to do a little research. Thankfully, plenty of Reddit users are willing to share some tips.
Here are 13 of the best ones we found.
“ Build up is key . Take a looooong time to explore other parts of her body first. When you finally get to the vagina, focus on other parts before zooming in on her clit. Start slow.”
“ Be gentle ! Whether you are going fast or slow, be tender with her lady parts!”
“When it sounds like she is really enjoying it, keep doing what you are doing , don’t speed up or slow down or try something new. She is enjoying what you are currently doing so why change it up?”
“Listen! Be keen on how your girl responds to what you are doing and make note of the techniques that make her twist with ecstasy vs yawn.”
“Tease her. The last place you should go is the clit , and she should be begging for it. Be attentive and enthusiastic. Tell her how good she tastes.
“On clit sucking specifically: Some women like this, others do not. Some like the clit sucked on directly, others it’s best to suck around the entire vagina . Also, if your whole mouth is around the top of her vagina, there will be a natural vacuum when you’re performing tongue tricks anyway.”
“Personally, I find that using fingers can be 1) distracting for her, or 2) gets in the way of my mouth’s rhythm (think patting head while rubbing belly). I actually think the Nina Hartley video does a great job of explaining some fingering options (come hither motion, pinching labia/clit, opposite come hither hold). However, again, because of #1 and #2 above, I typically use only my mouth when it’s time to get her all the way there.”
“ Try and find the g-spot with a finger and apply on-and-off pressure to it while you’re working the clit/labia. The g-spot isn’t hard to find, here’s how: if she’s lying on her back, it’s gonna be on the roof of the vagina. Put a finger in and press up, you’ll feel the pelvic bone through the tissue. The tissue where the g-spot is will feel really spongy and kind of rough. If you can work that spot in tandem with the clit/labia, hopefully you’ll get some good results.”
“ Make her feel totally confident in herself , totally comfortable and not self conscious. I can tell you that worrying if my SO is enjoying it or if he likes how I taste will absolutely ruin it. She won’t pay any attention to what you’re doing because she’s so worried.”
“When you can, breathe out of your mouth . Depends on the girl, but the feeling of heat from your breath can be very stimulating.”
“You take everything you’ve seen in porn and you forget it.”
“The best thing to do is ask , in my experience. Harder? Slower? Faster? You like that?”
“Asking beforehand is good but the best time I find is after (seeing as during is very distracting unless its openly expressed that your both doing it out of experimentational purposes).
“ Ask her how certain things felt . More than likely the most memorable parts will be the ending or the surprisingly good parts. [Then] focus on finding what those were and figure out how to fine tune them to her liking.”

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Lachlan Brown

March 1, 2021, 10:31 am

Afraid that you’re not girlfriend material ?
Is it becoming a trend that men only seem to be interested in you for a short period of time?
Don’t worry, many people have these worries from time to time. It’s completely normal.
But if you think that it might have something to do with your personality, then it’s easy to fix. You just need to know a little bit about male psychology and what they look for in a female.
I’m a male and I’m a psychology expert, so I’m well-qualified to talk about what men really like in a girlfriend.
In this article, I’ll talk about 10 traits that men find really attractive in a woman, and we’ll also talk about traits that men don’t find attractive.
We have a lot to cover so let’s get started.
Women tend to like strong, masculine men, and in the same vein, men like sexy, feminine women .
But in today’s society, our definition of femininity can get a little fuzzy. Many of us misinterpret femininity as being passive and a pushover.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
The fact is, despite the shift in roles between men and women, one thing remains true:
The most important factor that attracts men to women is femininity.
Being feminine is all about owning your sexual power.
Every guy wants to be with a girl who has that powerful feminine look about her: you know, the look that could stop a train.
When she walks in the room with confidence and everyone looks – guys love that.
Maybe it’s not a look, maybe it’s an outfit, or your smile, or your hair.
But there’s some feature about you that would make a guy stop and stare.
Find out what it is and find a way to highlight it. It’ll forever be the story he tells:
“I couldn’t help myself. When she walked into the room, I just stared.”
And isn’t that the story you want to be told about you too?
It’s about walking, sitting, talking, and moving with sexy confidence.
It’s about flirting with that seductive, charming feminine beauty.
A woman who understands the power of her femininity knows she is of high value , doesn’t need a man to take care of her and is confident in who she truly is.
That’s the kind of feminine female a man loves.
There’s actually a fascinating new concept in relationship psychology that’s getting a lot of buzz at the moment. It goes to the heart of the riddle about why men fall in love — and who they fall in love with.
The theory claims that men want to be your hero. That they want to step up to the plate for the woman in their lives and provide and protect her.
This is deeply rooted in male biology.
If you’ve spent any time with a man, you’ll instantly realize that this all makes a lot of sense. Men come in all shapes and sizes, but the desire to be there for the woman we care about is common to us all.
The simple truth is that your man doesn’t necessarily want to be an action hero. But he does have a biological urge to be your hero.
The main takeaway of the hero instinct is this: Instead of making your guy feel unessential, you need to make him feel wanted and needed.
This doesn’t mean women need to come across as weak. Although you may not need a hero, you do want a man who feels like one.
He wants to have your back. He wants to be your rock. You just need to let him be this once in a while.
No matter who you are and what sex you’re interested in, everybody is attracted to a person who can make them laugh.
Research has even found that men like women who laugh at their jokes and can make them laugh, too.
This doesn’t just go for telling funny jokes. After all, we’re not all naturally witty.
But it’s about people who can laugh along together.
When you can’t help but laugh in synchronicity, spending time together becomes exciting, positive, and fun.
However, what men don’t like is when women constantly use humor that makes fun of them.
So, if you can help it, try not to make jokes by teasing him. You might have the opposite effect of turning him off.
You want to make him laugh, not reduce his self-confidence!
You don’t have to be cocky , but you have to know yourself, your body, and what you want.
It’s easy for guys to be a part of your life when you have it together.
He wants you to want him but not need him. There’s a difference. It’s called being clingy.
So yes, the order just keeps getting taller, but nobody said dating was easy.
And yes, you can be confident, funny, pretty, girly, and independent all in the same day.
Any person becomes more attractive when they’re secure in their own skin.
These kinds of people are less sensitive, not as jealous, and they’re more comfortable to be around.
In short, there’s less toxicity when a person is accepting of themselves.
When you’re happy with who you are, people around you become happy as well.
Being confident in who you are will work for you in more ways than one.
I spoke about the confident feminine energy that men can’t get enough of above.
An independent, strong woman who is also embracing her feminity is the definition of sexy.
Despite what society may tell you, men actually want to be challenged. They want a female who isn’t afraid to tell it how it is and risk offending whoever comes into their path.
If you really want to get the attention of a man, be confident, and embrace who you are. You’ll instantly become more attractive. I can guarantee it.
Relationships are meant to be fun. We don’t get involved in one to have the same old, boring routine over and over again.
This is particularly the case when it comes to men. They love the excitement and trying new things.
There are 2 different ways to be more adventurous:
1) Doing new activities. Go hiking on the weekend. Go to this favorite sporting event. Be open to anything he might be interested in and try new things.
2) Be adventurous in everyday life. When you go grocery shopping, have fun. Bring a bit of life to the situation. Be open to new situations. Adding a bit of excitement and flair to your daily life will improve any relationship.
If you tend to avoid things like being outside or driving past the mall on a Saturday afternoon, you might want to broaden your horizons to find new adventures.
Plus, the bonus here is that you’ll be so busy learning new things you’ll forget all about not having a date.
And the other bonus is that when you’re too busy to care about finding a date, you almost always find a date.
Guys love girls who are out there doing their thing. It all goes back to the confident, feminine requirements they look for in women.
There’s no getting around it. Men absolutely love a beautiful, sparkling smile.
You might think that putting on long eyelashes or big red lipstick will get you the attention of a guy, but actually a smile will do more than they could put together.
When you have a big, happy smile, not only does it show your confidence, but it makes you appear happy, friendly, and open.
We just spoke about how men love excitement, well, a big, bright smile gives them that excitement that they crave.
There’s a reason research studies have found that humans are most attractive when they’re smiling.
Now obviously there’s not much you can do to change your smile and how it looks, but what you can do is make sure you are smiling as much you can.
A beautiful smile can do wonders. You just need to make sure you’re using it.
Women are naturally more caring and empathic, so it’s time to use that to your advantage.
Research has found that men find a kind, caring side as an important quality in a female.
Men are attracted to a woman who is able to take care of them and look after them when sh*t hits the fan in their life, even when he’s emotionally unavailable .
Women are great listeners, and if you can bring out the emotional and sensitive side in him by making him feel comfortable, your connection will spark like a lightning strike.
But it’s not just about how you treat your man, but also how you treat his friends and family. Be nice and friendly to them, too.
Men like a woman are lovely and polite to everyone they meet. It means that he’ll be happy to show you off when the time comes for it.
Now if you’re on your first-date, then you need to be aware of how you come across. Some women can have that natural resting b*tch face that can turn off some men.
If that’s the case, then you might want to work on smiling more. That will make you appear more open, friendly, and likable.
Make sure you listen and ask insightful connections. Once he feels comfortable, he’ll st
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