Why Do Guys Like Fingering Girls

Why Do Guys Like Fingering Girls


Why Do Guys Like Fingering Girls

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For guys- Do you actually like fingering a girl?

For guys- Do you actually like fingering a girl?

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Ok sorry if this sounds so crude, but I've always wondered if guys actually like using their fingers on a girl, whether it turns them on, if they dont mind, or if it's just to pleasure the girl.

I ask because although it feels good for me when my guy does it, if i do it myself i never go... in. This is because the feeling of the skin etc in.. there just feels really strange, and i just dont like it, which is why i wonder if guys dont mind it?





I'm not fussed either way. I do get a kick out of knowing the girl loves it though. I don't really feel nothing as such just by doing it though.



Of course they like doing it, otherwise they wouldn't do it! It'd be an odd man who didn't enjoy doing it if you enjoy it (obviously they aren't going to enjoy it if you don't, probably, it's about giving the other person pleasure, not the physical feeling of having one's fingers in this or that orifice!).



They may do it only to pleasure the girl, i don't know, which is why i'm asking opinions on it.





Yes, I enjoy it. In general I enjoy giving as much as receiving - there's a strong emotional component to physical intimacy, for both parties.



Yes, having something inside a girl you find attractive is better than nothing.

I love doing it to my girlfriend...





(Original post by pendragon )
Yes, having something inside a girl you find attractive is better than nothing.



yeah, why not. If she likes it, sure :-)



(Original post by The Strangest Quark )
Of course they like doing it, otherwise they wouldn't do it! It'd be an odd man who didn't enjoy doing it if you enjoy it (obviously they aren't going to enjoy it if you don't, probably, it's about giving the other person pleasure, not the physical feeling of having one's fingers in this or that orifice!).



(Original post by OneWordStory )
Got it perfect mate, its all about the emotion for me when im doing it to her, i absolutely love doing it to my gf as the thought of her getting turned on just gets me well excited! Once i actually orgasimed a lil bit as she did (was a bit messy as i was still clothed ) but i just lvoe making my gf happy



Only a gay guy wouldn't like to finger a girl



Good to know most guys like it then.



Yeah, it's just a nice feeling, and pretty intimate (although obviously not as much as sex, oral or a variety of other things), and the effect is pretty desirable too.



(Original post by Anonymous )
Ok sorry if this sounds so crude, but I've always wondered if guys actually like using their fingers on a girl, whether it turns them on, if they dont mind, or if it's just to pleasure the girl.

I ask because although it feels good for me when my guy does it, if i do it myself i never go... in. This is because the feeling of the skin etc in.. there just feels really strange, and i just dont like it, which is why i wonder if guys dont mind it?





(Original post by Adam G Manning )
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How much do guys reallly like giving oral or fingering a girl?



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My boyfriend *loves* it. Seriously!

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I actually think I like giving more than receiving! My question to cloudykins is why won't you give any to him?

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Depends on the guy. I used to be mega insecure and not understand how guys could possibly enjoy it . My ex hardly ever did it, but my bf loves it. Its all personal choice.

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Just wondering if guys really enjoy doing stuff like fingering and kissing girls breasts and stuff, or whether they just do it because theyre hoping for it in return? The same with oral I mean how many guys actually enjoy giving it? Most I know just do it cause they want it in return, but I was with a guy recently who would just do stuff like that, even though I said i wouldnt do it to him, I didnt ask him to do anything to me he just did, but thats completely different to most guys I know, what bout you?

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