Why Are Taurus So Hot

Why Are Taurus So Hot


Why Are Taurus So Hot

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By ladolcevita — June 20, 2014 5:08am — 35 replies

Let's just get this squared away once and for all. All the topics I see on here about people having trouble with their taurus men are about them being hot and cold. So can we just have an answer to this? My taurus ex is like this too. He said he wants me his life and to be friends and then we'll talk and then he'll disappear for weeks claiming he's "busy" (but seriously..it doesn't even take 5 minutes to answer an email..come on now) and then he'll come back and be really chatty again. I thought Taurus were supposed to be definite about what they wanted?? At least that's what my ex used to be like. When he wanted me, he was sure about it and when we were over, he was also sure about it. So what's with all this hot and cold bullshit? Why do you guys act like this??

Sun in Aries (Asc Virgo) Moon in Libra

I don??t know if the responsibility should lie with the astrology sign or that particular person but it does seem to be a recurrent personality issue with Taurus men. My ex Taurus is like this too. He says or acts like ???can we be friends??? but acts like an asshole. From what I observed in him in his mind he??s like: ???If this hadn't happened, that issue might never have happened?? ???Why did I reach this particular choice??? ???How can I see what going to happen??? "is the grass really greener? Can I find better?" ect and he/they all torture themselves. So out come the excuses and they just run away. Hot cold, hot cold, hot??_cold??_ Then he??ll just wallow in regret and recrimination when he should have been enjoying each moment with me and just be happy. is it any wonder why his life seems to lack happiness and fun? personally I just moved on. I care about him but he is toxic, miserable and his presence in my life makes me unhappy. That??s how I suggest any woman look at how to deal with this. You can??t be honest with a dishonest person and you can??t be happy and have an unhappy person in your life...friend, boyfriend, lover or otherwise . Misery loves miserable company and a man that cannot or is totally unwilling to love you, have healthy amount of contact on a normal basis (bad at calling, texting, arranging to see you ect), cannot accept you for who you are and judges you, treats you badly/indifferently/inconsiderately is really not worth the tears. If he wants to be friends it??s probably because he wants to keep you in the harem/stable. Or he wants to mitigate the guilt for taking you for granted, or he wants a backup in case he??s horny. Don??t accept that. I didn't and I could be happier. Nothing is more important than how you feel No matter what sign the man you care for is

Posted by lcrc I don??t know if the responsibility should lie with the astrology sign or that particular person but it does seem to be a recurrent personality issue with Taurus men. My ex Taurus is like this too. He says or acts like ???can we be friends??? but acts like an asshole. From what I observed in him in his mind he??s like: ???If this hadn't happened, that issue might never have happened?? ???Why did I reach this particular choice??? ???How can I see what going to happen??? "is the grass really greener? Can I find better?" ect and he/they all torture themselves. So out come the excuses and they just run away. Hot cold, hot cold, hot??_cold??_ Then he??ll just wallow in regret and recrimination when he should have been enjoying each moment with me and just be happy. is it any wonder why his life seems to lack happiness and fun? personally I just moved on. I care about him but he is toxic, miserable and his presence in my life makes me unhappy. That??s how I suggest any woman look at how to deal with this. You can??t be honest with a dishonest person and you can??t be happy and have an unhappy person in your life...friend, boyfriend, lover or otherwise . Misery loves miserable company and a man that cannot or is totally unwilling to love you, have healthy amount of contact on a normal basis (bad at calling, texting, arranging to see you ect), cannot accept you for who you are and judges you, treats you badly/indifferently/inconsiderately is really not worth the tears. If he wants to be friends it??s probably because he wants to keep you in the harem/stable. Or he wants to mitigate the guilt for taking you for granted, or he wants a backup in case he??s horny. Don??t accept that. I didn't and I could be happier. Nothing is more important than how you feel No matter what sign the man you care for is So what youre saying is, he's hot and cold because he doesn't know what he wants? But we're already exes..so this isn't even a situation that asks for emotional commitment. I mean, it's not that hard of a decision: either be my friend or don't. lol. And as a friend, I no longer expect him to contact me all the time (which he was actually very good at doing when we were together. We talked all the time.) But I also don't keep friends waiting for weeks on end for a simple two sentence reply. What he's doing is some mind

^ dont know why my comment cut off. As I was saying.. What he's doing is some mindgame bullshit that you pull before a relationship begins, not after it's already ended so wtf is he doing??? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time I'm getting real tired of his bs. Might just end up dropping him as a "friend" altogether if this keeps up. Ain't nobody got time for this when it's not even a relationship.

Libra Sun~Scorpio Rising~Virgo Moon
Joined dxpnet on October 19, 2013 .

I think it's just an individual personality thing. I've dated two Taurus men in the past, and even though they had some of the same characteristics, they were totally different in their responses. They do have a jealous streak and love to test you from time to time. but from my experience, once a Taurus man is into you, he spares no attention, as they will want to spend as much time as possible with their lover. However, as a Libra, the clinginess was a bit much for me. We love attention, but not to the point of over crowding. Space is a necessity for a Libra, and one of the guys I dated wanted to be up under me 24/7 and it was just too much, but they are very sweet, loving and dedicated men once they find the one.

Libra Sun~Scorpio Rising~Virgo Moon
Joined dxpnet on October 19, 2013 .

Posted by ladolcevita ^ dont know why my comment cut off. As I was saying.. What he's doing is some mindgame bullshit that you pull before a relationship begins, not after it's already ended so wtf is he doing??? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time I'm getting real tired of his bs. Might just end up dropping him as a "friend" altogether if this keeps up. Ain't nobody got time for this when it's not even a relationship. I had one that did this, and it did turn me off and I walked away. The other one was just the opposite so that's why I say it's a individual thing. It may have a lot to do with his other placements as well.

Joined dxpnet on September 13, 2013 .

shyt! Such a marker. Grrr. End it asap

Sun in Aries (Asc Virgo) Moon in Libra

Posted by ladolcevita ^ dont know why my comment cut off. As I was saying.. What he's doing is some mindgame bullshit that you pull before a relationship begins, not after it's already ended so wtf is he doing??? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time I'm getting real tired of his bs. Might just end up dropping him as a "friend" altogether if this keeps up. Ain't nobody got time for this when it's not even a relationship. yes i think you have got the right idea anyway as LIb4Life said sometimes it??s just better to walk. If he can??t be a decent boyfriend then he??ll be a shitty friend. Relationships end for all kinds of reasons but the basis of every emotion is Love or Fear. If he??s mind fucking you it??s an indication he is not right in head. Whether it is a emotional or psychological disorder. There are people that are inherently good but do shitty bad things to people that love them. Dropping the Bull as a friend doesn't make you a bad guy, just someone with self-respect. I found with my ex Bull he likes to put on a charitable martyr-like persona. ???Its everyone??s fault but mine?? ???you don??t care enough?? ???why are you so selfish and not accepting what I think is best??? ???Why do people take advantage of me??? ???Why does this or that happen to me??? ???It??s your fault this or that happened?? ect. Truth is charity and giving begins at home (or to those close to you) but a lot of Taurus??s (including women) have a tendency to become unpleasant people when they are in a crisis and take the people that mean them the best for granted and go out of their way for those that could care less. I have a lot of bulls in my life and noticed this a lot. Insecurity is the key work I would think. Some of my bull friends/acquaintances/family do that. If they see you are on to their insecurity they run and don??t like you. Even if you never say anything or call them on it. I guess it??s like you??ve caught them living a lie. Sad really

Sun - Taurus 23.59 Moon - Leo 22.15 Mercury - Aries

Posted by ladolcevita Let's just get this squared away once and for all. All the topics I see on here about people having trouble with their taurus men are about them being hot and cold. So can we just have an answer to this? My taurus ex is like this too. He said he wants me his life and to be friends and then we'll talk and then he'll disappear for weeks claiming he's "busy" (but seriously..it doesn't even take 5 minutes to answer an email..come on now) and then he'll come back and be really chatty again. I thought Taurus were supposed to be definite about what they wanted?? At least that's what my ex used to be like. When he wanted me, he was sure about it and when we were over, he was also sure about it. So what's with all this hot and cold bullshit? Why do you guys act like this?? We just get busy with stuff, and a lot of us are one-track minded. We tend to focus really heavy on whatever we are doing at the moment, hence you say "he's really chatty" when he finally does contact you. When we're with you, its usually all about you and spending time with you. We're not great multi-taskers. ....plus we live in a different time dimension where everything moves a little slower.... How often are you expecting him to contact you? This isn't a hot/cold thing really. He wasn't cold when he wasn't contacting you, and he didn't get hot all of a sudden when he did. I bet he was feeling pretty much the same about you the entire time. He's just not meeting your expectations for communication, but his feelings were probably fairly stable all throughout.

Sun - Taurus 23.59 Moon - Leo 22.15 Mercury - Aries

Posted by Catmilk677 TLS i think ppl just love you guts so much they want more but thats not really fair by how you put it. I think a lot of people will typically see a bull as a good candidate for a best friend. Not that we're particularly interesting or amazing in any way, but they sense our steadfastness, solidity, etc. We're not very needy so we don't come at an energetic cost on their part. We seem passive and receptive, we don't initiate a lot and go with their flow and direction to an extent, and we don't rely lean on them or rely on them. They nominate us as the person they'd like to drag around to keep them company throughout the fulfillment of their life's dreams - sort of like a pet rock. And we love to feel needed so this works for a while. But then, we have to be someone else's pet rock and maybe they're more demanding or clingy than you are, or we want to follow our own dreams because being there to support you through your's wasn't really fulfilling us, or, we actually come into some real life issues and are in a really dark place and we just *know* your selfish ass does not have the desire or resources to be there for us, during this time. So it looks like we went "cold". We didn't. You just never really knew us or understood us as a real person, because you never cared to. Now that may seem a little over the top, but there's a nugget of truth in there somewhere.

Sun - Taurus 23.59 Moon - Leo 22.15 Mercury - Aries

Posted by Impulsv It more about Taurus wanting guarantees in life. Know 100 percent before their in n well we all know 100 percent does not exist. So instead of living life the opt to not even Fully try. I asked the Taurus what he was looking for he answered with deer in headlights "I don't know."thus Hot n cold n I suspect I'm not the only one he's been like this. Of course can be like that in relationships, afraid of risk, - but the OP is really talking about not having enough time/attention from a Taurus, when they are not in a relationship, but just friends. I've experienced expectations like this, after long-term relationships I've been in. The person will often just expect me to be there for them in the same supportive capacity I was before. Its hard to meet those kind of expectations.

Sun - Taurus 23.59 Moon - Leo 22.15 Mercury - Aries

The user who posted this message has hidden it. I saw it...lol. So a 40 year old, who hasn't been in a relationship since 30, bc his first broke his heart....You say its sad that he's still this hurt over it. Well, my first did the same to me really. I had planned on marrying her, bc once I'm "in love", that's it...That is the one, for life. So I had to go away for school and was totally capable of a faithful long distance relationship, but she freaked out, cheated, didn't tell me, etc. I had to find out from friends. A whole lot of drama ensued and finally, after the breakup, I was devastated. I went into hiding for 5 years. Had severe depression, almost no contact with the outside world. I would just work out and read for like 6 hours a day to distract my mind. During that time, I was like borderline agoraphobic. I stopped seeing friends, family, etc. The devastation that losing love brings about in our life *is* sad, and is very real. I could not IMAGINE that I would ever love anyone else ever again. The next girl did make the pain go away, much to my surprise, and I would never want to be with that first again, BUT, it was never the same. I could never give as much of myself ever again, never be as truly faithful in my own heart, and never really *believe* in love the same way I did at first. If you really love and bond deeply with another human being, they become part of you, and you should expect severe pain, psychological collapse, a long period of withdrawal and recovery, etc. when that bond is broken. Its not hard for me to see at all how that first love experience really can ruin a person, in certain ways, for life.

Sun - Taurus 23.59 Moon - Leo 22.15 Mercury - Aries

Posted by Impulsv Yeah just like scorp can be misunderstood I think bulls are too lol. Their hot n cold may have nothing to do with u but being stuck on old love Its not always being stuck on the person, but sometimes just severely damaged from the breaking of the bond.

Sun in Aries (Asc Virgo) Moon in Libra
Libra Sun~Scorpio Rising~Virgo Moon
Joined dxpnet on October 19, 2013 .

The next girl did make the pain go away, much to my surprise, and I would never want to be with that first again, BUT, it was never the same. I could never give as much of myself ever again, never be as truly faithful in my own heart, and never really *believe* in love the same way I did at first. If you really love and bond deeply with another human being, they become part of you, and you should expect severe pain, psychological collapse, a long period of withdrawal and recovery, etc. when that bond is broken. Its not hard for me to see at all how that first love experience really can ruin a person, in certain ways, for life. ************************************************************************************************** Wow, that's really sad that one person can have that much control over your heart, mind and soul. Guess everyone is different, but it seems like you lost 5 years of your life that could have been spent being happy. I know heartaches and breakups can be hard, but I can't see given anyone 5 years of my life. My son could come close, but another human being..not even my husband....I can't see it. Life is to be lived and enjoyed and after you get over that initial hurt and pain, you have to move on knowing that there's something better for your life. That's how you learn..through experience and failure as with anything in life, but no one human being should ever have that kinda control over your emotions. I'm glad that you found someone to love you, but you said that you could never feel the same way about love again, so in actuality, this girl is being cheated because you could never totally give your heart at 100% again. Well, it is what it is, but I'm happy for you

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Taurus are extremely loving and caring when they have fallen in love. They’ll nurture you with their loyalty and make genuine efforts to build a stable and intimate relationship. With an admirable sexual prowess, they express their love through sex. So, why are Taurus so hot and sexually attractive? What do they secretly desire in their sex life? What
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